Interface GrpcServer

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface GrpcServer
    extends Handler<HttpServerRequest>

    A gRPC server based on Vert.x HTTP server.

    The server can be used as a HttpServer handler or mounted as a Vert.x Web handler.

    Unlike traditional gRPC servers, this server does not rely on a generated RPC interface to interact with the service.

    Instead, you can interact with the service with a request/response interfaces and gRPC messages, very much like a traditional client.

    The server handles only the gRPC protocol and does not encode/decode protobuf messages.

    • Method Detail

      • server

        static GrpcServer server​(Vertx vertx)
        Create a blank gRPC server with default options.
        the created server
      • server

        static GrpcServer server​(Vertx vertx,
                                 GrpcServerOptions options)
        Create a blank gRPC server with specified options.
        options - the gRPC server options
        the created server
      • callHandler

        GrpcServer callHandler​(Handler<GrpcServerRequest<Buffer,​Buffer>> handler)
        Set a call handler that handles any call made to the server.
        handler - the service method call handler
        a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
      • callHandler

        <Req,​Resp> GrpcServer callHandler​(ServiceMethod<Req,​Resp> serviceMethod,
                                                Handler<GrpcServerRequest<Req,​Resp>> handler)
        Set a service method call handler that handles any call made to the server for the fullMethodName service method.
        handler - the service method call handler
        serviceMethod - the service method
        a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently