Class Watch<T>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class Watch<T>
    extends Object
    implements io.vertx.lang.rx.RxDelegate
    Watches are a way of specifying a view of data (e.g. list of nodes, KV pairs, health checks) which is monitored for updates. When an update is detected, an Handler with WatchResult is invoked. All errors, except java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException, will be handled, with resubscribing with a progressive delay. All timeout errors will be ignored, with resubscribing without any delay. As an example, you could watch the status of health checks and notify when a check is critical.

    NOTE: This class has been automatically generated from the original non RX-ified interface using Vert.x codegen.

    • Field Detail

      • __TYPE_ARG

        public static final io.vertx.lang.rx.TypeArg<Watch> __TYPE_ARG
      • __typeArg_0

        public final io.vertx.lang.rx.TypeArg<T> __typeArg_0
    • Constructor Detail

      • Watch

        public Watch​(Watch delegate)
      • Watch

        public Watch​(Object delegate,
                     io.vertx.lang.rx.TypeArg<T> typeArg_0)
    • Method Detail

      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • getDelegate

        public Watch getDelegate()
        Specified by:
        getDelegate in interface io.vertx.lang.rx.RxDelegate
      • key

        public static Watch<KeyValue> key​(String key,
                                          Vertx vertx)
        Creates Watch to monitoring a specific key in the KV store. The underlying Consul client will be created with default options. This maps to the /v1/kv/ API internally.
        key - the key
        vertx - the Vertx instance
        the Watch instance
      • key

        public static Watch<KeyValue> key​(String key,
                                          Vertx vertx,
                                          ConsulClientOptions options)
        Creates Watch to monitoring a specific key in the KV store. This maps to the /v1/kv/ API internally.
        key - the key
        vertx - the Vertx instance
        options - the options to create underlying Consul client
        the Watch instance
      • keyPrefix

        public static Watch<KeyValueList> keyPrefix​(String keyPrefix,
                                                    Vertx vertx)
        Creates Watch to monitoring a prefix of keys in the KV store. The underlying Consul client will be created with default options. This maps to the /v1/kv/ API internally.
        keyPrefix - the key
        vertx - the Vertx instance
        the Watch instance
      • keyPrefix

        public static Watch<KeyValueList> keyPrefix​(String keyPrefix,
                                                    Vertx vertx,
                                                    ConsulClientOptions options)
        Creates Watch to monitoring a prefix of keys in the KV store. This maps to the /v1/kv/ API internally.
        keyPrefix - the key
        vertx - the Vertx instance
        options - the options to create underlying Consul client
        the Watch instance
      • services

        public static Watch<ServiceList> services​(Vertx vertx)
        Creates Watch to monitoring the list of available services. The underlying Consul client will be created with default options. This maps to the /v1/catalog/services API internally.
        vertx - the Vertx instance
        the Watch instance
      • services

        public static Watch<ServiceList> services​(Vertx vertx,
                                                  ConsulClientOptions options)
        Creates Watch to monitoring the list of available services. This maps to the /v1/catalog/services API internally.
        vertx - the Vertx instance
        options - the options to create underlying Consul client
        the Watch instance
      • service

        public static Watch<ServiceEntryList> service​(String service,
                                                      Vertx vertx)
        Creates Watch to monitoring the nodes providing the service. Nodes will be sorted by distance from the consul agent. The underlying Consul client will be created with default options. This maps to the /v1/health/service/<service> API internally.
        service - the service name
        vertx - the Vertx instance
        the Watch instance
      • service

        public static Watch<ServiceEntryList> service​(String service,
                                                      Vertx vertx,
                                                      ConsulClientOptions options)
        Creates Watch to monitoring the nodes providing the service. Nodes will be sorted by distance from the consul agent. This maps to the /v1/health/service/<service> API internally.
        service - the service name
        vertx - the Vertx instance
        options - the options to create underlying Consul client
        the Watch instance
      • events

        public static Watch<EventList> events​(String event,
                                              Vertx vertx)
        Creates Watch to monitoring the custom user events. The underlying Consul client will be created with default options. This maps to the /v1/event/list API internally.
        event - the event name
        vertx - the Vertx instance
        the Watch instance
      • events

        public static Watch<EventList> events​(String event,
                                              Vertx vertx,
                                              ConsulClientOptions options)
        Creates Watch to monitoring the custom user events. This maps to the /v1/event/list API internally.
        event - the event name
        vertx - the Vertx instance
        options - the options to create underlying Consul client
        the Watch instance
      • nodes

        public static Watch<NodeList> nodes​(Vertx vertx)
        Creates Watch to monitoring the list of available nodes. The underlying Consul client will be created with default options. This maps to the /v1/catalog/nodes API internally.
        vertx - the Vertx instance
        the Watch instance
      • nodes

        public static Watch<NodeList> nodes​(Vertx vertx,
                                            ConsulClientOptions options)
        Creates Watch to monitoring the list of available nodes. This maps to the /v1/catalog/nodes API internally.
        vertx - the Vertx instance
        options - the options to create underlying Consul client
        the Watch instance
      • nodeHealthChecks

        public static Watch<CheckList> nodeHealthChecks​(String node,
                                                        CheckQueryOptions opt,
                                                        Vertx vertx,
                                                        ConsulClientOptions options)
        Creates Watch to monitoring the health checks of the nodes.
        node - node name or ID
        opt - options like namespace, datacenter and filter
        vertx - the Vertx instance
        options - the options to create underlying Consul client
        the Watch instance
      • serviceHealthChecks

        public static Watch<CheckList> serviceHealthChecks​(String service,
                                                           CheckQueryOptions checkQueryOptions,
                                                           Vertx vertx,
                                                           ConsulClientOptions options)
        Creates Watch to monitoring the health checks of the nodes.
        service - the service name
        checkQueryOptions - options used to request checks
        vertx - the Vertx instance
        options - the options to create underlying Consul client
        the Watch instance
      • setHandler

        public Watch<T> setHandler​(Handler<WatchResult<T>> handler)
        Set the result handler. As data is changed, the handler will be called with the result.
        handler - the result handler
        reference to this, for fluency
      • start

        public Watch<T> start()
        Start this Watch
        reference to this, for fluency
      • stop

        public void stop()
        Stop the watch and release its resources
      • newInstance

        public static <T> Watch<T> newInstance​(Watch arg)
      • newInstance

        public static <T> Watch<T> newInstance​(Watch arg,
                                               io.vertx.lang.rx.TypeArg<T> __typeArg_T)