Class AmqpMessage

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class AmqpMessage
    extends Object
    implements io.vertx.lang.rx.RxDelegate
    Represents an AMQP message.

    Reference about the different metadata can be found on AMQP message properties.

    Note that the body is retrieved using body* method depending on the expected type.

    NOTE: This class has been automatically generated from the original non RX-ified interface using Vert.x codegen.

    • Field Detail

      • __TYPE_ARG

        public static final io.vertx.lang.rx.TypeArg<AmqpMessage> __TYPE_ARG
    • Constructor Detail

      • AmqpMessage

        public AmqpMessage​(AmqpMessage delegate)
      • AmqpMessage

        public AmqpMessage​(Object delegate)
    • Method Detail

      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • getDelegate

        public AmqpMessage getDelegate()
        Specified by:
        getDelegate in interface io.vertx.lang.rx.RxDelegate
      • create

        public static AmqpMessageBuilder create​(AmqpMessage existing)
        Creates a builder to create a new AmqpMessage copying the metadata from the passed message.
        existing - an existing message, must not be null.
        a builder to create an AmqpMessage.
      • isDurable

        public boolean isDurable()
        whether or not the message is durable.
      • isFirstAcquirer

        public boolean isFirstAcquirer()
        if true, then this message has not been acquired by any other link. If false, then this message MAY have previously been acquired by another link or links.
      • priority

        public int priority()
        the relative message priority. Higher numbers indicate higher priority messages. Messages with higher priorities MAY be delivered before those with lower priorities.
      • deliveryCount

        public int deliveryCount()
        the number of unsuccessful previous attempts to deliver this message. If this value is non-zero it can be taken as an indication that the delivery might be a duplicate. On first delivery, the value is zero. It is incremented upon an outcome being settled at the sender, according to rules defined for each outcome.
      • ttl

        public long ttl()
        the duration in milliseconds for which the message is to be considered "live".
      • id

        public String id()
        the message id
      • address

        public String address()
        the message address, also named to field
      • replyTo

        public String replyTo()
        The address of the node to send replies to, if any.
      • correlationId

        public String correlationId()
        The client-specific id that can be used to mark or identify messages between clients.
      • isBodyNull

        public boolean isBodyNull()
        whether the body is null. This method returns true is the message does not contain a body or if the message contain a null AMQP value as body.
      • bodyAsBoolean

        public boolean bodyAsBoolean()
        the boolean value contained in the body. The value must be passed as AMQP value.
      • bodyAsByte

        public byte bodyAsByte()
        the byte value contained in the body. The value must be passed as AMQP value.
      • bodyAsShort

        public short bodyAsShort()
        the short value contained in the body. The value must be passed as AMQP value.
      • bodyAsInteger

        public int bodyAsInteger()
        the integer value contained in the body. The value must be passed as AMQP value.
      • bodyAsLong

        public long bodyAsLong()
        the long value contained in the body. The value must be passed as AMQP value.
      • bodyAsFloat

        public float bodyAsFloat()
        the float value contained in the body. The value must be passed as AMQP value.
      • bodyAsDouble

        public double bodyAsDouble()
        the double value contained in the body. The value must be passed as AMQP value.
      • bodyAsChar

        public char bodyAsChar()
        the character value contained in the body. The value must be passed as AMQP value.
      • bodyAsBinary

        public Buffer bodyAsBinary()
        the bytes contained in the body. The value must be passed as AMQP data.
      • bodyAsString

        public String bodyAsString()
        the string value contained in the body. The value must be passed as AMQP value.
      • bodyAsSymbol

        public String bodyAsSymbol()
        the symbol value contained in the body. The value must be passed as AMQP value.
      • bodyAsList

        public <T> List<T> bodyAsList()
        the list of values contained in the body. The value must be passed as AMQP value.
      • bodyAsJsonObject

        public JsonObject bodyAsJsonObject()
        the JSON object contained in the body. The value must be passed as AMQP data.
      • bodyAsJsonArray

        public JsonArray bodyAsJsonArray()
        the JSON array contained in the body. The value must be passed as AMQP data.
      • subject

        public String subject()
      • contentType

        public String contentType()
      • contentEncoding

        public String contentEncoding()
      • expiryTime

        public long expiryTime()
      • creationTime

        public long creationTime()
      • groupId

        public String groupId()
      • replyToGroupId

        public String replyToGroupId()
      • groupSequence

        public long groupSequence()
      • applicationProperties

        public JsonObject applicationProperties()
        the message properties as JSON object.
      • accepted

        public AmqpMessage accepted()
        When receiving a message, and when auto-acknowledgement is disabled, this method is used to acknowledge the incoming message. It marks the message as delivered with the accepted status.
        the current AmqpMessage object
      • rejected

        public AmqpMessage rejected()
        When receiving a message, and when auto-acknowledgement is disabled, this method is used to acknowledge the incoming message as rejected.
        the current AmqpMessage object
      • released

        public AmqpMessage released()
        When receiving a message, and when auto-acknowledgement is disabled, this method is used to acknowledge the incoming message as released.
        the current AmqpMessage object
      • modified

        public AmqpMessage modified​(boolean deliveryFailed,
                                    boolean undeliverableHere)
        When receiving a message, and when auto-acknowledgement is disabled, this method is used to acknowledge the incoming message as modified.
        deliveryFailed - pass true to increase the failed delivery count
        undeliverableHere - pass true to prevent re-delivery of this message to the same consumer
        the current AmqpMessage object
      • bodyAsTimestamp

        public java.time.Instant bodyAsTimestamp()
        the timestamp value contained in the body. The value must be passed as AMQP value.
      • bodyAsUUID

        public UUID bodyAsUUID()
        the UUID value contained in the body. The value must be passed as AMQP value.