Uses of Class
Uses of JsonArray in io.vertx.amqp
Methods in io.vertx.amqp that return JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description JsonArray
AmqpMessage. bodyAsJsonArray()
Methods in io.vertx.amqp with parameters of type JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description AmqpMessageBuilder
AmqpMessageBuilder. withJsonArrayAsBody(JsonArray json)
Uses of JsonArray in io.vertx.core.buffer
Methods in io.vertx.core.buffer that return JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description JsonArray
Buffer. toJsonArray()
Returns aJsonArray
representation of this buffer's content. -
Uses of JsonArray in io.vertx.core.json
Methods in io.vertx.core.json that return JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description JsonArray
JsonArray. add(int pos, Object value)
Add an Object to the JSON array at given positionpos
JsonArray. add(Object value)
Add an Object to the JSON array.JsonArray
JsonArray. addAll(JsonArray array)
Appends all of the elements in the specified array to the end of this JSON array.JsonArray
JsonArray. addNull()
Add a null value to the JSON array.JsonArray
JsonArray. clear()
Remove all entries from the JSON arrayJsonArray
JsonArray. copy()
Deep copy of the JSON array.JsonArray
JsonArray. copy(java.util.function.Function<Object,?> cloner)
Deep copy of the JSON array.JsonArray
JsonArray. getJsonArray(int pos)
Get the JsonArray at positionpos
in the array.JsonArray
JsonObject. getJsonArray(String key)
Get the JsonArray value with the specified keyJsonArray
JsonObject. getJsonArray(String key, JsonArray def)
but specifying a default value to return if there is no entry.static JsonArray
JsonArray. of(Object... values)
Create a JsonArray containing an arbitrary number of values.JsonArray
JsonArray. set(int pos, Object value)
Set an Object to the JSON array at positionpos
JsonArray. setNull(int pos)
Set a null value to the JSON array at positionpos
.Methods in io.vertx.core.json with parameters of type JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description JsonArray
JsonArray. addAll(JsonArray array)
Appends all of the elements in the specified array to the end of this JSON array.JsonArray
JsonObject. getJsonArray(String key, JsonArray def)
but specifying a default value to return if there is no entry. -
Uses of JsonArray in io.vertx.core.parsetools
Methods in io.vertx.core.parsetools that return JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description JsonArray
JsonEvent. arrayValue()
Uses of JsonArray in io.vertx.ext.auth.webauthn4j
Methods in io.vertx.ext.auth.webauthn4j with parameters of type JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description AttestationCertificates
AttestationCertificates. setX5c(JsonArray x5c)
Uses of JsonArray in io.vertx.ext.mongo
Methods in io.vertx.ext.mongo that return JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description JsonArray
UpdateOptions. getArrayFilters()
Get the arrayFilters option.Methods in io.vertx.ext.mongo that return types with arguments of type JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description Future<JsonArray>
MongoClient. distinct(String collection, String fieldName, String resultClassname)
Gets the distinct values of the specified field name.Future<JsonArray>
MongoClient. distinct(String collection, String fieldName, String resultClassname, DistinctOptions distinctOptions)
Gets the distinct values of the specified field name.Future<JsonArray>
MongoClient. distinctWithQuery(String collection, String fieldName, String resultClassname, JsonObject query)
Gets the distinct values of the specified field name filtered by specified query.Future<JsonArray>
MongoClient. distinctWithQuery(String collection, String fieldName, String resultClassname, JsonObject query, DistinctOptions distinctOptions)
Gets the distinct values of the specified field name filtered by specified query.Future<JsonArray>
MongoClient. listIndexes(String collection)
Get all the indexes in this collection.Methods in io.vertx.ext.mongo with parameters of type JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description ReadStream<JsonObject>
MongoClient. aggregate(String collection, JsonArray pipeline)
Run aggregate MongoDB command with defaultAggregateOptions
MongoClient. aggregateWithOptions(String collection, JsonArray pipeline, AggregateOptions options)
Run aggregate MongoDB command.UpdateOptions
UpdateOptions. setArrayFilters(JsonArray arrayFilters)
Set the arrayFilters optionFuture<MongoClientUpdateResult>
MongoClient. updateCollection(String collection, JsonObject query, JsonArray update)
Use an aggregation pipeline to update documents in the specified collection and return the handler withMongoClientUpdateResult
MongoClient. updateCollectionWithOptions(String collection, JsonObject query, JsonArray update, UpdateOptions options)
Use an aggregation pipeline to update documents in the specified collection, specifying options and return the handler withMongoClientUpdateResult
MongoClient. watch(String collection, JsonArray pipeline, boolean withUpdatedDoc, int batchSize)
Watch the collection change. -
Uses of JsonArray in io.vertx.ext.web
Methods in io.vertx.ext.web that return JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description default JsonArray
RequestBody. asJsonArray()
RequestBody. asJsonArray(int maxAllowedLength)
Gets the current body buffer as aJsonArray
. -
Uses of JsonArray in io.vertx.ext.web.api.service
Methods in io.vertx.ext.web.api.service with parameters of type JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description static ServiceResponse
ServiceResponse. completedWithJson(JsonArray jsonArray)
Creates aServiceResponse
with status code 200, status message OK, content typeapplication/json
as body -
Uses of JsonArray in io.vertx.ext.web.client
Methods in io.vertx.ext.web.client that return JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description JsonArray
HttpResponse. bodyAsJsonArray()
Uses of JsonArray in io.vertx.ext.web.codec
Methods in io.vertx.ext.web.codec that return types with arguments of type JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description static BodyCodec<JsonArray>
BodyCodec. jsonArray()
Uses of JsonArray in io.vertx.ext.web.validation
Methods in io.vertx.ext.web.validation that return JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description JsonArray
RequestParameter. getJsonArray()
Uses of JsonArray in io.vertx.httpproxy.interceptors
Method parameters in io.vertx.httpproxy.interceptors with type arguments of type JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description static BodyTransformer
BodyTransformer. transformJsonArray(java.util.function.Function<JsonArray,JsonArray> transformer)
Create a callback for transform JsonArray.static BodyTransformer
BodyTransformer. transformJsonArray(java.util.function.Function<JsonArray,JsonArray> transformer)
Create a callback for transform JsonArray. -
Uses of JsonArray in io.vertx.jdbcclient
Methods in io.vertx.jdbcclient that return JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description JsonArray
SqlOptions. getAutoGeneratedKeysIndexes()
Methods in io.vertx.jdbcclient with parameters of type JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description JDBCConnectOptions
JDBCConnectOptions. setAutoGeneratedKeysIndexes(JsonArray autoGeneratedKeysIndexes)
SqlOptions. setAutoGeneratedKeysIndexes(JsonArray autoGeneratedKeysIndexes)
Uses of JsonArray in io.vertx.jdbcclient.spi
Methods in io.vertx.jdbcclient.spi with parameters of type JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description Object
JDBCEncoder. encode(JsonArray input, int pos, JDBCColumnDescriptorProvider provider)
Convert Java input value to SQL valueObject
JDBCEncoderImpl. encode(JsonArray input, int pos, JDBCColumnDescriptorProvider provider)
Uses of JsonArray in io.vertx.kafka.client.serialization
Methods in io.vertx.kafka.client.serialization that return JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description JsonArray
JsonArrayDeserializer. deserialize(String topic, byte[] data)
Methods in io.vertx.kafka.client.serialization that return types with arguments of type JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description static org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Serde<JsonArray>
VertxSerdes. JsonArray()
Methods in io.vertx.kafka.client.serialization with parameters of type JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description byte[]
JsonArraySerializer. serialize(String topic, JsonArray data)
Uses of JsonArray in io.vertx.lang.groovy
Methods in io.vertx.lang.groovy with parameters of type JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description static Object
VertxExtensionModule. getAt(JsonArray json, int idx)
Subscript operator forJsonArray
, the read part.static void
VertxExtensionModule. leftShift(JsonArray json, Object value)
operator forJsonObject
. -
Uses of JsonArray in io.vertx.mqtt
Methods in io.vertx.mqtt that return JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description static JsonArray
MqttWill. propertiesToJson(MqttProperties properties)
Methods in io.vertx.mqtt with parameters of type JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description static MqttProperties
MqttWill. propertiesFromJson(JsonArray array)
Uses of JsonArray in io.vertx.openapi.validation
Methods in io.vertx.openapi.validation that return JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description default JsonArray
Parameter. getJsonArray()
default JsonArray
Parameter. getJsonArray(JsonArray defaultValue)
Methods in io.vertx.openapi.validation with parameters of type JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description default JsonArray
Parameter. getJsonArray(JsonArray defaultValue)
Uses of JsonArray in io.vertx.oracleclient
Methods in io.vertx.oracleclient that return JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description JsonArray
OraclePrepareOptions. getAutoGeneratedKeysIndexes()
Methods in io.vertx.oracleclient with parameters of type JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description OraclePrepareOptions
OraclePrepareOptions. setAutoGeneratedKeysIndexes(JsonArray autoGeneratedKeysIndexes)
Uses of JsonArray in io.vertx.reactivex.amqp
Methods in io.vertx.reactivex.amqp that return JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description JsonArray
AmqpMessage. bodyAsJsonArray()
Methods in io.vertx.reactivex.amqp with parameters of type JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description AmqpMessageBuilder
AmqpMessageBuilder. withJsonArrayAsBody(JsonArray json)
Uses of JsonArray in io.vertx.reactivex.ext.mongo
Methods in io.vertx.reactivex.ext.mongo that return types with arguments of type JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description Future<JsonArray>
MongoClient. distinct(String collection, String fieldName, String resultClassname)
Gets the distinct values of the specified field name.Future<JsonArray>
MongoClient. distinct(String collection, String fieldName, String resultClassname, DistinctOptions distinctOptions)
Gets the distinct values of the specified field name.Future<JsonArray>
MongoClient. distinctWithQuery(String collection, String fieldName, String resultClassname, JsonObject query)
Gets the distinct values of the specified field name filtered by specified query.Future<JsonArray>
MongoClient. distinctWithQuery(String collection, String fieldName, String resultClassname, JsonObject query, DistinctOptions distinctOptions)
Gets the distinct values of the specified field name filtered by specified query.Future<JsonArray>
MongoClient. listIndexes(String collection)
Get all the indexes in this collection.Single<JsonArray>
MongoClient. rxDistinct(String collection, String fieldName, String resultClassname)
Gets the distinct values of the specified field name.Single<JsonArray>
MongoClient. rxDistinct(String collection, String fieldName, String resultClassname, DistinctOptions distinctOptions)
Gets the distinct values of the specified field name.Single<JsonArray>
MongoClient. rxDistinctWithQuery(String collection, String fieldName, String resultClassname, JsonObject query)
Gets the distinct values of the specified field name filtered by specified query.Single<JsonArray>
MongoClient. rxDistinctWithQuery(String collection, String fieldName, String resultClassname, JsonObject query, DistinctOptions distinctOptions)
Gets the distinct values of the specified field name filtered by specified query.Single<JsonArray>
MongoClient. rxListIndexes(String collection)
Get all the indexes in this collection.Methods in io.vertx.reactivex.ext.mongo with parameters of type JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description ReadStream<JsonObject>
MongoClient. aggregate(String collection, JsonArray pipeline)
Run aggregate MongoDB command with defaultAggregateOptions
MongoClient. aggregateWithOptions(String collection, JsonArray pipeline, AggregateOptions options)
Run aggregate MongoDB command.Maybe<MongoClientUpdateResult>
MongoClient. rxUpdateCollection(String collection, JsonObject query, JsonArray update)
Use an aggregation pipeline to update documents in the specified collection and return the handler withMongoClientUpdateResult
MongoClient. rxUpdateCollectionWithOptions(String collection, JsonObject query, JsonArray update, UpdateOptions options)
Use an aggregation pipeline to update documents in the specified collection, specifying options and return the handler withMongoClientUpdateResult
MongoClient. updateCollection(String collection, JsonObject query, JsonArray update)
Use an aggregation pipeline to update documents in the specified collection and return the handler withMongoClientUpdateResult
MongoClient. updateCollectionWithOptions(String collection, JsonObject query, JsonArray update, UpdateOptions options)
Use an aggregation pipeline to update documents in the specified collection, specifying options and return the handler withMongoClientUpdateResult
MongoClient. watch(String collection, JsonArray pipeline, boolean withUpdatedDoc, int batchSize)
Watch the collection change. -
Uses of JsonArray in io.vertx.reactivex.ext.web
Methods in io.vertx.reactivex.ext.web that return JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description JsonArray
RequestBody. asJsonArray()
RequestBody. asJsonArray(int maxAllowedLength)
Gets the current body buffer as a . -
Uses of JsonArray in io.vertx.reactivex.ext.web.client
Methods in io.vertx.reactivex.ext.web.client that return JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description JsonArray
HttpResponse. bodyAsJsonArray()
Uses of JsonArray in io.vertx.reactivex.ext.web.codec
Methods in io.vertx.reactivex.ext.web.codec that return types with arguments of type JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description static BodyCodec<JsonArray>
BodyCodec. jsonArray()
Uses of JsonArray in io.vertx.reactivex.ext.web.validation
Methods in io.vertx.reactivex.ext.web.validation that return JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description JsonArray
RequestParameter. getJsonArray()
Uses of JsonArray in io.vertx.reactivex.openapi.validation
Methods in io.vertx.reactivex.openapi.validation that return JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description JsonArray
Parameter. getJsonArray()
Parameter. getJsonArray(JsonArray defaultValue)
RequestParameter. getJsonArray()
RequestParameter. getJsonArray(JsonArray defaultValue)
ResponseParameter. getJsonArray()
ResponseParameter. getJsonArray(JsonArray defaultValue)
Methods in io.vertx.reactivex.openapi.validation with parameters of type JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description JsonArray
Parameter. getJsonArray(JsonArray defaultValue)
RequestParameter. getJsonArray(JsonArray defaultValue)
ResponseParameter. getJsonArray(JsonArray defaultValue)
Uses of JsonArray in io.vertx.reactivex.sqlclient
Methods in io.vertx.reactivex.sqlclient that return JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description JsonArray[]
Row. getArrayOfJsonArrays(String column)
Get an array of value for the givencolumn
Tuple. getArrayOfJsonArrays(int pos)
Get an array of value atpos
Row. getJsonArray(String column)
Get a value for the givencolumn
Tuple. getJsonArray(int pos)
Get a value atpos
.Methods in io.vertx.reactivex.sqlclient with parameters of type JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description Tuple
Tuple. addArrayOfJsonArray(JsonArray[] value)
Add an array of value at the end of the tuple.Tuple
Tuple. addJsonArray(JsonArray value)
Add a value at the end of the tuple. -
Uses of JsonArray in io.vertx.redis.client
Methods in io.vertx.redis.client with parameters of type JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description default Request
Request. arg(JsonArray arg)
Adds a JsonArray argument, the encoding will serialize the json as value0, value1, ... -
Uses of JsonArray in io.vertx.rxjava3.amqp
Methods in io.vertx.rxjava3.amqp that return JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description JsonArray
AmqpMessage. bodyAsJsonArray()
Methods in io.vertx.rxjava3.amqp with parameters of type JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description AmqpMessageBuilder
AmqpMessageBuilder. withJsonArrayAsBody(JsonArray json)
Uses of JsonArray in io.vertx.rxjava3.ext.mongo
Methods in io.vertx.rxjava3.ext.mongo that return types with arguments of type JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description Single<JsonArray>
MongoClient. distinct(String collection, String fieldName, String resultClassname)
Gets the distinct values of the specified field name.Single<JsonArray>
MongoClient. distinct(String collection, String fieldName, String resultClassname, DistinctOptions distinctOptions)
Gets the distinct values of the specified field name.Single<JsonArray>
MongoClient. distinctWithQuery(String collection, String fieldName, String resultClassname, JsonObject query)
Gets the distinct values of the specified field name filtered by specified query.Single<JsonArray>
MongoClient. distinctWithQuery(String collection, String fieldName, String resultClassname, JsonObject query, DistinctOptions distinctOptions)
Gets the distinct values of the specified field name filtered by specified query.Single<JsonArray>
MongoClient. listIndexes(String collection)
Get all the indexes in this collection.Single<JsonArray>
MongoClient. rxDistinct(String collection, String fieldName, String resultClassname)
Gets the distinct values of the specified field name.Single<JsonArray>
MongoClient. rxDistinct(String collection, String fieldName, String resultClassname, DistinctOptions distinctOptions)
Gets the distinct values of the specified field name.Single<JsonArray>
MongoClient. rxDistinctWithQuery(String collection, String fieldName, String resultClassname, JsonObject query)
Gets the distinct values of the specified field name filtered by specified query.Single<JsonArray>
MongoClient. rxDistinctWithQuery(String collection, String fieldName, String resultClassname, JsonObject query, DistinctOptions distinctOptions)
Gets the distinct values of the specified field name filtered by specified query.Single<JsonArray>
MongoClient. rxListIndexes(String collection)
Get all the indexes in this collection.Methods in io.vertx.rxjava3.ext.mongo with parameters of type JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description ReadStream<JsonObject>
MongoClient. aggregate(String collection, JsonArray pipeline)
Run aggregate MongoDB command with defaultAggregateOptions
MongoClient. aggregateWithOptions(String collection, JsonArray pipeline, AggregateOptions options)
Run aggregate MongoDB command.Maybe<MongoClientUpdateResult>
MongoClient. rxUpdateCollection(String collection, JsonObject query, JsonArray update)
Use an aggregation pipeline to update documents in the specified collection and return the handler withMongoClientUpdateResult
MongoClient. rxUpdateCollectionWithOptions(String collection, JsonObject query, JsonArray update, UpdateOptions options)
Use an aggregation pipeline to update documents in the specified collection, specifying options and return the handler withMongoClientUpdateResult
MongoClient. updateCollection(String collection, JsonObject query, JsonArray update)
Use an aggregation pipeline to update documents in the specified collection and return the handler withMongoClientUpdateResult
MongoClient. updateCollectionWithOptions(String collection, JsonObject query, JsonArray update, UpdateOptions options)
Use an aggregation pipeline to update documents in the specified collection, specifying options and return the handler withMongoClientUpdateResult
MongoClient. watch(String collection, JsonArray pipeline, boolean withUpdatedDoc, int batchSize)
Watch the collection change. -
Uses of JsonArray in io.vertx.rxjava3.ext.web
Methods in io.vertx.rxjava3.ext.web that return JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description JsonArray
RequestBody. asJsonArray()
RequestBody. asJsonArray(int maxAllowedLength)
Gets the current body buffer as a . -
Uses of JsonArray in io.vertx.rxjava3.ext.web.client
Methods in io.vertx.rxjava3.ext.web.client that return JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description JsonArray
HttpResponse. bodyAsJsonArray()
Uses of JsonArray in io.vertx.rxjava3.ext.web.codec
Methods in io.vertx.rxjava3.ext.web.codec that return types with arguments of type JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description static BodyCodec<JsonArray>
BodyCodec. jsonArray()
Uses of JsonArray in io.vertx.rxjava3.ext.web.validation
Methods in io.vertx.rxjava3.ext.web.validation that return JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description JsonArray
RequestParameter. getJsonArray()
Uses of JsonArray in io.vertx.rxjava3.httpproxy.interceptors
Method parameters in io.vertx.rxjava3.httpproxy.interceptors with type arguments of type JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description static BodyTransformer
BodyTransformer. transformJsonArray(java.util.function.Function<JsonArray,JsonArray> transformer)
Create a callback for transform JsonArray.static BodyTransformer
BodyTransformer. transformJsonArray(java.util.function.Function<JsonArray,JsonArray> transformer)
Create a callback for transform JsonArray. -
Uses of JsonArray in io.vertx.rxjava3.openapi.validation
Methods in io.vertx.rxjava3.openapi.validation that return JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description JsonArray
Parameter. getJsonArray()
Parameter. getJsonArray(JsonArray defaultValue)
RequestParameter. getJsonArray()
RequestParameter. getJsonArray(JsonArray defaultValue)
ResponseParameter. getJsonArray()
ResponseParameter. getJsonArray(JsonArray defaultValue)
Methods in io.vertx.rxjava3.openapi.validation with parameters of type JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description JsonArray
Parameter. getJsonArray(JsonArray defaultValue)
RequestParameter. getJsonArray(JsonArray defaultValue)
ResponseParameter. getJsonArray(JsonArray defaultValue)
Uses of JsonArray in io.vertx.rxjava3.sqlclient
Methods in io.vertx.rxjava3.sqlclient that return JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description JsonArray[]
Row. getArrayOfJsonArrays(String column)
Get an array of value for the givencolumn
Tuple. getArrayOfJsonArrays(int pos)
Get an array of value atpos
Row. getJsonArray(String column)
Get a value for the givencolumn
Tuple. getJsonArray(int pos)
Get a value atpos
.Methods in io.vertx.rxjava3.sqlclient with parameters of type JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description Tuple
Tuple. addArrayOfJsonArray(JsonArray[] value)
Add an array of value at the end of the tuple.Tuple
Tuple. addJsonArray(JsonArray value)
Add a value at the end of the tuple. -
Uses of JsonArray in io.vertx.serviceproxy
Methods in io.vertx.serviceproxy that return JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description static JsonArray
HelperUtils. convertStackTrace(Throwable cause)
Methods in io.vertx.serviceproxy with parameters of type JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description static List<Character>
ProxyUtils. convertToListChar(JsonArray arr)
static Set<Character>
ProxyUtils. convertToSetChar(JsonArray arr)
Uses of JsonArray in io.vertx.sqlclient
Methods in io.vertx.sqlclient that return JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description default JsonArray[]
Row. getArrayOfJsonArrays(String column)
Get an array ofJsonArray
value for the givencolumn
.default JsonArray[]
Tuple. getArrayOfJsonArrays(int pos)
Get an array ofJsonArray
value atpos
.default JsonArray
Row. getJsonArray(String column)
Get aJsonArray
value for the givencolumn
.default JsonArray
Tuple. getJsonArray(int pos)
Get aJsonArray
value atpos
.Methods in io.vertx.sqlclient with parameters of type JsonArray Modifier and Type Method Description default Tuple
Tuple. addArrayOfJsonArray(JsonArray[] value)
Add an array ofJsonArray
value at the end of the tuple.default Tuple
Tuple. addJsonArray(JsonArray value)
Add aJsonArray
value at the end of the tuple.