Class OAuth2Auth

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class OAuth2Auth
    extends AuthenticationProvider
    implements io.vertx.lang.rx.RxDelegate
    Factory interface for creating OAuth2 based AuthenticationProvider instances.

    NOTE: This class has been automatically generated from the original non RX-ified interface using Vert.x codegen.

    • Field Detail

      • __TYPE_ARG

        public static final io.vertx.lang.rx.TypeArg<OAuth2Auth> __TYPE_ARG
    • Constructor Detail

      • OAuth2Auth

        public OAuth2Auth​(OAuth2Auth delegate)
      • OAuth2Auth

        public OAuth2Auth​(Object delegate)
    • Method Detail

      • create

        public static OAuth2Auth create​(Vertx vertx)
        Create a OAuth2 auth provider.
        vertx - the Vertx instance
        the auth provider
      • create

        public static OAuth2Auth create​(Vertx vertx,
                                        OAuth2Options config)
        Create a OAuth2 auth provider
        vertx - the Vertx instance
        config - the config
        the auth provider
      • jWKSet

        public Future<Void> jWKSet()
        Retrieve the public server JSON Web Key (JWK) required to verify the authenticity of issued ID and access tokens.
        Future result.
      • rxJWKSet

        public Completable rxJWKSet()
        Retrieve the public server JSON Web Key (JWK) required to verify the authenticity of issued ID and access tokens.
        Future result.
      • missingKeyHandler

        public OAuth2Auth missingKeyHandler​(Handler<String> handler)
        Handled to be called when a key (mentioned on a JWT) is missing from the current config. Users are advised to call jWKSet() but being careful to implement some rate limiting function.

        This method isn't generic for several reasons. The provider is not aware of the capabilities of the backend IdP in terms of max allowed API calls. Some validation could be done at the key id, which only the end user is aware of.

        A base implementation for this handler is:

        // are we already updating the jwks?
           private final AtomicBoolean updating = new AtomicBoolean(false);
           // default missing key handler, will try to reload with debounce
           oauth2.missingKeyHandler(keyId -> {
             if (updating.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
               // Refreshing JWKs due missing key
               jWKSet(done -> {
                 updating.compareAndSet(true, false);
                 if (done.failed()) {

        This handler will purely debounce calls and allow only a single request to jWKSet() at a time. No special handling is done to avoid requests on wrong key ids or prevent to many requests to the IdP server. Users should probably also account for the number of errors to present DDoS the IdP.

        handler -
        Future result.
      • authorizeURL

        public String authorizeURL​(OAuth2AuthorizationURL url)
        The client sends the end-user's browser to this endpoint to request their authentication and consent. This endpoint is used in the code and implicit OAuth 2.0 flows which require end-user interaction.
        url - Base URL with path together with other parameters to be included in the final URL.
        the url to be used to authorize the user.
      • refresh

        public Future<User> refresh​(User user)
        Refresh the current User (access token).
        user - the user (access token) to be refreshed.
        future result
      • rxRefresh

        public Single<User> rxRefresh​(User user)
        Refresh the current User (access token).
        user - the user (access token) to be refreshed.
        future result
      • revoke

        public Future<Void> revoke​(User user,
                                   String tokenType)
        Revoke an obtained access or refresh token. More info
        user - the user (access token) to revoke.
        tokenType - the token type (either access_token or refresh_token).
        future result
      • rxRevoke

        public Completable rxRevoke​(User user,
                                    String tokenType)
        Revoke an obtained access or refresh token. More info
        user - the user (access token) to revoke.
        tokenType - the token type (either access_token or refresh_token).
        future result
      • close

        public void close()
        Releases any resources or timers used by this instance. Users are expected to call this method when the provider isn't needed any more to return the used resources back to the platform.