APIKeyHandler |
An authentication handler that provides API Key support.
AuthenticationHandler |
Base interface for auth handlers.
AuthorizationHandler |
Base interface for authorization handlers that provide authorization support.
BasicAuthHandler |
An auth handler that provides HTTP Basic Authentication support.
BodyHandler |
A handler which gathers the entire request body and sets it on the RoutingContext .
ChainAuthHandler |
An auth handler that chains to a sequence of handlers.
CorsHandler |
A handler which implements server side http://www.w3.org/TR/cors/[CORS] support for Vert.x-Web.
CSPHandler |
Content Security Policy (CSP) is an added layer of security that helps to detect and mitigate certain types of
attacks, including Cross Site Scripting (XSS) and data injection attacks.
CSRFHandler |
This handler adds a CSRF token to requests which mutate state.
DigestAuthHandler |
An auth handler that provides HTTP Basic Authentication support.
ErrorHandler |
A pretty error handler for rendering error pages.
FaviconHandler |
A handler that serves favicons.
FormLoginHandler |
Handler that handles login from a form on a custom login page.
HSTSHandler |
HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) RFC6797.
InputTrustHandler |
Base input trust interface for handlers that verify the trust of the request.
JWTAuthHandler |
An auth handler that provides JWT Authentication support.
LoggerFormatter |
LoggerHandler |
A handler which logs request information to the Vert.x logger.
MethodOverrideHandler |
MultiTenantHandler |
A handler which selectively executes another handler if a precondition is met.
OAuth2AuthHandler |
An auth handler that provides OAuth2 Authentication support.
OtpAuthHandler |
An auth handler that provides One Time Password (Multi-Factor) Authentication support.
PlatformHandler |
Base platform interface for handlers that provide functionality to the application platform.
ProtocolUpgradeHandler |
Base interface for handlers that perform protocol upgrades.
RedirectAuthHandler |
An auth handler that's used to handle auth by redirecting user to a custom login page.
ResponseContentTypeHandler |
A handler which sets the response content type automatically according to the best Accept header match.
ResponseTimeHandler |
Handler which adds a header `x-response-time` in the response of matching requests containing the time taken
in ms to process the request.
SecurityAuditLoggerHandler |
A handler that logs security audit events.
SecurityPolicyHandler |
Base security policy interface for handlers that provide HTTP security related headers.
SessionHandler |
A handler that maintains a Session for each browser
SimpleAuthenticationHandler |
A user customizable authentication handler.
StaticHandler |
A handler for serving static resources from the file system or classpath.
TemplateHandler |
A handler which renders responses using a template engine and where the template name is selected from the URI
TimeoutHandler |
Handler that will timeout requests if the response has not been written after a certain time.
WebAuthn4JHandler |
An auth handler that provides FIDO2 WebAuthN Relay Party support.
XFrameHandler |
The X-Frame-Options HTTP response header can be used to indicate whether or not a browser should be allowed to render
a page in a <frame> , <iframe> , <embed> or <object> .