Vert.x RxJava
RxJava2 is end-of-life as of February 28, 2021. Bindings for new Vert.x modules will not be generated. Consider migrating to Vert.x RxJava3. |
Vert.x API for RxJava2
RxJava is a popular library for composing asynchronous and event based programs using observable sequences for the Java VM.
Vert.x integrates naturally with RxJava, allowing using RxJava wherever you can use streams or asynchronous results.
Using Vert.x API for RxJava2
To use Vert.x API for RxJava2, add the following dependency to the dependencies section of your build descriptor:
Maven (in your
Gradle (in your
compile 'io.vertx:vertx-rx-java2:4.5.13'
There are two ways for using the RxJava 2 API with Vert.x:
via the original Vert.x API with helpers class that provides static methods for converting objects between Vert.x core API and RxJava 2 API
via the Rxified Vert.x API enhancing the core Vert.x API.
Read stream support
RxJava Flowable
is a perfect match for Vert.x ReadStream
class : both provide a flow of items.
The FlowableHelper.toFlowable
static methods convert a Vert.x read stream to a Flowable
FileSystem fileSystem = vertx.fileSystem();
fileSystem.open("/data.txt", new OpenOptions(), result -> {
AsyncFile file = result.result();
Flowable<Buffer> observable = FlowableHelper.toFlowable(file);
observable.forEach(data -> System.out.println("Read data: " + data.toString("UTF-8")));
The Rxified Vert.x API provides a toFlowable
method on ReadStream
FileSystem fs = vertx.fileSystem();
fs.open("/data.txt", new OpenOptions(), result -> {
AsyncFile file = result.result();
Flowable<Buffer> observable = file.toFlowable();
observable.forEach(data -> System.out.println("Read data: " + data.toString("UTF-8")));
Such flowables are hot flowables, i.e. they will produce notifications regardless of subscriptions because a ReadStream
can potentially emit items spontaneously or not, depending on the implementation:
At subscription time, the adapter calls handler
to set its own handler.
Some ReadStream
implementations can start to emit events after this call, others will emit events wether an handler is set:
produces buffer events after the handler is set -
produces events independantly of the handler (i.e buffer may be lost if no handler is set)
In both cases, subscribing to the Flowable
in the same call is safe because the event loop or the worker verticles cannot be called concurrently, so the subscription will always happens before the handler starts emitting data.
When you need to delay the subscription, you need to pause
the ReadStream
and then resume
it, which is what you would do with a ReadStream
server.requestHandler(request -> {
if (request.method() == HttpMethod.POST) {
// Stop receiving buffers
checkAuth(res -> {
// Now we can receive buffers again
if (res.succeeded()) {
Flowable<Buffer> flowable = request.toFlowable();
flowable.subscribe(buff -> {
// Get buffers
Likewise it is possible to turn an existing Flowable
into a Vert.x ReadStream
The FlowableHelper.toReadStream
static methods convert a Flowable
to a Vert.x read stream:
Flowable<Buffer> observable = getFlowable();
ReadStream<Buffer> readStream = FlowableHelper.toReadStream(observable);
Write stream support
A WriteStream
, like a org.reactivestreams.Subscriber
, consumes items, and, when it can’t keep-up, collaborates with the producer to avoid an ever-growing backlog.
Vert.x provides the WriteStreamSubscriber
adapter that you can use to send Flowable
items to any WriteStream
WriteStreamSubscriber<io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer> subscriber = io.vertx.reactivex.RxHelper.toSubscriber(response);
There is also a io.vertx.reactivex.WriteStreamObserver adapter for the non-backpressured io.reactivex.Observable . The difference is that this adapter will send items to the WriteStream even when it can’t keep-up with the producer rate. |
If you are progamming with the Rxified Vert.x API, the WriteStream
implementations provide a toSubscriber
method. The previous example then becomes even more straightforward:
When the Flowable terminates successfully, the adapter invokes the end method. |
The adapter sets the WriteStream drain and exception handlers, so don’t use them after subscribing. |
The WriteStreamSubscriber
adapter is able to invoke callbacks when:
terminates with an error, or -
fails (e.g. HTTP connection is closed or filesystem is full), or -
ends (i.e. all writes done and file is closed), or -
ends with an error (i.e. all writes done and an error occured when closing the file)
This allows for a more robust program design, as well as scheduling other tasks after the stream has been handled:
WriteStreamSubscriber<Buffer> subscriber = response.toSubscriber();
subscriber.onError(throwable -> {
if (!response.headWritten() && response.closed()) {
} else {
// log error
subscriber.onWriteStreamError(throwable -> {
// log error
subscriber.onWriteStreamEnd(() -> {
// log end of transaction to audit system...
If the WriteStream fails, the adapter cancels the org.reactivestreams.Subscription . |
Async result support
You can create an RxJava Observer
from an existing Vert.x Handler<AsyncResult<T>>
and subscribe it:
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler = getHandler();
// Subscribe to a Single
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler = getHandler();
// Subscribe to a Single
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler = getHandler();
// Subscribe to a Single
The Rxified Vert.x API duplicates each such method with the rx
prefix that returns an RxJava Single
, Maybe
or Completable
Single<HttpServer> single = vertx
.rxListen(1234, "localhost");
// Subscribe to bind the server
server -> {
// Server is listening
failure -> {
// Server could not start
Such single are cold singles, and the corresponding API method is called on subscribe.
can produce a result or no result:
DnsClient client = vertx.createDnsClient(dnsPort, dnsHost);
// Obtain a maybe that performs the actual reverse lookup on subscribe
Maybe<String> maybe = client.rxReverseLookup(ipAddress);
// Subscribe to perform the lookup
name -> {
// Lookup produced a result
failure -> {
// Lookup failed
() -> {
// Lookup produced no result
is usually mapped to Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>
Completable single = server.rxClose();
// Subscribe to bind the server
() -> {
// Server is closed
failure -> {
// Server closed but encoutered issue
If you cannot use the Vert.x Rxified API or, if you have your own, callback-based, asynchronous methods, Vert.x provides adapters: |
Maybe<String> maybe = MaybeHelper.toMaybe(handler -> {
vertx.executeBlocking(fut -> fut.complete(invokeBlocking()), handler);
Scheduler support
The reactive extension sometimes needs to schedule actions, for instance Flowable#timer
creates and returns a timer that emit periodic events. By default, scheduled actions are managed by RxJava, it means that the timer threads are not Vert.x threads and therefore not executing in a Vert.x event loop nor on a Vert.x worker thread.
When an RxJava method deals with a scheduler, it accepts an overloaded method accepting an extra io.reactivex.Scheduler
, the RxHelper.scheduler
method will return a scheduler that can be used in such places.
Scheduler scheduler = RxHelper.scheduler(vertx);
Observable<Long> timer = Observable.interval(100, 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, scheduler);
For blocking scheduled actions, a scheduler can be created with the RxHelper.blockingScheduler
Scheduler scheduler = RxHelper.blockingScheduler(vertx);
Observable<Long> timer = Observable.interval(100, 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, scheduler);
RxJava can also be reconfigured to use the Vert.x scheduler:
RxJavaPlugins.setComputationSchedulerHandler(s -> RxHelper.scheduler(vertx));
RxJavaPlugins.setIoSchedulerHandler(s -> RxHelper.blockingScheduler(vertx));
RxJavaPlugins.setNewThreadSchedulerHandler(s -> RxHelper.scheduler(vertx));
RxJava uses the words computation for non-blocking tasks and io for blocking tasks which is the opposite of the Vert.x terminology |
The Rxified Vert.x API provides also similar method on the RxHelper
Scheduler scheduler = RxHelper.scheduler(vertx);
Observable<Long> timer = Observable.interval(100, 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, scheduler);
RxJavaPlugins.setComputationSchedulerHandler(s -> RxHelper.scheduler(vertx));
RxJavaPlugins.setIoSchedulerHandler(s -> RxHelper.blockingScheduler(vertx));
RxJavaPlugins.setNewThreadSchedulerHandler(s -> RxHelper.scheduler(vertx));
It is also possible to create a scheduler backed by a named worker pool. This can be useful if you want to re-use the specific thread pool for scheduling blocking actions:
Scheduler scheduler = RxHelper.blockingScheduler(workerExecutor);
Observable<Long> timer = Observable.interval(100, 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, scheduler);
Json unmarshalling
The FlowableHelper.unmarshaller
creates an io.reactivex.rxjava2.FlowableOperator
that transforms an Flowable<Buffer>
in json format into an object flowable:
fileSystem.open("/data.txt", new OpenOptions(), result -> {
AsyncFile file = result.result();
Flowable<Buffer> observable = FlowableHelper.toFlowable(file);
mypojo -> {
// Process the object
The same can be done with the Rxified helper:
fileSystem.open("/data.txt", new OpenOptions(), result -> {
AsyncFile file = result.result();
Observable<Buffer> observable = file.toObservable();
mypojo -> {
// Process the object
Deploying a Verticle
To deploy existing Verticle instances, you can use RxHelper.deployVerticle
, it deploys a Verticle
and returns an Single<String>
of the deployment ID.
Single<String> deployment = RxHelper.deployVerticle(vertx, verticle);
deployment.subscribe(id -> {
// Deployed
}, err -> {
// Could not deploy
Rxified API
The Rxified API is a code generated version of the Vert.x API, just like the JavaScript or Groovy language. The API uses the io.vertx.rxjava
prefix, for instance the io.vertx.core.Vertx
class is translated to the Vertx
Embedding Rxfified Vert.x
Just use the Vertx.vertx
Vertx vertx = io.vertx.reactivex.core.Vertx.vertx();
As a Verticle
Extend the AbstractVerticle
class, it will wrap it for you:
class MyVerticle extends io.vertx.reactivex.core.AbstractVerticle {
public void start() {
// Use Rxified Vertx here
Deploying an RxJava verticle is still performed by the Java deployer and does not need a specified deployer.
Verticles having an asynchronous start can override instead the rxStart
method and return a Completable
class MyVerticle extends io.vertx.reactivex.core.AbstractVerticle {
public Completable rxStart() {
return vertx.createHttpServer()
.requestHandler(req -> req.response().end("Hello World"))
Api examples
Let’s study now a few examples of using Vert.x with RxJava.
EventBus message stream
The event bus MessageConsumer
provides naturally an Observable<Message<T>>
EventBus eb = vertx.eventBus();
MessageConsumer<String> consumer = eb.<String>consumer("the-address");
Observable<Message<String>> observable = consumer.toObservable();
Disposable sub = observable.subscribe(msg -> {
// Got message
// Unregisters the stream after 10 seconds
vertx.setTimer(10000, id -> {
The MessageConsumer
provides a stream of Message
. The body
gives access to a new stream of message bodies if needed:
EventBus eb = vertx.eventBus();
MessageConsumer<String> consumer = eb.<String>consumer("the-address");
Observable<String> observable = consumer.bodyStream().toObservable();
RxJava map/reduce composition style can then be used:
Observable<Double> observable = vertx.eventBus().
buffer(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS).
map(samples -> samples.
collect(Collectors.averagingDouble(d -> d))).
subscribe(heat -> {
vertx.eventBus().send("news-feed", "Current heat is " + heat);
Http client requests
We recommend to use the Vert.x Web Client with RxJava.
Http server requests
A HttpServerRequest
can then be adapted to an Observable<Buffer>
Observable<Buffer> observable = request.toObservable();
can be used to parse and map a json request to an object:
Observable<MyPojo> observable = request.
Websocket client
The rxWebSocket
provides a single callback when the websocket connects, otherwise a failure:
HttpClient client = vertx.createHttpClient(new HttpClientOptions());
client.rxWebSocket(8080, "localhost", "/the_uri").subscribe(
ws -> {
// Use the websocket
error -> {
// Could not connect
The WebSocket
can then be turned into an Observable<Buffer>
socket -> {
Flowable<Buffer> dataObs = socket.toFlowable();
dataObs.subscribe(buffer -> {
System.out.println("Got message " + buffer.toString("UTF-8"));
Websocket server
A ServerWebSocket
can be turned into an Observable<Buffer>
socket -> {
Observable<Buffer> dataObs = socket.toObservable();
dataObs.subscribe(buffer -> {
System.out.println("Got message " + buffer.toString("UTF-8"));