Package | Description |
io.vertx.ext.stomp | |
io.vertx.reactivex.ext.stomp | |
io.vertx.rxjava.ext.stomp | |
io.vertx.rxjava3.ext.stomp |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static Frame |
Frames.PING |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Frame |
Frame.addHeader(String key,
String value)
Adds a header to the frame.
static Frame |
Frames.createErrorFrame(String message,
Map<String,String> headers,
String body) |
static Frame |
Frames.createInvalidFrameErrorFrame(io.vertx.ext.stomp.impl.FrameException exception) |
static Frame |
Frames.createReceiptFrame(String receiptId,
Map<String,String> headers) |
Frame |
ServerFrame.frame() |
static Frame | |
Frame |
Frame.setBody(Buffer body)
Sets the body of the frame.
Frame |
Frame.setCommand(Command command)
Sets the frame command.
Frame |
Frame.setDestination(String destination) |
Frame |
Frame.setHeaders(Map<String,String> headers)
Sets the headers of the frames.
Frame |
Frame.setId(String id) |
Frame |
Frame.setTransaction(String id) |
Frame |
Acknowledgement.subscription() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.abort(String id)
Aborts a transaction.
Future<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.abort(String id,
Map<String,String> headers)
Aborts a transaction.
Future<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.ack(String id)
Sends an acknowledgement for a specific message.
Future<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.ack(String id,
String txId)
Sends an acknowledgement for the given frame.
Future<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.beginTX(String id)
Begins a transaction.
Future<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.beginTX(String id,
Map<String,String> headers)
Begins a transaction.
Future<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.commit(String id)
Commits a transaction.
Future<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.commit(String id,
Map<String,String> headers)
Commits a transaction.
Future<Frame> |
Disconnects the client.
Future<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.disconnect(Frame frame)
Disconnects the client.
List<Frame> |
Acknowledgement.frames() |
Future<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.nack(String id)
Sends a non-acknowledgement for the given message.
Future<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.nack(String id,
String txId)
Sends a non-acknowledgement for the given frame.
Future<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.send(Frame frame)
Sends the given frame to the server.
Future<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.send(Map<String,String> headers,
Buffer body)
Sends a
SEND frame to the server. |
Future<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.send(String destination,
Buffer body)
Sends a
SEND frame to the server to the given destination. |
Future<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.send(String destination,
Map<String,String> headers,
Buffer body)
Sends a
SEND frame to the server to the given destination. |
Future<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.unsubscribe(String destination)
Un-subscribes from the given destination.
Future<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.unsubscribe(String destination,
Map<String,String> headers)
Un-subscribes from the given destination.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
Destination.ack(StompServerConnection connection,
Frame frame)
Handles a
ACK frame. |
Future<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.disconnect(Frame frame)
Disconnects the client.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.disconnect(Frame frame,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Disconnects the client.
Destination |
Destination.dispatch(StompServerConnection connection,
Frame frame)
Dispatches the given frame.
static void |
FrameConverter.fromJson(Iterable<Map.Entry<String,Object>> json,
Frame obj) |
static void |
Frames.handleReceipt(Frame frame,
StompServerConnection connection) |
boolean |
Destination.nack(StompServerConnection connection,
Frame frame)
Handles a
NACK frame. |
StompServerHandler |
StompServerHandler.onAck(StompServerConnection connection,
Frame subscribe,
List<Frame> messages)
Method called by single message (client-individual policy) or a set of message (client policy) are acknowledged.
StompServerHandler |
StompServerHandler.onNack(StompServerConnection connection,
Frame subscribe,
List<Frame> messages)
Method called by single message (client-individual policy) or a set of message (client policy) are
not acknowledged.
Future<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.send(Frame frame)
Sends the given frame to the server.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.send(Frame frame,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Sends the given frame to the server.
Destination |
Destination.subscribe(StompServerConnection connection,
Frame frame)
Handles a subscription request to the current
Destination . |
static void |
FrameConverter.toJson(Frame obj,
JsonObject json) |
static void |
FrameConverter.toJson(Frame obj,
Map<String,Object> json) |
boolean |
Destination.unsubscribe(StompServerConnection connection,
Frame frame)
Handles a un-subscription request to the current
Destination . |
StompServerConnection |
StompServerConnection.write(Frame frame)
Writes the given frame to the socket.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.abort(String id,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Aborts a transaction.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.abort(String id,
Map<String,String> headers,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Aborts a transaction.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.ack(String id,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Sends an acknowledgement for a specific message.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.ack(String id,
String txId,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Sends an acknowledgement for the given frame.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.beginTX(String id,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Begins a transaction.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.beginTX(String id,
Map<String,String> headers,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Begins a transaction.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.commit(String id,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Commits a transaction.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.commit(String id,
Map<String,String> headers,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Commits a transaction.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.disconnect(Frame frame,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Disconnects the client.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.disconnect(Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Disconnects the client.
StompClient |
StompClient.errorFrameHandler(Handler<Frame> handler)
A general error frame handler.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.errorHandler(Handler<Frame> handler)
Sets a handler notified when an
ERROR frame is received by the client. |
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.nack(String id,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Sends a non-acknowledgement for the given message.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.nack(String id,
String txId,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Sends a non-acknowledgement for the given frame.
StompServerHandler |
StompServerHandler.onAck(StompServerConnection connection,
Frame subscribe,
List<Frame> messages)
Method called by single message (client-individual policy) or a set of message (client policy) are acknowledged.
StompServerHandler |
StompServerHandler.onNack(StompServerConnection connection,
Frame subscribe,
List<Frame> messages)
Method called by single message (client-individual policy) or a set of message (client policy) are
not acknowledged.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.receivedFrameHandler(Handler<Frame> handler)
Configures a received handler that get notified when a STOMP frame is received by the client.
StompClient |
StompClient.receivedFrameHandler(Handler<Frame> handler)
Configures a received handler that gets notified when a STOMP frame is received by the client.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.send(Frame frame,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Sends the given frame to the server.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.send(Map<String,String> headers,
Buffer body,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Sends a
SEND frame to the server. |
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.send(String destination,
Buffer body,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Sends a
SEND frame to the server to the given destination. |
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.send(String destination,
Map<String,String> headers,
Buffer body,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Sends a
SEND frame to the server to the given destination. |
Future<String> |
StompClientConnection.subscribe(String destination,
Handler<Frame> handler)
Subscribes to the given destination.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.subscribe(String destination,
Handler<Frame> handler,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> receiptHandler)
Subscribes to the given destination.
Future<String> |
StompClientConnection.subscribe(String destination,
Map<String,String> headers,
Handler<Frame> handler)
Subscribes to the given destination.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.subscribe(String destination,
Map<String,String> headers,
Handler<Frame> handler,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> receiptHandler)
Subscribes to the given destination.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.unsubscribe(String destination,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Un-subscribes from the given destination.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.unsubscribe(String destination,
Map<String,String> headers,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Un-subscribes from the given destination.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.writingFrameHandler(Handler<Frame> handler)
Configures a handler notified when a frame is going to be written on the wire.
StompClient |
StompClient.writingFrameHandler(Handler<Frame> handler)
Configures a writing handler that gets notified when a STOMP frame is written on the wire.
Constructor and Description |
Frame(Frame other)
Creates a new instance of
Frame by copying the values from the other frame. |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static Frame |
Frames.PING |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Frame |
Frames.createErrorFrame(String message,
Map<String,String> headers,
String body) |
static Frame |
Frames.createReceiptFrame(String receiptId,
Map<String,String> headers) |
Frame |
ServerFrame.frame() |
static Frame | |
Frame |
Acknowledgement.subscription() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Frame> |
Acknowledgement.frames() |
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxAbort(String id)
Aborts a transaction.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxAbort(String id,
Map<String,String> headers)
Aborts a transaction.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxAck(String id)
Sends an acknowledgement for a specific message.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxAck(String id,
String txId)
Sends an acknowledgement for the given frame.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxBeginTX(String id)
Begins a transaction.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxBeginTX(String id,
Map<String,String> headers)
Begins a transaction.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxCommit(String id)
Commits a transaction.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxCommit(String id,
Map<String,String> headers)
Commits a transaction.
Single<Frame> |
Disconnects the client.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxDisconnect(Frame frame)
Disconnects the client.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxNack(String id)
Sends a non-acknowledgement for the given message.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxNack(String id,
String txId)
Sends a non-acknowledgement for the given frame.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxSend(Frame frame)
Sends the given frame to the server.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxSend(Map<String,String> headers,
Buffer body)
Sends a
SEND frame to the server. |
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxSend(String destination,
Buffer body)
Sends a
SEND frame to the server to the given destination. |
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxSend(String destination,
Map<String,String> headers,
Buffer body)
Sends a
SEND frame to the server to the given destination. |
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxUnsubscribe(String destination)
Un-subscribes from the given destination.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxUnsubscribe(String destination,
Map<String,String> headers)
Un-subscribes from the given destination.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
Destination.ack(StompServerConnection connection,
Frame frame)
Handles a
ACK frame. |
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.disconnect(Frame frame)
Disconnects the client.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.disconnect(Frame frame,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Disconnects the client.
Destination |
Destination.dispatch(StompServerConnection connection,
Frame frame)
Dispatches the given frame.
static void |
Frames.handleReceipt(Frame frame,
StompServerConnection connection) |
boolean |
Destination.nack(StompServerConnection connection,
Frame frame)
Handles a
NACK frame. |
StompServerHandler |
StompServerHandler.onAck(StompServerConnection connection,
Frame subscribe,
List<Frame> messages)
Method called by single message (client-individual policy) or a set of message (client policy) are acknowledged.
StompServerHandler |
StompServerHandler.onNack(StompServerConnection connection,
Frame subscribe,
List<Frame> messages)
Method called by single message (client-individual policy) or a set of message (client policy) are
not acknowledged.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxDisconnect(Frame frame)
Disconnects the client.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxSend(Frame frame)
Sends the given frame to the server.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.send(Frame frame)
Sends the given frame to the server.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.send(Frame frame,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Sends the given frame to the server.
Destination |
Destination.subscribe(StompServerConnection connection,
Frame frame)
Handles a subscription request to the current
Destination . |
boolean |
Destination.unsubscribe(StompServerConnection connection,
Frame frame)
Handles a un-subscription request to the current
Destination . |
StompServerConnection |
StompServerConnection.write(Frame frame)
Writes the given frame to the socket.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.abort(String id,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Aborts a transaction.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.abort(String id,
Map<String,String> headers,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Aborts a transaction.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.ack(String id,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Sends an acknowledgement for a specific message.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.ack(String id,
String txId,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Sends an acknowledgement for the given frame.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.beginTX(String id,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Begins a transaction.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.beginTX(String id,
Map<String,String> headers,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Begins a transaction.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.commit(String id,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Commits a transaction.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.commit(String id,
Map<String,String> headers,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Commits a transaction.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.disconnect(Frame frame,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Disconnects the client.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.disconnect(Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Disconnects the client.
StompClient |
StompClient.errorFrameHandler(Handler<Frame> handler)
A general error frame handler.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.errorHandler(Handler<Frame> handler)
Sets a handler notified when an
ERROR frame is received by the client. |
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.nack(String id,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Sends a non-acknowledgement for the given message.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.nack(String id,
String txId,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Sends a non-acknowledgement for the given frame.
StompServerHandler |
StompServerHandler.onAck(StompServerConnection connection,
Frame subscribe,
List<Frame> messages)
Method called by single message (client-individual policy) or a set of message (client policy) are acknowledged.
StompServerHandler |
StompServerHandler.onNack(StompServerConnection connection,
Frame subscribe,
List<Frame> messages)
Method called by single message (client-individual policy) or a set of message (client policy) are
not acknowledged.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.receivedFrameHandler(Handler<Frame> handler)
Configures a received handler that get notified when a STOMP frame is received by the client.
StompClient |
StompClient.receivedFrameHandler(Handler<Frame> handler)
Configures a received handler that gets notified when a STOMP frame is received by the client.
Single<String> |
StompClientConnection.rxSubscribe(String destination,
Handler<Frame> handler)
Subscribes to the given destination.
Single<String> |
StompClientConnection.rxSubscribe(String destination,
Map<String,String> headers,
Handler<Frame> handler)
Subscribes to the given destination.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.send(Frame frame,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Sends the given frame to the server.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.send(Map<String,String> headers,
Buffer body,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Sends a
SEND frame to the server. |
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.send(String destination,
Buffer body,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Sends a
SEND frame to the server to the given destination. |
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.send(String destination,
Map<String,String> headers,
Buffer body,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Sends a
SEND frame to the server to the given destination. |
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.subscribe(String destination,
Handler<Frame> handler)
Subscribes to the given destination.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.subscribe(String destination,
Handler<Frame> handler,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> receiptHandler)
Subscribes to the given destination.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.subscribe(String destination,
Map<String,String> headers,
Handler<Frame> handler)
Subscribes to the given destination.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.subscribe(String destination,
Map<String,String> headers,
Handler<Frame> handler,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> receiptHandler)
Subscribes to the given destination.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.unsubscribe(String destination,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Un-subscribes from the given destination.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.unsubscribe(String destination,
Map<String,String> headers,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Un-subscribes from the given destination.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.writingFrameHandler(Handler<Frame> handler)
Configures a handler notified when a frame is going to be written on the wire.
StompClient |
StompClient.writingFrameHandler(Handler<Frame> handler)
Configures a writing handler that gets notified when a STOMP frame is written on the wire.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static Frame |
Frames.PING |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Frame |
Frames.createErrorFrame(String message,
Map<String,String> headers,
String body) |
static Frame |
Frames.createReceiptFrame(String receiptId,
Map<String,String> headers) |
Frame |
ServerFrame.frame() |
static Frame | |
Frame |
Acknowledgement.subscription() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Frame> |
Acknowledgement.frames() |
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxAbort(String id)
Aborts a transaction.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxAbort(String id,
Map<String,String> headers)
Aborts a transaction.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxAck(String id)
Sends an acknowledgement for a specific message.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxAck(String id,
String txId)
Sends an acknowledgement for the given frame.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxBeginTX(String id)
Begins a transaction.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxBeginTX(String id,
Map<String,String> headers)
Begins a transaction.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxCommit(String id)
Commits a transaction.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxCommit(String id,
Map<String,String> headers)
Commits a transaction.
Single<Frame> |
Disconnects the client.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxDisconnect(Frame frame)
Disconnects the client.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxNack(String id)
Sends a non-acknowledgement for the given message.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxNack(String id,
String txId)
Sends a non-acknowledgement for the given frame.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxSend(Frame frame)
Sends the given frame to the server.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxSend(Map<String,String> headers,
Buffer body)
Sends a
SEND frame to the server. |
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxSend(String destination,
Buffer body)
Sends a
SEND frame to the server to the given destination. |
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxSend(String destination,
Map<String,String> headers,
Buffer body)
Sends a
SEND frame to the server to the given destination. |
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxUnsubscribe(String destination)
Un-subscribes from the given destination.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxUnsubscribe(String destination,
Map<String,String> headers)
Un-subscribes from the given destination.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
Destination.ack(StompServerConnection connection,
Frame frame)
Handles a
ACK frame. |
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.disconnect(Frame frame)
Disconnects the client.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.disconnect(Frame frame,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Disconnects the client.
Destination |
Destination.dispatch(StompServerConnection connection,
Frame frame)
Dispatches the given frame.
static void |
Frames.handleReceipt(Frame frame,
StompServerConnection connection) |
boolean |
Destination.nack(StompServerConnection connection,
Frame frame)
Handles a
NACK frame. |
StompServerHandler |
StompServerHandler.onAck(StompServerConnection connection,
Frame subscribe,
List<Frame> messages)
Method called by single message (client-individual policy) or a set of message (client policy) are acknowledged.
StompServerHandler |
StompServerHandler.onNack(StompServerConnection connection,
Frame subscribe,
List<Frame> messages)
Method called by single message (client-individual policy) or a set of message (client policy) are
not acknowledged.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxDisconnect(Frame frame)
Disconnects the client.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxSend(Frame frame)
Sends the given frame to the server.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.send(Frame frame)
Sends the given frame to the server.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.send(Frame frame,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Sends the given frame to the server.
Destination |
Destination.subscribe(StompServerConnection connection,
Frame frame)
Handles a subscription request to the current
Destination . |
boolean |
Destination.unsubscribe(StompServerConnection connection,
Frame frame)
Handles a un-subscription request to the current
Destination . |
StompServerConnection |
StompServerConnection.write(Frame frame)
Writes the given frame to the socket.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.abort(String id,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Aborts a transaction.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.abort(String id,
Map<String,String> headers,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Aborts a transaction.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.ack(String id,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Sends an acknowledgement for a specific message.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.ack(String id,
String txId,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Sends an acknowledgement for the given frame.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.beginTX(String id,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Begins a transaction.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.beginTX(String id,
Map<String,String> headers,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Begins a transaction.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.commit(String id,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Commits a transaction.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.commit(String id,
Map<String,String> headers,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Commits a transaction.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.disconnect(Frame frame,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Disconnects the client.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.disconnect(Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Disconnects the client.
StompClient |
StompClient.errorFrameHandler(Handler<Frame> handler)
A general error frame handler.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.errorHandler(Handler<Frame> handler)
Sets a handler notified when an
ERROR frame is received by the client. |
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.nack(String id,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Sends a non-acknowledgement for the given message.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.nack(String id,
String txId,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Sends a non-acknowledgement for the given frame.
StompServerHandler |
StompServerHandler.onAck(StompServerConnection connection,
Frame subscribe,
List<Frame> messages)
Method called by single message (client-individual policy) or a set of message (client policy) are acknowledged.
StompServerHandler |
StompServerHandler.onNack(StompServerConnection connection,
Frame subscribe,
List<Frame> messages)
Method called by single message (client-individual policy) or a set of message (client policy) are
not acknowledged.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.receivedFrameHandler(Handler<Frame> handler)
Configures a received handler that get notified when a STOMP frame is received by the client.
StompClient |
StompClient.receivedFrameHandler(Handler<Frame> handler)
Configures a received handler that gets notified when a STOMP frame is received by the client.
Single<String> |
StompClientConnection.rxSubscribe(String destination,
Handler<Frame> handler)
Subscribes to the given destination.
Single<String> |
StompClientConnection.rxSubscribe(String destination,
Map<String,String> headers,
Handler<Frame> handler)
Subscribes to the given destination.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.send(Frame frame,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Sends the given frame to the server.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.send(Map<String,String> headers,
Buffer body,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Sends a
SEND frame to the server. |
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.send(String destination,
Buffer body,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Sends a
SEND frame to the server to the given destination. |
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.send(String destination,
Map<String,String> headers,
Buffer body,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Sends a
SEND frame to the server to the given destination. |
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.subscribe(String destination,
Handler<Frame> handler)
Subscribes to the given destination.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.subscribe(String destination,
Handler<Frame> handler,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> receiptHandler)
Subscribes to the given destination.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.subscribe(String destination,
Map<String,String> headers,
Handler<Frame> handler)
Subscribes to the given destination.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.subscribe(String destination,
Map<String,String> headers,
Handler<Frame> handler,
Handler<AsyncResult<String>> receiptHandler)
Subscribes to the given destination.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.unsubscribe(String destination,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Un-subscribes from the given destination.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.unsubscribe(String destination,
Map<String,String> headers,
Handler<AsyncResult<Frame>> receiptHandler)
Un-subscribes from the given destination.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.writingFrameHandler(Handler<Frame> handler)
Configures a handler notified when a frame is going to be written on the wire.
StompClient |
StompClient.writingFrameHandler(Handler<Frame> handler)
Configures a writing handler that gets notified when a STOMP frame is written on the wire.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static Frame |
Frames.PING |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Frame |
Frames.createErrorFrame(String message,
Map<String,String> headers,
String body) |
static Frame |
Frames.createReceiptFrame(String receiptId,
Map<String,String> headers) |
Frame |
ServerFrame.frame() |
static Frame | |
Frame |
Acknowledgement.subscription() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.abort(String id)
Aborts a transaction.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.abort(String id,
Map<String,String> headers)
Aborts a transaction.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.ack(String id)
Sends an acknowledgement for a specific message.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.ack(String id,
String txId)
Sends an acknowledgement for the given frame.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.beginTX(String id)
Begins a transaction.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.beginTX(String id,
Map<String,String> headers)
Begins a transaction.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.commit(String id)
Commits a transaction.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.commit(String id,
Map<String,String> headers)
Commits a transaction.
Single<Frame> |
Disconnects the client.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.disconnect(Frame frame)
Disconnects the client.
List<Frame> |
Acknowledgement.frames() |
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.nack(String id)
Sends a non-acknowledgement for the given message.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.nack(String id,
String txId)
Sends a non-acknowledgement for the given frame.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxAbort(String id)
Aborts a transaction.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxAbort(String id,
Map<String,String> headers)
Aborts a transaction.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxAck(String id)
Sends an acknowledgement for a specific message.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxAck(String id,
String txId)
Sends an acknowledgement for the given frame.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxBeginTX(String id)
Begins a transaction.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxBeginTX(String id,
Map<String,String> headers)
Begins a transaction.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxCommit(String id)
Commits a transaction.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxCommit(String id,
Map<String,String> headers)
Commits a transaction.
Single<Frame> |
Disconnects the client.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxDisconnect(Frame frame)
Disconnects the client.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxNack(String id)
Sends a non-acknowledgement for the given message.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxNack(String id,
String txId)
Sends a non-acknowledgement for the given frame.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxSend(Frame frame)
Sends the given frame to the server.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxSend(Map<String,String> headers,
Buffer body)
Sends a
SEND frame to the server. |
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxSend(String destination,
Buffer body)
Sends a
SEND frame to the server to the given destination. |
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxSend(String destination,
Map<String,String> headers,
Buffer body)
Sends a
SEND frame to the server to the given destination. |
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxUnsubscribe(String destination)
Un-subscribes from the given destination.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxUnsubscribe(String destination,
Map<String,String> headers)
Un-subscribes from the given destination.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.send(Frame frame)
Sends the given frame to the server.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.send(Map<String,String> headers,
Buffer body)
Sends a
SEND frame to the server. |
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.send(String destination,
Buffer body)
Sends a
SEND frame to the server to the given destination. |
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.send(String destination,
Map<String,String> headers,
Buffer body)
Sends a
SEND frame to the server to the given destination. |
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.unsubscribe(String destination)
Un-subscribes from the given destination.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.unsubscribe(String destination,
Map<String,String> headers)
Un-subscribes from the given destination.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
Destination.ack(StompServerConnection connection,
Frame frame)
Handles a
ACK frame. |
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.disconnect(Frame frame)
Disconnects the client.
Destination |
Destination.dispatch(StompServerConnection connection,
Frame frame)
Dispatches the given frame.
static void |
Frames.handleReceipt(Frame frame,
StompServerConnection connection) |
boolean |
Destination.nack(StompServerConnection connection,
Frame frame)
Handles a
NACK frame. |
StompServerHandler |
StompServerHandler.onAck(StompServerConnection connection,
Frame subscribe,
List<Frame> messages)
Method called by single message (client-individual policy) or a set of message (client policy) are acknowledged.
StompServerHandler |
StompServerHandler.onNack(StompServerConnection connection,
Frame subscribe,
List<Frame> messages)
Method called by single message (client-individual policy) or a set of message (client policy) are
not acknowledged.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxDisconnect(Frame frame)
Disconnects the client.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.rxSend(Frame frame)
Sends the given frame to the server.
Single<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.send(Frame frame)
Sends the given frame to the server.
Destination |
Destination.subscribe(StompServerConnection connection,
Frame frame)
Handles a subscription request to the current
Destination . |
boolean |
Destination.unsubscribe(StompServerConnection connection,
Frame frame)
Handles a un-subscription request to the current
Destination . |
StompServerConnection |
StompServerConnection.write(Frame frame)
Writes the given frame to the socket.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
StompClient |
StompClient.errorFrameHandler(Handler<Frame> handler)
A general error frame handler.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.errorHandler(Handler<Frame> handler)
Sets a handler notified when an
ERROR frame is received by the client. |
StompServerHandler |
StompServerHandler.onAck(StompServerConnection connection,
Frame subscribe,
List<Frame> messages)
Method called by single message (client-individual policy) or a set of message (client policy) are acknowledged.
StompServerHandler |
StompServerHandler.onNack(StompServerConnection connection,
Frame subscribe,
List<Frame> messages)
Method called by single message (client-individual policy) or a set of message (client policy) are
not acknowledged.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.receivedFrameHandler(Handler<Frame> handler)
Configures a received handler that get notified when a STOMP frame is received by the client.
StompClient |
StompClient.receivedFrameHandler(Handler<Frame> handler)
Configures a received handler that gets notified when a STOMP frame is received by the client.
Single<String> |
StompClientConnection.rxSubscribe(String destination,
Handler<Frame> handler)
Subscribes to the given destination.
Single<String> |
StompClientConnection.rxSubscribe(String destination,
Map<String,String> headers,
Handler<Frame> handler)
Subscribes to the given destination.
Single<String> |
StompClientConnection.subscribe(String destination,
Handler<Frame> handler)
Subscribes to the given destination.
Single<String> |
StompClientConnection.subscribe(String destination,
Map<String,String> headers,
Handler<Frame> handler)
Subscribes to the given destination.
StompClientConnection |
StompClientConnection.writingFrameHandler(Handler<Frame> handler)
Configures a handler notified when a frame is going to be written on the wire.
StompClient |
StompClient.writingFrameHandler(Handler<Frame> handler)
Configures a writing handler that gets notified when a STOMP frame is written on the wire.
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