Interface Command

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface Command
    A plug-in to the Vert.x command or Launcher class. Each command instance is created by a CommandFactory.

    Command implementation can retrieve argument and option using the Argument and Option annotations. Documentation / help is provided using the Summary (single sentence) and Description annotations.

    Commands follow a strict lifecycle. The setUp(ExecutionContext) method is called with an execution context. It lets you validate the inputs and prepare the environment is needed. The run() method is called immediately after setUp(ExecutionContext), and executes the command. Finally, once the command has completed, the tearDown() method is called. In this method you have the opportunity to cleanup.

    Clement Escoffier
    • Method Detail

      • setUp

        void setUp​(ExecutionContext context)
            throws CLIException
        Set up the command execution environment. The command line model has been retrieved and is frozen. Values has been set / injected. You can use this callback to validate the inputs.
        context - the context
        CLIException - if the validation failed
      • tearDown

        void tearDown()
               throws CLIException
        The command has been executed. Use this method to cleanup the environment.
        CLIException - if anything went wrong