Eclipse Vert.x 5 candidate 4 released!

We are extremely pleased to announce the fourth candidate release of Eclipse Vert.x 5.

Vert.x 5 is the evolution of the Vert.x 4.x series that will bring key features to Vert.x.

This release aims to provide candidate builds of the up-coming Vert.x 5 for people that want to try it and provide feedback.

You can read the highlights of this new major release. Note that both the Vert.x Maven Plugin and the Reactiverse Contextual logging library have a new major version supporting Vert.x 5.

In addition, you can read the migration guide to Vert.x 5.

What’s next ?

Vert.x 5 is scheduled for the first quarter of 2025, until the release you can expect a few candidate releases.


The deprecations and breaking changes can be found on the wiki.

The release artifacts have been deployed to Maven Central.

Most importantly the documentation has been deployed on this preview web-site

That’s it! Happy coding and see you soon on our user or dev channels.

Posted on 29 January 2025
in releases
1 min read

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