Class WebSocketClient

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    io.vertx.lang.rx.RxDelegate, Measured

    public class WebSocketClient
    extends Object
    implements io.vertx.lang.rx.RxDelegate, Measured
    An asynchronous WebSocket client.

    It allows you to open WebSockets to servers.

    NOTE: This class has been automatically generated from the original non RX-ified interface using Vert.x codegen.

    • Field Detail

      • __TYPE_ARG

        public static final io.vertx.lang.rx.TypeArg<WebSocketClient> __TYPE_ARG
    • Constructor Detail

      • WebSocketClient

        public WebSocketClient​(Object delegate)
    • Method Detail

      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • getDelegate

        public WebSocketClient getDelegate()
        Specified by:
        getDelegate in interface Measured
        Specified by:
        getDelegate in interface io.vertx.lang.rx.RxDelegate
      • isMetricsEnabled

        public boolean isMetricsEnabled()
        Whether the metrics are enabled for this measured object
        Specified by:
        isMetricsEnabled in interface Measured
        true if metrics are enabled
      • webSocket

        public ClientWebSocket webSocket()
        Create a WebSocket that is not yet connected to the server.
        the client WebSocket
      • connect

        public Single<WebSocket> connect​(int port,
                                         String host,
                                         String requestURI)
        Connect a WebSocket to the specified port, host and relative request URI.
        port - the port
        host - the host
        requestURI - the relative URI
        a future notified when the WebSocket when connected
      • rxConnect

        public Single<WebSocket> rxConnect​(int port,
                                           String host,
                                           String requestURI)
        Connect a WebSocket to the specified port, host and relative request URI.
        port - the port
        host - the host
        requestURI - the relative URI
        a future notified when the WebSocket when connected
      • connect

        public Single<WebSocket> connect​(String host,
                                         String requestURI)
        Connect a WebSocket to the default client port and specified host and relative request URI.
        host - the host
        requestURI - the relative URI
        a future notified when the WebSocket when connected
      • rxConnect

        public Single<WebSocket> rxConnect​(String host,
                                           String requestURI)
        Connect a WebSocket to the default client port and specified host and relative request URI.
        host - the host
        requestURI - the relative URI
        a future notified when the WebSocket when connected
      • connect

        public Single<WebSocket> connect​(String requestURI)
        Connect a WebSocket to the default client port, default client host and specified, relative request URI.
        requestURI - the relative URI
        a future notified when the WebSocket when connected
      • rxConnect

        public Single<WebSocket> rxConnect​(String requestURI)
        Connect a WebSocket to the default client port, default client host and specified, relative request URI.
        requestURI - the relative URI
        a future notified when the WebSocket when connected
      • connect

        public Single<WebSocket> connect​(WebSocketConnectOptions options)
        Connect a WebSocket with the specified options.
        options - the request options
        a future notified when the WebSocket when connected
      • rxConnect

        public Single<WebSocket> rxConnect​(WebSocketConnectOptions options)
        Connect a WebSocket with the specified options.
        options - the request options
        a future notified when the WebSocket when connected
      • shutdown

        public Completable shutdown()
        Shutdown with a 30 seconds timeout (shutdown(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS)).
        a future completed when shutdown has completed
      • rxShutdown

        public Completable rxShutdown()
        Shutdown with a 30 seconds timeout (shutdown(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS)).
        a future completed when shutdown has completed
      • close

        public Completable close()
        Close immediately (shutdown(0, TimeUnit.SECONDS).
        a future notified when the client is closed
      • rxClose

        public Completable rxClose()
        Close immediately (shutdown(0, TimeUnit.SECONDS).
        a future notified when the client is closed
      • updateSSLOptions

        public Single<Boolean> updateSSLOptions​(ClientSSLOptions options)
        Update the client with new SSL options, the update happens if the options object is valid and different from the existing options object.
        options - the new SSL options
        a future signaling the update success
      • rxUpdateSSLOptions

        public Single<Boolean> rxUpdateSSLOptions​(ClientSSLOptions options)
        Update the client with new SSL options, the update happens if the options object is valid and different from the existing options object.
        options - the new SSL options
        a future signaling the update success
      • updateSSLOptions

        public Single<Boolean> updateSSLOptions​(ClientSSLOptions options,
                                                boolean force)

        Update the client with new SSL options, the update happens if the options object is valid and different from the existing options object.

        The options object is compared using its equals method against the existing options to prevent an update when the objects are equals since loading options can be costly, this can happen for share TCP servers. When object are equals, setting force to true forces the update.

        options - the new SSL options
        force - force the update when options are equals
        a future signaling the update success
      • rxUpdateSSLOptions

        public Single<Boolean> rxUpdateSSLOptions​(ClientSSLOptions options,
                                                  boolean force)

        Update the client with new SSL options, the update happens if the options object is valid and different from the existing options object.

        The options object is compared using its equals method against the existing options to prevent an update when the objects are equals since loading options can be costly, this can happen for share TCP servers. When object are equals, setting force to true forces the update.

        options - the new SSL options
        force - force the update when options are equals
        a future signaling the update success
      • shutdown

        public Completable shutdown​(long timeout,
                                    TimeUnit unit)
        Initiate the client shutdown sequence.
        timeout - the amount of time after which all resources are forcibly closed
        unit - the of the timeout
        a future notified when the client is closed
      • rxShutdown

        public Completable rxShutdown​(long timeout,
                                      TimeUnit unit)
        Initiate the client shutdown sequence.
        timeout - the amount of time after which all resources are forcibly closed
        unit - the of the timeout
        a future notified when the client is closed