MqttClientOptions |
MqttClientOptions.addCrlPath(String crlPath) |
MqttClientOptions |
MqttClientOptions.addCrlValue(Buffer crlValue) |
MqttClientOptions |
MqttClientOptions.addEnabledCipherSuite(String suite) |
MqttClientOptions |
MqttClientOptions.addEnabledSecureTransportProtocol(String protocol) |
MqttClientOptions |
MqttClientOptions.setAckTimeout(int ackTimeoutSeconds) |
Sets the time in seconds after which the client will stop waiting for a PUBACK, PUBREC
or PUBCOMP packet from the server in response to a packet it has sent.
MqttClientOptions |
MqttClientOptions.setAutoGeneratedClientId(boolean isAutoGeneratedClientId) |
Set if the MQTT client must generate clientId automatically
(default is true)
MqttClientOptions |
MqttClientOptions.setAutoKeepAlive(boolean isAutoKeepAlive) |
Set if the MQTT client must handle PINGREQ automatically
(default is true)
MqttClientOptions |
MqttClientOptions.setCleanSession(boolean cleanSession) |
Set to start with a clean session (or not)
MqttClientOptions |
MqttClientOptions.setClientId(String clientId) |
Set the client identifier
MqttClientOptions |
MqttClientOptions.setHostnameVerificationAlgorithm(String hostnameVerificationAlgorithm) |
MqttClientOptions |
MqttClientOptions.setKeepAliveInterval(int keepAliveInterval) |
Set the keep alive interval in seconds
MqttClientOptions |
MqttClientOptions.setKeyCertOptions(KeyCertOptions options) |
MqttClientOptions |
MqttClientOptions.setMaxInflightQueue(int maxInflightQueue) |
Set max count of unacknowledged messages
MqttClientOptions |
MqttClientOptions.setMaxMessageSize(int maxMessageSize) |
Set max MQTT message size
MqttClientOptions |
MqttClientOptions.setPassword(String password) |
Set the password
MqttClientOptions |
MqttClientOptions.setReceiveBufferSize(int receiveBufferSize) |
MqttClientOptions |
MqttClientOptions.setSsl(boolean ssl) |
MqttClientOptions |
MqttClientOptions.setTrustAll(boolean trustAll) |
MqttClientOptions |
MqttClientOptions.setTrustOptions(TrustOptions options) |
MqttClientOptions |
MqttClientOptions.setUsername(String username) |
Set the username
MqttClientOptions |
MqttClientOptions.setWillFlag(boolean willFlag) |
Set if will information are provided on connection
MqttClientOptions |
MqttClientOptions.setWillMessageBytes(Buffer willMessage) |
Set the content of the will message
MqttClientOptions |
MqttClientOptions.setWillQoS(int willQoS) |
Set the QoS level for the will message
MqttClientOptions |
MqttClientOptions.setWillRetain(boolean willRetain) |
Set if the will message must be retained
MqttClientOptions |
MqttClientOptions.setWillTopic(String willTopic) |
Set the topic on which the will message will be published