Vert.x Blueprint Tutorials
The Vert.x Blueprint project aims to provide guidelines to Vert.x users to implement various applications such as message-based applications and microservices. This post introduces the content of each blueprints.
This work has been done in the context of a Google Summer of Code project .
The blueprint project contains three parts: Todo Backend, Vert.x Kue and Online Shopping Microservice. Both runnable code and very detailed documents and tutorials (both in English and Chinese) are provided.
Vert.x Blueprint - Todo Backend
Repository: sczyh30/vertx-blueprint-todo-backend.
This blueprint is a todo-backend implementation using Vert.x and various persistence (e.g. Redis or MySQL). It is intended to be an introduction to basic Vert.x web RESTful service development. From this blueprint, developers learn:
- What is Vert.x and its principles
- What is and how to use
- How to develop a REST API using Vert.x Web
- How to make use of asynchronous development model
-based asynchronous patterns- How to use persistence such as Redis and MySQL with the help of Vert.x async data
The tutorials are:

Vert.x Blueprint - Vert.x Kue
Repository: sczyh30/vertx-blueprint-job-queue.
This blueprint is a priority job queue developed with Vert.x and backed by Redis. It’s a Vert.x implementation version of Automattic/kue that can be used in production.
The list of features provided by Vert.x Kue is available here: Vert.x Kue Features.
This blueprint is intended to be an introduction to message-based application development using Vert.x. From this blueprint, developers learn:
- How to make use of Vert.x Event Bus (distributed)
- How to develop message based applications with Vert.x
- Event and message patterns with the event bus (Pub/sub, point to point)
- How to design clustered Vert.x applications
- How to design and implement a job queue
- How to use Vert.x Service Proxy
- More complex usage of Vert.x Redis
The tutorial are:
- English version
- Chinese version

Vert.x Blueprint - Online Shopping Microservice
Repository: sczyh30/vertx-blueprint-microservice.
This blueprint is a micro-shop microservice application developed with Vert.x. It is intended to be an illustration on how to develop microservice applications using Vert.x. From this blueprint, developers learn:
- Microservice development with Vert.x
- Asynchronous development model
- Reactive patterns
- Event sourcing patterns
- Asynchronous RPC on the clustered event bus
- Various type of services (e.g. HTTP endpoint, message source, event bus service)
- Vert.x Service Discovery
- Vert.x Circuit Breaker
- Microservice with polyglot persistence
- How to implement an API Gateway
- Global authentication (OAuth 2 + Keycloak)
And many more things…
The tutorial are:
- English version
- Chinese version

Enjoy the code carnival with Vert.x!