CircuitBreakerOptions |
CircuitBreakerOptions.setFailuresRollingWindow(long failureRollingWindow) |
Sets the rolling window length used for failures.
CircuitBreakerOptions |
CircuitBreakerOptions.setFallbackOnFailure(boolean fallbackOnFailure) |
Sets whether the fallback is executed on failure, even when the circuit breaker is closed.
CircuitBreakerOptions |
CircuitBreakerOptions.setMaxFailures(int maxFailures) |
Sets the maximum number of failures before opening the circuit breaker.
CircuitBreakerOptions |
CircuitBreakerOptions.setMaxRetries(int maxRetries) |
Sets the number of times the circuit breaker retries an operation before failing.
CircuitBreakerOptions |
CircuitBreakerOptions.setMetricsRollingBuckets(int metricsRollingBuckets) |
Sets the number of buckets the metrics rolling window is divided into.
CircuitBreakerOptions |
CircuitBreakerOptions.setMetricsRollingWindow(long metricsRollingWindow) |
Sets the rolling window length used for metrics.
CircuitBreakerOptions |
CircuitBreakerOptions.setNotificationAddress(String notificationAddress) |
Sets the event bus address on which the circuit breaker publishes its state changes.
CircuitBreakerOptions |
CircuitBreakerOptions.setNotificationLocalOnly(boolean notificationLocalOnly) |
Sets whether circuit breaker state events should be delivered only to local consumers.
CircuitBreakerOptions |
CircuitBreakerOptions.setNotificationPeriod(long notificationPeriod) |
Sets the period in milliseconds in which the circuit breaker sends notifications on the event bus with its
current state.
CircuitBreakerOptions |
CircuitBreakerOptions.setResetTimeout(long resetTimeout) |
Sets the time in milliseconds before an open circuit breaker moves to half-open (in an attempt to re-close).
CircuitBreakerOptions |
CircuitBreakerOptions.setTimeout(long timeoutInMs) |
Sets the timeout in milliseconds.