Interface MailClient

  • public interface MailClient
    SMTP mail client for Vert.x

    A simple asynchronous API for sending mails from Vert.x applications

    Alexander Lehmann
    • Method Detail

      • create

        static MailClient create​(Vertx vertx,
                                 MailConfig config)
        Create a non shared instance of the mail client.
        vertx - the Vertx instance the operation will be run in
        config - MailConfig configuration to be used for sending mails
        MailClient instance that can then be used to send multiple mails
      • createShared

        static MailClient createShared​(Vertx vertx,
                                       MailConfig config,
                                       String poolName)
        Create a Mail client which shares its connection pool with any other Mail clients created with the same pool name
        vertx - the Vert.x instance
        config - the configuration
        poolName - the pool name
        the client
      • sendMail

        Future<MailResult> sendMail​(MailMessage email)
        send a single mail via MailClient
        email - MailMessage object containing the mail text, from/to, attachments etc
        a future notified when the operation is finished or it fails (may be null to ignore the result)
      • close

        Future<Void> close()
        Close the MailClient