The RSS reader tutorial
In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the Eclipse Vert.x Cassandra client in practice. We will develop an RSS reader with three HTTP endpoints.

Simplified database transaction management with the Vert.x RxJava API
As of Vert.x 3.5, managing database transactions requires a lot of boilerplate code. Vert.x 3.6 provides helpers to easily make a reactive flow transactional.

Eclipse Vert.x goes Native
This blog post introduces native image generation of Vert.x applications with GraalVM. Generated executables can be run without a JVM.

Eclipse Vert.x RabbitMQ client gets a new consumer API!
In this blog post, we present the new consumer API of the RabbitMQ client that will be released with Eclipse Vert.x 3.6.0.

New community channels
In order to better support the community, we (the core team and module maintainers) now also provide help on Stack Overflow and Gitter.

Eclipse Vert.x metrics now with
The new vertx-micrometer-metrics module provides support for collecting metrics with and storing them in backends such as Graphite or InfluxDB.

Google Summer of Code 2018
It’s this time of year again! Google Summer of Code 2018 submission period has just started!

TCP Client using Eclipse Vert.x, Kotlin and Gradle build
In this blog post, I demonstrate how to write a very simple TCP client that keeps a connection open to a custom-written server in cloud.

Eclipse Vert.x meets GraphQL
In this blog post, we will look at an example application written in Vert.x that uses the new GraphQL API of Gentics Mesh.