Interface ServiceType

  • All Known Subinterfaces:
    EventBusService, HttpEndpoint, MessageSource, MongoDataSource, RedisDataSource

    public interface ServiceType
    Represents a service type.

    A service type is for example: `http-endpoint`, `data source`, `message source`. It defines what kind of resources is accessed through the service. For example, in the case of a `http endpoint`, the service object is a HTTP client. For `message source` it would a a consumer on which you set a handler receiving the message.

    You can define your own service type by implementing this interface and configure the SPI file (META-INF/services/io.vertx.servicediscovery.spi.ServiceType) with your own implementation.

    Clement Escoffier
    • Method Detail

      • name

        String name()
        the name of the type.
      • get

        ServiceReference get​(Vertx vertx,
                             ServiceDiscovery discovery,
                             Record record,
                             JsonObject configuration)
        Gets the `service` for the given record. The record's type must match the current type. From the returned ServiceReference, the consumer can start using the service and release it.
        vertx - the vert.x instance
        discovery - the discovery instance requesting the reference
        record - the record
        configuration - some optional configuration, maybe be null or empty
        the retrieved ServiceReference