Interface HazelcastObjectProvider

  • public interface HazelcastObjectProvider
    SPI to allow different implementations of Map, AsyncMap, Lock and Counter
    • Method Detail

      • onJoin

        void onJoin​(io.vertx.core.internal.VertxInternal vertx,
                    io.vertx.spi.cluster.hazelcast.impl.ConversionUtils conversionUtils,
                    HazelcastInstance hazelcast,
                    ExecutorService lockReleaseExec)
        Lifecycle method to initialize this provider when all dependencies become available,
      • getSyncMap

        <K,​V> Map<K,​V> getSyncMap​(String name)
        Return synchronous map for the given name
      • getLockWithTimeout

        Lock getLockWithTimeout​(String name,
                                long timeout)
        Return Lock with the given name within specified timeout (in ms)
      • createCounter

        Counter createCounter​(String name)
        Return Counter with given name, if the Counter doesn't exist it is initialized to 0