Class Vertx

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    io.vertx.lang.rx.RxDelegate, Measured

    public class Vertx
    extends Object
    implements io.vertx.lang.rx.RxDelegate, Measured
    The entry point into the Vert.x Core API.

    You use an instance of this class for functionality including:

    • Creating TCP clients and servers
    • Creating HTTP clients and servers
    • Creating DNS clients
    • Creating Datagram sockets
    • Setting and cancelling periodic and one-shot timers
    • Getting a reference to the event bus API
    • Getting a reference to the file system API
    • Getting a reference to the shared data API
    • Deploying and undeploying verticles

    Most functionality in Vert.x core is fairly low level.

    To create an instance of this class you can use the static factory methods: vertx(), vertx() and clusteredVertx(io.vertx.core.VertxOptions).

    Please see the user manual for more detailed usage information.

    NOTE: This class has been automatically generated from the original non RX-ified interface using Vert.x codegen.

    • Field Detail

      • __TYPE_ARG

        public static final io.vertx.lang.rx.TypeArg<Vertx> __TYPE_ARG
    • Constructor Detail

      • Vertx

        public Vertx​(Vertx delegate)
      • Vertx

        public Vertx​(Object delegate)
    • Method Detail

      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • getDelegate

        public Vertx getDelegate()
        Specified by:
        getDelegate in interface Measured
        Specified by:
        getDelegate in interface io.vertx.lang.rx.RxDelegate
      • isMetricsEnabled

        public boolean isMetricsEnabled()
        Whether the metrics are enabled for this measured object
        Specified by:
        isMetricsEnabled in interface Measured
        true if metrics are enabled
      • builder

        public static VertxBuilder builder()
        Return a builder for Vert.x instances which allows to specify SPI such as cluster manager, metrics or tracing.
        a Vert.x instance builder
      • vertx

        public static Vertx vertx()
        Creates a non clustered instance using default options.
        the instance
      • vertx

        public static Vertx vertx​(VertxOptions options)
        Creates a non clustered instance using the specified options
        options - the options to use
        the instance
      • clusteredVertx

        public static Single<Vertx> clusteredVertx​(VertxOptions options)
        Creates a clustered instance using the specified options.

        The instance is created asynchronously and the returned future is completed with the result when it is ready.

        options - the options to use
        a future completed with the clustered vertx
      • rxClusteredVertx

        public static Single<Vertx> rxClusteredVertx​(VertxOptions options)
        Creates a clustered instance using the specified options.

        The instance is created asynchronously and the returned future is completed with the result when it is ready.

        options - the options to use
        a future completed with the clustered vertx
      • currentContext

        public static Context currentContext()
        Gets the current context
        The current context or null if there is no current context
      • getOrCreateContext

        public Context getOrCreateContext()
        Gets the current context, or creates one if there isn't one
        The current context (created if didn't exist)
      • createNetServer

        public NetServer createNetServer​(NetServerOptions options)
        Create a TCP/SSL server using the specified options
        options - the options to use
        the server
      • createNetServer

        public NetServer createNetServer()
        Create a TCP/SSL server using default options
        the server
      • createNetClient

        public NetClient createNetClient​(NetClientOptions options)
        Create a TCP/SSL client using the specified options
        options - the options to use
        the client
      • createNetClient

        public NetClient createNetClient()
        Create a TCP/SSL client using default options
        the client
      • createHttpServer

        public HttpServer createHttpServer​(HttpServerOptions options)
        Create an HTTP/HTTPS server using the specified options
        options - the options to use
        the server
      • createHttpServer

        public HttpServer createHttpServer()
        Create an HTTP/HTTPS server using default options
        the server
      • createWebSocketClient

        public WebSocketClient createWebSocketClient()
        Create a WebSocket client using default options
        the client
      • createWebSocketClient

        public WebSocketClient createWebSocketClient​(WebSocketClientOptions options)
        Create a WebSocket client using the specified options
        options - the options to use
        the client
      • httpClientBuilder

        public HttpClientBuilder httpClientBuilder()
        Provide a builder for , it can be used to configure advanced HTTP client settings like a redirect handler or a connection handler.

        Example usage: HttpClient client = vertx.httpClientBuilder().with(options).withConnectHandler(conn -> ...).build()

      • createHttpClient

        public HttpClientAgent createHttpClient​(HttpClientOptions clientOptions,
                                                PoolOptions poolOptions)
        Create a HTTP/HTTPS client using the specified client and pool options
        clientOptions - the client options to use
        poolOptions - the pool options to use
        the client
      • createHttpClient

        public HttpClientAgent createHttpClient​(HttpClientOptions clientOptions)
        Create a HTTP/HTTPS client using the specified client options
        clientOptions - the options to use
        the client
      • createHttpClient

        public HttpClientAgent createHttpClient​(PoolOptions poolOptions)
        Create a HTTP/HTTPS client using the specified pool options
        poolOptions - the pool options to use
        the client
      • createHttpClient

        public HttpClientAgent createHttpClient()
        Create a HTTP/HTTPS client using default options
        the client
      • createDatagramSocket

        public DatagramSocket createDatagramSocket​(DatagramSocketOptions options)
        Create a datagram socket using the specified options
        options - the options to use
        the socket
      • createDatagramSocket

        public DatagramSocket createDatagramSocket()
        Create a datagram socket using default options
        the socket
      • fileSystem

        public FileSystem fileSystem()
        Get the filesystem object. There is a single instance of FileSystem per Vertx instance.
        the filesystem object
      • eventBus

        public EventBus eventBus()
        Get the event bus object. There is a single instance of EventBus per Vertx instance.
        the event bus object
      • createDnsClient

        public DnsClient createDnsClient​(int port,
                                         String host)
        Create a DNS client to connect to a DNS server at the specified host and port, with the default query timeout (5 seconds)

        port - the port
        host - the host
        the DNS client
      • createDnsClient

        public DnsClient createDnsClient()
        Create a DNS client to connect to the DNS server configured by VertxOptions

        DNS client takes the first configured resolver address provided by }

        the DNS client
      • createDnsClient

        public DnsClient createDnsClient​(DnsClientOptions options)
        Create a DNS client to connect to a DNS server
        options - the client options
        the DNS client
      • sharedData

        public SharedData sharedData()
        Get the shared data object. There is a single instance of SharedData per Vertx instance.
        the shared data object
      • timer

        public Timer timer​(long delay)
        Like timer(long) with a unit in millis.
        delay -
      • timer

        public Timer timer​(long delay,
                           TimeUnit unit)
        Create a timer task configured with the specified delay, when the timeout fires the timer future is succeeded, when the timeout is cancelled the timer future is failed with a CancellationException instance.
        delay - the delay
        unit - the delay unit
        the timer object
      • setTimer

        public long setTimer​(long delay,
                             Handler<Long> handler)
        Set a one-shot timer to fire after delay milliseconds, at which point handler will be called with the id of the timer.
        delay - the delay in milliseconds, after which the timer will fire
        handler - the handler that will be called with the timer ID when the timer fires
        the unique ID of the timer
      • setPeriodic

        public long setPeriodic​(long delay,
                                Handler<Long> handler)
        Set a periodic timer to fire every delay milliseconds, at which point handler will be called with the id of the timer.
        delay - the delay in milliseconds, after which the timer will fire
        handler - the handler that will be called with the timer ID when the timer fires
        the unique ID of the timer
      • setPeriodic

        public long setPeriodic​(long initialDelay,
                                long delay,
                                Handler<Long> handler)
        Set a periodic timer to fire every delay milliseconds with initial delay, at which point handler will be called with the id of the timer.
        initialDelay - the initial delay in milliseconds
        delay - the delay in milliseconds, after which the timer will fire
        handler - the handler that will be called with the timer ID when the timer fires
        the unique ID of the timer
      • cancelTimer

        public boolean cancelTimer​(long id)
        Cancels the timer with the specified id.
        id - The id of the timer to cancel
        true if the timer was successfully cancelled, or false if the timer does not exist.
      • runOnContext

        public void runOnContext​(Handler<Void> action)
        Puts the handler on the event queue for the current context so it will be run asynchronously ASAP after all preceeding events have been handled.
        action - - a handler representing the action to execute
      • close

        public Completable close()
        Stop the Vertx instance and release any resources held by it.

        The instance cannot be used after it has been closed.

        The actual close is asynchronous and may not complete until after the call has returned.

        a future completed with the result
      • rxClose

        public Completable rxClose()
        Stop the Vertx instance and release any resources held by it.

        The instance cannot be used after it has been closed.

        The actual close is asynchronous and may not complete until after the call has returned.

        a future completed with the result
      • deployVerticle

        public Single<String> deployVerticle​(String name)
        Deploy a verticle instance given a name.

        Given the name, Vert.x selects a instance to use to instantiate the verticle.

        For the rules on how factories are selected please consult the user manual.

        If the deployment is successful the result will contain a String representing the unique deployment ID of the deployment.

        This deployment ID can subsequently be used to undeploy the verticle.

        name - the name.
        a future completed with the result
      • rxDeployVerticle

        public Single<String> rxDeployVerticle​(String name)
        Deploy a verticle instance given a name.

        Given the name, Vert.x selects a instance to use to instantiate the verticle.

        For the rules on how factories are selected please consult the user manual.

        If the deployment is successful the result will contain a String representing the unique deployment ID of the deployment.

        This deployment ID can subsequently be used to undeploy the verticle.

        name - the name.
        a future completed with the result
      • undeploy

        public Completable undeploy​(String deploymentID)
        Undeploy a verticle deployment.

        The actual undeployment happens asynchronously and may not complete until after the method has returned.

        deploymentID - the deployment ID
        a future completed with the result
      • rxUndeploy

        public Completable rxUndeploy​(String deploymentID)
        Undeploy a verticle deployment.

        The actual undeployment happens asynchronously and may not complete until after the method has returned.

        deploymentID - the deployment ID
        a future completed with the result
      • deploymentIDs

        public Set<String> deploymentIDs()
        Return a Set of deployment IDs for the currently deployed deploymentIDs.
        Set of deployment IDs
      • isClustered

        public boolean isClustered()
        Is this Vert.x instance clustered?
        true if clustered
      • createSharedWorkerExecutor

        public WorkerExecutor createSharedWorkerExecutor​(String name,
                                                         int poolSize,
                                                         long maxExecuteTime,
                                                         TimeUnit maxExecuteTimeUnit)
        Create a named worker executor, the executor should be closed when it's not needed anymore to release resources.

        This method can be called mutiple times with the same name. Executors with the same name will share the same worker pool. The worker pool size , max execute time and unit of max execute time are set when the worker pool is created and won't change after.

        The worker pool is released when all the WorkerExecutor sharing the same name are closed.

        name - the name of the worker executor
        poolSize - the size of the pool
        maxExecuteTime - the value of max worker execute time
        maxExecuteTimeUnit - the value of unit of max worker execute time
        the named worker executor
      • isNativeTransportEnabled

        public boolean isNativeTransportEnabled()
        whether the native transport is used
      • unavailableNativeTransportCause

        public Throwable unavailableNativeTransportCause()
        the error (if any) that cause the unavailability of native transport when isNativeTransportEnabled() returns false.
      • deployVerticle

        public Single<String> deployVerticle​(Deployable verticle)
        Deploy a verticle instance that you have created yourself.

        Vert.x will assign the verticle a context and start the verticle.

        The actual deploy happens asynchronously and may not complete until after the call has returned.

        If the deployment is successful the result will contain a string representing the unique deployment ID of the deployment.

        This deployment ID can subsequently be used to undeploy the verticle.

        verticle - the verticle instance to deploy.
        a future completed with the result
      • rxDeployVerticle

        public Single<String> rxDeployVerticle​(Deployable verticle)
        Deploy a verticle instance that you have created yourself.

        Vert.x will assign the verticle a context and start the verticle.

        The actual deploy happens asynchronously and may not complete until after the call has returned.

        If the deployment is successful the result will contain a string representing the unique deployment ID of the deployment.

        This deployment ID can subsequently be used to undeploy the verticle.

        verticle - the verticle instance to deploy.
        a future completed with the result
      • registerVerticleFactory

        public void registerVerticleFactory​(VerticleFactory factory)
        Register a VerticleFactory that can be used for deploying Verticles based on an identifier.
        factory - the factory to register
      • unregisterVerticleFactory

        public void unregisterVerticleFactory​(VerticleFactory factory)
        Unregister a VerticleFactory
        factory - the factory to unregister
      • verticleFactories

        public Set<VerticleFactory> verticleFactories()
        Return the Set of currently registered verticle factories.
        the set of verticle factories
      • executeBlocking

        public <T> Maybe<T> executeBlocking​(Callable<T> blockingCodeHandler,
                                            boolean ordered)
        Safely execute some blocking code.

        Executes the blocking code in the handler blockingCodeHandler using a thread from the worker pool.

        The returned future will be completed with the result on the original context (i.e. on the original event loop of the caller) or failed when the handler throws an exception.

        In the blockingCodeHandler the current context remains the original context and therefore any task scheduled in the blockingCodeHandler will be executed on this context and not on the worker thread.

        The blocking code should block for a reasonable amount of time (i.e no more than a few seconds). Long blocking operations or polling operations (i.e a thread that spin in a loop polling events in a blocking fashion) are precluded.

        When the blocking operation lasts more than the 10 seconds, a message will be printed on the console by the blocked thread checker.

        Long blocking operations should use a dedicated thread managed by the application, which can interact with verticles using the event-bus or Context.runOnContext(io.vertx.core.Handler<java.lang.Void>)

        blockingCodeHandler - handler representing the blocking code to run
        ordered - if true then if executeBlocking is called several times on the same context, the executions for that context will be executed serially, not in parallel. if false then they will be no ordering guarantees
        a future completed when the blocking code is complete
      • rxExecuteBlocking

        public <T> Maybe<T> rxExecuteBlocking​(Callable<T> blockingCodeHandler,
                                              boolean ordered)
        Safely execute some blocking code.

        Executes the blocking code in the handler blockingCodeHandler using a thread from the worker pool.

        The returned future will be completed with the result on the original context (i.e. on the original event loop of the caller) or failed when the handler throws an exception.

        In the blockingCodeHandler the current context remains the original context and therefore any task scheduled in the blockingCodeHandler will be executed on this context and not on the worker thread.

        The blocking code should block for a reasonable amount of time (i.e no more than a few seconds). Long blocking operations or polling operations (i.e a thread that spin in a loop polling events in a blocking fashion) are precluded.

        When the blocking operation lasts more than the 10 seconds, a message will be printed on the console by the blocked thread checker.

        Long blocking operations should use a dedicated thread managed by the application, which can interact with verticles using the event-bus or Context.runOnContext(io.vertx.core.Handler<java.lang.Void>)

        blockingCodeHandler - handler representing the blocking code to run
        ordered - if true then if executeBlocking is called several times on the same context, the executions for that context will be executed serially, not in parallel. if false then they will be no ordering guarantees
        a future completed when the blocking code is complete
      • newInstance

        public static Vertx newInstance​(Vertx arg)