Class OpenTelemetryTracingFactory

    • Constructor Detail

      • OpenTelemetryTracingFactory

        public OpenTelemetryTracingFactory()
    • Method Detail

      • newOptions

        public TracingOptions newOptions()
        Description copied from interface: VertxTracerFactory
        Create an empty tracing options. Providers can override this method to provide a custom tracing options subclass that exposes custom configuration.
        Specified by:
        newOptions in interface VertxTracerFactory
        new tracing options
      • newOptions

        public TracingOptions newOptions​(JsonObject jsonObject)
        Description copied from interface: VertxTracerFactory
        Create tracing options from the provided jsonObject. Providers can override this method to provide a custom tracing options subclass that exposes custom configuration.
        Specified by:
        newOptions in interface VertxTracerFactory
        jsonObject - json provided by the user
        new tracing options