Class OtpCredentials

    • Constructor Detail

      • OtpCredentials

        public OtpCredentials​(JsonObject jsonObject)
      • OtpCredentials

        public OtpCredentials​(String identifier,
                              String code)
    • Method Detail

      • getCode

        public String getCode()
      • getIdentifier

        public String getIdentifier()
      • checkValid

        public <V> void checkValid​(V arg)
                            throws CredentialValidationException
        Description copied from interface: Credentials
        Implementors should override this method to perform validation. An argument is allowed to allow custom validation, for example, when given a configuration property, a specific property may be allowed to be null.
        Specified by:
        checkValid in interface Credentials
        Type Parameters:
        V - the generic type of the argument
        arg - optional argument or null.
        CredentialValidationException - when the validation fails
      • toJson

        public JsonObject toJson()
        Description copied from interface: Credentials
        Simple interop to downcast back to JSON for backwards compatibility.
        Specified by:
        toJson in interface Credentials
        JSON representation of this credential.