Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Map<TopicPartition,org.apache.kafka.clients.admin.DeletedRecords>> |
KafkaAdminClient.deleteRecords(Map<TopicPartition,org.apache.kafka.clients.admin.RecordsToDelete> recordsToDelete)
KafkaAdminClient.deleteRecords(Map, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Set<TopicPartition> |
MemberAssignment.getTopicPartitions() |
default Future<Map<TopicPartition,OffsetAndMetadata>> |
KafkaAdminClient.listConsumerGroupOffsets(String groupId)
KafkaAdminClient.listConsumerGroupOffsets(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Map<TopicPartition,OffsetAndMetadata>> |
KafkaAdminClient.listConsumerGroupOffsets(String groupId,
ListConsumerGroupOffsetsOptions options)
KafkaAdminClient.listConsumerGroupOffsets(String, ListConsumerGroupOffsetsOptions, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Map<TopicPartition,ListOffsetsResultInfo>> |
KafkaAdminClient.listOffsets(Map<TopicPartition,OffsetSpec> topicPartitionOffsets)
#listOffsets(Map but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
List<TopicPartition> |
Returns a list of topic partitions to add as part of the result.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Void> |
KafkaAdminClient.alterConsumerGroupOffsets(String groupId,
Map<TopicPartition,OffsetAndMetadata> offsets)
KafkaAdminClient.alterConsumerGroupOffsets(String, Map, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
void |
KafkaAdminClient.alterConsumerGroupOffsets(String groupId,
Map<TopicPartition,OffsetAndMetadata> offsets,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler)
Alter committed offsets for a set of partitions in a consumer group.
Future<Void> |
KafkaAdminClient.deleteConsumerGroupOffsets(String groupId,
Set<TopicPartition> partitions)
KafkaAdminClient.deleteConsumerGroupOffsets(String, Set, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
void |
KafkaAdminClient.deleteConsumerGroupOffsets(String groupId,
Set<TopicPartition> partitions,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler)
Delete committed offsets for a set of partitions in a consumer group.
Future<Map<TopicPartition,org.apache.kafka.clients.admin.DeletedRecords>> |
KafkaAdminClient.deleteRecords(Map<TopicPartition,org.apache.kafka.clients.admin.RecordsToDelete> recordsToDelete)
KafkaAdminClient.deleteRecords(Map, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
void |
KafkaAdminClient.deleteRecords(Map<TopicPartition,org.apache.kafka.clients.admin.RecordsToDelete> recordsToDelete,
Handler<AsyncResult<Map<TopicPartition,org.apache.kafka.clients.admin.DeletedRecords>>> completionHandler)
Delete records from a topic partition.
void |
KafkaAdminClient.deleteRecords(Map<TopicPartition,org.apache.kafka.clients.admin.RecordsToDelete> recordsToDelete,
Handler<AsyncResult<Map<TopicPartition,org.apache.kafka.clients.admin.DeletedRecords>>> completionHandler)
Delete records from a topic partition.
default void |
KafkaAdminClient.listConsumerGroupOffsets(String groupId,
Handler<AsyncResult<Map<TopicPartition,OffsetAndMetadata>>> completionHandler)
List the consumer group offsets available in the cluster.
void |
KafkaAdminClient.listConsumerGroupOffsets(String groupId,
ListConsumerGroupOffsetsOptions options,
Handler<AsyncResult<Map<TopicPartition,OffsetAndMetadata>>> completionHandler)
List the consumer group offsets available in the cluster.
Future<Map<TopicPartition,ListOffsetsResultInfo>> |
KafkaAdminClient.listOffsets(Map<TopicPartition,OffsetSpec> topicPartitionOffsets)
#listOffsets(Map but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
void |
KafkaAdminClient.listOffsets(Map<TopicPartition,OffsetSpec> topicPartitionOffsets,
Handler<AsyncResult<Map<TopicPartition,ListOffsetsResultInfo>>> completionHandler)
List the offsets available for a set of partitions.
void |
KafkaAdminClient.listOffsets(Map<TopicPartition,OffsetSpec> topicPartitionOffsets,
Handler<AsyncResult<Map<TopicPartition,ListOffsetsResultInfo>>> completionHandler)
List the offsets available for a set of partitions.
MemberAssignment |
MemberAssignment.setTopicPartitions(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Set the list of topic partitions
ListConsumerGroupOffsetsOptions |
ListConsumerGroupOffsetsOptions.topicPartitions(List<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Set the topic partitions to list as part of the result.
Constructor and Description |
MemberAssignment(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
TopicPartition |
TopicPartition.setPartition(int partition)
Set the partition number
TopicPartition |
TopicPartition.setTopic(String topic)
Set the topic name
Constructor and Description |
TopicPartition(TopicPartition that)
Constructor (copy)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Set<TopicPartition>> |
KafkaConsumer.assignment(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Map<TopicPartition,Long>> |
KafkaConsumer.beginningOffsets(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
KafkaConsumer.beginningOffsets(Set, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Map<TopicPartition,OffsetAndMetadata>> |
KafkaConsumer.commit(Map<TopicPartition,OffsetAndMetadata> offsets)
Commit the specified offsets for the specified list of topics and partitions to Kafka.
Future<Map<TopicPartition,Long>> |
KafkaConsumer.endOffsets(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
KafkaConsumer.endOffsets(Set, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Map<TopicPartition,OffsetAndTimestamp>> |
KafkaConsumer.offsetsForTimes(Map<TopicPartition,Long> topicPartitionTimestamps)
KafkaConsumer.offsetsForTimes(Map, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Set<TopicPartition>> |
KafkaConsumer.paused(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Void> |
KafkaConsumer.assign(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Manually assign a partition to this consumer.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.assign(TopicPartition topicPartition,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler)
Manually assign a partition to this consumer.
Future<Long> |
KafkaConsumer.beginningOffsets(TopicPartition topicPartition)
KafkaConsumer.beginningOffsets(TopicPartition, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
void |
KafkaConsumer.beginningOffsets(TopicPartition topicPartition,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Get the first offset for the given partitions.
Future<OffsetAndMetadata> |
KafkaConsumer.committed(TopicPartition topicPartition)
KafkaConsumer.committed(TopicPartition, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
void |
KafkaConsumer.committed(TopicPartition topicPartition,
Handler<AsyncResult<OffsetAndMetadata>> handler)
Get the last committed offset for the given partition (whether the commit happened by this process or another).
Future<Long> |
KafkaConsumer.endOffsets(TopicPartition topicPartition)
KafkaConsumer.endOffsets(TopicPartition, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
void |
KafkaConsumer.endOffsets(TopicPartition topicPartition,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Get the last offset for the given partition.
Future<OffsetAndTimestamp> |
KafkaConsumer.offsetsForTimes(TopicPartition topicPartition,
Long timestamp)
KafkaConsumer.offsetsForTimes(TopicPartition, Long, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
void |
KafkaConsumer.offsetsForTimes(TopicPartition topicPartition,
Long timestamp,
Handler<AsyncResult<OffsetAndTimestamp>> handler)
Look up the offset for the given partition by timestamp.
Future<Void> |
KafkaConsumer.pause(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Suspend fetching from the requested partition.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.pause(TopicPartition topicPartition,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler)
Suspend fetching from the requested partition.
Future<Long> |
KafkaConsumer.position(TopicPartition partition)
KafkaConsumer.position(TopicPartition, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
void |
KafkaConsumer.position(TopicPartition partition,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Get the offset of the next record that will be fetched (if a record with that offset exists).
Future<Void> |
KafkaConsumer.resume(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Resume specified partition which have been paused with pause.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.resume(TopicPartition topicPartition,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler)
Resume specified partition which have been paused with pause.
Future<Void> | topicPartition,
long offset)
Overrides the fetch offsets that the consumer will use on the next poll.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> | topicPartition,
long offset,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler)
Overrides the fetch offsets that the consumer will use on the next poll.
Future<Void> |
KafkaConsumer.seekToBeginning(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Seek to the first offset for each of the given partition.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.seekToBeginning(TopicPartition topicPartition,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler)
Seek to the first offset for each of the given partition.
Future<Void> |
KafkaConsumer.seekToEnd(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Seek to the last offset for each of the given partition.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.seekToEnd(TopicPartition topicPartition,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler)
Seek to the last offset for each of the given partition.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Void> |
KafkaConsumer.assign(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Manually assign a list of partition to this consumer.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.assign(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler)
Manually assign a list of partition to this consumer.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.assignment(Handler<AsyncResult<Set<TopicPartition>>> handler)
Get the set of partitions currently assigned to this consumer.
Future<Map<TopicPartition,Long>> |
KafkaConsumer.beginningOffsets(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
KafkaConsumer.beginningOffsets(Set, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
void |
KafkaConsumer.beginningOffsets(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions,
Handler<AsyncResult<Map<TopicPartition,Long>>> handler)
Get the first offset for the given partitions.
void |
KafkaConsumer.beginningOffsets(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions,
Handler<AsyncResult<Map<TopicPartition,Long>>> handler)
Get the first offset for the given partitions.
Future<Map<TopicPartition,OffsetAndMetadata>> |
KafkaConsumer.commit(Map<TopicPartition,OffsetAndMetadata> offsets)
Commit the specified offsets for the specified list of topics and partitions to Kafka.
void |
KafkaConsumer.commit(Map<TopicPartition,OffsetAndMetadata> offsets,
Handler<AsyncResult<Map<TopicPartition,OffsetAndMetadata>>> completionHandler)
Commit the specified offsets for the specified list of topics and partitions to Kafka.
void |
KafkaConsumer.commit(Map<TopicPartition,OffsetAndMetadata> offsets,
Handler<AsyncResult<Map<TopicPartition,OffsetAndMetadata>>> completionHandler)
Commit the specified offsets for the specified list of topics and partitions to Kafka.
Future<Map<TopicPartition,Long>> |
KafkaConsumer.endOffsets(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
KafkaConsumer.endOffsets(Set, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
void |
KafkaConsumer.endOffsets(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions,
Handler<AsyncResult<Map<TopicPartition,Long>>> handler)
Get the last offset for the given partitions.
void |
KafkaConsumer.endOffsets(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions,
Handler<AsyncResult<Map<TopicPartition,Long>>> handler)
Get the last offset for the given partitions.
Future<Map<TopicPartition,OffsetAndTimestamp>> |
KafkaConsumer.offsetsForTimes(Map<TopicPartition,Long> topicPartitionTimestamps)
KafkaConsumer.offsetsForTimes(Map, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
void |
KafkaConsumer.offsetsForTimes(Map<TopicPartition,Long> topicPartitionTimestamps,
Handler<AsyncResult<Map<TopicPartition,OffsetAndTimestamp>>> handler)
Look up the offsets for the given partitions by timestamp.
void |
KafkaConsumer.offsetsForTimes(Map<TopicPartition,Long> topicPartitionTimestamps,
Handler<AsyncResult<Map<TopicPartition,OffsetAndTimestamp>>> handler)
Look up the offsets for the given partitions by timestamp.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.partitionsAssignedHandler(Handler<Set<TopicPartition>> handler)
Set the handler called when topic partitions are assigned to the consumer
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.partitionsRevokedHandler(Handler<Set<TopicPartition>> handler)
Set the handler called when topic partitions are revoked to the consumer
Future<Void> |
KafkaConsumer.pause(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Suspend fetching from the requested partitions.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.pause(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler)
Suspend fetching from the requested partitions.
void |
KafkaConsumer.paused(Handler<AsyncResult<Set<TopicPartition>>> handler)
Get the set of partitions that were previously paused by a call to pause(Set).
Future<Void> |
KafkaConsumer.resume(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Resume specified partitions which have been paused with pause.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.resume(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler)
Resume specified partitions which have been paused with pause.
Future<Void> |
KafkaConsumer.seekToBeginning(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Seek to the first offset for each of the given partitions.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.seekToBeginning(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler)
Seek to the first offset for each of the given partitions.
Future<Void> |
KafkaConsumer.seekToEnd(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Seek to the last offset for each of the given partitions.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.seekToEnd(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler)
Seek to the last offset for each of the given partitions.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
KafkaAdminClient.deleteConsumerGroupOffsets(String groupId,
Set<TopicPartition> partitions)
Delete committed offsets for a set of partitions in a consumer group.
void |
KafkaAdminClient.deleteConsumerGroupOffsets(String groupId,
Set<TopicPartition> partitions,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler)
Delete committed offsets for a set of partitions in a consumer group.
Completable |
KafkaAdminClient.rxDeleteConsumerGroupOffsets(String groupId,
Set<TopicPartition> partitions)
Delete committed offsets for a set of partitions in a consumer group.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Single<Set<TopicPartition>> |
Get the set of partitions currently assigned to this consumer.
Single<Set<TopicPartition>> |
Get the set of partitions that were previously paused by a call to pause(Set).
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.assign(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Manually assign a partition to this consumer.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.assign(TopicPartition topicPartition,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler)
Manually assign a partition to this consumer.
void |
KafkaConsumer.beginningOffsets(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Get the first offset for the given partitions.
void |
KafkaConsumer.beginningOffsets(TopicPartition topicPartition,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Get the first offset for the given partitions.
void |
KafkaConsumer.committed(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Get the last committed offset for the given partition (whether the commit happened by this process or another).
void |
KafkaConsumer.committed(TopicPartition topicPartition,
Handler<AsyncResult<OffsetAndMetadata>> handler)
Get the last committed offset for the given partition (whether the commit happened by this process or another).
void |
KafkaConsumer.endOffsets(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Get the last offset for the given partition.
void |
KafkaConsumer.endOffsets(TopicPartition topicPartition,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Get the last offset for the given partition.
void |
KafkaConsumer.offsetsForTimes(TopicPartition topicPartition,
Long timestamp)
Look up the offset for the given partition by timestamp.
void |
KafkaConsumer.offsetsForTimes(TopicPartition topicPartition,
Long timestamp,
Handler<AsyncResult<OffsetAndTimestamp>> handler)
Look up the offset for the given partition by timestamp.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.pause(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Suspend fetching from the requested partition.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.pause(TopicPartition topicPartition,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler)
Suspend fetching from the requested partition.
void |
KafkaConsumer.position(TopicPartition partition)
Get the offset of the next record that will be fetched (if a record with that offset exists).
void |
KafkaConsumer.position(TopicPartition partition,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Get the offset of the next record that will be fetched (if a record with that offset exists).
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.resume(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Resume specified partition which have been paused with pause.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.resume(TopicPartition topicPartition,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler)
Resume specified partition which have been paused with pause.
Completable |
KafkaConsumer.rxAssign(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Manually assign a partition to this consumer.
Single<Long> |
KafkaConsumer.rxBeginningOffsets(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Get the first offset for the given partitions.
Single<OffsetAndMetadata> |
KafkaConsumer.rxCommitted(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Get the last committed offset for the given partition (whether the commit happened by this process or another).
Single<Long> |
KafkaConsumer.rxEndOffsets(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Get the last offset for the given partition.
Single<OffsetAndTimestamp> |
KafkaConsumer.rxOffsetsForTimes(TopicPartition topicPartition,
Long timestamp)
Look up the offset for the given partition by timestamp.
Completable |
KafkaConsumer.rxPause(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Suspend fetching from the requested partition.
Single<Long> |
KafkaConsumer.rxPosition(TopicPartition partition)
Get the offset of the next record that will be fetched (if a record with that offset exists).
Completable |
KafkaConsumer.rxResume(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Resume specified partition which have been paused with pause.
Completable |
KafkaConsumer.rxSeek(TopicPartition topicPartition,
long offset)
Overrides the fetch offsets that the consumer will use on the next poll.
Completable |
KafkaConsumer.rxSeekToBeginning(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Seek to the first offset for each of the given partition.
Completable |
KafkaConsumer.rxSeekToEnd(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Seek to the last offset for each of the given partition.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> | topicPartition,
long offset)
Overrides the fetch offsets that the consumer will use on the next poll.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> | topicPartition,
long offset,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler)
Overrides the fetch offsets that the consumer will use on the next poll.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.seekToBeginning(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Seek to the first offset for each of the given partition.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.seekToBeginning(TopicPartition topicPartition,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler)
Seek to the first offset for each of the given partition.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.seekToEnd(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Seek to the last offset for each of the given partition.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.seekToEnd(TopicPartition topicPartition,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler)
Seek to the last offset for each of the given partition.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.assign(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Manually assign a list of partition to this consumer.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.assign(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler)
Manually assign a list of partition to this consumer.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.assignment(Handler<AsyncResult<Set<TopicPartition>>> handler)
Get the set of partitions currently assigned to this consumer.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.partitionsAssignedHandler(Handler<Set<TopicPartition>> handler)
Set the handler called when topic partitions are assigned to the consumer
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.partitionsRevokedHandler(Handler<Set<TopicPartition>> handler)
Set the handler called when topic partitions are revoked to the consumer
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.pause(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Suspend fetching from the requested partitions.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.pause(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler)
Suspend fetching from the requested partitions.
void |
KafkaConsumer.paused(Handler<AsyncResult<Set<TopicPartition>>> handler)
Get the set of partitions that were previously paused by a call to pause(Set).
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.resume(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Resume specified partitions which have been paused with pause.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.resume(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler)
Resume specified partitions which have been paused with pause.
Completable |
KafkaConsumer.rxAssign(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Manually assign a list of partition to this consumer.
Completable |
KafkaConsumer.rxPause(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Suspend fetching from the requested partitions.
Completable |
KafkaConsumer.rxResume(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Resume specified partitions which have been paused with pause.
Completable |
KafkaConsumer.rxSeekToBeginning(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Seek to the first offset for each of the given partitions.
Completable |
KafkaConsumer.rxSeekToEnd(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Seek to the last offset for each of the given partitions.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.seekToBeginning(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Seek to the first offset for each of the given partitions.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.seekToBeginning(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler)
Seek to the first offset for each of the given partitions.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.seekToEnd(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Seek to the last offset for each of the given partitions.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.seekToEnd(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler)
Seek to the last offset for each of the given partitions.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
KafkaAdminClient.deleteConsumerGroupOffsets(String groupId,
Set<TopicPartition> partitions)
Delete committed offsets for a set of partitions in a consumer group.
void |
KafkaAdminClient.deleteConsumerGroupOffsets(String groupId,
Set<TopicPartition> partitions,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler)
Delete committed offsets for a set of partitions in a consumer group.
Single<Void> |
KafkaAdminClient.rxDeleteConsumerGroupOffsets(String groupId,
Set<TopicPartition> partitions)
Delete committed offsets for a set of partitions in a consumer group.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Single<Set<TopicPartition>> |
Get the set of partitions currently assigned to this consumer.
Single<Set<TopicPartition>> |
Get the set of partitions that were previously paused by a call to pause(Set).
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.assign(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Manually assign a partition to this consumer.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.assign(TopicPartition topicPartition,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler)
Manually assign a partition to this consumer.
void |
KafkaConsumer.beginningOffsets(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Get the first offset for the given partitions.
void |
KafkaConsumer.beginningOffsets(TopicPartition topicPartition,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Get the first offset for the given partitions.
void |
KafkaConsumer.committed(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Get the last committed offset for the given partition (whether the commit happened by this process or another).
void |
KafkaConsumer.committed(TopicPartition topicPartition,
Handler<AsyncResult<OffsetAndMetadata>> handler)
Get the last committed offset for the given partition (whether the commit happened by this process or another).
void |
KafkaConsumer.endOffsets(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Get the last offset for the given partition.
void |
KafkaConsumer.endOffsets(TopicPartition topicPartition,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Get the last offset for the given partition.
void |
KafkaConsumer.offsetsForTimes(TopicPartition topicPartition,
Long timestamp)
Look up the offset for the given partition by timestamp.
void |
KafkaConsumer.offsetsForTimes(TopicPartition topicPartition,
Long timestamp,
Handler<AsyncResult<OffsetAndTimestamp>> handler)
Look up the offset for the given partition by timestamp.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.pause(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Suspend fetching from the requested partition.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.pause(TopicPartition topicPartition,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler)
Suspend fetching from the requested partition.
void |
KafkaConsumer.position(TopicPartition partition)
Get the offset of the next record that will be fetched (if a record with that offset exists).
void |
KafkaConsumer.position(TopicPartition partition,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Get the offset of the next record that will be fetched (if a record with that offset exists).
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.resume(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Resume specified partition which have been paused with pause.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.resume(TopicPartition topicPartition,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler)
Resume specified partition which have been paused with pause.
Single<Void> |
KafkaConsumer.rxAssign(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Manually assign a partition to this consumer.
Single<Long> |
KafkaConsumer.rxBeginningOffsets(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Get the first offset for the given partitions.
Single<OffsetAndMetadata> |
KafkaConsumer.rxCommitted(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Get the last committed offset for the given partition (whether the commit happened by this process or another).
Single<Long> |
KafkaConsumer.rxEndOffsets(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Get the last offset for the given partition.
Single<OffsetAndTimestamp> |
KafkaConsumer.rxOffsetsForTimes(TopicPartition topicPartition,
Long timestamp)
Look up the offset for the given partition by timestamp.
Single<Void> |
KafkaConsumer.rxPause(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Suspend fetching from the requested partition.
Single<Long> |
KafkaConsumer.rxPosition(TopicPartition partition)
Get the offset of the next record that will be fetched (if a record with that offset exists).
Single<Void> |
KafkaConsumer.rxResume(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Resume specified partition which have been paused with pause.
Single<Void> |
KafkaConsumer.rxSeek(TopicPartition topicPartition,
long offset)
Overrides the fetch offsets that the consumer will use on the next poll.
Single<Void> |
KafkaConsumer.rxSeekToBeginning(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Seek to the first offset for each of the given partition.
Single<Void> |
KafkaConsumer.rxSeekToEnd(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Seek to the last offset for each of the given partition.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> | topicPartition,
long offset)
Overrides the fetch offsets that the consumer will use on the next poll.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> | topicPartition,
long offset,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler)
Overrides the fetch offsets that the consumer will use on the next poll.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.seekToBeginning(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Seek to the first offset for each of the given partition.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.seekToBeginning(TopicPartition topicPartition,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler)
Seek to the first offset for each of the given partition.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.seekToEnd(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Seek to the last offset for each of the given partition.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.seekToEnd(TopicPartition topicPartition,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler)
Seek to the last offset for each of the given partition.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.assign(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Manually assign a list of partition to this consumer.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.assign(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler)
Manually assign a list of partition to this consumer.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.assignment(Handler<AsyncResult<Set<TopicPartition>>> handler)
Get the set of partitions currently assigned to this consumer.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.partitionsAssignedHandler(Handler<Set<TopicPartition>> handler)
Set the handler called when topic partitions are assigned to the consumer
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.partitionsRevokedHandler(Handler<Set<TopicPartition>> handler)
Set the handler called when topic partitions are revoked to the consumer
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.pause(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Suspend fetching from the requested partitions.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.pause(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler)
Suspend fetching from the requested partitions.
void |
KafkaConsumer.paused(Handler<AsyncResult<Set<TopicPartition>>> handler)
Get the set of partitions that were previously paused by a call to pause(Set).
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.resume(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Resume specified partitions which have been paused with pause.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.resume(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler)
Resume specified partitions which have been paused with pause.
Single<Void> |
KafkaConsumer.rxAssign(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Manually assign a list of partition to this consumer.
Single<Void> |
KafkaConsumer.rxPause(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Suspend fetching from the requested partitions.
Single<Void> |
KafkaConsumer.rxResume(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Resume specified partitions which have been paused with pause.
Single<Void> |
KafkaConsumer.rxSeekToBeginning(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Seek to the first offset for each of the given partitions.
Single<Void> |
KafkaConsumer.rxSeekToEnd(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Seek to the last offset for each of the given partitions.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.seekToBeginning(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Seek to the first offset for each of the given partitions.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.seekToBeginning(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler)
Seek to the first offset for each of the given partitions.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.seekToEnd(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Seek to the last offset for each of the given partitions.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.seekToEnd(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler)
Seek to the last offset for each of the given partitions.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Completable |
KafkaAdminClient.deleteConsumerGroupOffsets(String groupId,
Set<TopicPartition> partitions)
Delete committed offsets for a set of partitions in a consumer group.
Completable |
KafkaAdminClient.rxDeleteConsumerGroupOffsets(String groupId,
Set<TopicPartition> partitions)
Delete committed offsets for a set of partitions in a consumer group.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Single<Set<TopicPartition>> |
Get the set of partitions currently assigned to this consumer.
Single<Set<TopicPartition>> |
Get the set of partitions that were previously paused by a call to pause(Set).
Single<Set<TopicPartition>> |
Get the set of partitions currently assigned to this consumer.
Single<Set<TopicPartition>> |
Get the set of partitions that were previously paused by a call to pause(Set).
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Completable |
KafkaConsumer.assign(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Manually assign a partition to this consumer.
Single<Long> |
KafkaConsumer.beginningOffsets(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Get the first offset for the given partitions.
Single<OffsetAndMetadata> |
KafkaConsumer.committed(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Get the last committed offset for the given partition (whether the commit happened by this process or another).
Single<Long> |
KafkaConsumer.endOffsets(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Get the last offset for the given partition.
Single<OffsetAndTimestamp> |
KafkaConsumer.offsetsForTimes(TopicPartition topicPartition,
Long timestamp)
Look up the offset for the given partition by timestamp.
Completable |
KafkaConsumer.pause(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Suspend fetching from the requested partition.
Single<Long> |
KafkaConsumer.position(TopicPartition partition)
Get the offset of the next record that will be fetched (if a record with that offset exists).
Completable |
KafkaConsumer.resume(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Resume specified partition which have been paused with pause.
Completable |
KafkaConsumer.rxAssign(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Manually assign a partition to this consumer.
Single<Long> |
KafkaConsumer.rxBeginningOffsets(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Get the first offset for the given partitions.
Single<OffsetAndMetadata> |
KafkaConsumer.rxCommitted(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Get the last committed offset for the given partition (whether the commit happened by this process or another).
Single<Long> |
KafkaConsumer.rxEndOffsets(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Get the last offset for the given partition.
Single<OffsetAndTimestamp> |
KafkaConsumer.rxOffsetsForTimes(TopicPartition topicPartition,
Long timestamp)
Look up the offset for the given partition by timestamp.
Completable |
KafkaConsumer.rxPause(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Suspend fetching from the requested partition.
Single<Long> |
KafkaConsumer.rxPosition(TopicPartition partition)
Get the offset of the next record that will be fetched (if a record with that offset exists).
Completable |
KafkaConsumer.rxResume(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Resume specified partition which have been paused with pause.
Completable |
KafkaConsumer.rxSeek(TopicPartition topicPartition,
long offset)
Overrides the fetch offsets that the consumer will use on the next poll.
Completable |
KafkaConsumer.rxSeekToBeginning(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Seek to the first offset for each of the given partition.
Completable |
KafkaConsumer.rxSeekToEnd(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Seek to the last offset for each of the given partition.
Completable | topicPartition,
long offset)
Overrides the fetch offsets that the consumer will use on the next poll.
Completable |
KafkaConsumer.seekToBeginning(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Seek to the first offset for each of the given partition.
Completable |
KafkaConsumer.seekToEnd(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Seek to the last offset for each of the given partition.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Completable |
KafkaConsumer.assign(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Manually assign a list of partition to this consumer.
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.partitionsAssignedHandler(Handler<Set<TopicPartition>> handler)
Set the handler called when topic partitions are assigned to the consumer
KafkaConsumer<K,V> |
KafkaConsumer.partitionsRevokedHandler(Handler<Set<TopicPartition>> handler)
Set the handler called when topic partitions are revoked to the consumer
Completable |
KafkaConsumer.pause(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Suspend fetching from the requested partitions.
Completable |
KafkaConsumer.resume(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Resume specified partitions which have been paused with pause.
Completable |
KafkaConsumer.rxAssign(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Manually assign a list of partition to this consumer.
Completable |
KafkaConsumer.rxPause(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Suspend fetching from the requested partitions.
Completable |
KafkaConsumer.rxResume(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Resume specified partitions which have been paused with pause.
Completable |
KafkaConsumer.rxSeekToBeginning(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Seek to the first offset for each of the given partitions.
Completable |
KafkaConsumer.rxSeekToEnd(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Seek to the last offset for each of the given partitions.
Completable |
KafkaConsumer.seekToBeginning(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Seek to the first offset for each of the given partitions.
Completable |
KafkaConsumer.seekToEnd(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Seek to the last offset for each of the given partitions.
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