Package io.vertx.junit5
Interface Summary Interface Description Checkpoint A test completion checkpoint, flagging it advances towards the test context completion.ParameterClosingConsumer<T> A consumer to close extension parameters, like closing a Vert.x context, a web client, etc.VertxExtensionParameterProvider<T> AVertxExtension
test method parameter provider service provider interface.VertxTestContext.ExecutionBlock Interface for an executable block of assertion code. -
Class Summary Class Description CountingCheckpoint Checkpoints that count the number of flag invocations.RunTestOnContext An extension that runs tests on a Vert.x context.ScopedObject<T> A parameter as an object with a scope and that can be closed when the scope exits.VertxExtension JUnit 5 Vert.x extension that allows parameter injection as well as an automatic lifecycle on theVertxTestContext
instance.VertxParameterProvider VertxTestContext A test context to wait on the outcomes of asynchronous operations.VertxTestContextParameterProvider Vert.x test context parameter provider holder class. -
Annotation Types Summary Annotation Type Description Timeout Specify how longVertxTestContext.awaitCompletion(long, TimeUnit)
waits before timing out.