Package io.vertx.core

Interface Future<T>

    • Method Detail

      • all

        static CompositeFuture all​(Future<?> f1,
                                   Future<?> f2)
        Return a composite future, succeeded when all futures are succeeded, failed when any future is failed.

        The returned future fails as soon as one of f1 or f2 fails.

        f1 - future
        f2 - future
        the composite future
      • any

        static CompositeFuture any​(Future<?> f1,
                                   Future<?> f2)
        Return a composite future, succeeded when any futures is succeeded, failed when all futures are failed.

        The returned future succeeds as soon as one of f1 or f2 succeeds.

        f1 - future
        f2 - future
        the composite future
      • join

        static CompositeFuture join​(Future<?> f1,
                                    Future<?> f2)
        Return a composite future, succeeded when all futures are succeeded, failed when any future is failed.

        It always wait until all its futures are completed and will not fail as soon as one of f1 or f2 fails.

        f1 - future
        f2 - future
        the composite future
      • future

        static <T> Future<T> future​(Handler<Promise<T>> handler)
        Create a promise and pass it to the handler, and then returns this future's promise. The handler is responsible for completing the promise, if the handler throws an exception, the promise is attempted to be failed with this exception.
        handler - the handler completing the promise
        the future of the created promise
      • succeededFuture

        static <T> Future<T> succeededFuture()
        Create a succeeded future with a null result
        Type Parameters:
        T - the result type
        the future
      • succeededFuture

        static <T> Future<T> succeededFuture​(T result)
        Created a succeeded future with the specified result.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the result type
        result - the result
        the future
      • failedFuture

        static <T> Future<T> failedFuture​(Throwable t)
        Create a failed future with the specified failure cause.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the result type
        t - the failure cause as a Throwable
        the future
      • failedFuture

        static <T> Future<T> failedFuture​(String failureMessage)
        Create a failed future with the specified failure message.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the result type
        failureMessage - the failure message
        the future
      • isComplete

        boolean isComplete()
        Has the future completed?

        It's completed if it's either succeeded or failed.

        true if completed, false if not
      • onComplete

        Future<T> onComplete​(Handler<AsyncResult<T>> handler)
        Add a handler to be notified of the result.

        WARNING: this is a terminal operation. If several handlers are registered, there is no guarantee that they will be invoked in order of registration.

        handler - the handler that will be called with the result
        a reference to this, so it can be used fluently
      • onComplete

        default Future<T> onComplete​(Handler<? super T> successHandler,
                                     Handler<? super Throwable> failureHandler)
        Add handlers to be notified on succeeded result and failed result.

        WARNING: this is a terminal operation. If several handlers are registered, there is no guarantee that they will be invoked in order of registration.

        successHandler - the handler that will be called with the succeeded result
        failureHandler - the handler that will be called with the failed result
        a reference to this, so it can be used fluently
      • onComplete

        default Future<T> onComplete​(Completable<? super T> handler)
        Add handlers to be notified on succeeded result and failed result.

        WARNING: this is a terminal operation. If several handlers are registered, there is no guarantee that they will be invoked in order of registration.

        handler - the handler that will be called with the completion outcome
        a reference to this, so it can be used fluently
      • onSuccess

        default Future<T> onSuccess​(Handler<? super T> handler)
        Add a handler to be notified of the succeeded result.

        WARNING: this is a terminal operation. If several handlers are registered, there is no guarantee that they will be invoked in order of registration.

        handler - the handler that will be called with the succeeded result
        a reference to this, so it can be used fluently
      • onFailure

        default Future<T> onFailure​(Handler<? super Throwable> handler)
        Add a handler to be notified of the failed result.

        WARNING: this is a terminal operation. If several handlers are registered, there is no guarantee that they will be invoked in order of registration.

        handler - the handler that will be called with the failed result
        a reference to this, so it can be used fluently
      • result

        T result()
        The result of the operation. This will be null if the operation failed.
        Specified by:
        result in interface AsyncResult<T>
        the result or null if the operation failed.
      • cause

        Throwable cause()
        A Throwable describing failure. This will be null if the operation succeeded.
        Specified by:
        cause in interface AsyncResult<T>
        the cause or null if the operation succeeded.
      • succeeded

        boolean succeeded()
        Did it succeed?
        Specified by:
        succeeded in interface AsyncResult<T>
        true if it succeded or false otherwise
      • failed

        boolean failed()
        Did it fail?
        Specified by:
        failed in interface AsyncResult<T>
        true if it failed or false otherwise
      • compose

        default <U> Future<U> compose​(java.util.function.Function<? super T,​Future<U>> mapper)
        Compose this future with a mapper function.

        When this future (the one on which compose is called) succeeds, the mapper will be called with the completed value and this mapper returns another future object. This returned future completion will complete the future returned by this method call.

        If the mapper throws an exception, the returned future will be failed with this exception.

        When this future fails, the failure will be propagated to the returned future and the mapper will not be called.

        mapper - the mapper function
        the composed future
      • recover

        default Future<T> recover​(java.util.function.Function<Throwable,​Future<T>> mapper)
        Handles a failure of this Future by returning the result of another Future. If the mapper fails, then the returned future will be failed with this failure.
        mapper - A function which takes the exception of a failure and returns a new future.
        A recovered future
      • compose

        <U> Future<U> compose​(java.util.function.Function<? super T,​Future<U>> successMapper,
                              java.util.function.Function<Throwable,​Future<U>> failureMapper)
        Compose this future with a successMapper and failureMapper functions.

        When this future (the one on which compose is called) succeeds, the successMapper will be called with the completed value and this mapper returns another future object. This returned future completion will complete the future returned by this method call.

        When this future (the one on which compose is called) fails, the failureMapper will be called with the failure and this mapper returns another future object. This returned future completion will complete the future returned by this method call.

        If any mapper function throws an exception, the returned future will be failed with this exception.

        successMapper - the function mapping the success
        failureMapper - the function mapping the failure
        the composed future
      • transform

        <U> Future<U> transform​(java.util.function.Function<AsyncResult<T>,​Future<U>> mapper)
        Transform this future with a mapper function.

        When this future (the one on which transform is called) completes, the mapper will be called with the async result returning another future instance. This returned future completion will complete the future returned by this method call.

        When mapper throws an exception, the returned future will be failed with this exception.

        mapper - the function mapping the future
        the transformed future
      • transform

        default <U> Future<U> transform​(java.util.function.BiFunction<? super T,​? super Throwable,​Future<U>> mapper)
        Transform this future with a mapper function.

        When this future (the one on which transform is called) completes, the mapper will be called with the result/failure returning another future instance. This returned future completion will complete the future returned by this method call.

        When mapper throws an exception, the returned future will be failed with this exception.

        mapper - the function mapping the future
        the transformed future
      • eventually

        <U> Future<T> eventually​(java.util.function.Supplier<Future<U>> mapper)
        Compose this future with a mapper that will be always be called.

        When this future (the one on which eventually is called) completes, the mapper will be called and this mapper returns another future object. This returned future completion will complete the future returned by this method call with the original result of the future.

        The outcome of the future returned by the mapper will not influence the nature of the returned future.

        mapper - the function returning the future.
        the composed future
      • map

        <U> Future<U> map​(java.util.function.Function<? super T,​U> mapper)
        Apply a mapper function on this future.

        When this future succeeds, the mapper will be called with the completed value and this mapper returns a value. This value will complete the future returned by this method call.

        If the mapper throws an exception, the returned future will be failed with this exception.

        When this future fails, the failure will be propagated to the returned future and the mapper will not be called.

        Specified by:
        map in interface AsyncResult<T>
        mapper - the mapper function
        the mapped future
      • map

        <V> Future<V> map​(V value)
        Map the result of a future to a specific value.

        When this future succeeds, this value will complete the future returned by this method call.

        When this future fails, the failure will be propagated to the returned future.

        Specified by:
        map in interface AsyncResult<T>
        value - the value that eventually completes the mapped future
        the mapped future
      • mapEmpty

        default <V> Future<V> mapEmpty()
        Map the result of a future to null.

        This is a conveniency for null) or null).

        When this future succeeds, null will complete the future returned by this method call.

        When this future fails, the failure will be propagated to the returned future.

        Specified by:
        mapEmpty in interface AsyncResult<T>
        the mapped future
      • otherwise

        Future<T> otherwise​(java.util.function.Function<Throwable,​T> mapper)
        Apply a mapper function on this future.

        When this future fails, the mapper will be called with the completed value and this mapper returns a value. This value will complete the future returned by this method call.

        If the mapper throws an exception, the returned future will be failed with this exception.

        When this future succeeds, the result will be propagated to the returned future and the mapper will not be called.

        Specified by:
        otherwise in interface AsyncResult<T>
        mapper - the mapper function
        the mapped future
      • otherwise

        Future<T> otherwise​(T value)
        Map the failure of a future to a specific value.

        When this future fails, this value will complete the future returned by this method call.

        When this future succeeds, the result will be propagated to the returned future.

        Specified by:
        otherwise in interface AsyncResult<T>
        value - the value that eventually completes the mapped future
        the mapped future
      • otherwiseEmpty

        default Future<T> otherwiseEmpty()
        Map the failure of a future to null.

        This is a convenience for future.otherwise((T) null).

        When this future fails, the null value will complete the future returned by this method call.

        When this future succeeds, the result will be propagated to the returned future.

        Specified by:
        otherwiseEmpty in interface AsyncResult<T>
        the mapped future
      • andThen

        default Future<T> andThen​(Handler<AsyncResult<T>> handler)
        Invokes the given handler upon completion.

        If the handler throws an exception, the returned future will be failed with this exception.

        handler - invoked upon completion of this future
        a future completed after the handler has been invoked
      • andThen

        default Future<T> andThen​(Completable<? super T> handler)
        Invokes the given handler upon completion.

        If the handler throws an exception, the returned future will be failed with this exception.

        handler - invoked upon completion of this future
        a future completed after the handler has been invoked
      • expecting

        Future<T> expecting​(Expectation<? super T> expectation)
        Guard the control flow of this future with an expectation.

        When the future is completed with a success, the expectation is called with the result, when the expectation returns false the returned future is failed, otherwise the future is completed with the same result.

        Expectations are usually lambda expressions:

         return future.expecting(response -> response.statusCode() == 200);
        Expectation instances can also be used:
         future = future.expecting(HttpResponseExpectation.SC_OK);
        expectation - the expectation
        a future succeeded with the result or failed when the expectation returns false
      • timeout

        Future<T> timeout​(long delay,
                          TimeUnit unit)
        Returns a future succeeded or failed with the outcome of this future when it happens before the timeout fires. When the timeout fires before, the future is failed with a TimeoutException, guaranteeing the returned future to complete within the specified delay.
        delay - the delay
        unit - the unit of the delay
        the timeout future
      • fromCompletionStage

        static <T> Future<T> fromCompletionStage​(CompletionStage<T> completionStage)
        Bridges a CompletionStage object to a Vert.x future instance.

        The Vert.x future handling methods will be called from the thread that completes completionStage.

        Type Parameters:
        T - the result type
        completionStage - a completion stage
        a Vert.x future that resolves when completionStage resolves
      • fromCompletionStage

        static <T> Future<T> fromCompletionStage​(CompletionStage<T> completionStage,
                                                 Context context)
        Bridges a CompletionStage object to a Vert.x future instance.

        The Vert.x future handling methods will be called on the provided context.

        Type Parameters:
        T - the result type
        completionStage - a completion stage
        context - a Vert.x context to dispatch to
        a Vert.x future that resolves when completionStage resolves
      • await

        default T await()
        Park the current thread until the future is completed, when the future is completed the thread is un-parked and
        • the result value is returned when the future was completed with a result
        • otherwise, the failure is thrown
        This method must be called from a vertx virtual thread or a non vertx thread.
        the result
        IllegalStateException - when called from a vertx event-loop or worker thread
      • await

        default T await​(long timeout,
                        TimeUnit unit)
                 throws TimeoutException
        Like await() but with a timeout.
        timeout - the timeout
        unit - the timeout unit
        the result
        TimeoutException - when the timeout fires before the future completes
        IllegalStateException - when called from a vertx event-loop or worker thread
      • await

        static <T> T await​(Future<T> future)
        Calls await() on future.
        future - the future to await
        the result
        IllegalStateException - when called from an event-loop thread or a non Vert.x thread