Migrate from Vert.x 4 to Vert.x 5
Pinned postVert.x 5 extends the Vert.x 4 line with a set of new features while providing the same Vert.x 4 experience: Vert.x 4 users will feel at home with Vert.x 5.
Vert.x 5 has been developed with migration from Vert.x 4 in mind.
Whenever possible, Vert.x 5 APIs have been made available in Vert.x 4 with a deprecation of the API, giving the opportunity to improve a Vert.x 4 application with a better API while allowing the application to be ready for a Vert.x 5 migration.
Vert.x 4 support
Vert.x 4 will continue to get bug fix releases officially until January 2026.
Vert.x is an open source project of the Eclipse Foundation, granting the community the opportunity to contribute fixes beyond that deadline and possibly extend the support.