Authentication and authorization
You are currently viewing the documentation for the unreleased version 5.0.0.CR4 of Vert.x. Visit the latest stable version of this page.

OTP Auth provider

We provide an implementation of AuthenticationProvider which uses the one time passwords to perform authentication. The module supports the Google Authenticator, you can choose any convenient library for creating the QR code with key, or simply transfer key in the format base32.

To use this project, add the following dependency to the dependencies section of your build descriptor:

  • Maven (in your pom.xml):

  • Gradle (in your build.gradle file):

compile 'io.vertx:vertx-auth-otp:5.0.0.CR4'

HOTP Authentication

To create an instance of the Hotp auth provider, use HotpAuth.create as follows:

HOTP Configuration

The class HotpAuthOptions is used to configure the Hotp authentication provider:


the set otp code length, valid value between 6 and 8, default value equal 6.


the limit auth attempts.


the resynchronization mechanism usage.


Note that when authenticating using this implementation, it assumes identifier, key and counter fields are present in the authentication info

TOTP Authentication

To create an instance of the Totp auth provider, use TotpAuth.create as follows

TOTP Configuration

The class TotpAuthOptions is used to configure the Totp authentication provider:


the set otp code length, valid value between 6 and 8, default value equal 6.


the limit auth attempts.


time period in seconds during which the authentication code is valid, default value equal 30.


Note that when authenticating using this implementation, it assumes identifier, key fields are present in the authentication info