Class JsonObject

    • Constructor Detail

      • JsonObject

        public JsonObject​(String json)
        Create an instance from a string of JSON
        json - the string of JSON
      • JsonObject

        public JsonObject()
        Create a new, empty instance
      • JsonObject

        public JsonObject​(Map<String,​Object> map)
        Create an instance from a Map. The Map is not copied.
        map - the map to create the instance from.
      • JsonObject

        public JsonObject​(Buffer buf)
        Create an instance from a buffer.
        buf - the buffer to create the instance from.
    • Method Detail

      • of

        public static JsonObject of()
        Create a JsonObject containing zero mappings.
        an empty JsonObject.
      • of

        public static JsonObject of​(String k1,
                                    Object v1)
        Create a JsonObject containing a single mapping.
        k1 - the mapping's key
        v1 - the mapping's value
        a JsonObject containing the specified mapping.
      • of

        public static JsonObject of​(String k1,
                                    Object v1,
                                    String k2,
                                    Object v2)
        Create a JsonObject containing two mappings.
        k1 - the first mapping's key
        v1 - the first mapping's value
        k2 - the second mapping's key
        v2 - the second mapping's value
        a JsonObject containing the specified mappings.
      • of

        public static JsonObject of​(String k1,
                                    Object v1,
                                    String k2,
                                    Object v2,
                                    String k3,
                                    Object v3)
        Create a JsonObject containing three mappings.
        k1 - the first mapping's key
        v1 - the first mapping's value
        k2 - the second mapping's key
        v2 - the second mapping's value
        k3 - the third mapping's key
        v3 - the third mapping's value
        a JsonObject containing the specified mappings.
      • of

        public static JsonObject of​(String k1,
                                    Object v1,
                                    String k2,
                                    Object v2,
                                    String k3,
                                    Object v3,
                                    String k4,
                                    Object v4)
        Create a JsonObject containing four mappings.
        k1 - the first mapping's key
        v1 - the first mapping's value
        k2 - the second mapping's key
        v2 - the second mapping's value
        k3 - the third mapping's key
        v3 - the third mapping's value
        k4 - the fourth mapping's key
        v4 - the fourth mapping's value
        a JsonObject containing the specified mappings.
      • of

        public static JsonObject of​(String k1,
                                    Object v1,
                                    String k2,
                                    Object v2,
                                    String k3,
                                    Object v3,
                                    String k4,
                                    Object v4,
                                    String k5,
                                    Object v5)
        Create a JsonObject containing five mappings.
        k1 - the first mapping's key
        v1 - the first mapping's value
        k2 - the second mapping's key
        v2 - the second mapping's value
        k3 - the third mapping's key
        v3 - the third mapping's value
        k4 - the fourth mapping's key
        v4 - the fourth mapping's value
        k5 - the fifth mapping's key
        v5 - the fifth mapping's value
        a JsonObject containing the specified mappings.
      • of

        public static JsonObject of​(String k1,
                                    Object v1,
                                    String k2,
                                    Object v2,
                                    String k3,
                                    Object v3,
                                    String k4,
                                    Object v4,
                                    String k5,
                                    Object v5,
                                    String k6,
                                    Object v6)
        Create a JsonObject containing six mappings.
        k1 - the first mapping's key
        v1 - the first mapping's value
        k2 - the second mapping's key
        v2 - the second mapping's value
        k3 - the third mapping's key
        v3 - the third mapping's value
        k4 - the fourth mapping's key
        v4 - the fourth mapping's value
        k5 - the fifth mapping's key
        v5 - the fifth mapping's value
        k6 - the sixth mapping's key
        v6 - the sixth mapping's value
        a JsonObject containing the specified mappings.
      • of

        public static JsonObject of​(String k1,
                                    Object v1,
                                    String k2,
                                    Object v2,
                                    String k3,
                                    Object v3,
                                    String k4,
                                    Object v4,
                                    String k5,
                                    Object v5,
                                    String k6,
                                    Object v6,
                                    String k7,
                                    Object v7)
        Create a JsonObject containing seven mappings.
        k1 - the first mapping's key
        v1 - the first mapping's value
        k2 - the second mapping's key
        v2 - the second mapping's value
        k3 - the third mapping's key
        v3 - the third mapping's value
        k4 - the fourth mapping's key
        v4 - the fourth mapping's value
        k5 - the fifth mapping's key
        v5 - the fifth mapping's value
        k6 - the sixth mapping's key
        v6 - the sixth mapping's value
        k7 - the seventh mapping's key
        v7 - the seventh mapping's value
        a JsonObject containing the specified mappings.
      • of

        public static JsonObject of​(String k1,
                                    Object v1,
                                    String k2,
                                    Object v2,
                                    String k3,
                                    Object v3,
                                    String k4,
                                    Object v4,
                                    String k5,
                                    Object v5,
                                    String k6,
                                    Object v6,
                                    String k7,
                                    Object v7,
                                    String k8,
                                    Object v8)
        Create a JsonObject containing eight mappings.
        k1 - the first mapping's key
        v1 - the first mapping's value
        k2 - the second mapping's key
        v2 - the second mapping's value
        k3 - the third mapping's key
        v3 - the third mapping's value
        k4 - the fourth mapping's key
        v4 - the fourth mapping's value
        k5 - the fifth mapping's key
        v5 - the fifth mapping's value
        k6 - the sixth mapping's key
        v6 - the sixth mapping's value
        k7 - the seventh mapping's key
        v7 - the seventh mapping's value
        k8 - the eighth mapping's key
        v8 - the eighth mapping's value
        a JsonObject containing the specified mappings.
      • of

        public static JsonObject of​(String k1,
                                    Object v1,
                                    String k2,
                                    Object v2,
                                    String k3,
                                    Object v3,
                                    String k4,
                                    Object v4,
                                    String k5,
                                    Object v5,
                                    String k6,
                                    Object v6,
                                    String k7,
                                    Object v7,
                                    String k8,
                                    Object v8,
                                    String k9,
                                    Object v9)
        Create a JsonObject containing nine mappings.
        k1 - the first mapping's key
        v1 - the first mapping's value
        k2 - the second mapping's key
        v2 - the second mapping's value
        k3 - the third mapping's key
        v3 - the third mapping's value
        k4 - the fourth mapping's key
        v4 - the fourth mapping's value
        k5 - the fifth mapping's key
        v5 - the fifth mapping's value
        k6 - the sixth mapping's key
        v6 - the sixth mapping's value
        k7 - the seventh mapping's key
        v7 - the seventh mapping's value
        k8 - the eighth mapping's key
        v8 - the eighth mapping's value
        k9 - the ninth mapping's key
        v9 - the ninth mapping's value
        a JsonObject containing the specified mappings.
      • of

        public static JsonObject of​(String k1,
                                    Object v1,
                                    String k2,
                                    Object v2,
                                    String k3,
                                    Object v3,
                                    String k4,
                                    Object v4,
                                    String k5,
                                    Object v5,
                                    String k6,
                                    Object v6,
                                    String k7,
                                    Object v7,
                                    String k8,
                                    Object v8,
                                    String k9,
                                    Object v9,
                                    String k10,
                                    Object v10)
        Create a JsonObject containing ten mappings.
        k1 - the first mapping's key
        v1 - the first mapping's value
        k2 - the second mapping's key
        v2 - the second mapping's value
        k3 - the third mapping's key
        v3 - the third mapping's value
        k4 - the fourth mapping's key
        v4 - the fourth mapping's value
        k5 - the fifth mapping's key
        v5 - the fifth mapping's value
        k6 - the sixth mapping's key
        v6 - the sixth mapping's value
        k7 - the seventh mapping's key
        v7 - the seventh mapping's value
        k8 - the eighth mapping's key
        v8 - the eighth mapping's value
        k9 - the ninth mapping's key
        v9 - the ninth mapping's value
        k10 - the tenth mapping's key
        v10 - the tenth mapping's value
        a JsonObject containing the specified mappings.
      • mapFrom

        public static JsonObject mapFrom​(Object obj)
        Create a JsonObject from the fields of a Java object. Faster than calling `new JsonObject(Json.encode(obj))`.

        null when obj is null.

        obj - The object to convert to a JsonObject.
        IllegalArgumentException - if conversion fails due to an incompatible type.
      • mapTo

        public <T> T mapTo​(Class<T> type)
        Instantiate a Java object from a JsonObject. Faster than calling `Json.decodeValue(Json.encode(jsonObject), type)`.
        type - The type to instantiate from the JsonObject.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the type cannot be instantiated.
      • getString

        public String getString​(String key)
        Get the string value with the specified key, special cases are addressed for extended JSON types Instant, byte[] and Enum which can be converted to String.
        key - the key to return the value for
        the value string representation or null if no value for that key
      • getNumber

        public Number getNumber​(String key)
        Get the Number value with the specified key
        key - the key to return the value for
        the value or null if no value for that key
        ClassCastException - if the value is not a Number
      • getInteger

        public Integer getInteger​(String key)
        Get the Integer value with the specified key
        key - the key to return the value for
        the value or null if no value for that key
        ClassCastException - if the value is not an Integer
      • getLong

        public Long getLong​(String key)
        Get the Long value with the specified key
        key - the key to return the value for
        the value or null if no value for that key
        ClassCastException - if the value is not a Long
      • getDouble

        public Double getDouble​(String key)
        Get the Double value with the specified key
        key - the key to return the value for
        the value or null if no value for that key
        ClassCastException - if the value is not a Double
      • getFloat

        public Float getFloat​(String key)
        Get the Float value with the specified key
        key - the key to return the value for
        the value or null if no value for that key
        ClassCastException - if the value is not a Float
      • getBoolean

        public Boolean getBoolean​(String key)
        Get the Boolean value with the specified key
        key - the key to return the value for
        the value or null if no value for that key
        ClassCastException - if the value is not a Boolean
      • getJsonObject

        public JsonObject getJsonObject​(String key)
        Get the JsonObject value with the specified key
        key - the key to return the value for
        the value or null if no value for that key
        ClassCastException - if the value is not a JsonObject
      • getJsonArray

        public JsonArray getJsonArray​(String key)
        Get the JsonArray value with the specified key
        key - the key to return the value for
        the value or null if no value for that key
        ClassCastException - if the value is not a JsonArray
      • getBinary

        public byte[] getBinary​(String key)
        Get the binary value with the specified key.

        JSON itself has no notion of a binary, this extension complies to the RFC-7493, so this method assumes there is a String value with the key and it contains a Base64 encoded binary, which it decodes if found and returns.

        key - the key to return the value for
        the value or null if no value for that key
        ClassCastException - if the value is not a String
        IllegalArgumentException - if the String value is not a legal Base64 encoded value
      • getBuffer

        public Buffer getBuffer​(String key)
        Get the Buffer value with the specified key.

        JSON itself has no notion of a binary, this extension complies to the RFC-7493, so this method assumes there is a String value with the key and it contains a Base64 encoded binary, which it decodes if found and returns.

        key - the string to return the value for
        the value or null if no value for that key
        ClassCastException - if the value is not a string
        IllegalArgumentException - if the value is not a legal Base64 encoded string
      • getInstant

        public java.time.Instant getInstant​(String key)
        Get the instant value with the specified key.

        JSON itself has no notion of a temporal types, this extension allows ISO 8601 string formatted dates with timezone always set to zero UTC offset, as denoted by the suffix "Z" to be parsed as a instant value. YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ is the default format used by web browser scripting. This extension complies to the RFC-7493 with all the restrictions mentioned before. The method will then decode and return a instant value.

        key - the key to return the value for
        the value or null if no value for that key
        ClassCastException - if the value is not a String
        java.time.format.DateTimeParseException - if the String value is not a legal ISO 8601 encoded value
      • getValue

        public Object getValue​(String key)
        Get the value with the specified key, as an Object with types respecting the limitations of JSON.
        • Map will be wrapped to JsonObject
        • List will be wrapped to JsonArray
        • Instant will be converted to String
        • byte[] will be converted to String
        • Enum will be converted to String
        key - the key to lookup
        the value
      • getString

        public String getString​(String key,
                                String def)
        Like getString(String) but specifying a default value to return if there is no entry.
        key - the key to lookup
        def - the default value to use if the entry is not present
        the value or def if no entry present
      • getNumber

        public Number getNumber​(String key,
                                Number def)
        Like getNumber(String) but specifying a default value to return if there is no entry.
        key - the key to lookup
        def - the default value to use if the entry is not present
        the value or def if no entry present
      • getInteger

        public Integer getInteger​(String key,
                                  Integer def)
        Like getInteger(String) but specifying a default value to return if there is no entry.
        key - the key to lookup
        def - the default value to use if the entry is not present
        the value or def if no entry present
      • getLong

        public Long getLong​(String key,
                            Long def)
        Like getLong(String) but specifying a default value to return if there is no entry.
        key - the key to lookup
        def - the default value to use if the entry is not present
        the value or def if no entry present
      • getDouble

        public Double getDouble​(String key,
                                Double def)
        Like getDouble(String) but specifying a default value to return if there is no entry.
        key - the key to lookup
        def - the default value to use if the entry is not present
        the value or def if no entry present
      • getFloat

        public Float getFloat​(String key,
                              Float def)
        Like getFloat(String) but specifying a default value to return if there is no entry.
        key - the key to lookup
        def - the default value to use if the entry is not present
        the value or def if no entry present
      • getBoolean

        public Boolean getBoolean​(String key,
                                  Boolean def)
        Like getBoolean(String) but specifying a default value to return if there is no entry.
        key - the key to lookup
        def - the default value to use if the entry is not present
        the value or def if no entry present
      • getJsonObject

        public JsonObject getJsonObject​(String key,
                                        JsonObject def)
        Like getJsonObject(String) but specifying a default value to return if there is no entry.
        key - the key to lookup
        def - the default value to use if the entry is not present
        the value or def if no entry present
      • getJsonArray

        public JsonArray getJsonArray​(String key,
                                      JsonArray def)
        Like getJsonArray(String) but specifying a default value to return if there is no entry.
        key - the key to lookup
        def - the default value to use if the entry is not present
        the value or def if no entry present
      • getBinary

        public byte[] getBinary​(String key,
                                byte[] def)
        Like getBinary(String) but specifying a default value to return if there is no entry.
        key - the key to lookup
        def - the default value to use if the entry is not present
        the value or def if no entry present
      • getBuffer

        public Buffer getBuffer​(String key,
                                Buffer def)
        Like getBuffer(String) but specifying a default value to return if there is no entry.
        key - the key to lookup
        def - the default value to use if the entry is not present
        the value or def if no entry present
      • getInstant

        public java.time.Instant getInstant​(String key,
                                            java.time.Instant def)
        Like getInstant(String) but specifying a default value to return if there is no entry.
        key - the key to lookup
        def - the default value to use if the entry is not present
        the value or def if no entry present
      • getValue

        public Object getValue​(String key,
                               Object def)
        Like getValue(String) but specifying a default value to return if there is no entry.
        key - the key to lookup
        def - the default value to use if the entry is not present
        the value or def if no entry present
      • containsKey

        public boolean containsKey​(String key)
        Does the JSON object contain the specified key?
        key - the key
        true if it contains the key, false if not.
      • fieldNames

        public Set<String> fieldNames()
        Return the set of field names in the JSON objects
        the set of field names
      • putNull

        public JsonObject putNull​(String key)
        Put a null value into the JSON object with the specified key.
        key - the key
        a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
      • put

        public JsonObject put​(String key,
                              Object value)
        Put an Object into the JSON object with the specified key.
        key - the key
        value - the value
        a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
      • remove

        public Object remove​(String key)
        Remove an entry from this object.
        key - the key
        the value that was removed, or null if none
      • mergeIn

        public JsonObject mergeIn​(JsonObject other)
        Merge in another JSON object.

        This is the equivalent of putting all the entries of the other JSON object into this object. This is not a deep merge, entries containing (sub) JSON objects will be replaced entirely.

        other - the other JSON object
        a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
      • mergeIn

        public JsonObject mergeIn​(JsonObject other,
                                  boolean deep)
        Merge in another JSON object. A deep merge (recursive) matches (sub) JSON objects in the existing tree and replaces all matching entries. JsonArrays are treated like any other entry, i.e. replaced entirely.
        other - the other JSON object
        deep - if true, a deep merge is performed
        a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
      • mergeIn

        public JsonObject mergeIn​(JsonObject other,
                                  int depth)
        Merge in another JSON object. The merge is deep (recursive) to the specified level. If depth is 0, no merge is performed, if depth is greater than the depth of one of the objects, a full deep merge is performed.
        other - the other JSON object
        depth - depth of merge
        a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
      • encode

        public String encode()
        Encode this JSON object as a string.
        the string encoding.
      • encodePrettily

        public String encodePrettily()
        Encode this JSON object a a string, with whitespace to make the object easier to read by a human, or other sentient organism.
        the pretty string encoding.
      • toBuffer

        public Buffer toBuffer()
        Encode this JSON object as buffer.
        the buffer encoding.
      • copy

        public JsonObject copy()
        Deep copy of this JSON object.
        Specified by:
        copy in interface Shareable
        a copy where all elements have been copied recursively
        IllegalStateException - when a nested element cannot be copied
      • copy

        public JsonObject copy​(java.util.function.Function<Object,​?> cloner)
        Deep copy of this JSON object.

        Unlike copy() that can fail when an unknown element cannot be copied, this method delegates the copy of such element to the cloner function and will not fail.

        cloner - a function that copies custom values not supported by the JSON implementation
        a copy where all elements have been copied recursively
      • getMap

        public Map<String,​Object> getMap()
        Get the underlying Map as is.

        This map may contain values that are not the types returned by the JsonObject and with an unpredictable representation of the value, e.g you might get a JSON object as a JsonObject or as a Map.

        the underlying Map.
      • stream

        public<Map.Entry<String,​Object>> stream()
        Get a Stream over the entries in the JSON object. The values in the stream will follow the same rules as defined in getValue(String), respecting the JSON requirements.

        To stream the raw values, use the storage object stream instead:

        a Stream
      • size

        public int size()
        Get the number of entries in the JSON object
        the number of entries
      • clear

        public JsonObject clear()
        Remove all the entries in this JSON object
      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
        Is this object entry?
        true if it has zero entries, false if not.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • readFromBuffer

        public int readFromBuffer​(int pos,
                                  Buffer buffer)
        Description copied from interface: ClusterSerializable
        Method invoked when deserializing bytes to this instance.
        Specified by:
        readFromBuffer in interface ClusterSerializable
        pos - the position where to start reading the buffer
        buffer - the Buffer where the serialized bytes must be read from
        the position after the last serialized byte