VertxInfluxDbOptions |
MicrometerMetricsOptions.getInfluxDbOptions() |
Get the specific options for InfluxDB reporting.
VertxInfluxDbOptions |
VertxInfluxDbOptions.setBatchSize(int batchSize) |
Maximum number of measurements sent per request to the InfluxDB server.
VertxInfluxDbOptions |
VertxInfluxDbOptions.setBucket(String bucket) |
Specifies the destination bucket for writes.
VertxInfluxDbOptions |
VertxInfluxDbOptions.setCompressed(boolean compressed) |
Activate or deactivate GZIP compression.
VertxInfluxDbOptions |
VertxInfluxDbOptions.setConnectTimeout(int connectTimeout) |
Connection timeout for InfluxDB server connections, in seconds.
VertxInfluxDbOptions |
VertxInfluxDbOptions.setDb(String db) |
Database name used to store metrics.
VertxInfluxDbOptions |
VertxInfluxDbOptions.setEnabled(boolean enabled) |
Set true to enable InfluxDB reporting
VertxInfluxDbOptions |
VertxInfluxDbOptions.setOrg(String org) |
Specifies the destination organization for writes.
VertxInfluxDbOptions |
VertxInfluxDbOptions.setPassword(String password) |
Password used for authenticated connections
VertxInfluxDbOptions |
VertxInfluxDbOptions.setReadTimeout(int readTimeout) |
Read timeout for InfluxDB server connections, in seconds.
VertxInfluxDbOptions |
VertxInfluxDbOptions.setRetentionPolicy(String retentionPolicy) |
InfluxDB retention policy
VertxInfluxDbOptions |
VertxInfluxDbOptions.setStep(int step) |
Push interval steps, in seconds.
VertxInfluxDbOptions |
VertxInfluxDbOptions.setToken(String token) |
Authentication token for the InfluxDB API.
VertxInfluxDbOptions |
VertxInfluxDbOptions.setUri(String uri) |
URI of the InfluxDB server.
VertxInfluxDbOptions |
VertxInfluxDbOptions.setUserName(String userName) |
Username used for authenticated connections