Class CredentialStorage

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class CredentialStorage
    extends Object
    implements io.vertx.lang.rx.RxDelegate
    Used to represent persistent storage of credentials, this gives you a way to abstract how you want to store them (in memory, database, other).

    NOTE: This class has been automatically generated from the original non RX-ified interface using Vert.x codegen.

    • Field Detail

      • __TYPE_ARG

        public static final io.vertx.lang.rx.TypeArg<CredentialStorage> __TYPE_ARG
    • Constructor Detail

      • CredentialStorage

        public CredentialStorage​(Object delegate)
    • Method Detail

      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • getDelegate

        public CredentialStorage getDelegate()
        Specified by:
        getDelegate in interface io.vertx.lang.rx.RxDelegate
      • find

        public Future<List<Authenticator>> find​(String userName,
                                                String credentialId)
        Finds an existing list of credentials for a given user name and credential ID. Both the userName and credentialId parameters are optional but at least one of them must be specified. If only one is specified, it must match the results. If both are specified, then both must match the result at the same time. This may return more than one element if one of the parameters is not set. If both are set, then the returned list of credentials must contain at maximum 1 element. If the user is not known or does not allow any authenticator, returns an empty list.
        userName - the user name (may be null, but must match if specified)
        credentialId - the credential ID (must match the results)
        the list of authenticators allowed for the given userName and credential ID, or an empty list.
      • rxFind

        public Single<List<Authenticator>> rxFind​(String userName,
                                                  String credentialId)
        Finds an existing list of credentials for a given user name and credential ID. Both the userName and credentialId parameters are optional but at least one of them must be specified. If only one is specified, it must match the results. If both are specified, then both must match the result at the same time. This may return more than one element if one of the parameters is not set. If both are set, then the returned list of credentials must contain at maximum 1 element. If the user is not known or does not allow any authenticator, returns an empty list.
        userName - the user name (may be null, but must match if specified)
        credentialId - the credential ID (must match the results)
        the list of authenticators allowed for the given userName and credential ID, or an empty list.
      • storeCredential

        public Future<Void> storeCredential​(Authenticator authenticator)
        Persists a new credential, bound by its user name (may be null) and credential ID (cannot be null, must be unique). If attempting to store a credential with a credId that is not unique, you should return a failed Future. If attempting to store a credential with a userName that already exists, you should first make sure that the current user is already logged in under the same userName, because this will in practice add a new credential to identify the existing user, so this must be restricted to the already existing user, otherwise you will allow anyone to gain access to existing users. If attempting to store a credential with a userName that already exists, and the current user is not logged in, or the logged in user does not have the same userName, you should return a failed Future.
        authenticator - the new credential to persist
        a future of nothing, or a failed future if the credId already exists, or if the userName already exists and does not represent the currently logged in user.
      • rxStoreCredential

        public Completable rxStoreCredential​(Authenticator authenticator)
        Persists a new credential, bound by its user name (may be null) and credential ID (cannot be null, must be unique). If attempting to store a credential with a credId that is not unique, you should return a failed Future. If attempting to store a credential with a userName that already exists, you should first make sure that the current user is already logged in under the same userName, because this will in practice add a new credential to identify the existing user, so this must be restricted to the already existing user, otherwise you will allow anyone to gain access to existing users. If attempting to store a credential with a userName that already exists, and the current user is not logged in, or the logged in user does not have the same userName, you should return a failed Future.
        authenticator - the new credential to persist
        a future of nothing, or a failed future if the credId already exists, or if the userName already exists and does not represent the currently logged in user.
      • updateCounter

        public Future<Void> updateCounter​(Authenticator authenticator)
        Updates a previously stored credential counter, as identified by its user name (may be null) and credential ID (cannot be null, must be unique).
        authenticator - the credential to update
        a future of nothing
      • rxUpdateCounter

        public Completable rxUpdateCounter​(Authenticator authenticator)
        Updates a previously stored credential counter, as identified by its user name (may be null) and credential ID (cannot be null, must be unique).
        authenticator - the credential to update
        a future of nothing