Eclipse Vert.x 4.5.10 released!

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Migrate from Vert.x 3 to Vert.x 4

We provide a clear and well-documented migration path from Vert.x 3.9 to Vert.x 4. Existing users will feel at home with the new version.

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Upcoming Vert.x Http Proxy updates

Introducing new features for Vert.x Http Proxy from GSoC 2024 project.

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Eclipse Vert.x 4 CR1 released!

The first release candidate of the upcoming Vert.x 4 has just been released. We consider it feature complete and invite the community to test it.

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What's new in Vert.x 4.3

See an overview of all new and exciting features in Vert.x 4.3, including Web Client URL templates, JSON schema improvements, more compression algorithms, dynamic codec lookup, and more.

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Eclipse Vert.x 4 beta 3 released!

The third beta version of Eclipse Vert.x 4.0 highlights many features including (but not limited to) HTTP client request creation, HTTP tunnel improvements, and WebSocket upgrade improvements.

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