static OAuth2Auth |
AmazonCognitoAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String region,
String clientId,
String clientSecret,
String guid) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for Amazon Cognito
static OAuth2Auth |
AmazonCognitoAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String region,
String clientId,
String clientSecret,
String userPoolId,
HttpClientOptions httpClientOptions) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for Amazon Cognito
static OAuth2Auth |
AppleIdAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String clientId,
String teamId,
PubSecKeyOptions privateKey) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for Apple
static OAuth2Auth |
AppleIdAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String clientId,
String teamId,
PubSecKeyOptions privateKey,
HttpClientOptions httpClientOptions) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for Apple
static OAuth2Auth |
Auth0Auth.create(Vertx vertx,
String clientId,
String clientSecret,
String tenant,
String audience) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for Okta Auth0
static OAuth2Auth |
Auth0Auth.create(Vertx vertx,
String clientId,
String clientSecret,
String tenant,
String audience,
HttpClientOptions httpClientOptions) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for Okta Auth0
static OAuth2Auth |
AzureADAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String clientId,
String clientSecret,
String guid) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for Microsoft Azure Active Directory
static OAuth2Auth |
AzureADAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String clientId,
String clientSecret,
String guid,
HttpClientOptions httpClientOptions) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for Microsoft Azure Active Directory
static OAuth2Auth |
BoxAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String clientId,
String clientSecret) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for
static OAuth2Auth |
BoxAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String clientId,
String clientSecret,
HttpClientOptions httpClientOptions) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for
static OAuth2Auth |
CloudFoundryAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String clientId,
String clientSecret,
String uuaURL) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for CloudFoundry UAA
static OAuth2Auth |
CloudFoundryAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String clientId,
String clientSecret,
String uuaURL,
HttpClientOptions httpClientOptions) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for CloudFoundry UAA
static OAuth2Auth |
DropboxAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String clientId,
String clientSecret) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for Dropbox
static OAuth2Auth |
DropboxAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String clientId,
String clientSecret,
HttpClientOptions httpClientOptions) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for Dropbox
static OAuth2Auth |
FacebookAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String clientId,
String clientSecret) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for Facebook
static OAuth2Auth |
FacebookAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String clientId,
String clientSecret,
HttpClientOptions httpClientOptions) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for Facebook
static OAuth2Auth |
FoursquareAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String clientId,
String clientSecret) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for Foursquare
static OAuth2Auth |
FoursquareAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String clientId,
String clientSecret,
HttpClientOptions httpClientOptions) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for Foursquare
static OAuth2Auth |
GiteeAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String clientId,
String clientSecret) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for Gitee
static OAuth2Auth |
GiteeAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String clientId,
String clientSecret,
HttpClientOptions httpClientOptions) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for Gitee
static OAuth2Auth |
GithubAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String clientId,
String clientSecret) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for Github
static OAuth2Auth |
GithubAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String clientId,
String clientSecret,
HttpClientOptions httpClientOptions) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for Github
static OAuth2Auth |
GitLabAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String clientId,
String clientSecret) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for
static OAuth2Auth |
GitLabAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String site,
String clientId,
String clientSecret) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for GitLab.
static OAuth2Auth |
GitLabAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String site,
String clientId,
String clientSecret,
HttpClientOptions httpClientOptions) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for GitLab.
static OAuth2Auth |
GoogleAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
JsonObject serviceAccountJson) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for Google Service Account (Server to Server)
static OAuth2Auth |
GoogleAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
JsonObject serviceAccountJson,
HttpClientOptions httpClientOptions) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for Google Service Account (Server to Server)
static OAuth2Auth |
GoogleAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String clientId,
String clientSecret) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for Google
static OAuth2Auth |
GoogleAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String clientId,
String clientSecret,
HttpClientOptions httpClientOptions) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for Google
static OAuth2Auth |
HerokuAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String clientId,
String clientSecret) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for Heroku
static OAuth2Auth |
HerokuAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String clientId,
String clientSecret,
HttpClientOptions httpClientOptions) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for Heroku
static OAuth2Auth |
IBMCloudAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String region,
String clientId,
String clientSecret,
String guid) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for IBM Cloud
static OAuth2Auth |
IBMCloudAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String region,
String clientId,
String clientSecret,
String guid,
HttpClientOptions httpClientOptions) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for IBM Cloud
static OAuth2Auth |
InstagramAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String clientId,
String clientSecret) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for Instagram
static OAuth2Auth |
InstagramAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String clientId,
String clientSecret,
HttpClientOptions httpClientOptions) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for Instagram
static OAuth2Auth |
KeycloakAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
JsonObject config) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for Keycloak
static OAuth2Auth |
KeycloakAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
JsonObject config,
HttpClientOptions httpClientOptions) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for Keycloak
static OAuth2Auth |
KeycloakAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
OAuth2FlowType flow,
JsonObject config) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for Keycloak
static OAuth2Auth |
KeycloakAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
OAuth2FlowType flow,
JsonObject config,
HttpClientOptions httpClientOptions) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for Keycloak
static OAuth2Auth |
LinkedInAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String clientId,
String clientSecret) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for LinkedIn
static OAuth2Auth |
LinkedInAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String clientId,
String clientSecret,
HttpClientOptions httpClientOptions) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for LinkedIn
static OAuth2Auth |
LiveAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String clientId,
String clientSecret) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for
static OAuth2Auth |
LiveAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String clientId,
String clientSecret,
HttpClientOptions httpClientOptions) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for
static OAuth2Auth |
MailchimpAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String clientId,
String clientSecret) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for Mailchimp
static OAuth2Auth |
MailchimpAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String clientId,
String clientSecret,
HttpClientOptions httpClientOptions) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for Mailchimp
static OAuth2Auth |
SalesforceAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String clientId,
String clientSecret) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for Salesforce
static OAuth2Auth |
SalesforceAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String clientId,
String clientSecret,
HttpClientOptions httpClientOptions) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for Salesforce
static OAuth2Auth |
ShopifyAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String clientId,
String clientSecret,
String shop) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for Shopify
static OAuth2Auth |
ShopifyAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String clientId,
String clientSecret,
String shop,
HttpClientOptions httpClientOptions) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for Shopify
static OAuth2Auth |
SoundcloudAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String clientId,
String clientSecret) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for SoundCloud
static OAuth2Auth |
SoundcloudAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String clientId,
String clientSecret,
HttpClientOptions httpClientOptions) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for SoundCloud
static OAuth2Auth |
StripeAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String clientId,
String clientSecret) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for Stripe
static OAuth2Auth |
StripeAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String clientId,
String clientSecret,
HttpClientOptions httpClientOptions) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for Stripe
static OAuth2Auth |
TwitterAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String clientId,
String clientSecret) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for Twitter
static OAuth2Auth |
TwitterAuth.create(Vertx vertx,
String clientId,
String clientSecret,
HttpClientOptions httpClientOptions) |
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for Twitter