Class VertxTestContext

  • public final class VertxTestContext
    extends Object
    A test context to wait on the outcomes of asynchronous operations.
    Julien Ponge
    • Constructor Detail

      • VertxTestContext

        public VertxTestContext()
    • Method Detail

      • failed

        public boolean failed()
        Check if the context has been marked has failed or not.
        true if the context has failed, false otherwise.
      • causeOfFailure

        public Throwable causeOfFailure()
        Give the cause of failure.
        the cause of failure, or null if the test context hasn't failed.
      • completed

        public boolean completed()
        Check if the context has completed.
        true if the context has completed, false otherwise.
      • unsatisfiedCheckpointCallSites

        public Set<StackTraceElement> unsatisfiedCheckpointCallSites()
        Gives the call sites of all unsatisfied checkpoints.
        a set of StackTraceElement references pointing to the unsatisfied checkpoint call sites.
      • completeNow

        public void completeNow()
        Complete the test context immediately, making the corresponding test pass.
      • failNow

        public void failNow​(Throwable t)
        Make the test context fail immediately, making the corresponding test fail.
        t - the cause of failure.
      • failNow

        public void failNow​(String message)
        Calls failNow(Throwable) with the message.
        message - the cause of failure
      • laxCheckpoint

        public Checkpoint laxCheckpoint()
        Create a lax checkpoint.
        a checkpoint that requires 1 pass; more passes are allowed and ignored.
      • laxCheckpoint

        public Checkpoint laxCheckpoint​(int requiredNumberOfPasses)
        Create a lax checkpoint.
        requiredNumberOfPasses - the required number of passes to validate the checkpoint.
        a checkpoint that requires several passes; more passes than the required number are allowed and ignored.
      • checkpoint

        public Checkpoint checkpoint()
        Create a strict checkpoint.
        a checkpoint that requires 1 pass, and makes the context fail if it is called more than once.
      • checkpoint

        public Checkpoint checkpoint​(int requiredNumberOfPasses)
        Create a strict checkpoint.
        requiredNumberOfPasses - the required number of passes to validate the checkpoint.
        a checkpoint that requires several passes, but no more, or it fails the context.
      • succeeding

        public <T> Handler<AsyncResult<T>> succeeding​(Handler<T> nextHandler)
        Create an asynchronous result handler that expects a success, and passes the value to another handler.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the asynchronous result type.
        nextHandler - the value handler to call on success that is expected not to throw a Throwable.
        the handler.
      • failing

        public <T> Handler<AsyncResult<T>> failing()
        Use failingThenComplete() or failing(Handler), for example failing(e -> checkpoint.flag()), failing(e -> { more testing code }), or failing(e -> {}).
        Create an asynchronous result handler that expects a failure.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the asynchronous result type.
        the handler.
      • failing

        public <T> Handler<AsyncResult<T>> failing​(Handler<Throwable> nextHandler)
        Create an asynchronous result handler that expects a failure, and passes the exception to another handler.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the asynchronous result type.
        nextHandler - the exception handler to call on failure that is expected not to throw a Throwable.
        the handler.
      • succeedingThenComplete

        public <T> Handler<AsyncResult<T>> succeedingThenComplete()
        Create an asynchronous result handler that expects a success to then complete the test context.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the asynchronous result type.
        the handler.
      • failingThenComplete

        public <T> Handler<AsyncResult<T>> failingThenComplete()
        Create an asynchronous result handler that expects a failure to then complete the test context.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the asynchronous result type.
        the handler.
      • assertComplete

        public <T> Future<T> assertComplete​(Future<T> fut)
        This method allows you to check if a future is completed. It internally creates a checkpoint. You can use it in a chain of `Future`.
        fut - The future to assert success
        a future with completion result
      • assertFailure

        public <T> Future<T> assertFailure​(Future<T> fut)
        This method allows you to check if a future is failed. It internally creates a checkpoint. You can use it in a chain of `Future`.
        fut - The future to assert failure
        a future with failure result
      • verify

        public VertxTestContext verify​(VertxTestContext.ExecutionBlock block)
        Allow verifications and assertions to be made.

        This method allows any assertion API to be used. The semantic is that the verification is successful when no exception is being thrown upon calling block, otherwise the context fails with that exception.

        block - a block of code to execute.
        this context.
      • awaitCompletion

        public boolean awaitCompletion​(long timeout,
                                       TimeUnit unit)
                                throws InterruptedException
        Wait for the completion of the test context.

        This method is automatically called by the VertxExtension when using parameter injection of VertxTestContext. You should only call it when you instantiate this class manually.

        timeout - the timeout.
        unit - the timeout unit.
        true if the completion or failure happens before the timeout has been reached, false otherwise.
        InterruptedException - when the thread has been interrupted.