Interface Command

  • public interface Command
    Auto generated API Commands to interact with REDIS.
    Paulo Lopes
    • Field Detail

      • ACL

        static final Command ACL
        A container for Access List Control commands.
      • APPEND

        static final Command APPEND
        Append a value to a key.
      • ASKING

        static final Command ASKING
        Sent by cluster clients after an -ASK redirect.
      • AUTH

        static final Command AUTH
        Authenticate to the server.
      • BF_ADD

        static final Command BF_ADD
      • BF_CARD

        static final Command BF_CARD
      • BF_DEBUG

        static final Command BF_DEBUG
      • BF_EXISTS

        static final Command BF_EXISTS
      • BF_INFO

        static final Command BF_INFO
      • BF_INSERT

        static final Command BF_INSERT

        static final Command BF_LOADCHUNK
      • BF_MADD

        static final Command BF_MADD
      • BF_MEXISTS

        static final Command BF_MEXISTS
      • BF_RESERVE

        static final Command BF_RESERVE

        static final Command BF_SCANDUMP

        static final Command BGREWRITEAOF
        Asynchronously rewrite the append-only file.
      • BGSAVE

        static final Command BGSAVE
        Asynchronously save the dataset to disk.
      • BITCOUNT

        static final Command BITCOUNT
        Count set bits in a string.
      • BITFIELD

        static final Command BITFIELD
        Perform arbitrary bitfield integer operations on strings.

        static final Command BITFIELD_RO
        Perform arbitrary bitfield integer operations on strings. Read-only variant of BITFIELD.
      • BITOP

        static final Command BITOP
        Perform bitwise operations between strings.
      • BITPOS

        static final Command BITPOS
        Find first bit set or clear in a string.
      • BLMOVE

        static final Command BLMOVE
        Pop an element from a list, push it to another list and return it; or block until one is available.
      • BLMPOP

        static final Command BLMPOP
        Pop elements from a list, or block until one is available.
      • BLPOP

        static final Command BLPOP
        Remove and get the first element in a list, or block until one is available.
      • BRPOP

        static final Command BRPOP
        Remove and get the last element in a list, or block until one is available.

        static final Command BRPOPLPUSH
        since: 6.2.0, replaced by: BLMOVE with the RIGHT and LEFT arguments
        Pop an element from a list, push it to another list and return it; or block until one is available.
      • BZMPOP

        static final Command BZMPOP
        Remove and return members with scores in a sorted set or block until one is available.
      • BZPOPMAX

        static final Command BZPOPMAX
        Remove and return the member with the highest score from one or more sorted sets, or block until one is available.
      • BZPOPMIN

        static final Command BZPOPMIN
        Remove and return the member with the lowest score from one or more sorted sets, or block until one is available.
      • CF_ADD

        static final Command CF_ADD
      • CF_ADDNX

        static final Command CF_ADDNX
      • CF_COMPACT

        static final Command CF_COMPACT
      • CF_COUNT

        static final Command CF_COUNT
      • CF_DEBUG

        static final Command CF_DEBUG
      • CF_DEL

        static final Command CF_DEL
      • CF_EXISTS

        static final Command CF_EXISTS
      • CF_INFO

        static final Command CF_INFO
      • CF_INSERT

        static final Command CF_INSERT

        static final Command CF_INSERTNX

        static final Command CF_LOADCHUNK
      • CF_MEXISTS

        static final Command CF_MEXISTS
      • CF_RESERVE

        static final Command CF_RESERVE

        static final Command CF_SCANDUMP
      • CLIENT

        static final Command CLIENT
        A container for client connection commands.
      • CLUSTER

        static final Command CLUSTER
        A container for cluster commands.
      • CMS_INCRBY

        static final Command CMS_INCRBY
      • CMS_INFO

        static final Command CMS_INFO

        static final Command CMS_INITBYDIM

        static final Command CMS_INITBYPROB
      • CMS_MERGE

        static final Command CMS_MERGE
      • CMS_QUERY

        static final Command CMS_QUERY
      • COMMAND

        static final Command COMMAND
        Get array of Redis command details.
      • CONFIG

        static final Command CONFIG
        A container for server configuration commands.
      • COPY

        static final Command COPY
        Copy a key.
      • DBSIZE

        static final Command DBSIZE
        Return the number of keys in the selected database.
      • DEBUG

        static final Command DEBUG
        A container for debugging commands.
      • DECR

        static final Command DECR
        Decrement the integer value of a key by one.
      • DECRBY

        static final Command DECRBY
        Decrement the integer value of a key by the given number.
      • DEL

        static final Command DEL
        Delete a key.
      • DISCARD

        static final Command DISCARD
        Discard all commands issued after MULTI.
      • DUMP

        static final Command DUMP
        Return a serialized version of the value stored at the specified key.
      • ECHO

        static final Command ECHO
        Echo the given string.
      • EVAL

        static final Command EVAL
        Execute a Lua script server side.
      • EVALSHA

        static final Command EVALSHA
        Execute a Lua script server side.
      • EVALSHA_RO

        static final Command EVALSHA_RO
        Execute a read-only Lua script server side.
      • EVAL_RO

        static final Command EVAL_RO
        Execute a read-only Lua script server side.
      • EXEC

        static final Command EXEC
        Execute all commands issued after MULTI.
      • EXISTS

        static final Command EXISTS
        Determine if a key exists.
      • EXPIRE

        static final Command EXPIRE
        Set a key's time to live in seconds.
      • EXPIREAT

        static final Command EXPIREAT
        Set the expiration for a key as a UNIX timestamp.

        static final Command EXPIRETIME
        Get the expiration Unix timestamp for a key.
      • FAILOVER

        static final Command FAILOVER
        Start a coordinated failover between this server and one of its replicas.
      • FCALL

        static final Command FCALL
        Invoke a function.
      • FCALL_RO

        static final Command FCALL_RO
        Invoke a read-only function.
      • FLUSHALL

        static final Command FLUSHALL
        Remove all keys from all databases.
      • FLUSHDB

        static final Command FLUSHDB
        Remove all keys from the current database.
      • FT_ADD

        static final Command FT_ADD

        static final Command FT_AGGREGATE

        static final Command FT_ALIASADD

        static final Command FT_ALIASDEL

        static final Command FT_ALIASUPDATE
      • FT_ALTER

        static final Command FT_ALTER
      • FT_CONFIG

        static final Command FT_CONFIG
      • FT_CREATE

        static final Command FT_CREATE
      • FT_CURSOR

        static final Command FT_CURSOR
      • FT_DEBUG

        static final Command FT_DEBUG
      • FT_DEL

        static final Command FT_DEL
      • FT_DICTADD

        static final Command FT_DICTADD
      • FT_DICTDEL

        static final Command FT_DICTDEL

        static final Command FT_DICTDUMP
      • FT_DROP

        static final Command FT_DROP

        static final Command FT_DROPINDEX
      • FT_EXPLAIN

        static final Command FT_EXPLAIN

        static final Command FT_EXPLAINCLI
      • FT_GET

        static final Command FT_GET
      • FT_INFO

        static final Command FT_INFO
      • FT_MGET

        static final Command FT_MGET
      • FT_PROFILE

        static final Command FT_PROFILE
      • FT_SAFEADD

        static final Command FT_SAFEADD
      • FT_SEARCH

        static final Command FT_SEARCH

        static final Command FT_SPELLCHECK
      • FT_SUGADD

        static final Command FT_SUGADD
      • FT_SUGDEL

        static final Command FT_SUGDEL
      • FT_SUGGET

        static final Command FT_SUGGET
      • FT_SUGLEN

        static final Command FT_SUGLEN
      • FT_SYNADD

        static final Command FT_SYNADD
      • FT_SYNDUMP

        static final Command FT_SYNDUMP

        static final Command FT_SYNUPDATE
      • FT_TAGVALS

        static final Command FT_TAGVALS

        static final Command FT__ALIASADDIFNX

        static final Command FT__ALIASDELIFX

        static final Command FT__ALTERIFNX

        static final Command FT__CREATEIFNX
      • FT__DROPIFX

        static final Command FT__DROPIFX

        static final Command FT__DROPINDEXIFX
      • FT__LIST

        static final Command FT__LIST
      • FUNCTION

        static final Command FUNCTION
        A container for function commands.
      • GEOADD

        static final Command GEOADD
        Add one or more geospatial items in the geospatial index represented using a sorted set.
      • GEODIST

        static final Command GEODIST
        Returns the distance between two members of a geospatial index.
      • GEOHASH

        static final Command GEOHASH
        Returns members of a geospatial index as standard geohash strings.
      • GEOPOS

        static final Command GEOPOS
        Returns longitude and latitude of members of a geospatial index.

        static final Command GEORADIUS
        since: 6.2.0, replaced by: GEOSEARCH and GEOSEARCHSTORE with the BYRADIUS argument
        Query a sorted set representing a geospatial index to fetch members matching a given maximum distance from a point.

        static final Command GEORADIUSBYMEMBER
        since: 6.2.0, replaced by: GEOSEARCH and GEOSEARCHSTORE with the BYRADIUS and FROMMEMBER arguments
        Query a sorted set representing a geospatial index to fetch members matching a given maximum distance from a member.

        static final Command GEORADIUSBYMEMBER_RO
        since: 6.2.0, replaced by: GEOSEARCH with the BYRADIUS and FROMMEMBER arguments
        A read-only variant for GEORADIUSBYMEMBER.

        static final Command GEORADIUS_RO
        since: 6.2.0, replaced by: GEOSEARCH with the BYRADIUS argument
        A read-only variant for GEORADIUS.

        static final Command GEOSEARCH
        Query a sorted set representing a geospatial index to fetch members inside an area of a box or a circle.

        static final Command GEOSEARCHSTORE
        Query a sorted set representing a geospatial index to fetch members inside an area of a box or a circle, and store the result in another key.
      • GET

        static final Command GET
        Get the value of a key.
      • GETBIT

        static final Command GETBIT
        Returns the bit value at offset in the string value stored at key.
      • GETDEL

        static final Command GETDEL
        Get the value of a key and delete the key.
      • GETEX

        static final Command GETEX
        Get the value of a key and optionally set its expiration.
      • GETRANGE

        static final Command GETRANGE
        Get a substring of the string stored at a key.
      • GETSET

        static final Command GETSET
        since: 6.2.0, replaced by: SET with the !GET argument
        Set the string value of a key and return its old value.
      • GRAPH_BULK

        static final Command GRAPH_BULK

        static final Command GRAPH_CONFIG

        static final Command GRAPH_DEBUG

        static final Command GRAPH_DELETE

        static final Command GRAPH_EXPLAIN
      • GRAPH_LIST

        static final Command GRAPH_LIST

        static final Command GRAPH_PROFILE

        static final Command GRAPH_QUERY

        static final Command GRAPH_RO_QUERY

        static final Command GRAPH_SLOWLOG
      • HDEL

        static final Command HDEL
        Delete one or more hash fields.
      • HELLO

        static final Command HELLO
        Handshake with Redis.
      • HEXISTS

        static final Command HEXISTS
        Determine if a hash field exists.
      • HGET

        static final Command HGET
        Get the value of a hash field.
      • HGETALL

        static final Command HGETALL
        Get all the fields and values in a hash.
      • HINCRBY

        static final Command HINCRBY
        Increment the integer value of a hash field by the given number.

        static final Command HINCRBYFLOAT
        Increment the float value of a hash field by the given amount.
      • HKEYS

        static final Command HKEYS
        Get all the fields in a hash.
      • HLEN

        static final Command HLEN
        Get the number of fields in a hash.
      • HMGET

        static final Command HMGET
        Get the values of all the given hash fields.
      • HMSET

        static final Command HMSET
        since: 4.0.0, replaced by: HSET with multiple field-value pairs
        Set multiple hash fields to multiple values.

        static final Command HRANDFIELD
        Get one or multiple random fields from a hash.
      • HSCAN

        static final Command HSCAN
        Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values.
      • HSET

        static final Command HSET
        Set the string value of a hash field.
      • HSETNX

        static final Command HSETNX
        Set the value of a hash field, only if the field does not exist.
      • HSTRLEN

        static final Command HSTRLEN
        Get the length of the value of a hash field.
      • HVALS

        static final Command HVALS
        Get all the values in a hash.
      • INCR

        static final Command INCR
        Increment the integer value of a key by one.
      • INCRBY

        static final Command INCRBY
        Increment the integer value of a key by the given amount.

        static final Command INCRBYFLOAT
        Increment the float value of a key by the given amount.
      • INFO

        static final Command INFO
        Get information and statistics about the server.

        static final Command JSON_ARRAPPEND

        static final Command JSON_ARRINDEX

        static final Command JSON_ARRINSERT

        static final Command JSON_ARRLEN

        static final Command JSON_ARRPOP

        static final Command JSON_ARRTRIM
      • JSON_CLEAR

        static final Command JSON_CLEAR
      • JSON_DEBUG

        static final Command JSON_DEBUG
      • JSON_DEL

        static final Command JSON_DEL

        static final Command JSON_FORGET
      • JSON_GET

        static final Command JSON_GET
      • JSON_MGET

        static final Command JSON_MGET

        static final Command JSON_NUMINCRBY

        static final Command JSON_NUMMULTBY

        static final Command JSON_NUMPOWBY

        static final Command JSON_OBJKEYS

        static final Command JSON_OBJLEN
      • JSON_RESP

        static final Command JSON_RESP
      • JSON_SET

        static final Command JSON_SET

        static final Command JSON_STRAPPEND

        static final Command JSON_STRLEN

        static final Command JSON_TOGGLE
      • JSON_TYPE

        static final Command JSON_TYPE
      • KEYS

        static final Command KEYS
        Find all keys matching the given pattern.
      • LASTSAVE

        static final Command LASTSAVE
        Get the UNIX time stamp of the last successful save to disk.
      • LATENCY

        static final Command LATENCY
        A container for latency diagnostics commands.
      • LCS

        static final Command LCS
        Find longest common substring.
      • LINDEX

        static final Command LINDEX
        Get an element from a list by its index.
      • LINSERT

        static final Command LINSERT
        Insert an element before or after another element in a list.
      • LLEN

        static final Command LLEN
        Get the length of a list.
      • LMOVE

        static final Command LMOVE
        Pop an element from a list, push it to another list and return it.
      • LMPOP

        static final Command LMPOP
        Pop elements from a list.
      • LOLWUT

        static final Command LOLWUT
        Display some computer art and the Redis version.
      • LPOP

        static final Command LPOP
        Remove and get the first elements in a list.
      • LPOS

        static final Command LPOS
        Return the index of matching elements on a list.
      • LPUSH

        static final Command LPUSH
        Prepend one or multiple elements to a list.
      • LPUSHX

        static final Command LPUSHX
        Prepend an element to a list, only if the list exists.
      • LRANGE

        static final Command LRANGE
        Get a range of elements from a list.
      • LREM

        static final Command LREM
        Remove elements from a list.
      • LSET

        static final Command LSET
        Set the value of an element in a list by its index.
      • LTRIM

        static final Command LTRIM
        Trim a list to the specified range.
      • MEMORY

        static final Command MEMORY
        A container for memory diagnostics commands.
      • MGET

        static final Command MGET
        Get the values of all the given keys.
      • MIGRATE

        static final Command MIGRATE
        Atomically transfer a key from a Redis instance to another one.
      • MODULE

        static final Command MODULE
        A container for module commands.
      • MONITOR

        static final Command MONITOR
        Listen for all requests received by the server in real time.
      • MOVE

        static final Command MOVE
        Move a key to another database.
      • MSET

        static final Command MSET
        Set multiple keys to multiple values.
      • MSETNX

        static final Command MSETNX
        Set multiple keys to multiple values, only if none of the keys exist.
      • MULTI

        static final Command MULTI
        Mark the start of a transaction block.
      • OBJECT

        static final Command OBJECT
        A container for object introspection commands.
      • PERSIST

        static final Command PERSIST
        Remove the expiration from a key.
      • PEXPIRE

        static final Command PEXPIRE
        Set a key's time to live in milliseconds.

        static final Command PEXPIREAT
        Set the expiration for a key as a UNIX timestamp specified in milliseconds.

        static final Command PEXPIRETIME
        Get the expiration Unix timestamp for a key in milliseconds.
      • PFADD

        static final Command PFADD
        Adds the specified elements to the specified HyperLogLog.
      • PFCOUNT

        static final Command PFCOUNT
        Return the approximated cardinality of the set(s) observed by the HyperLogLog at key(s).
      • PFDEBUG

        static final Command PFDEBUG
        Internal commands for debugging HyperLogLog values.
      • PFMERGE

        static final Command PFMERGE
        Merge N different HyperLogLogs into a single one.

        static final Command PFSELFTEST
        An internal command for testing HyperLogLog values.
      • PING

        static final Command PING
        Ping the server.
      • PSETEX

        static final Command PSETEX
        Set the value and expiration in milliseconds of a key.

        static final Command PSUBSCRIBE
        Listen for messages published to channels matching the given patterns.
      • PSYNC

        static final Command PSYNC
        Internal command used for replication.
      • PTTL

        static final Command PTTL
        Get the time to live for a key in milliseconds.
      • PUBLISH

        static final Command PUBLISH
        Post a message to a channel.
      • PUBSUB

        static final Command PUBSUB
        A container for Pub/Sub commands.

        static final Command PUNSUBSCRIBE
        Stop listening for messages posted to channels matching the given patterns.
      • QUIT

        static final Command QUIT
        Close the connection.

        static final Command RANDOMKEY
        Return a random key from the keyspace.
      • READONLY

        static final Command READONLY
        Enables read queries for a connection to a cluster replica node.

        static final Command READWRITE
        Disables read queries for a connection to a cluster replica node.
      • RENAME

        static final Command RENAME
        Rename a key.
      • RENAMENX

        static final Command RENAMENX
        Rename a key, only if the new key does not exist.
      • REPLCONF

        static final Command REPLCONF
        An internal command for configuring the replication stream.

        static final Command REPLICAOF
        Make the server a replica of another instance, or promote it as master.
      • RESET

        static final Command RESET
        Reset the connection.
      • RESTORE

        static final Command RESTORE
        Create a key using the provided serialized value, previously obtained using DUMP.

        static final Command RESTORE_ASKING
        An internal command for migrating keys in a cluster.
      • ROLE

        static final Command ROLE
        Return the role of the instance in the context of replication.
      • RPOP

        static final Command RPOP
        Remove and get the last elements in a list.

        static final Command RPOPLPUSH
        since: 6.2.0, replaced by: LMOVE with the RIGHT and LEFT arguments
        Remove the last element in a list, prepend it to another list and return it.
      • RPUSH

        static final Command RPUSH
        Append one or multiple elements to a list.
      • RPUSHX

        static final Command RPUSHX
        Append an element to a list, only if the list exists.
      • SADD

        static final Command SADD
        Add one or more members to a set.
      • SAVE

        static final Command SAVE
        Synchronously save the dataset to disk.
      • SCAN

        static final Command SCAN
        Incrementally iterate the keys space.
      • SCARD

        static final Command SCARD
        Get the number of members in a set.
      • SCRIPT

        static final Command SCRIPT
        A container for Lua scripts management commands.
      • SDIFF

        static final Command SDIFF
        Subtract multiple sets.

        static final Command SDIFFSTORE
        Subtract multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key.
      • SELECT

        static final Command SELECT
        Change the selected database for the current connection.
      • SET

        static final Command SET
        Set the string value of a key.
      • SETBIT

        static final Command SETBIT
        Sets or clears the bit at offset in the string value stored at key.
      • SETEX

        static final Command SETEX
        Set the value and expiration of a key.
      • SETNX

        static final Command SETNX
        Set the value of a key, only if the key does not exist.
      • SETRANGE

        static final Command SETRANGE
        Overwrite part of a string at key starting at the specified offset.
      • SHUTDOWN

        static final Command SHUTDOWN
        Synchronously save the dataset to disk and then shut down the server.
      • SINTER

        static final Command SINTER
        Intersect multiple sets.

        static final Command SINTERCARD
        Intersect multiple sets and return the cardinality of the result.

        static final Command SINTERSTORE
        Intersect multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key.

        static final Command SISMEMBER
        Determine if a given value is a member of a set.
      • SLAVEOF

        static final Command SLAVEOF
        since: 5.0.0, replaced by: REPLICAOF
        Make the server a replica of another instance, or promote it as master.
      • SLOWLOG

        static final Command SLOWLOG
        A container for slow log commands.
      • SMEMBERS

        static final Command SMEMBERS
        Get all the members in a set.

        static final Command SMISMEMBER
        Returns the membership associated with the given elements for a set.
      • SMOVE

        static final Command SMOVE
        Move a member from one set to another.
      • SORT

        static final Command SORT
        Sort the elements in a list, set or sorted set.
      • SORT_RO

        static final Command SORT_RO
        Sort the elements in a list, set or sorted set. Read-only variant of SORT.
      • SPOP

        static final Command SPOP
        Remove and return one or multiple random members from a set.
      • SPUBLISH

        static final Command SPUBLISH
        Post a message to a shard channel.

        static final Command SRANDMEMBER
        Get one or multiple random members from a set.
      • SREM

        static final Command SREM
        Remove one or more members from a set.
      • SSCAN

        static final Command SSCAN
        Incrementally iterate Set elements.

        static final Command SSUBSCRIBE
        Listen for messages published to the given shard channels.
      • STRLEN

        static final Command STRLEN
        Get the length of the value stored in a key.

        static final Command SUBSCRIBE
        Listen for messages published to the given channels.
      • SUBSTR

        static final Command SUBSTR
        since: 2.0.0, replaced by: GETRANGE
        Get a substring of the string stored at a key.
      • SUNION

        static final Command SUNION
        Add multiple sets.

        static final Command SUNIONSTORE
        Add multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key.

        static final Command SUNSUBSCRIBE
        Stop listening for messages posted to the given shard channels.
      • SWAPDB

        static final Command SWAPDB
        Swaps two Redis databases.
      • SYNC

        static final Command SYNC
        Internal command used for replication.

        static final Command TDIGEST_ADD

        static final Command TDIGEST_BYRANK

        static final Command TDIGEST_BYREVRANK

        static final Command TDIGEST_CDF

        static final Command TDIGEST_CREATE

        static final Command TDIGEST_INFO

        static final Command TDIGEST_MAX

        static final Command TDIGEST_MERGE

        static final Command TDIGEST_MIN

        static final Command TDIGEST_QUANTILE

        static final Command TDIGEST_RANK

        static final Command TDIGEST_RESET

        static final Command TDIGEST_REVRANK

        static final Command TDIGEST_TRIMMED_MEAN
      • TIME

        static final Command TIME
        Return the current server time.

        static final Command TIMESERIES_CLUSTERSET


        static final Command TIMESERIES_HELLO

        static final Command TIMESERIES_INFOCLUSTER

        static final Command TIMESERIES_INNERCOMMUNICATION

        static final Command TIMESERIES_NETWORKTEST

        static final Command TIMESERIES_REFRESHCLUSTER
      • TOPK_ADD

        static final Command TOPK_ADD
      • TOPK_COUNT

        static final Command TOPK_COUNT

        static final Command TOPK_INCRBY
      • TOPK_INFO

        static final Command TOPK_INFO
      • TOPK_LIST

        static final Command TOPK_LIST
      • TOPK_QUERY

        static final Command TOPK_QUERY

        static final Command TOPK_RESERVE
      • TOUCH

        static final Command TOUCH
        Alters the last access time of a key(s). Returns the number of existing keys specified.
      • TS_ADD

        static final Command TS_ADD
      • TS_ALTER

        static final Command TS_ALTER
      • TS_CREATE

        static final Command TS_CREATE

        static final Command TS_CREATERULE
      • TS_DECRBY

        static final Command TS_DECRBY
      • TS_DEL

        static final Command TS_DEL

        static final Command TS_DELETERULE
      • TS_GET

        static final Command TS_GET
      • TS_INCRBY

        static final Command TS_INCRBY
      • TS_INFO

        static final Command TS_INFO
      • TS_MADD

        static final Command TS_MADD
      • TS_MGET

        static final Command TS_MGET
      • TS_MRANGE

        static final Command TS_MRANGE

        static final Command TS_MREVRANGE

        static final Command TS_QUERYINDEX
      • TS_RANGE

        static final Command TS_RANGE

        static final Command TS_REVRANGE
      • TTL

        static final Command TTL
        Get the time to live for a key in seconds.
      • TYPE

        static final Command TYPE
        Determine the type stored at key.
      • UNLINK

        static final Command UNLINK
        Delete a key asynchronously in another thread. Otherwise it is just as DEL, but non blocking.

        static final Command UNSUBSCRIBE
        Stop listening for messages posted to the given channels.
      • UNWATCH

        static final Command UNWATCH
        Forget about all watched keys.
      • WAIT

        static final Command WAIT
        Wait for the synchronous replication of all the write commands sent in the context of the current connection.
      • WATCH

        static final Command WATCH
        Watch the given keys to determine execution of the MULTI/EXEC block.
      • XACK

        static final Command XACK
        Marks a pending message as correctly processed, effectively removing it from the pending entries list of the consumer group. Return value of the command is the number of messages successfully acknowledged, that is, the IDs we were actually able to resolve in the PEL.
      • XADD

        static final Command XADD
        Appends a new entry to a stream.

        static final Command XAUTOCLAIM
        Changes (or acquires) ownership of messages in a consumer group, as if the messages were delivered to the specified consumer.
      • XCLAIM

        static final Command XCLAIM
        Changes (or acquires) ownership of a message in a consumer group, as if the message was delivered to the specified consumer.
      • XDEL

        static final Command XDEL
        Removes the specified entries from the stream. Returns the number of items actually deleted, that may be different from the number of IDs passed in case certain IDs do not exist.
      • XGROUP

        static final Command XGROUP
        A container for consumer groups commands.
      • XINFO

        static final Command XINFO
        A container for stream introspection commands.
      • XLEN

        static final Command XLEN
        Return the number of entries in a stream.
      • XPENDING

        static final Command XPENDING
        Return information and entries from a stream consumer group pending entries list, that are messages fetched but never acknowledged.
      • XRANGE

        static final Command XRANGE
        Return a range of elements in a stream, with IDs matching the specified IDs interval.
      • XREAD

        static final Command XREAD
        Return never seen elements in multiple streams, with IDs greater than the ones reported by the caller for each stream. Can block.

        static final Command XREADGROUP
        Return new entries from a stream using a consumer group, or access the history of the pending entries for a given consumer. Can block.

        static final Command XREVRANGE
        Return a range of elements in a stream, with IDs matching the specified IDs interval, in reverse order (from greater to smaller IDs) compared to XRANGE.
      • XSETID

        static final Command XSETID
        An internal command for replicating stream values.
      • XTRIM

        static final Command XTRIM
        Trims the stream to (approximately if '~' is passed) a certain size.
      • ZADD

        static final Command ZADD
        Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists.
      • ZCARD

        static final Command ZCARD
        Get the number of members in a sorted set.
      • ZCOUNT

        static final Command ZCOUNT
        Count the members in a sorted set with scores within the given values.
      • ZDIFF

        static final Command ZDIFF
        Subtract multiple sorted sets.

        static final Command ZDIFFSTORE
        Subtract multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a new key.
      • ZINCRBY

        static final Command ZINCRBY
        Increment the score of a member in a sorted set.
      • ZINTER

        static final Command ZINTER
        Intersect multiple sorted sets.

        static final Command ZINTERCARD
        Intersect multiple sorted sets and return the cardinality of the result.

        static final Command ZINTERSTORE
        Intersect multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a new key.

        static final Command ZLEXCOUNT
        Count the number of members in a sorted set between a given lexicographical range.
      • ZMPOP

        static final Command ZMPOP
        Remove and return members with scores in a sorted set.
      • ZMSCORE

        static final Command ZMSCORE
        Get the score associated with the given members in a sorted set.
      • ZPOPMAX

        static final Command ZPOPMAX
        Remove and return members with the highest scores in a sorted set.
      • ZPOPMIN

        static final Command ZPOPMIN
        Remove and return members with the lowest scores in a sorted set.

        static final Command ZRANDMEMBER
        Get one or multiple random elements from a sorted set.
      • ZRANGE

        static final Command ZRANGE
        Return a range of members in a sorted set.

        static final Command ZRANGEBYLEX
        since: 6.2.0, replaced by: ZRANGE with the BYLEX argument
        Return a range of members in a sorted set, by lexicographical range.

        static final Command ZRANGEBYSCORE
        since: 6.2.0, replaced by: ZRANGE with the BYSCORE argument
        Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score.

        static final Command ZRANGESTORE
        Store a range of members from sorted set into another key.
      • ZRANK

        static final Command ZRANK
        Determine the index of a member in a sorted set.
      • ZREM

        static final Command ZREM
        Remove one or more members from a sorted set.

        static final Command ZREMRANGEBYLEX
        Remove all members in a sorted set between the given lexicographical range.

        static final Command ZREMRANGEBYRANK
        Remove all members in a sorted set within the given indexes.

        static final Command ZREMRANGEBYSCORE
        Remove all members in a sorted set within the given scores.

        static final Command ZREVRANGE
        since: 6.2.0, replaced by: ZRANGE with the REV argument
        Return a range of members in a sorted set, by index, with scores ordered from high to low.

        static final Command ZREVRANGEBYLEX
        since: 6.2.0, replaced by: ZRANGE with the REV and BYLEX arguments
        Return a range of members in a sorted set, by lexicographical range, ordered from higher to lower strings.

        static final Command ZREVRANGEBYSCORE
        since: 6.2.0, replaced by: ZRANGE with the REV and BYSCORE arguments
        Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score, with scores ordered from high to low.
      • ZREVRANK

        static final Command ZREVRANK
        Determine the index of a member in a sorted set, with scores ordered from high to low.
      • ZSCAN

        static final Command ZSCAN
        Incrementally iterate sorted sets elements and associated scores.
      • ZSCORE

        static final Command ZSCORE
        Get the score associated with the given member in a sorted set.
      • ZUNION

        static final Command ZUNION
        Add multiple sorted sets.

        static final Command ZUNIONSTORE
        Add multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a new key.
      • SENTINEL

        static final Command SENTINEL
    • Method Detail

      • create

        static Command create​(String command)
        Generic command generator for extensions.

        To avoid inconsistent behavior, when command is one of the known commands for which a static instance exists, the static instance is returned.

        command - command name
        the cacheable immutable command instance