class |
APIKeyHandler |
An authentication handler that provides API Key support.
class |
BasicAuthHandler |
An auth handler that provides HTTP Basic Authentication support.
class |
ChainAuthHandler |
An auth handler that chains to a sequence of handlers.
class |
DigestAuthHandler |
An auth handler that provides HTTP Basic Authentication support.
class |
FormLoginHandler |
Handler that handles login from a form on a custom login page.
class |
JWTAuthHandler |
An auth handler that provides JWT Authentication support.
class |
OAuth2AuthHandler |
An auth handler that provides OAuth2 Authentication support.
class |
OtpAuthHandler |
An auth handler that provides One Time Password (Multi-Factor) Authentication support.
class |
RedirectAuthHandler |
An auth handler that's used to handle auth by redirecting user to a custom login page.
class |
SimpleAuthenticationHandler |
A user customizable authentication handler.
class |
WebAuthn4JHandler |
An auth handler that provides FIDO2 WebAuthN Relay Party support.