public class RedisClient extends Object
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static io.vertx.lang.rx.TypeArg<RedisClient> |
Constructor and Description |
RedisClient(Object delegate) |
RedisClient(RedisClient delegate) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
RedisClient |
append(String key,
String value,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Append a value to a key
RedisClient |
auth(String password,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Authenticate to the server
RedisClient |
bgrewriteaof(Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Asynchronously rewrite the append-only file
RedisClient |
bgsave(Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Asynchronously save the dataset to disk
RedisClient |
bitcount(String key,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Count set bits in a string
RedisClient |
bitcountRange(String key,
long start,
long end,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Count set bits in a string
RedisClient |
bitfield(String key,
BitFieldOptions bitFieldOptions,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Perform arbitrary bitfield integer operations on strings.
RedisClient |
bitfieldWithOverflow(String key,
BitFieldOptions commands,
BitFieldOverflowOptions overflow,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Perform arbitrary bitfield integer operations on strings.
RedisClient |
bitop(BitOperation operation,
String destkey,
List<String> keys,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Perform bitwise operations between strings
RedisClient |
bitpos(String key,
int bit,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Find first bit set or clear in a string
RedisClient |
bitposFrom(String key,
int bit,
int start,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Find first bit set or clear in a string
See also bitposRange() method, which takes start, and stop offset.
RedisClient |
bitposRange(String key,
int bit,
int start,
int stop,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Find first bit set or clear in a string
Note: when both start, and stop offsets are specified,
behaviour is slightly different than if only start is specified
RedisClient |
blpop(String key,
int seconds,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Remove and get the first element in a list, or block until one is available
RedisClient |
blpopMany(List<String> keys,
int seconds,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Remove and get the first element in any of the lists, or block until one is available
RedisClient |
brpop(String key,
int seconds,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Remove and get the last element in a list, or block until one is available
RedisClient |
brpoplpush(String key,
String destkey,
int seconds,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Pop a value from a list, push it to another list and return it; or block until one is available
RedisClient |
brpopMany(List<String> keys,
int seconds,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Remove and get the last element in any of the lists, or block until one is available
RedisClient |
clientGetname(Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Get the current connection name
RedisClient |
clientKill(KillFilter filter,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Kill the connection of a client
RedisClient |
clientList(Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Get the list of client connections
RedisClient |
clientPause(long millis,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Stop processing commands from clients for some time
RedisClient |
clientReply(ClientReplyOptions options,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Instruct the server whether to reply to commands.
RedisClient |
clientSetname(String name,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Set the current connection name
void |
close(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
Close the client - when it is fully closed the handler will be called.
RedisClient |
clusterAddslots(List<Long> slots,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
Assign new hash slots to receiving node.
RedisClient |
clusterCountFailureReports(String nodeId,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Return the number of failure reports active for a given node.
RedisClient |
clusterCountkeysinslot(long slot,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Return the number of local keys in the specified hash slot.
RedisClient |
clusterDelslots(long slot,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
Set hash slots as unbound in receiving node.
RedisClient |
clusterDelslotsMany(List<Long> slots,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
Set hash slots as unbound in receiving node.
RedisClient |
clusterFailover(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
Forces a slave to perform a manual failover of its master.
RedisClient |
clusterFailOverWithOptions(FailoverOptions options,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
Forces a slave to perform a manual failover of its master.
RedisClient |
clusterForget(String nodeId,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
Remove a node from the nodes table.
RedisClient |
clusterGetkeysinslot(long slot,
long count,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Return local key names in the specified hash slot.
RedisClient |
clusterInfo(Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Provides info about Redis Cluster node state.
RedisClient |
clusterKeyslot(String key,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Returns the hash slot of the specified key.
RedisClient |
clusterMeet(String ip,
long port,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
Force a node cluster to handshake with another node.
RedisClient |
clusterNodes(Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Get Cluster config for the node.
RedisClient |
clusterReplicate(String nodeId,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
Reconfigure a node as a slave of the specified master node.
RedisClient |
clusterReset(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
Reset a Redis Cluster node.
RedisClient |
clusterResetWithOptions(ResetOptions options,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
Reset a Redis Cluster node.
RedisClient |
clusterSaveconfig(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
Forces the node to save cluster state on disk.
RedisClient |
clusterSetConfigEpoch(long epoch,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
Set the configuration epoch in a new node.
RedisClient |
clusterSetslot(long slot,
SlotCmd subcommand,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
Bind an hash slot to a specific node.
RedisClient |
clusterSetslotWithNode(long slot,
SlotCmd subcommand,
String nodeId,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
Bind an hash slot to a specific node.
RedisClient |
clusterSlaves(String nodeId,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
List slave nodes of the specified master node.
RedisClient |
clusterSlots(Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Get array of Cluster slot to node mappings
RedisClient |
command(Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Get array of Redis command details
RedisClient |
commandCount(Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Get total number of Redis commands
RedisClient |
commandGetkeys(Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Extract keys given a full Redis command
RedisClient |
commandInfo(List<String> commands,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Get array of specific Redis command details
RedisClient |
configGet(String parameter,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Get the value of a configuration parameter
RedisClient |
configResetstat(Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Reset the stats returned by INFO
RedisClient |
configRewrite(Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Rewrite the configuration file with the in memory configuration
RedisClient |
configSet(String parameter,
String value,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Set a configuration parameter to the given value
static RedisClient |
create(Vertx vertx) |
static RedisClient |
create(Vertx vertx,
JsonObject config) |
RedisClient |
dbsize(Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Return the number of keys in the selected database
RedisClient |
debugObject(String key,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Get debugging information about a key
RedisClient |
debugSegfault(Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Make the server crash
RedisClient |
decr(String key,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Decrement the integer value of a key by one
RedisClient |
decrby(String key,
long decrement,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Decrement the integer value of a key by the given number
RedisClient |
del(String key,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Delete a key
RedisClient |
delMany(List<String> keys,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Delete many keys
RedisClient |
dump(String key,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Return a serialized version of the value stored at the specified key.
RedisClient |
echo(String message,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Echo the given string
boolean |
equals(Object o) |
RedisClient |
eval(String script,
List<String> keys,
List<String> args,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Execute a Lua script server side.
RedisClient |
evalScript(Script script,
List<String> keys,
List<String> args,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Execute a Lua script server side.
RedisClient |
evalsha(String sha1,
List<String> keys,
List<String> values,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Execute a Lua script server side.
RedisClient |
exists(String key,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Determine if a key exists
RedisClient |
existsMany(List<String> keys,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Determine if one or many keys exist
RedisClient |
expire(String key,
long seconds,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Set a key's time to live in seconds
RedisClient |
expireat(String key,
long seconds,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Set the expiration for a key as a UNIX timestamp
RedisClient |
flushall(Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Remove all keys from all databases
RedisClient |
flushdb(Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Remove all keys from the current database
RedisClient |
geoadd(String key,
double longitude,
double latitude,
String member,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Add one or more geospatial items in the geospatial index represented using a sorted set.
RedisClient |
geoaddMany(String key,
List<GeoMember> members,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Add one or more geospatial items in the geospatial index represented using a sorted set.
RedisClient |
geodist(String key,
String member1,
String member2,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Return the distance between two members in the geospatial index represented by the sorted set.
RedisClient |
geodistWithUnit(String key,
String member1,
String member2,
GeoUnit unit,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Return the distance between two members in the geospatial index represented by the sorted set.
RedisClient |
geohash(String key,
String member,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Return valid Geohash strings representing the position of one or more elements in a sorted set value representing
a geospatial index (where elements were added using GEOADD).
RedisClient |
geohashMany(String key,
List<String> members,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Return valid Geohash strings representing the position of one or more elements in a sorted set value representing
a geospatial index (where elements were added using GEOADD).
RedisClient |
geopos(String key,
String member,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Return the positions (longitude,latitude) of all the specified members of the geospatial index represented by the
sorted set at key.
RedisClient |
geoposMany(String key,
List<String> members,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Return the positions (longitude,latitude) of all the specified members of the geospatial index represented by the
sorted set at key.
RedisClient |
georadius(String key,
double longitude,
double latitude,
double radius,
GeoUnit unit,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Return the members of a sorted set populated with geospatial information using GEOADD, which are within the borders
of the area specified with the center location and the maximum distance from the center (the radius).
RedisClient |
georadiusbymember(String key,
String member,
double radius,
GeoUnit unit,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
This command is exactly like GEORADIUS with the sole difference that instead of taking, as the center of the area
to query, a longitude and latitude value, it takes the name of a member already existing inside the geospatial
index represented by the sorted set.
RedisClient |
georadiusbymemberWithOptions(String key,
String member,
double radius,
GeoUnit unit,
GeoRadiusOptions options,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
This command is exactly like GEORADIUS with the sole difference that instead of taking, as the center of the area
to query, a longitude and latitude value, it takes the name of a member already existing inside the geospatial
index represented by the sorted set.
RedisClient |
georadiusWithOptions(String key,
double longitude,
double latitude,
double radius,
GeoUnit unit,
GeoRadiusOptions options,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Return the members of a sorted set populated with geospatial information using GEOADD, which are within the borders
of the area specified with the center location and the maximum distance from the center (the radius).
RedisClient |
get(String key,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Get the value of a key
RedisClient |
getBinary(String key,
Handler<AsyncResult<Buffer>> handler)
Get the value of a key - without decoding as utf-8
RedisClient |
getbit(String key,
long offset,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Returns the bit value at offset in the string value stored at key
RedisClient |
getDelegate() |
RedisClient |
getrange(String key,
long start,
long end,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Get a substring of the string stored at a key
RedisClient |
getset(String key,
String value,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Set the string value of a key and return its old value
int |
hashCode() |
RedisClient |
hdel(String key,
String field,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Delete one or more hash fields
RedisClient |
hdelMany(String key,
List<String> fields,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Delete one or more hash fields
RedisClient |
hexists(String key,
String field,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Determine if a hash field exists
RedisClient |
hget(String key,
String field,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Get the value of a hash field
RedisClient |
hgetall(String key,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonObject>> handler)
Get all the fields and values in a hash
RedisClient |
hincrby(String key,
String field,
long increment,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Increment the integer value of a hash field by the given number
RedisClient |
hincrbyfloat(String key,
String field,
double increment,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Increment the float value of a hash field by the given amount
RedisClient |
hkeys(String key,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Get all the fields in a hash
RedisClient |
hlen(String key,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Get the number of fields in a hash
RedisClient |
hmget(String key,
List<String> fields,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Get the values of all the given hash fields
RedisClient |
hmset(String key,
JsonObject values,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Set multiple hash fields to multiple values
RedisClient |
hscan(String key,
String cursor,
ScanOptions options,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values
RedisClient |
hset(String key,
String field,
String value,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Set the string value of a hash field
RedisClient |
hsetnx(String key,
String field,
String value,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Set the value of a hash field, only if the field does not exist
RedisClient |
hstrlen(String key,
String field,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Get the length of the value of a hash field.
RedisClient |
hvals(String key,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Get all the values in a hash
RedisClient |
incr(String key,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Increment the integer value of a key by one
RedisClient |
incrby(String key,
long increment,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Increment the integer value of a key by the given amount
RedisClient |
incrbyfloat(String key,
double increment,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Increment the float value of a key by the given amount
RedisClient |
info(Handler<AsyncResult<JsonObject>> handler)
Get information and statistics about the server
RedisClient |
infoSection(String section,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonObject>> handler)
Get information and statistics about the server
RedisClient |
keys(String pattern,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Find all keys matching the given pattern
RedisClient |
lastsave(Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Get the UNIX time stamp of the last successful save to disk
RedisClient |
lindex(String key,
int index,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Get an element from a list by its index
RedisClient |
linsert(String key,
InsertOptions option,
String pivot,
String value,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Insert an element before or after another element in a list
RedisClient |
llen(String key,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Get the length of a list
RedisClient |
lpop(String key,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Remove and get the first element in a list
RedisClient |
lpush(String key,
String value,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Prepend one value to a list
RedisClient |
lpushMany(String key,
List<String> values,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Prepend one or multiple values to a list
RedisClient |
lpushx(String key,
String value,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Prepend a value to a list, only if the list exists
RedisClient |
lrange(String key,
long from,
long to,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Get a range of elements from a list
RedisClient |
lrem(String key,
long count,
String value,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Remove elements from a list
RedisClient |
lset(String key,
long index,
String value,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Set the value of an element in a list by its index
RedisClient |
ltrim(String key,
long from,
long to,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Trim a list to the specified range
RedisClient |
mget(String key,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Get the value of the given key
RedisClient |
mgetMany(List<String> keys,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Get the values of all the given keys
RedisClient |
migrate(String host,
int port,
String key,
int destdb,
long timeout,
MigrateOptions options,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Atomically transfer a key from a Redis instance to another one.
RedisClient |
monitor(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
Listen for all requests received by the server in real time
RedisClient |
move(String key,
int destdb,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Move a key to another database
RedisClient |
mset(JsonObject keyvals,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Set multiple keys to multiple values
RedisClient |
msetnx(JsonObject keyvals,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Set multiple keys to multiple values, only if none of the keys exist
static RedisClient |
newInstance(RedisClient arg) |
RedisClient |
object(String key,
ObjectCmd cmd,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
Inspect the internals of Redis objects
RedisClient |
persist(String key,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Remove the expiration from a key
RedisClient |
pexpire(String key,
long millis,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Set a key's time to live in milliseconds
RedisClient |
pexpireat(String key,
long millis,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Set the expiration for a key as a UNIX timestamp specified in milliseconds
RedisClient |
pfadd(String key,
String element,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Adds the specified element to the specified HyperLogLog.
RedisClient |
pfaddMany(String key,
List<String> elements,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Adds the specified elements to the specified HyperLogLog.
RedisClient |
pfcount(String key,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Return the approximated cardinality of the set observed by the HyperLogLog at key.
RedisClient |
pfcountMany(List<String> keys,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Return the approximated cardinality of the set(s) observed by the HyperLogLog at key(s).
RedisClient |
pfmerge(String destkey,
List<String> keys,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Merge N different HyperLogLogs into a single one.
RedisClient |
ping(Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Ping the server
RedisClient |
psetex(String key,
long millis,
String value,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
Set the value and expiration in milliseconds of a key
RedisClient |
psubscribe(String pattern,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Listen for messages published to channels matching the given pattern
RedisClient |
psubscribeMany(List<String> patterns,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Listen for messages published to channels matching the given patterns
RedisClient |
pttl(String key,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Get the time to live for a key in milliseconds
RedisClient |
publish(String channel,
String message,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Post a message to a channel
RedisClient |
pubsubChannels(String pattern,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Lists the currently active channels - only those matching the pattern
RedisClient |
pubsubNumpat(Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Returns the number of subscriptions to patterns (that are performed using the PSUBSCRIBE command)
RedisClient |
pubsubNumsub(List<String> channels,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Returns the number of subscribers (not counting clients subscribed to patterns) for the specified channels
RedisClient |
punsubscribe(List<String> patterns,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
Stop listening for messages posted to channels matching the given patterns
RedisClient |
randomkey(Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Return a random key from the keyspace
RedisClient |
rename(String key,
String newkey,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Rename a key
RedisClient |
renamenx(String key,
String newkey,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Rename a key, only if the new key does not exist
RedisClient |
restore(String key,
long millis,
String serialized,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Create a key using the provided serialized value, previously obtained using DUMP.
RedisClient |
role(Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Return the role of the instance in the context of replication
RedisClient |
rpop(String key,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Remove and get the last element in a list
RedisClient |
rpoplpush(String key,
String destkey,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Remove the last element in a list, append it to another list and return it
RedisClient |
rpush(String key,
String value,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Append one or multiple values to a list
RedisClient |
rpushMany(String key,
List<String> values,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Append one or multiple values to a list
RedisClient |
rpushx(String key,
String value,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Append a value to a list, only if the list exists
Single<Long> |
rxAppend(String key,
String value)
Append a value to a key
Single<String> |
rxAuth(String password)
Authenticate to the server
Single<String> |
Asynchronously rewrite the append-only file
Single<String> |
Asynchronously save the dataset to disk
Single<Long> |
rxBitcount(String key)
Count set bits in a string
Single<Long> |
rxBitcountRange(String key,
long start,
long end)
Count set bits in a string
Single<JsonArray> |
rxBitfield(String key,
BitFieldOptions bitFieldOptions)
Perform arbitrary bitfield integer operations on strings.
Single<JsonArray> |
rxBitfieldWithOverflow(String key,
BitFieldOptions commands,
BitFieldOverflowOptions overflow)
Perform arbitrary bitfield integer operations on strings.
Single<Long> |
rxBitop(BitOperation operation,
String destkey,
List<String> keys)
Perform bitwise operations between strings
Single<Long> |
rxBitpos(String key,
int bit)
Find first bit set or clear in a string
Single<Long> |
rxBitposFrom(String key,
int bit,
int start)
Find first bit set or clear in a string
See also bitposRange() method, which takes start, and stop offset.
Single<Long> |
rxBitposRange(String key,
int bit,
int start,
int stop)
Find first bit set or clear in a string
Note: when both start, and stop offsets are specified,
behaviour is slightly different than if only start is specified
Single<JsonArray> |
rxBlpop(String key,
int seconds)
Remove and get the first element in a list, or block until one is available
Single<JsonArray> |
rxBlpopMany(List<String> keys,
int seconds)
Remove and get the first element in any of the lists, or block until one is available
Single<JsonArray> |
rxBrpop(String key,
int seconds)
Remove and get the last element in a list, or block until one is available
Single<String> |
rxBrpoplpush(String key,
String destkey,
int seconds)
Pop a value from a list, push it to another list and return it; or block until one is available
Single<JsonArray> |
rxBrpopMany(List<String> keys,
int seconds)
Remove and get the last element in any of the lists, or block until one is available
Single<String> |
Get the current connection name
Single<Long> |
rxClientKill(KillFilter filter)
Kill the connection of a client
Single<String> |
Get the list of client connections
Single<String> |
rxClientPause(long millis)
Stop processing commands from clients for some time
Single<String> |
rxClientReply(ClientReplyOptions options)
Instruct the server whether to reply to commands.
Single<String> |
rxClientSetname(String name)
Set the current connection name
Completable |
Close the client - when it is fully closed the handler will be called.
Completable |
rxClusterAddslots(List<Long> slots)
Assign new hash slots to receiving node.
Single<Long> |
rxClusterCountFailureReports(String nodeId)
Return the number of failure reports active for a given node.
Single<Long> |
rxClusterCountkeysinslot(long slot)
Return the number of local keys in the specified hash slot.
Completable |
rxClusterDelslots(long slot)
Set hash slots as unbound in receiving node.
Completable |
rxClusterDelslotsMany(List<Long> slots)
Set hash slots as unbound in receiving node.
Completable |
Forces a slave to perform a manual failover of its master.
Completable |
rxClusterFailOverWithOptions(FailoverOptions options)
Forces a slave to perform a manual failover of its master.
Completable |
rxClusterForget(String nodeId)
Remove a node from the nodes table.
Single<JsonArray> |
rxClusterGetkeysinslot(long slot,
long count)
Return local key names in the specified hash slot.
Single<JsonArray> |
Provides info about Redis Cluster node state.
Single<Long> |
rxClusterKeyslot(String key)
Returns the hash slot of the specified key.
Completable |
rxClusterMeet(String ip,
long port)
Force a node cluster to handshake with another node.
Single<JsonArray> |
Get Cluster config for the node.
Completable |
rxClusterReplicate(String nodeId)
Reconfigure a node as a slave of the specified master node.
Completable |
Reset a Redis Cluster node.
Completable |
rxClusterResetWithOptions(ResetOptions options)
Reset a Redis Cluster node.
Completable |
Forces the node to save cluster state on disk.
Completable |
rxClusterSetConfigEpoch(long epoch)
Set the configuration epoch in a new node.
Completable |
rxClusterSetslot(long slot,
SlotCmd subcommand)
Bind an hash slot to a specific node.
Completable |
rxClusterSetslotWithNode(long slot,
SlotCmd subcommand,
String nodeId)
Bind an hash slot to a specific node.
Single<JsonArray> |
rxClusterSlaves(String nodeId)
List slave nodes of the specified master node.
Single<JsonArray> |
Get array of Cluster slot to node mappings
Single<JsonArray> |
Get array of Redis command details
Single<Long> |
Get total number of Redis commands
Single<JsonArray> |
Extract keys given a full Redis command
Single<JsonArray> |
rxCommandInfo(List<String> commands)
Get array of specific Redis command details
Single<JsonArray> |
rxConfigGet(String parameter)
Get the value of a configuration parameter
Single<String> |
Reset the stats returned by INFO
Single<String> |
Rewrite the configuration file with the in memory configuration
Single<String> |
rxConfigSet(String parameter,
String value)
Set a configuration parameter to the given value
Single<Long> |
Return the number of keys in the selected database
Single<String> |
rxDebugObject(String key)
Get debugging information about a key
Single<String> |
Make the server crash
Single<Long> |
rxDecr(String key)
Decrement the integer value of a key by one
Single<Long> |
rxDecrby(String key,
long decrement)
Decrement the integer value of a key by the given number
Single<Long> |
rxDel(String key)
Delete a key
Single<Long> |
rxDelMany(List<String> keys)
Delete many keys
Single<String> |
rxDump(String key)
Return a serialized version of the value stored at the specified key.
Single<String> |
rxEcho(String message)
Echo the given string
Single<JsonArray> |
rxEval(String script,
List<String> keys,
List<String> args)
Execute a Lua script server side.
Single<JsonArray> |
rxEvalScript(Script script,
List<String> keys,
List<String> args)
Execute a Lua script server side.
Single<JsonArray> |
rxEvalsha(String sha1,
List<String> keys,
List<String> values)
Execute a Lua script server side.
Single<Long> |
rxExists(String key)
Determine if a key exists
Single<Long> |
rxExistsMany(List<String> keys)
Determine if one or many keys exist
Single<Long> |
rxExpire(String key,
long seconds)
Set a key's time to live in seconds
Single<Long> |
rxExpireat(String key,
long seconds)
Set the expiration for a key as a UNIX timestamp
Single<String> |
Remove all keys from all databases
Single<String> |
Remove all keys from the current database
Single<Long> |
rxGeoadd(String key,
double longitude,
double latitude,
String member)
Add one or more geospatial items in the geospatial index represented using a sorted set.
Single<Long> |
rxGeoaddMany(String key,
List<GeoMember> members)
Add one or more geospatial items in the geospatial index represented using a sorted set.
Single<String> |
rxGeodist(String key,
String member1,
String member2)
Return the distance between two members in the geospatial index represented by the sorted set.
Single<String> |
rxGeodistWithUnit(String key,
String member1,
String member2,
GeoUnit unit)
Return the distance between two members in the geospatial index represented by the sorted set.
Single<JsonArray> |
rxGeohash(String key,
String member)
Return valid Geohash strings representing the position of one or more elements in a sorted set value representing
a geospatial index (where elements were added using GEOADD).
Single<JsonArray> |
rxGeohashMany(String key,
List<String> members)
Return valid Geohash strings representing the position of one or more elements in a sorted set value representing
a geospatial index (where elements were added using GEOADD).
Single<JsonArray> |
rxGeopos(String key,
String member)
Return the positions (longitude,latitude) of all the specified members of the geospatial index represented by the
sorted set at key.
Single<JsonArray> |
rxGeoposMany(String key,
List<String> members)
Return the positions (longitude,latitude) of all the specified members of the geospatial index represented by the
sorted set at key.
Single<JsonArray> |
rxGeoradius(String key,
double longitude,
double latitude,
double radius,
GeoUnit unit)
Return the members of a sorted set populated with geospatial information using GEOADD, which are within the borders
of the area specified with the center location and the maximum distance from the center (the radius).
Single<JsonArray> |
rxGeoradiusbymember(String key,
String member,
double radius,
GeoUnit unit)
This command is exactly like GEORADIUS with the sole difference that instead of taking, as the center of the area
to query, a longitude and latitude value, it takes the name of a member already existing inside the geospatial
index represented by the sorted set.
Single<JsonArray> |
rxGeoradiusbymemberWithOptions(String key,
String member,
double radius,
GeoUnit unit,
GeoRadiusOptions options)
This command is exactly like GEORADIUS with the sole difference that instead of taking, as the center of the area
to query, a longitude and latitude value, it takes the name of a member already existing inside the geospatial
index represented by the sorted set.
Single<JsonArray> |
rxGeoradiusWithOptions(String key,
double longitude,
double latitude,
double radius,
GeoUnit unit,
GeoRadiusOptions options)
Return the members of a sorted set populated with geospatial information using GEOADD, which are within the borders
of the area specified with the center location and the maximum distance from the center (the radius).
Maybe<String> |
rxGet(String key)
Get the value of a key
Maybe<Buffer> |
rxGetBinary(String key)
Get the value of a key - without decoding as utf-8
Single<Long> |
rxGetbit(String key,
long offset)
Returns the bit value at offset in the string value stored at key
Single<String> |
rxGetrange(String key,
long start,
long end)
Get a substring of the string stored at a key
Maybe<String> |
rxGetset(String key,
String value)
Set the string value of a key and return its old value
Single<Long> |
rxHdel(String key,
String field)
Delete one or more hash fields
Single<Long> |
rxHdelMany(String key,
List<String> fields)
Delete one or more hash fields
Single<Long> |
rxHexists(String key,
String field)
Determine if a hash field exists
Maybe<String> |
rxHget(String key,
String field)
Get the value of a hash field
Single<JsonObject> |
rxHgetall(String key)
Get all the fields and values in a hash
Single<Long> |
rxHincrby(String key,
String field,
long increment)
Increment the integer value of a hash field by the given number
Single<String> |
rxHincrbyfloat(String key,
String field,
double increment)
Increment the float value of a hash field by the given amount
Single<JsonArray> |
rxHkeys(String key)
Get all the fields in a hash
Single<Long> |
rxHlen(String key)
Get the number of fields in a hash
Single<JsonArray> |
rxHmget(String key,
List<String> fields)
Get the values of all the given hash fields
Single<String> |
rxHmset(String key,
JsonObject values)
Set multiple hash fields to multiple values
Single<JsonArray> |
rxHscan(String key,
String cursor,
ScanOptions options)
Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values
Single<Long> |
rxHset(String key,
String field,
String value)
Set the string value of a hash field
Single<Long> |
rxHsetnx(String key,
String field,
String value)
Set the value of a hash field, only if the field does not exist
Single<Long> |
rxHstrlen(String key,
String field)
Get the length of the value of a hash field.
Single<JsonArray> |
rxHvals(String key)
Get all the values in a hash
Single<Long> |
rxIncr(String key)
Increment the integer value of a key by one
Single<Long> |
rxIncrby(String key,
long increment)
Increment the integer value of a key by the given amount
Single<String> |
rxIncrbyfloat(String key,
double increment)
Increment the float value of a key by the given amount
Single<JsonObject> |
Get information and statistics about the server
Single<JsonObject> |
rxInfoSection(String section)
Get information and statistics about the server
Single<JsonArray> |
rxKeys(String pattern)
Find all keys matching the given pattern
Single<Long> |
Get the UNIX time stamp of the last successful save to disk
Single<String> |
rxLindex(String key,
int index)
Get an element from a list by its index
Single<Long> |
rxLinsert(String key,
InsertOptions option,
String pivot,
String value)
Insert an element before or after another element in a list
Single<Long> |
rxLlen(String key)
Get the length of a list
Maybe<String> |
rxLpop(String key)
Remove and get the first element in a list
Single<Long> |
rxLpush(String key,
String value)
Prepend one value to a list
Single<Long> |
rxLpushMany(String key,
List<String> values)
Prepend one or multiple values to a list
Single<Long> |
rxLpushx(String key,
String value)
Prepend a value to a list, only if the list exists
Single<JsonArray> |
rxLrange(String key,
long from,
long to)
Get a range of elements from a list
Single<Long> |
rxLrem(String key,
long count,
String value)
Remove elements from a list
Single<String> |
rxLset(String key,
long index,
String value)
Set the value of an element in a list by its index
Single<String> |
rxLtrim(String key,
long from,
long to)
Trim a list to the specified range
Single<JsonArray> |
rxMget(String key)
Get the value of the given key
Single<JsonArray> |
rxMgetMany(List<String> keys)
Get the values of all the given keys
Single<String> |
rxMigrate(String host,
int port,
String key,
int destdb,
long timeout,
MigrateOptions options)
Atomically transfer a key from a Redis instance to another one.
Completable |
Listen for all requests received by the server in real time
Single<Long> |
rxMove(String key,
int destdb)
Move a key to another database
Single<String> |
rxMset(JsonObject keyvals)
Set multiple keys to multiple values
Single<Long> |
rxMsetnx(JsonObject keyvals)
Set multiple keys to multiple values, only if none of the keys exist
Completable |
rxObject(String key,
ObjectCmd cmd)
Inspect the internals of Redis objects
Single<Long> |
rxPersist(String key)
Remove the expiration from a key
Single<Long> |
rxPexpire(String key,
long millis)
Set a key's time to live in milliseconds
Single<Long> |
rxPexpireat(String key,
long millis)
Set the expiration for a key as a UNIX timestamp specified in milliseconds
Single<Long> |
rxPfadd(String key,
String element)
Adds the specified element to the specified HyperLogLog.
Single<Long> |
rxPfaddMany(String key,
List<String> elements)
Adds the specified elements to the specified HyperLogLog.
Single<Long> |
rxPfcount(String key)
Return the approximated cardinality of the set observed by the HyperLogLog at key.
Single<Long> |
rxPfcountMany(List<String> keys)
Return the approximated cardinality of the set(s) observed by the HyperLogLog at key(s).
Single<String> |
rxPfmerge(String destkey,
List<String> keys)
Merge N different HyperLogLogs into a single one.
Single<String> |
Ping the server
Completable |
rxPsetex(String key,
long millis,
String value)
Set the value and expiration in milliseconds of a key
Single<JsonArray> |
rxPsubscribe(String pattern)
Listen for messages published to channels matching the given pattern
Single<JsonArray> |
rxPsubscribeMany(List<String> patterns)
Listen for messages published to channels matching the given patterns
Single<Long> |
rxPttl(String key)
Get the time to live for a key in milliseconds
Single<Long> |
rxPublish(String channel,
String message)
Post a message to a channel
Single<JsonArray> |
rxPubsubChannels(String pattern)
Lists the currently active channels - only those matching the pattern
Single<Long> |
Returns the number of subscriptions to patterns (that are performed using the PSUBSCRIBE command)
Single<JsonArray> |
rxPubsubNumsub(List<String> channels)
Returns the number of subscribers (not counting clients subscribed to patterns) for the specified channels
Completable |
rxPunsubscribe(List<String> patterns)
Stop listening for messages posted to channels matching the given patterns
Single<String> |
Return a random key from the keyspace
Single<String> |
rxRename(String key,
String newkey)
Rename a key
Single<Long> |
rxRenamenx(String key,
String newkey)
Rename a key, only if the new key does not exist
Single<String> |
rxRestore(String key,
long millis,
String serialized)
Create a key using the provided serialized value, previously obtained using DUMP.
Single<JsonArray> |
Return the role of the instance in the context of replication
Single<String> |
rxRpop(String key)
Remove and get the last element in a list
Single<String> |
rxRpoplpush(String key,
String destkey)
Remove the last element in a list, append it to another list and return it
Single<Long> |
rxRpush(String key,
String value)
Append one or multiple values to a list
Single<Long> |
rxRpushMany(String key,
List<String> values)
Append one or multiple values to a list
Single<Long> |
rxRpushx(String key,
String value)
Append a value to a list, only if the list exists
Single<Long> |
rxSadd(String key,
String member)
Add a member to a set
Single<Long> |
rxSaddMany(String key,
List<String> members)
Add one or more members to a set
Single<String> |
Synchronously save the dataset to disk
Single<JsonArray> |
rxScan(String cursor,
ScanOptions options)
Incrementally iterate the keys space
Single<Long> |
rxScard(String key)
Get the number of members in a set
Single<String> |
rxScriptDebug(ScriptDebugOptions scriptDebugOptions)
Set the debug mode for executed scripts.
Single<JsonArray> |
rxScriptExists(String script)
Check existence of script in the script cache.
Single<JsonArray> |
rxScriptExistsMany(List<String> scripts)
Check existence of scripts in the script cache.
Single<String> |
Remove all the scripts from the script cache.
Single<String> |
Kill the script currently in execution.
Single<String> |
rxScriptLoad(String script)
Load the specified Lua script into the script cache.
Single<JsonArray> |
rxSdiff(String key,
List<String> cmpkeys)
Subtract multiple sets
Single<Long> |
rxSdiffstore(String destkey,
String key,
List<String> cmpkeys)
Subtract multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key
Single<String> |
rxSelect(int dbindex)
Change the selected database for the current connection
Completable |
rxSet(String key,
String value)
Set the string value of a key
Completable |
rxSetBinary(String key,
Buffer value)
Set the binary string value of a key - without encoding as utf-8
Completable |
rxSetBinaryWithOptions(String key,
Buffer value,
SetOptions options)
Set the string value of a key
Single<Long> |
rxSetbit(String key,
long offset,
int bit)
Sets or clears the bit at offset in the string value stored at key
Single<String> |
rxSetex(String key,
long seconds,
String value)
Set the value and expiration of a key
Single<Long> |
rxSetnx(String key,
String value)
Set the value of a key, only if the key does not exist
Single<Long> |
rxSetrange(String key,
int offset,
String value)
Overwrite part of a string at key starting at the specified offset
Single<String> |
rxSetWithOptions(String key,
String value,
SetOptions options)
Set the string value of a key
Single<JsonArray> |
rxSinter(List<String> keys)
Intersect multiple sets
Single<Long> |
rxSinterstore(String destkey,
List<String> keys)
Intersect multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key
Single<Long> |
rxSismember(String key,
String member)
Determine if a given value is a member of a set
Single<String> |
rxSlaveof(String host,
int port)
Make the server a slave of another instance
Single<String> |
Make this server a master
Single<JsonArray> |
rxSlowlogGet(int limit)
Read the Redis slow queries log
Single<Long> |
Get the length of the Redis slow queries log
Completable |
Reset the Redis slow queries log
Single<JsonArray> |
rxSmembers(String key)
Get all the members in a set
Single<Long> |
rxSmove(String key,
String destkey,
String member)
Move a member from one set to another
Single<JsonArray> |
rxSort(String key,
SortOptions options)
Sort the elements in a list, set or sorted set
Maybe<String> |
rxSpop(String key)
Remove and return a random member from a set
Single<JsonArray> |
rxSpopMany(String key,
int count)
Remove and return random members from a set
Single<String> |
rxSrandmember(String key)
Get one or multiple random members from a set
Single<JsonArray> |
rxSrandmemberCount(String key,
int count)
Get one or multiple random members from a set
Single<Long> |
rxSrem(String key,
String member)
Remove one member from a set
Single<Long> |
rxSremMany(String key,
List<String> members)
Remove one or more members from a set
Single<JsonArray> |
rxSscan(String key,
String cursor,
ScanOptions options)
Incrementally iterate Set elements
Single<Long> |
rxStrlen(String key)
Get the length of the value stored in a key
Single<JsonArray> |
rxSubscribe(String channel)
Listen for messages published to the given channels
Single<JsonArray> |
rxSubscribeMany(List<String> channels)
Listen for messages published to the given channels
Single<JsonArray> |
rxSunion(List<String> keys)
Add multiple sets
Single<Long> |
rxSunionstore(String destkey,
List<String> keys)
Add multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key
Single<String> |
rxSwapdb(int index1,
int index2)
Swaps two Redis databases
Completable |
Internal command used for replication
Single<JsonArray> |
Return the current server time
Single<Long> |
rxTouch(String key)
Alters the last access time of a key(s).
Single<Long> |
rxTouchMany(List<String> keys)
Alters the last access time of a key(s).
Single<Long> |
rxTtl(String key)
Get the time to live for a key
Single<String> |
rxType(String key)
Determine the type stored at key
Single<Long> |
rxUnlink(String key)
Delete a key asynchronously in another thread.
Single<Long> |
rxUnlinkMany(List<String> keys)
Delete multiple keys asynchronously in another thread.
Completable |
rxUnsubscribe(List<String> channels)
Stop listening for messages posted to the given channels
Single<String> |
rxWait(long numSlaves,
long timeout)
Wait for the synchronous replication of all the write commands sent in the context of the current connection.
Single<Long> |
rxZadd(String key,
double score,
String member)
Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists
Single<Long> |
rxZaddMany(String key,
Map<String,Double> members)
Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists
Single<Long> |
rxZcard(String key)
Get the number of members in a sorted set
Single<Long> |
rxZcount(String key,
double min,
double max)
Count the members in a sorted set with scores within the given values
Single<String> |
rxZincrby(String key,
double increment,
String member)
Increment the score of a member in a sorted set
Single<Long> |
rxZinterstore(String destkey,
List<String> sets,
AggregateOptions options)
Intersect multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a new key
Single<Long> |
rxZinterstoreWeighed(String destkey,
Map<String,Double> sets,
AggregateOptions options)
Intersect multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a new key using weights for scoring
Single<Long> |
rxZlexcount(String key,
String min,
String max)
Count the number of members in a sorted set between a given lexicographical range
Single<JsonArray> |
rxZrange(String key,
long start,
long stop)
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by index
Single<JsonArray> |
rxZrangebylex(String key,
String min,
String max,
LimitOptions options)
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by lexicographical range
Single<JsonArray> |
rxZrangebyscore(String key,
String min,
String max,
RangeLimitOptions options)
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score
Single<JsonArray> |
rxZrangeWithOptions(String key,
long start,
long stop,
RangeOptions options)
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by index
Single<Long> |
rxZrank(String key,
String member)
Determine the index of a member in a sorted set
Single<Long> |
rxZrem(String key,
String member)
Remove one member from a sorted set
Single<Long> |
rxZremMany(String key,
List<String> members)
Remove one or more members from a sorted set
Single<Long> |
rxZremrangebylex(String key,
String min,
String max)
Remove all members in a sorted set between the given lexicographical range
Single<Long> |
rxZremrangebyrank(String key,
long start,
long stop)
Remove all members in a sorted set within the given indexes
Single<Long> |
rxZremrangebyscore(String key,
String min,
String max)
Remove all members in a sorted set within the given scores
Single<JsonArray> |
rxZrevrange(String key,
long start,
long stop,
RangeOptions options)
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by index, with scores ordered from high to low
Single<JsonArray> |
rxZrevrangebylex(String key,
String max,
String min,
LimitOptions options)
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score, between the given lexicographical range with scores ordered from high to low
Single<JsonArray> |
rxZrevrangebyscore(String key,
String max,
String min,
RangeLimitOptions options)
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score, with scores ordered from high to low
Single<Long> |
rxZrevrank(String key,
String member)
Determine the index of a member in a sorted set, with scores ordered from high to low
Single<JsonArray> |
rxZscan(String key,
String cursor,
ScanOptions options)
Incrementally iterate sorted sets elements and associated scores
Single<String> |
rxZscore(String key,
String member)
Get the score associated with the given member in a sorted set
Single<Long> |
rxZunionstore(String destkey,
List<String> sets,
AggregateOptions options)
Add multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a new key
Single<Long> |
rxZunionstoreWeighed(String key,
Map<String,Double> sets,
AggregateOptions options)
Add multiple sorted sets using weights, and store the resulting sorted set in a new key
RedisClient |
sadd(String key,
String member,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Add a member to a set
RedisClient |
saddMany(String key,
List<String> members,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Add one or more members to a set
RedisClient |
save(Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Synchronously save the dataset to disk
RedisClient |
scan(String cursor,
ScanOptions options,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Incrementally iterate the keys space
RedisClient |
scard(String key,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Get the number of members in a set
RedisClient |
scriptDebug(ScriptDebugOptions scriptDebugOptions,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Set the debug mode for executed scripts.
RedisClient |
scriptExists(String script,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Check existence of script in the script cache.
RedisClient |
scriptExistsMany(List<String> scripts,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Check existence of scripts in the script cache.
RedisClient |
scriptFlush(Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Remove all the scripts from the script cache.
RedisClient |
scriptKill(Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Kill the script currently in execution.
RedisClient |
scriptLoad(String script,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Load the specified Lua script into the script cache.
RedisClient |
sdiff(String key,
List<String> cmpkeys,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Subtract multiple sets
RedisClient |
sdiffstore(String destkey,
String key,
List<String> cmpkeys,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Subtract multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key
RedisClient |
select(int dbindex,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Change the selected database for the current connection
RedisClient |
set(String key,
String value,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
Set the string value of a key
RedisClient |
setBinary(String key,
Buffer value,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
Set the binary string value of a key - without encoding as utf-8
RedisClient |
setBinaryWithOptions(String key,
Buffer value,
SetOptions options,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
Set the string value of a key
RedisClient |
setbit(String key,
long offset,
int bit,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Sets or clears the bit at offset in the string value stored at key
RedisClient |
setex(String key,
long seconds,
String value,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Set the value and expiration of a key
RedisClient |
setnx(String key,
String value,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Set the value of a key, only if the key does not exist
RedisClient |
setrange(String key,
int offset,
String value,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Overwrite part of a string at key starting at the specified offset
RedisClient |
setWithOptions(String key,
String value,
SetOptions options,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Set the string value of a key
RedisClient |
sinter(List<String> keys,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Intersect multiple sets
RedisClient |
sinterstore(String destkey,
List<String> keys,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Intersect multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key
RedisClient |
sismember(String key,
String member,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Determine if a given value is a member of a set
RedisClient |
slaveof(String host,
int port,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Make the server a slave of another instance
RedisClient |
slaveofNoone(Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Make this server a master
RedisClient |
slowlogGet(int limit,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Read the Redis slow queries log
RedisClient |
slowlogLen(Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Get the length of the Redis slow queries log
RedisClient |
slowlogReset(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
Reset the Redis slow queries log
RedisClient |
smembers(String key,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Get all the members in a set
RedisClient |
smove(String key,
String destkey,
String member,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Move a member from one set to another
RedisClient |
sort(String key,
SortOptions options,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Sort the elements in a list, set or sorted set
RedisClient |
spop(String key,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Remove and return a random member from a set
RedisClient |
spopMany(String key,
int count,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Remove and return random members from a set
RedisClient |
srandmember(String key,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Get one or multiple random members from a set
RedisClient |
srandmemberCount(String key,
int count,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Get one or multiple random members from a set
RedisClient |
srem(String key,
String member,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Remove one member from a set
RedisClient |
sremMany(String key,
List<String> members,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Remove one or more members from a set
RedisClient |
sscan(String key,
String cursor,
ScanOptions options,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Incrementally iterate Set elements
RedisClient |
strlen(String key,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Get the length of the value stored in a key
RedisClient |
subscribe(String channel,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Listen for messages published to the given channels
RedisClient |
subscribeMany(List<String> channels,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Listen for messages published to the given channels
RedisClient |
sunion(List<String> keys,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Add multiple sets
RedisClient |
sunionstore(String destkey,
List<String> keys,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Add multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key
RedisClient |
swapdb(int index1,
int index2,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Swaps two Redis databases
RedisClient |
sync(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
Internal command used for replication
RedisClient |
time(Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Return the current server time
String |
toString() |
RedisClient |
touch(String key,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Alters the last access time of a key(s).
RedisClient |
touchMany(List<String> keys,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Alters the last access time of a key(s).
RedisTransaction |
Return a RedisTransaction instance
RedisClient |
ttl(String key,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Get the time to live for a key
RedisClient |
type(String key,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Determine the type stored at key
RedisClient |
unlink(String key,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Delete a key asynchronously in another thread.
RedisClient |
unlinkMany(List<String> keys,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Delete multiple keys asynchronously in another thread.
RedisClient |
unsubscribe(List<String> channels,
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
Stop listening for messages posted to the given channels
RedisClient |
wait(long numSlaves,
long timeout,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Wait for the synchronous replication of all the write commands sent in the context of the current connection.
RedisClient |
zadd(String key,
double score,
String member,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists
RedisClient |
zaddMany(String key,
Map<String,Double> members,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists
RedisClient |
zcard(String key,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Get the number of members in a sorted set
RedisClient |
zcount(String key,
double min,
double max,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Count the members in a sorted set with scores within the given values
RedisClient |
zincrby(String key,
double increment,
String member,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Increment the score of a member in a sorted set
RedisClient |
zinterstore(String destkey,
List<String> sets,
AggregateOptions options,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Intersect multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a new key
RedisClient |
zinterstoreWeighed(String destkey,
Map<String,Double> sets,
AggregateOptions options,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Intersect multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a new key using weights for scoring
RedisClient |
zlexcount(String key,
String min,
String max,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Count the number of members in a sorted set between a given lexicographical range
RedisClient |
zrange(String key,
long start,
long stop,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by index
RedisClient |
zrangebylex(String key,
String min,
String max,
LimitOptions options,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by lexicographical range
RedisClient |
zrangebyscore(String key,
String min,
String max,
RangeLimitOptions options,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score
RedisClient |
zrangeWithOptions(String key,
long start,
long stop,
RangeOptions options,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by index
RedisClient |
zrank(String key,
String member,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Determine the index of a member in a sorted set
RedisClient |
zrem(String key,
String member,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Remove one member from a sorted set
RedisClient |
zremMany(String key,
List<String> members,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Remove one or more members from a sorted set
RedisClient |
zremrangebylex(String key,
String min,
String max,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Remove all members in a sorted set between the given lexicographical range
RedisClient |
zremrangebyrank(String key,
long start,
long stop,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Remove all members in a sorted set within the given indexes
RedisClient |
zremrangebyscore(String key,
String min,
String max,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Remove all members in a sorted set within the given scores
RedisClient |
zrevrange(String key,
long start,
long stop,
RangeOptions options,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by index, with scores ordered from high to low
RedisClient |
zrevrangebylex(String key,
String max,
String min,
LimitOptions options,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score, between the given lexicographical range with scores ordered from high to low
RedisClient |
zrevrangebyscore(String key,
String max,
String min,
RangeLimitOptions options,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score, with scores ordered from high to low
RedisClient |
zrevrank(String key,
String member,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Determine the index of a member in a sorted set, with scores ordered from high to low
RedisClient |
zscan(String key,
String cursor,
ScanOptions options,
Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
Incrementally iterate sorted sets elements and associated scores
RedisClient |
zscore(String key,
String member,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
Get the score associated with the given member in a sorted set
RedisClient |
zunionstore(String destkey,
List<String> sets,
AggregateOptions options,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Add multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a new key
RedisClient |
zunionstoreWeighed(String key,
Map<String,Double> sets,
AggregateOptions options,
Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
Add multiple sorted sets using weights, and store the resulting sorted set in a new key
public static final io.vertx.lang.rx.TypeArg<RedisClient> __TYPE_ARG
public RedisClient(RedisClient delegate)
public RedisClient(Object delegate)
public RedisClient getDelegate()
public static RedisClient create(Vertx vertx)
public static RedisClient create(Vertx vertx, JsonObject config)
public void close(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
- public Completable rxClose()
public RedisClient append(String key, String value, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringvalue
- Value to appendhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxAppend(String key, String value)
- Key stringvalue
- Value to appendpublic RedisClient auth(String password, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- Password for authenticationhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<String> rxAuth(String password)
- Password for authenticationpublic RedisClient bgrewriteaof(Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- public Single<String> rxBgrewriteaof()
public RedisClient bgsave(Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- public RedisClient bitcount(String key, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxBitcount(String key)
- Key stringpublic RedisClient bitcountRange(String key, long start, long end, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringstart
- Start indexend
- End indexhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxBitcountRange(String key, long start, long end)
- Key stringstart
- Start indexend
- End indexpublic RedisClient bitop(BitOperation operation, String destkey, List<String> keys, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Bitwise operation to performdestkey
- Destination key where result is storedkeys
- List of keys on which to perform the operationhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxBitop(BitOperation operation, String destkey, List<String> keys)
- Bitwise operation to performdestkey
- Destination key where result is storedkeys
- List of keys on which to perform the operationpublic RedisClient bitpos(String key, int bit, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringbit
- What bit value to look for - must be 1, or 0handler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxBitpos(String key, int bit)
- Key stringbit
- What bit value to look for - must be 1, or 0public RedisClient bitposFrom(String key, int bit, int start, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringbit
- What bit value to look for - must be 1, or 0start
- Start offsethandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxBitposFrom(String key, int bit, int start)
- Key stringbit
- What bit value to look for - must be 1, or 0start
- Start offsetpublic RedisClient bitposRange(String key, int bit, int start, int stop, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringbit
- What bit value to look for - must be 1, or 0start
- Start offsetstop
- End offset - inclusivehandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxBitposRange(String key, int bit, int start, int stop)
- Key stringbit
- What bit value to look for - must be 1, or 0start
- Start offsetstop
- End offset - inclusivepublic RedisClient blpop(String key, int seconds, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- Key string identifying a list to watchseconds
- Timeout in secondshandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxBlpop(String key, int seconds)
- Key string identifying a list to watchseconds
- Timeout in secondspublic RedisClient blpopMany(List<String> keys, int seconds, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- List of key strings identifying lists to watchseconds
- Timeout in secondshandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxBlpopMany(List<String> keys, int seconds)
- List of key strings identifying lists to watchseconds
- Timeout in secondspublic RedisClient brpop(String key, int seconds, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- Key string identifying a list to watchseconds
- Timeout in secondshandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxBrpop(String key, int seconds)
- Key string identifying a list to watchseconds
- Timeout in secondspublic RedisClient brpopMany(List<String> keys, int seconds, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- List of key strings identifying lists to watchseconds
- Timeout in secondshandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxBrpopMany(List<String> keys, int seconds)
- List of key strings identifying lists to watchseconds
- Timeout in secondspublic RedisClient brpoplpush(String key, String destkey, int seconds, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- Key string identifying the source listdestkey
- Key string identifying the destination listseconds
- Timeout in secondshandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<String> rxBrpoplpush(String key, String destkey, int seconds)
- Key string identifying the source listdestkey
- Key string identifying the destination listseconds
- Timeout in secondspublic RedisClient clientKill(KillFilter filter, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Filter optionshandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxClientKill(KillFilter filter)
- Filter optionspublic RedisClient clientList(Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- public RedisClient clientGetname(Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- public RedisClient clientPause(long millis, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- Pause time in millisecondshandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<String> rxClientPause(long millis)
- Pause time in millisecondspublic RedisClient clientSetname(String name, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- New name for current connectionhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<String> rxClientSetname(String name)
- New name for current connectionpublic RedisClient clusterAddslots(List<Long> slots, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
- handler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Completable rxClusterAddslots(List<Long> slots)
- public RedisClient clusterCountFailureReports(String nodeId, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- handler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxClusterCountFailureReports(String nodeId)
- public RedisClient clusterCountkeysinslot(long slot, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- handler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxClusterCountkeysinslot(long slot)
- public RedisClient clusterDelslots(long slot, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
- handler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Completable rxClusterDelslots(long slot)
- public RedisClient clusterDelslotsMany(List<Long> slots, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
- handler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Completable rxClusterDelslotsMany(List<Long> slots)
- public RedisClient clusterFailover(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
- Handler for the result of this call.public Completable rxClusterFailover()
public RedisClient clusterFailOverWithOptions(FailoverOptions options, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
- handler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Completable rxClusterFailOverWithOptions(FailoverOptions options)
- public RedisClient clusterForget(String nodeId, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
- handler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Completable rxClusterForget(String nodeId)
- public RedisClient clusterGetkeysinslot(long slot, long count, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- count
- handler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxClusterGetkeysinslot(long slot, long count)
- count
- public RedisClient clusterInfo(Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxClusterInfo()
public RedisClient clusterKeyslot(String key, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- handler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxClusterKeyslot(String key)
- public RedisClient clusterMeet(String ip, long port, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
- port
- handler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Completable rxClusterMeet(String ip, long port)
- port
- public RedisClient clusterNodes(Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- Handler for the result of this call.public RedisClient clusterReplicate(String nodeId, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
- handler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Completable rxClusterReplicate(String nodeId)
- public RedisClient clusterReset(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
- Handler for the result of this call.public Completable rxClusterReset()
public RedisClient clusterResetWithOptions(ResetOptions options, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
- handler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Completable rxClusterResetWithOptions(ResetOptions options)
- public RedisClient clusterSaveconfig(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
- Handler for the result of this call.public Completable rxClusterSaveconfig()
public RedisClient clusterSetConfigEpoch(long epoch, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
- handler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Completable rxClusterSetConfigEpoch(long epoch)
- public RedisClient clusterSetslot(long slot, SlotCmd subcommand, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
- subcommand
- handler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Completable rxClusterSetslot(long slot, SlotCmd subcommand)
- subcommand
- public RedisClient clusterSetslotWithNode(long slot, SlotCmd subcommand, String nodeId, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
- subcommand
- nodeId
- handler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Completable rxClusterSetslotWithNode(long slot, SlotCmd subcommand, String nodeId)
- subcommand
- nodeId
- public RedisClient clusterSlaves(String nodeId, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- handler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxClusterSlaves(String nodeId)
- public RedisClient clusterSlots(Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- public Single<JsonArray> rxClusterSlots()
public RedisClient command(Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- public RedisClient commandCount(Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- public RedisClient commandGetkeys(Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- public Single<JsonArray> rxCommandGetkeys()
public RedisClient commandInfo(List<String> commands, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- List of commands to get info forhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxCommandInfo(List<String> commands)
- List of commands to get info forpublic RedisClient configGet(String parameter, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- Configuration parameterhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxConfigGet(String parameter)
- Configuration parameterpublic RedisClient configRewrite(Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- public Single<String> rxConfigRewrite()
public RedisClient configSet(String parameter, String value, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- Configuration parametervalue
- New valuehandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<String> rxConfigSet(String parameter, String value)
- Configuration parametervalue
- New valuepublic RedisClient configResetstat(Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- public Single<String> rxConfigResetstat()
public RedisClient dbsize(Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- public RedisClient debugObject(String key, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- Key stringhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<String> rxDebugObject(String key)
- Key stringpublic RedisClient debugSegfault(Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- public RedisClient decr(String key, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxDecr(String key)
- Key stringpublic RedisClient decrby(String key, long decrement, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringdecrement
- Value by which to decrementhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxDecrby(String key, long decrement)
- Key stringdecrement
- Value by which to decrementpublic RedisClient del(String key, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Keys to deletehandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public RedisClient delMany(List<String> keys, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- List of keys to deletehandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxDelMany(List<String> keys)
- List of keys to deletepublic RedisClient dump(String key, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- Key stringhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<String> rxDump(String key)
- Key stringpublic RedisClient echo(String message, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- String to echohandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<String> rxEcho(String message)
- String to echopublic RedisClient eval(String script, List<String> keys, List<String> args, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- Lua script to evaluatekeys
- List of keysargs
- List of argument valueshandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxEval(String script, List<String> keys, List<String> args)
- Lua script to evaluatekeys
- List of keysargs
- List of argument valuespublic RedisClient evalsha(String sha1, List<String> keys, List<String> values, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- SHA1 digest of the script cached on the serverkeys
- List of keysvalues
- List of valueshandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxEvalsha(String sha1, List<String> keys, List<String> values)
- SHA1 digest of the script cached on the serverkeys
- List of keysvalues
- List of valuespublic RedisClient evalScript(Script script, List<String> keys, List<String> args, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- Lua script and its SHA1 digestkeys
- List of keysargs
- List of argument valueshandler
- Handler for the result of this call. group: scriptingpublic Single<JsonArray> rxEvalScript(Script script, List<String> keys, List<String> args)
- Lua script and its SHA1 digestkeys
- List of keysargs
- List of argument valuespublic RedisClient exists(String key, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxExists(String key)
- Key stringpublic RedisClient existsMany(List<String> keys, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- List of key stringshandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxExistsMany(List<String> keys)
- List of key stringspublic RedisClient expire(String key, long seconds, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringseconds
- Time to live in secondshandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxExpire(String key, long seconds)
- Key stringseconds
- Time to live in secondspublic RedisClient expireat(String key, long seconds, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringseconds
- Expiry time as Unix timestamp in secondshandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxExpireat(String key, long seconds)
- Key stringseconds
- Expiry time as Unix timestamp in secondspublic RedisClient flushall(Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- public RedisClient flushdb(Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- public RedisClient get(String key, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- Key stringhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Maybe<String> rxGet(String key)
- Key stringpublic RedisClient getBinary(String key, Handler<AsyncResult<Buffer>> handler)
- Key stringhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Maybe<Buffer> rxGetBinary(String key)
- Key stringpublic RedisClient getbit(String key, long offset, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringoffset
- Offset in bitshandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxGetbit(String key, long offset)
- Key stringoffset
- Offset in bitspublic RedisClient getrange(String key, long start, long end, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- Key stringstart
- Start offsetend
- End offset - inclusivehandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<String> rxGetrange(String key, long start, long end)
- Key stringstart
- Start offsetend
- End offset - inclusivepublic RedisClient getset(String key, String value, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- Key of which value to setvalue
- New value for the keyhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Maybe<String> rxGetset(String key, String value)
- Key of which value to setvalue
- New value for the keypublic RedisClient hdel(String key, String field, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringfield
- Field namehandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxHdel(String key, String field)
- Key stringfield
- Field namepublic RedisClient hdelMany(String key, List<String> fields, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringfields
- Field nameshandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxHdelMany(String key, List<String> fields)
- Key stringfields
- Field namespublic RedisClient hexists(String key, String field, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringfield
- Field namehandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxHexists(String key, String field)
- Key stringfield
- Field namepublic RedisClient hget(String key, String field, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- Key stringfield
- Field namehandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Maybe<String> rxHget(String key, String field)
- Key stringfield
- Field namepublic RedisClient hgetall(String key, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonObject>> handler)
- Key stringhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonObject> rxHgetall(String key)
- Key stringpublic RedisClient hincrby(String key, String field, long increment, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringfield
- Field nameincrement
- Value by which to incrementhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxHincrby(String key, String field, long increment)
- Key stringfield
- Field nameincrement
- Value by which to incrementpublic RedisClient hincrbyfloat(String key, String field, double increment, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- Key stringfield
- Field nameincrement
- Value by which to incrementhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<String> rxHincrbyfloat(String key, String field, double increment)
- Key stringfield
- Field nameincrement
- Value by which to incrementpublic RedisClient hkeys(String key, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- Key stringhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxHkeys(String key)
- Key stringpublic RedisClient hlen(String key, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxHlen(String key)
- Key stringpublic RedisClient hmget(String key, List<String> fields, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- Key stringfields
- Field nameshandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxHmget(String key, List<String> fields)
- Key stringfields
- Field namespublic RedisClient hmset(String key, JsonObject values, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- Key stringvalues
- Map of field:value pairshandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<String> rxHmset(String key, JsonObject values)
- Key stringvalues
- Map of field:value pairspublic RedisClient hset(String key, String field, String value, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringfield
- Field namevalue
- New valuehandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxHset(String key, String field, String value)
- Key stringfield
- Field namevalue
- New valuepublic RedisClient hsetnx(String key, String field, String value, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringfield
- Field namevalue
- New valuehandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxHsetnx(String key, String field, String value)
- Key stringfield
- Field namevalue
- New valuepublic RedisClient hvals(String key, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- Key stringhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxHvals(String key)
- Key stringpublic RedisClient incr(String key, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxIncr(String key)
- Key stringpublic RedisClient incrby(String key, long increment, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringincrement
- Value by which to incrementhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxIncrby(String key, long increment)
- Key stringincrement
- Value by which to incrementpublic RedisClient incrbyfloat(String key, double increment, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- Key stringincrement
- Value by which to incrementhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<String> rxIncrbyfloat(String key, double increment)
- Key stringincrement
- Value by which to incrementpublic RedisClient info(Handler<AsyncResult<JsonObject>> handler)
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonObject> rxInfo()
public RedisClient infoSection(String section, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonObject>> handler)
- Specific section of information to returnhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonObject> rxInfoSection(String section)
- Specific section of information to returnpublic RedisClient keys(String pattern, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- Pattern to limit the keys returnedhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxKeys(String pattern)
- Pattern to limit the keys returnedpublic RedisClient lastsave(Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- public Single<Long> rxLastsave()
public RedisClient lindex(String key, int index, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- Key stringindex
- Index of list element to gethandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<String> rxLindex(String key, int index)
- Key stringindex
- Index of list element to getpublic RedisClient linsert(String key, InsertOptions option, String pivot, String value, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringoption
- BEFORE or AFTERpivot
- Key to use as a pivotvalue
- Value to be inserted before or after the pivothandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxLinsert(String key, InsertOptions option, String pivot, String value)
- Key stringoption
- BEFORE or AFTERpivot
- Key to use as a pivotvalue
- Value to be inserted before or after the pivotpublic RedisClient llen(String key, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- String keyhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxLlen(String key)
- String keypublic RedisClient lpop(String key, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- String keyhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Maybe<String> rxLpop(String key)
- String keypublic RedisClient lpushMany(String key, List<String> values, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringvalues
- Values to be added at the beginning of the list, one by onehandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxLpushMany(String key, List<String> values)
- Key stringvalues
- Values to be added at the beginning of the list, one by onepublic RedisClient lpush(String key, String value, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringvalue
- Value to be added at the beginning of the listhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxLpush(String key, String value)
- Key stringvalue
- Value to be added at the beginning of the listpublic RedisClient lpushx(String key, String value, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringvalue
- Value to add at the beginning of the listhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxLpushx(String key, String value)
- Key stringvalue
- Value to add at the beginning of the listpublic RedisClient lrange(String key, long from, long to, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- Key stringfrom
- Start indexto
- Stop indexhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxLrange(String key, long from, long to)
- Key stringfrom
- Start indexto
- Stop indexpublic RedisClient lrem(String key, long count, String value, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringcount
- Number of first found occurrences equal to $value to remove from the listvalue
- Value to be removedhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxLrem(String key, long count, String value)
- Key stringcount
- Number of first found occurrences equal to $value to remove from the listvalue
- Value to be removedpublic RedisClient lset(String key, long index, String value, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- Key stringindex
- Position within listvalue
- New valuehandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<String> rxLset(String key, long index, String value)
- Key stringindex
- Position within listvalue
- New valuepublic RedisClient ltrim(String key, long from, long to, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- Key stringfrom
- Start indexto
- Stop indexhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<String> rxLtrim(String key, long from, long to)
- Key stringfrom
- Start indexto
- Stop indexpublic RedisClient mget(String key, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- Key stringhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxMget(String key)
- Key stringpublic RedisClient mgetMany(List<String> keys, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- List of keys to gethandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxMgetMany(List<String> keys)
- List of keys to getpublic RedisClient migrate(String host, int port, String key, int destdb, long timeout, MigrateOptions options, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- Destination hostport
- Destination portkey
- Key to migratedestdb
- Destination database indextimeout
- options
- Migrate optionshandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<String> rxMigrate(String host, int port, String key, int destdb, long timeout, MigrateOptions options)
- Destination hostport
- Destination portkey
- Key to migratedestdb
- Destination database indextimeout
- options
- Migrate optionspublic RedisClient monitor(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
- public Completable rxMonitor()
public RedisClient move(String key, int destdb, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key to migratedestdb
- Destination database indexhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxMove(String key, int destdb)
- Key to migratedestdb
- Destination database indexpublic RedisClient mset(JsonObject keyvals, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- Key value pairs to sethandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<String> rxMset(JsonObject keyvals)
- Key value pairs to setpublic RedisClient msetnx(JsonObject keyvals, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key value pairs to sethandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxMsetnx(JsonObject keyvals)
- Key value pairs to setpublic RedisClient object(String key, ObjectCmd cmd, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
- Key stringcmd
- Object sub commandhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Completable rxObject(String key, ObjectCmd cmd)
- Key stringcmd
- Object sub commandpublic RedisClient persist(String key, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxPersist(String key)
- Key stringpublic RedisClient pexpire(String key, long millis, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- String keymillis
- Time to live in millisecondshandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxPexpire(String key, long millis)
- String keymillis
- Time to live in millisecondspublic RedisClient pexpireat(String key, long millis, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringmillis
- Expiry time as Unix timestamp in millisecondshandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxPexpireat(String key, long millis)
- Key stringmillis
- Expiry time as Unix timestamp in millisecondspublic RedisClient pfadd(String key, String element, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringelement
- Element to addhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxPfadd(String key, String element)
- Key stringelement
- Element to addpublic RedisClient pfaddMany(String key, List<String> elements, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringelements
- Elementa to addhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxPfaddMany(String key, List<String> elements)
- Key stringelements
- Elementa to addpublic RedisClient pfcount(String key, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxPfcount(String key)
- Key stringpublic RedisClient pfcountMany(List<String> keys, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- List of keyshandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxPfcountMany(List<String> keys)
- List of keyspublic RedisClient pfmerge(String destkey, List<String> keys, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- Destination keykeys
- List of source keyshandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<String> rxPfmerge(String destkey, List<String> keys)
- Destination keykeys
- List of source keyspublic RedisClient ping(Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- public RedisClient psetex(String key, long millis, String value, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
- Key stringmillis
- Number of milliseconds until the key expiresvalue
- New value for keyhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Completable rxPsetex(String key, long millis, String value)
- Key stringmillis
- Number of milliseconds until the key expiresvalue
- New value for keypublic RedisClient psubscribe(String pattern, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- Pattern stringhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxPsubscribe(String pattern)
- Pattern stringpublic RedisClient psubscribeMany(List<String> patterns, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- List of patternshandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxPsubscribeMany(List<String> patterns)
- List of patternspublic RedisClient pubsubChannels(String pattern, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- A glob-style pattern - an empty string means no patternhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxPubsubChannels(String pattern)
- A glob-style pattern - an empty string means no patternpublic RedisClient pubsubNumsub(List<String> channels, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- List of channelshandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxPubsubNumsub(List<String> channels)
- List of channelspublic RedisClient pubsubNumpat(Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxPubsubNumpat()
public RedisClient pttl(String key, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxPttl(String key)
- Key stringpublic RedisClient publish(String channel, String message, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Channel keymessage
- Message to send to channelhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxPublish(String channel, String message)
- Channel keymessage
- Message to send to channelpublic RedisClient punsubscribe(List<String> patterns, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
- List of patterns to match againsthandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Completable rxPunsubscribe(List<String> patterns)
- List of patterns to match againstpublic RedisClient randomkey(Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- public RedisClient rename(String key, String newkey, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- Key string to be renamednewkey
- New key stringhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<String> rxRename(String key, String newkey)
- Key string to be renamednewkey
- New key stringpublic RedisClient renamenx(String key, String newkey, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key string to be renamednewkey
- New key stringhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxRenamenx(String key, String newkey)
- Key string to be renamednewkey
- New key stringpublic RedisClient restore(String key, long millis, String serialized, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- Key stringmillis
- Expiry time in milliseconds to set on the keyserialized
- Serialized form of the key value as obtained using DUMPhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<String> rxRestore(String key, long millis, String serialized)
- Key stringmillis
- Expiry time in milliseconds to set on the keyserialized
- Serialized form of the key value as obtained using DUMPpublic RedisClient role(Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- public Single<JsonArray> rxRole()
public RedisClient rpop(String key, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- Key stringhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<String> rxRpop(String key)
- Key stringpublic RedisClient rpoplpush(String key, String destkey, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- Key string identifying source listdestkey
- Key string identifying destination listhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<String> rxRpoplpush(String key, String destkey)
- Key string identifying source listdestkey
- Key string identifying destination listpublic RedisClient rpushMany(String key, List<String> values, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringvalues
- List of values to add to the end of the listhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxRpushMany(String key, List<String> values)
- Key stringvalues
- List of values to add to the end of the listpublic RedisClient rpush(String key, String value, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringvalue
- Value to be added to the end of the listhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxRpush(String key, String value)
- Key stringvalue
- Value to be added to the end of the listpublic RedisClient rpushx(String key, String value, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringvalue
- Value to be added to the end of the listhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxRpushx(String key, String value)
- Key stringvalue
- Value to be added to the end of the listpublic RedisClient sadd(String key, String member, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringmember
- Value to be added to the sethandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxSadd(String key, String member)
- Key stringmember
- Value to be added to the setpublic RedisClient saddMany(String key, List<String> members, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringmembers
- Values to be added to the sethandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxSaddMany(String key, List<String> members)
- Key stringmembers
- Values to be added to the setpublic RedisClient save(Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- public RedisClient scard(String key, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxScard(String key)
- Key stringpublic RedisClient scriptExists(String script, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- SHA1 digest identifying a script in the script cachehandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxScriptExists(String script)
- SHA1 digest identifying a script in the script cachepublic RedisClient scriptExistsMany(List<String> scripts, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- List of SHA1 digests identifying scripts in the script cachehandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxScriptExistsMany(List<String> scripts)
- List of SHA1 digests identifying scripts in the script cachepublic RedisClient scriptFlush(Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- public Single<String> rxScriptFlush()
public RedisClient scriptKill(Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- public RedisClient scriptLoad(String script, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- Lua scripthandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<String> rxScriptLoad(String script)
- Lua scriptpublic RedisClient sdiff(String key, List<String> cmpkeys, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- Key identifying the set to compare with all other sets combinedcmpkeys
- List of keys identifying sets to subtract from the key sethandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxSdiff(String key, List<String> cmpkeys)
- Key identifying the set to compare with all other sets combinedcmpkeys
- List of keys identifying sets to subtract from the key setpublic RedisClient sdiffstore(String destkey, String key, List<String> cmpkeys, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Destination key where the result should be storedkey
- Key identifying the set to compare with all other sets combinedcmpkeys
- List of keys identifying sets to subtract from the key sethandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxSdiffstore(String destkey, String key, List<String> cmpkeys)
- Destination key where the result should be storedkey
- Key identifying the set to compare with all other sets combinedcmpkeys
- List of keys identifying sets to subtract from the key setpublic RedisClient select(int dbindex, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- Index identifying the new active databasehandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<String> rxSelect(int dbindex)
- Index identifying the new active databasepublic RedisClient set(String key, String value, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
- Key of which value to setvalue
- New value for the keyhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Completable rxSet(String key, String value)
- Key of which value to setvalue
- New value for the keypublic RedisClient setWithOptions(String key, String value, SetOptions options, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- Key of which value to setvalue
- New value for the keyoptions
- Set optionshandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<String> rxSetWithOptions(String key, String value, SetOptions options)
- Key of which value to setvalue
- New value for the keyoptions
- Set optionspublic RedisClient setBinary(String key, Buffer value, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
- Key of which value to setvalue
- New value for the keyhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Completable rxSetBinary(String key, Buffer value)
- Key of which value to setvalue
- New value for the keypublic RedisClient setBinaryWithOptions(String key, Buffer value, SetOptions options, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
- Key of which value to setvalue
- New value for the keyoptions
- Set optionshandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Completable rxSetBinaryWithOptions(String key, Buffer value, SetOptions options)
- Key of which value to setvalue
- New value for the keyoptions
- Set optionspublic RedisClient setbit(String key, long offset, int bit, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringoffset
- Bit offsetbit
- New value - must be 1 or 0handler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxSetbit(String key, long offset, int bit)
- Key stringoffset
- Bit offsetbit
- New value - must be 1 or 0public RedisClient setex(String key, long seconds, String value, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- Key stringseconds
- Number of seconds until the key expiresvalue
- New value for keyhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<String> rxSetex(String key, long seconds, String value)
- Key stringseconds
- Number of seconds until the key expiresvalue
- New value for keypublic RedisClient setnx(String key, String value, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key of which value to setvalue
- New value for the keyhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxSetnx(String key, String value)
- Key of which value to setvalue
- New value for the keypublic RedisClient setrange(String key, int offset, String value, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringoffset
- Offset - the maximum offset that you can set is 2^29 -1 (536870911), as Redis Strings are limited to 512 megabytesvalue
- Value to overwrite withhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxSetrange(String key, int offset, String value)
- Key stringoffset
- Offset - the maximum offset that you can set is 2^29 -1 (536870911), as Redis Strings are limited to 512 megabytesvalue
- Value to overwrite withpublic RedisClient sinter(List<String> keys, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- List of keys to perform intersection onhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxSinter(List<String> keys)
- List of keys to perform intersection onpublic RedisClient sinterstore(String destkey, List<String> keys, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key where to store the resultskeys
- List of keys to perform intersection onhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxSinterstore(String destkey, List<String> keys)
- Key where to store the resultskeys
- List of keys to perform intersection onpublic RedisClient sismember(String key, String member, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringmember
- Member to look forhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxSismember(String key, String member)
- Key stringmember
- Member to look forpublic RedisClient slaveof(String host, int port, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- Host to become this server's masterport
- Port of our new masterhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<String> rxSlaveof(String host, int port)
- Host to become this server's masterport
- Port of our new masterpublic RedisClient slaveofNoone(Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- Handler for the result of this call.public RedisClient slowlogGet(int limit, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- Number of log entries to return. If value is less than zero all entries are returnedhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxSlowlogGet(int limit)
- Number of log entries to return. If value is less than zero all entries are returnedpublic RedisClient slowlogLen(Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxSlowlogLen()
public RedisClient slowlogReset(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
- Handler for the result of this call.public Completable rxSlowlogReset()
public RedisClient smembers(String key, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- Key stringhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxSmembers(String key)
- Key stringpublic RedisClient smove(String key, String destkey, String member, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key of source set currently containing the memberdestkey
- Key identifying the destination setmember
- Member to movehandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxSmove(String key, String destkey, String member)
- Key of source set currently containing the memberdestkey
- Key identifying the destination setmember
- Member to movepublic RedisClient sort(String key, SortOptions options, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- Key stringoptions
- Sort optionshandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxSort(String key, SortOptions options)
- Key stringoptions
- Sort optionspublic RedisClient spop(String key, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- Key stringhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Maybe<String> rxSpop(String key)
- Key stringpublic RedisClient spopMany(String key, int count, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- Key stringcount
- Number of members to removehandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxSpopMany(String key, int count)
- Key stringcount
- Number of members to removepublic RedisClient srandmember(String key, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- Key stringhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<String> rxSrandmember(String key)
- Key stringpublic RedisClient srandmemberCount(String key, int count, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- Key stringcount
- Number of members to gethandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxSrandmemberCount(String key, int count)
- Key stringcount
- Number of members to getpublic RedisClient srem(String key, String member, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringmember
- Member to removehandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxSrem(String key, String member)
- Key stringmember
- Member to removepublic RedisClient sremMany(String key, List<String> members, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringmembers
- Members to removehandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxSremMany(String key, List<String> members)
- Key stringmembers
- Members to removepublic RedisClient strlen(String key, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxStrlen(String key)
- Key stringpublic RedisClient subscribe(String channel, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- Channel to subscribe tohandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxSubscribe(String channel)
- Channel to subscribe topublic RedisClient subscribeMany(List<String> channels, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- List of channels to subscribe tohandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxSubscribeMany(List<String> channels)
- List of channels to subscribe topublic RedisClient sunion(List<String> keys, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- List of keys identifying sets to add uphandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxSunion(List<String> keys)
- List of keys identifying sets to add uppublic RedisClient sunionstore(String destkey, List<String> keys, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Destination keykeys
- List of keys identifying sets to add uphandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxSunionstore(String destkey, List<String> keys)
- Destination keykeys
- List of keys identifying sets to add uppublic RedisClient sync(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
- public Completable rxSync()
public RedisClient time(Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- public RedisTransaction transaction()
public RedisClient ttl(String key, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxTtl(String key)
- Key stringpublic RedisClient type(String key, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- Key stringhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<String> rxType(String key)
- Key stringpublic RedisClient unsubscribe(List<String> channels, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)
- List of channels to subscribe tohandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Completable rxUnsubscribe(List<String> channels)
- List of channels to subscribe topublic RedisClient wait(long numSlaves, long timeout, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- timeout
- handler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<String> rxWait(long numSlaves, long timeout)
- timeout
- public RedisClient zadd(String key, double score, String member, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringscore
- Score used for sortingmember
- New member keyhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxZadd(String key, double score, String member)
- Key stringscore
- Score used for sortingmember
- New member keypublic RedisClient zaddMany(String key, Map<String,Double> members, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringmembers
- New member keys and their scoreshandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxZaddMany(String key, Map<String,Double> members)
- Key stringmembers
- New member keys and their scorespublic RedisClient zcard(String key, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxZcard(String key)
- Key stringpublic RedisClient zcount(String key, double min, double max, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringmin
- Minimum scoremax
- Maximum scorehandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxZcount(String key, double min, double max)
- Key stringmin
- Minimum scoremax
- Maximum scorepublic RedisClient zincrby(String key, double increment, String member, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- Key stringincrement
- Increment amountmember
- Member keyhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<String> rxZincrby(String key, double increment, String member)
- Key stringincrement
- Increment amountmember
- Member keypublic RedisClient zinterstore(String destkey, List<String> sets, AggregateOptions options, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Destination keysets
- List of keys identifying sorted sets to intersectoptions
- Aggregation optionshandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxZinterstore(String destkey, List<String> sets, AggregateOptions options)
- Destination keysets
- List of keys identifying sorted sets to intersectoptions
- Aggregation optionspublic RedisClient zinterstoreWeighed(String destkey, Map<String,Double> sets, AggregateOptions options, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Destination keysets
- List of keys identifying sorted sets to intersectoptions
- Aggregation optionshandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxZinterstoreWeighed(String destkey, Map<String,Double> sets, AggregateOptions options)
- Destination keysets
- List of keys identifying sorted sets to intersectoptions
- Aggregation optionspublic RedisClient zlexcount(String key, String min, String max, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringmin
- Pattern to compare against for minimum valuemax
- Pattern to compare against for maximum valuehandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxZlexcount(String key, String min, String max)
- Key stringmin
- Pattern to compare against for minimum valuemax
- Pattern to compare against for maximum valuepublic RedisClient zrange(String key, long start, long stop, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- Key stringstart
- Start index for the rangestop
- Stop index for the range - inclusivehandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxZrange(String key, long start, long stop)
- Key stringstart
- Start index for the rangestop
- Stop index for the range - inclusivepublic RedisClient zrangeWithOptions(String key, long start, long stop, RangeOptions options, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- Key stringstart
- Start index for the rangestop
- Stop index for the range - inclusiveoptions
- Range optionshandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxZrangeWithOptions(String key, long start, long stop, RangeOptions options)
- Key stringstart
- Start index for the rangestop
- Stop index for the range - inclusiveoptions
- Range optionspublic RedisClient zrangebylex(String key, String min, String max, LimitOptions options, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- Key stringmin
- Pattern representing a minimum allowed valuemax
- Pattern representing a maximum allowed valueoptions
- Limit options where limit can be specifiedhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxZrangebylex(String key, String min, String max, LimitOptions options)
- Key stringmin
- Pattern representing a minimum allowed valuemax
- Pattern representing a maximum allowed valueoptions
- Limit options where limit can be specifiedpublic RedisClient zrangebyscore(String key, String min, String max, RangeLimitOptions options, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- Key stringmin
- Pattern defining a minimum valuemax
- Pattern defining a maximum valueoptions
- Range and limit optionshandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxZrangebyscore(String key, String min, String max, RangeLimitOptions options)
- Key stringmin
- Pattern defining a minimum valuemax
- Pattern defining a maximum valueoptions
- Range and limit optionspublic RedisClient zrank(String key, String member, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringmember
- Member in the sorted set identified by keyhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxZrank(String key, String member)
- Key stringmember
- Member in the sorted set identified by keypublic RedisClient zrem(String key, String member, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringmember
- Member in the sorted set identified by keyhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxZrem(String key, String member)
- Key stringmember
- Member in the sorted set identified by keypublic RedisClient zremMany(String key, List<String> members, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringmembers
- Members in the sorted set identified by keyhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxZremMany(String key, List<String> members)
- Key stringmembers
- Members in the sorted set identified by keypublic RedisClient zremrangebylex(String key, String min, String max, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringmin
- Pattern defining a minimum valuemax
- Pattern defining a maximum valuehandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxZremrangebylex(String key, String min, String max)
- Key stringmin
- Pattern defining a minimum valuemax
- Pattern defining a maximum valuepublic RedisClient zremrangebyrank(String key, long start, long stop, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringstart
- Start indexstop
- Stop indexhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxZremrangebyrank(String key, long start, long stop)
- Key stringstart
- Start indexstop
- Stop indexpublic RedisClient zremrangebyscore(String key, String min, String max, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringmin
- Pattern defining a minimum valuemax
- Pattern defining a maximum valuehandler
- public Single<Long> rxZremrangebyscore(String key, String min, String max)
- Key stringmin
- Pattern defining a minimum valuemax
- Pattern defining a maximum valuepublic RedisClient zrevrange(String key, long start, long stop, RangeOptions options, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- Key stringstart
- Start index for the rangestop
- Stop index for the range - inclusiveoptions
- Range optionshandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxZrevrange(String key, long start, long stop, RangeOptions options)
- Key stringstart
- Start index for the rangestop
- Stop index for the range - inclusiveoptions
- Range optionspublic RedisClient zrevrangebylex(String key, String max, String min, LimitOptions options, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- Key stringmax
- Pattern defining a maximum valuemin
- Pattern defining a minimum valueoptions
- Limit optionshandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxZrevrangebylex(String key, String max, String min, LimitOptions options)
- Key stringmax
- Pattern defining a maximum valuemin
- Pattern defining a minimum valueoptions
- Limit optionspublic RedisClient zrevrangebyscore(String key, String max, String min, RangeLimitOptions options, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- Key stringmax
- Pattern defining a maximum valuemin
- Pattern defining a minimum valueoptions
- Range and limit optionshandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxZrevrangebyscore(String key, String max, String min, RangeLimitOptions options)
- Key stringmax
- Pattern defining a maximum valuemin
- Pattern defining a minimum valueoptions
- Range and limit optionspublic RedisClient zrevrank(String key, String member, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringmember
- Member in the sorted set identified by keyhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxZrevrank(String key, String member)
- Key stringmember
- Member in the sorted set identified by keypublic RedisClient zscore(String key, String member, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- Key stringmember
- Member in the sorted set identified by keyhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<String> rxZscore(String key, String member)
- Key stringmember
- Member in the sorted set identified by keypublic RedisClient zunionstore(String destkey, List<String> sets, AggregateOptions options, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Destination keysets
- List of keys identifying sorted setsoptions
- Aggregation optionshandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxZunionstore(String destkey, List<String> sets, AggregateOptions options)
- Destination keysets
- List of keys identifying sorted setsoptions
- Aggregation optionspublic RedisClient zunionstoreWeighed(String key, Map<String,Double> sets, AggregateOptions options, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Destination keysets
- Map containing set-key:weight pairsoptions
- Aggregation optionshandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxZunionstoreWeighed(String key, Map<String,Double> sets, AggregateOptions options)
- Destination keysets
- Map containing set-key:weight pairsoptions
- Aggregation optionspublic RedisClient scan(String cursor, ScanOptions options, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- Cursor idoptions
- Scan optionshandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxScan(String cursor, ScanOptions options)
- Cursor idoptions
- Scan optionspublic RedisClient sscan(String key, String cursor, ScanOptions options, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- Key stringcursor
- Cursor idoptions
- Scan optionshandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxSscan(String key, String cursor, ScanOptions options)
- Key stringcursor
- Cursor idoptions
- Scan optionspublic RedisClient hscan(String key, String cursor, ScanOptions options, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- Key stringcursor
- Cursor idoptions
- Scan optionshandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxHscan(String key, String cursor, ScanOptions options)
- Key stringcursor
- Cursor idoptions
- Scan optionspublic RedisClient zscan(String key, String cursor, ScanOptions options, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- Key stringcursor
- Cursor idoptions
- Scan optionshandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxZscan(String key, String cursor, ScanOptions options)
- Key stringcursor
- Cursor idoptions
- Scan optionspublic RedisClient geoadd(String key, double longitude, double latitude, String member, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringlongitude
- longitudelatitude
- latitudemember
- memberhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxGeoadd(String key, double longitude, double latitude, String member)
- Key stringlongitude
- longitudelatitude
- latitudemember
- memberpublic RedisClient geoaddMany(String key, List<GeoMember> members, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key stringmembers
- list of <lon, lat, member>handler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<Long> rxGeoaddMany(String key, List<GeoMember> members)
- Key stringmembers
- list of <lon, lat, member>public RedisClient geohash(String key, String member, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- Key stringmember
- memberhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxGeohash(String key, String member)
- Key stringmember
- memberpublic RedisClient geohashMany(String key, List<String> members, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- Key stringmembers
- list of membershandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxGeohashMany(String key, List<String> members)
- Key stringmembers
- list of memberspublic RedisClient geopos(String key, String member, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- Key stringmember
- memberhandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxGeopos(String key, String member)
- Key stringmember
- memberpublic RedisClient geoposMany(String key, List<String> members, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- Key stringmembers
- list of membershandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxGeoposMany(String key, List<String> members)
- Key stringmembers
- list of memberspublic RedisClient geodist(String key, String member1, String member2, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- Key stringmember1
- member 1member2
- member 2handler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<String> rxGeodist(String key, String member1, String member2)
- Key stringmember1
- member 1member2
- member 2public RedisClient geodistWithUnit(String key, String member1, String member2, GeoUnit unit, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- Key stringmember1
- member 1member2
- member 2unit
- geo unithandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<String> rxGeodistWithUnit(String key, String member1, String member2, GeoUnit unit)
- Key stringmember1
- member 1member2
- member 2unit
- geo unitpublic RedisClient georadius(String key, double longitude, double latitude, double radius, GeoUnit unit, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- Key stringlongitude
- longitudelatitude
- latituderadius
- radiusunit
- geo unithandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxGeoradius(String key, double longitude, double latitude, double radius, GeoUnit unit)
- Key stringlongitude
- longitudelatitude
- latituderadius
- radiusunit
- geo unitpublic RedisClient georadiusWithOptions(String key, double longitude, double latitude, double radius, GeoUnit unit, GeoRadiusOptions options, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- Key stringlongitude
- longitudelatitude
- latituderadius
- radiusunit
- geo unitoptions
- geo radius optionshandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxGeoradiusWithOptions(String key, double longitude, double latitude, double radius, GeoUnit unit, GeoRadiusOptions options)
- Key stringlongitude
- longitudelatitude
- latituderadius
- radiusunit
- geo unitoptions
- geo radius optionspublic RedisClient georadiusbymember(String key, String member, double radius, GeoUnit unit, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- Key stringmember
- memberradius
- radiusunit
- geo unithandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxGeoradiusbymember(String key, String member, double radius, GeoUnit unit)
- Key stringmember
- memberradius
- radiusunit
- geo unitpublic RedisClient georadiusbymemberWithOptions(String key, String member, double radius, GeoUnit unit, GeoRadiusOptions options, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- Key stringmember
- memberradius
- radiusunit
- geo unitoptions
- geo radius optionshandler
- Handler for the result of this call.public Single<JsonArray> rxGeoradiusbymemberWithOptions(String key, String member, double radius, GeoUnit unit, GeoRadiusOptions options)
- Key stringmember
- memberradius
- radiusunit
- geo unitoptions
- geo radius optionspublic RedisClient clientReply(ClientReplyOptions options, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- handler
- public Single<String> rxClientReply(ClientReplyOptions options)
- public RedisClient hstrlen(String key, String field, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key Stringfield
- fieldhandler
- public Single<Long> rxHstrlen(String key, String field)
- Key Stringfield
- fieldpublic RedisClient touch(String key, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- Key Stringhandler
- public Single<Long> rxTouch(String key)
- Key Stringpublic RedisClient touchMany(List<String> keys, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler)
- list of keyshandler
- public Single<Long> rxTouchMany(List<String> keys)
- list of keyspublic RedisClient scriptDebug(ScriptDebugOptions scriptDebugOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler)
- the optionhandler
- public Single<String> rxScriptDebug(ScriptDebugOptions scriptDebugOptions)
- the optionpublic RedisClient bitfield(String key, BitFieldOptions bitFieldOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler)
- Key stringbitFieldOptions
- handler