Interface RouteToEBServiceHandler

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface RouteToEBServiceHandler
    extends Handler<RoutingContext>
    Handler that proxy the request to an event bus endpoint, waits for the reply and then writes the HTTP response.
    The HTTP request is sent encapsulated into a ServiceRequest object through the event bus. The expected reply is a ServiceResponse
    This handler requires a ValidationHandler that process request parameters, so they can be encapsulated by this handler inside the ServiceRequest
    Francesco Guardiani @slinkydeveloper
    • Method Detail

      • build

        static RouteToEBServiceHandler build​(EventBus eventBus,
                                             String address,
                                             String actionName)
        Build a new RouteToEBServiceHandler
        eventBus - Vert.x event bus instance
        address - Event bus endpoint address
        actionName - action name of the endpoint. This will be configured as DeliveryOptions header named action
      • build

        static RouteToEBServiceHandler build​(EventBus eventBus,
                                             String address,
                                             String actionName,
                                             DeliveryOptions deliveryOptions)
        Build a new RouteToEBServiceHandler
        eventBus - Vert.x event bus instance
        address - Event bus endpoint address
        actionName - action name of the endpoint. This will be configured as DeliveryOptions header named action
        deliveryOptions - delivery options that will be always sent with the request