Class NetServer

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    io.vertx.lang.rx.RxDelegate, Measured

    public class NetServer
    extends Object
    implements io.vertx.lang.rx.RxDelegate, Measured
    Represents a TCP server

    NOTE: This class has been automatically generated from the original non RX-ified interface using Vert.x codegen.

    • Field Detail

      • __TYPE_ARG

        public static final io.vertx.lang.rx.TypeArg<NetServer> __TYPE_ARG
    • Constructor Detail

      • NetServer

        public NetServer​(NetServer delegate)
      • NetServer

        public NetServer​(Object delegate)
    • Method Detail

      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • getDelegate

        public NetServer getDelegate()
        Specified by:
        getDelegate in interface Measured
        Specified by:
        getDelegate in interface io.vertx.lang.rx.RxDelegate
      • isMetricsEnabled

        public boolean isMetricsEnabled()
        Whether the metrics are enabled for this measured object
        Specified by:
        isMetricsEnabled in interface Measured
        true if metrics are enabled
      • connectHandler

        public NetServer connectHandler​(Handler<NetSocket> handler)
        Supply a connect handler for this server. The server can only have at most one connect handler at any one time. As the server accepts TCP or SSL connections it creates an instance of NetSocket and passes it to the connect handler.
        handler -
        a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
      • listen

        public Single<NetServer> listen()
        Start listening on the port and host as configured in the NetServerOptions used when creating the server.

        The server may not be listening until some time after the call to listen has returned.

        a future completed with the listen operation result
      • rxListen

        public Single<NetServer> rxListen()
        Start listening on the port and host as configured in the NetServerOptions used when creating the server.

        The server may not be listening until some time after the call to listen has returned.

        a future completed with the listen operation result
      • listen

        public Single<NetServer> listen​(int port,
                                        String host)
        Start listening on the specified port and host, ignoring port and host configured in the NetServerOptions used when creating the server.

        Port 0 can be specified meaning "choose an random port".

        Host can be specified meaning "listen on all available interfaces".

        The server may not be listening until some time after the call to listen has returned.

        port -
        host -
        a future completed with the listen operation result
      • rxListen

        public Single<NetServer> rxListen​(int port,
                                          String host)
        Start listening on the specified port and host, ignoring port and host configured in the NetServerOptions used when creating the server.

        Port 0 can be specified meaning "choose an random port".

        Host can be specified meaning "listen on all available interfaces".

        The server may not be listening until some time after the call to listen has returned.

        port -
        host -
        a future completed with the listen operation result
      • listen

        public Single<NetServer> listen​(int port)
        Start listening on the specified port and host "", ignoring port and host configured in the NetServerOptions used when creating the server.

        Port 0 can be specified meaning "choose an random port".

        The server may not be listening until some time after the call to listen has returned.

        port -
        a future completed with the listen operation result
      • rxListen

        public Single<NetServer> rxListen​(int port)
        Start listening on the specified port and host "", ignoring port and host configured in the NetServerOptions used when creating the server.

        Port 0 can be specified meaning "choose an random port".

        The server may not be listening until some time after the call to listen has returned.

        port -
        a future completed with the listen operation result
      • listen

        public Single<NetServer> listen​(SocketAddress localAddress)
        Start listening on the specified local address, ignoring port and host configured in the NetServerOptions used when creating the server.

        The server may not be listening until some time after the call to listen has returned.

        localAddress - the local address to listen on
        a future completed with the listen operation result
      • rxListen

        public Single<NetServer> rxListen​(SocketAddress localAddress)
        Start listening on the specified local address, ignoring port and host configured in the NetServerOptions used when creating the server.

        The server may not be listening until some time after the call to listen has returned.

        localAddress - the local address to listen on
        a future completed with the listen operation result
      • close

        public Completable close()
        Close the server. This will close any currently open connections. The close may not complete until after this method has returned.
        a future completed with the listen operation result
      • rxClose

        public Completable rxClose()
        Close the server. This will close any currently open connections. The close may not complete until after this method has returned.
        a future completed with the listen operation result
      • shutdown

        public Completable shutdown()
        Shutdown with a 30 seconds timeout (shutdown(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS)).
        a future completed when shutdown has completed
      • rxShutdown

        public Completable rxShutdown()
        Shutdown with a 30 seconds timeout (shutdown(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS)).
        a future completed when shutdown has completed
      • shutdown

        public Completable shutdown​(long timeout,
                                    TimeUnit unit)
        Initiate the server shutdown sequence.

        Connections are taken out of service and notified the close sequence has started through NetSocket.shutdownHandler(io.vertx.core.Handler<java.lang.Void>). When all connections are closed the client is closed. When the timeout expires, all unclosed connections are immediately closed.

        timeout - the amount of time after which all resources are forcibly closed
        unit - the of the timeout
        a future notified when the client is closed
      • rxShutdown

        public Completable rxShutdown​(long timeout,
                                      TimeUnit unit)
        Initiate the server shutdown sequence.

        Connections are taken out of service and notified the close sequence has started through NetSocket.shutdownHandler(io.vertx.core.Handler<java.lang.Void>). When all connections are closed the client is closed. When the timeout expires, all unclosed connections are immediately closed.

        timeout - the amount of time after which all resources are forcibly closed
        unit - the of the timeout
        a future notified when the client is closed
      • actualPort

        public int actualPort()
        The actual port the server is listening on. This is useful if you bound the server specifying 0 as port number signifying an ephemeral port
        the actual port the server is listening on.
      • updateSSLOptions

        public Single<Boolean> updateSSLOptions​(ServerSSLOptions options)

        Update the server with new SSL options, the update happens if the options object is valid and different from the existing options object.

        The boolean succeeded future result indicates whether the update occurred.

        options - the new SSL options
        a future signaling the update success
      • rxUpdateSSLOptions

        public Single<Boolean> rxUpdateSSLOptions​(ServerSSLOptions options)

        Update the server with new SSL options, the update happens if the options object is valid and different from the existing options object.

        The boolean succeeded future result indicates whether the update occurred.

        options - the new SSL options
        a future signaling the update success
      • updateSSLOptions

        public Single<Boolean> updateSSLOptions​(ServerSSLOptions options,
                                                boolean force)

        Update the server with new SSL options, the update happens if the options object is valid and different from the existing options object.

        The options object is compared using its equals method against the existing options to prevent an update when the objects are equals since loading options can be costly, this can happen for share TCP servers. When object are equals, setting force to true forces the update.

        The boolean succeeded future result indicates whether the update occurred.

        options - the new SSL options
        force - force the update when options are equals
        a future signaling the update success
      • rxUpdateSSLOptions

        public Single<Boolean> rxUpdateSSLOptions​(ServerSSLOptions options,
                                                  boolean force)

        Update the server with new SSL options, the update happens if the options object is valid and different from the existing options object.

        The options object is compared using its equals method against the existing options to prevent an update when the objects are equals since loading options can be costly, this can happen for share TCP servers. When object are equals, setting force to true forces the update.

        The boolean succeeded future result indicates whether the update occurred.

        options - the new SSL options
        force - force the update when options are equals
        a future signaling the update success
      • updateTrafficShapingOptions

        public Single<Boolean> updateTrafficShapingOptions​(TrafficShapingOptions options)

        Update the server with new traffic options, the update happens if the options object is valid and different from the existing options object.

        The options object is compared using its equals method against the existing options to prevent an update when the objects are equals since loading options can be costly, this can happen for share TCP servers. When object are equals, setting force to true forces the update.

        The boolean succeeded future result indicates whether the update occurred.

        options - the new traffic shaping options
        a future signaling the update success
      • rxUpdateTrafficShapingOptions

        public Single<Boolean> rxUpdateTrafficShapingOptions​(TrafficShapingOptions options)

        Update the server with new traffic options, the update happens if the options object is valid and different from the existing options object.

        The options object is compared using its equals method against the existing options to prevent an update when the objects are equals since loading options can be costly, this can happen for share TCP servers. When object are equals, setting force to true forces the update.

        The boolean succeeded future result indicates whether the update occurred.

        options - the new traffic shaping options
        a future signaling the update success