Class RequestUtils

  • public class RequestUtils
    extends Object
    • Method Detail

      • extract

        public static Future<ValidatableRequest> extract​(HttpServerRequest request,
                                                         Operation operation)
        Extracts and transforms the parameters and the body of an incoming request into a format that can be validated by the RequestValidator.
        request - the incoming request.
        operation - the operation of the related request.
        A Future holding the ValidatableRequest.
      • extract

        public static Future<ValidatableRequest> extract​(HttpServerRequest request,
                                                         Operation operation,
                                                         java.util.function.Supplier<Future<Buffer>> bodySupplier)
        Like extract(HttpServerRequest, Operation), but offers to pass a supplier fpr the body. This is helpful in case that the request has already been read.
        request - the incoming request.
        operation - the operation of the related request.
        bodySupplier - the body supplier which can help in case that the request has already been read.
        A Future holding the ValidatableRequest.
      • findPathSegment

        public static int findPathSegment​(String templatePath,
                                          String parameterName)