Interface PreparedStatement

  • public interface PreparedStatement
    A prepared statement, the statement is pre-compiled and it's more efficient to execute the statement for multiple times. In addition, this kind of statement provides protection against SQL injection attacks.

    From a prepared statement you can

    Julien Viet
    • Method Detail

      • query

        PreparedQuery<RowSet<Row>> query()
        Create a prepared query for this statement.
        the prepared query
      • cursor

        Cursor cursor​(Tuple args)
        Create a cursor with the provided arguments.
        args - the list of arguments
        the query
      • createStream

        RowStream<Row> createStream​(int fetch,
                                    Tuple args)
        Execute the prepared query with a cursor and createStream the result. The createStream opens a cursor with a fetch size to fetch the results.

        Note: this requires to be in a transaction, since cursors require it.

        fetch - the cursor fetch size
        args - the prepared query arguments
        the createStream
      • close

        Future<Void> close()
        Close the prepared query and release its resources.