Class StompServer

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class StompServer
    extends Object
    implements io.vertx.lang.rx.RxDelegate
    Defines a STOMP server. STOMP servers delegates to a StompServerHandler that let customize the behavior of the server. By default, it uses a handler compliant with the STOMP specification, but let you change anything.

    NOTE: This class has been automatically generated from the original non RX-ified interface using Vert.x codegen.

    • Field Detail

      • __TYPE_ARG

        public static final io.vertx.lang.rx.TypeArg<StompServer> __TYPE_ARG
    • Constructor Detail

      • StompServer

        public StompServer​(StompServer delegate)
      • StompServer

        public StompServer​(Object delegate)
    • Method Detail

      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • getDelegate

        public StompServer getDelegate()
        Specified by:
        getDelegate in interface io.vertx.lang.rx.RxDelegate
      • create

        public static StompServer create​(Vertx vertx,
                                         NetServer netServer)
        Creates a StompServer based on the default Stomp Server implementation.
        vertx - the vert.x instance to use
        netServer - the Net server used by the STOMP server
        the created StompServer
      • create

        public static StompServer create​(Vertx vertx,
                                         NetServer net,
                                         StompServerOptions options)
        Creates a StompServer based on the default Stomp Server implementation.
        vertx - the vert.x instance to use
        net - the Net server used by the STOMP server
        options - the server options
        the created StompServer
      • create

        public static StompServer create​(Vertx vertx)
        Creates a StompServer based on the default Stomp Server implementation, and use the default options.
        vertx - the vert.x instance to use
        the created StompServer
      • listen

        public Future<StompServer> listen​(int port)
        Connects the STOMP server to the given port. This method use the default host ( Once the socket it bounds calls the given handler with the result. The result may be a failure if the socket is already used.
        port - the port
        a future resolved with the listen result
      • rxListen

        public Single<StompServer> rxListen​(int port)
        Connects the STOMP server to the given port. This method use the default host ( Once the socket it bounds calls the given handler with the result. The result may be a failure if the socket is already used.
        port - the port
        a future resolved with the listen result
      • listen

        public Future<StompServer> listen​(int port,
                                          String host)
        Connects the STOMP server to the given port / interface. Once the socket it bounds calls the given handler with the result. The result may be a failure if the socket is already used.
        port - the port
        host - the interface
        a future resolved with the listen result
      • rxListen

        public Single<StompServer> rxListen​(int port,
                                            String host)
        Connects the STOMP server to the given port / interface. Once the socket it bounds calls the given handler with the result. The result may be a failure if the socket is already used.
        port - the port
        host - the interface
        a future resolved with the listen result
      • listen

        public Future<StompServer> listen()
        Connects the STOMP server default port (61613) and network interface ( Once the socket it bounds calls the given handler with the result. The result may be a failure if the socket is already used.
        a future resolved with the listen result
      • rxListen

        public Single<StompServer> rxListen()
        Connects the STOMP server default port (61613) and network interface ( Once the socket it bounds calls the given handler with the result. The result may be a failure if the socket is already used.
        a future resolved with the listen result
      • close

        public Future<Void> close()
        Closes the server.
      • rxClose

        public Completable rxClose()
        Closes the server.
      • isListening

        public boolean isListening()
        Checks whether or not the server is listening.
        true if the server is listening, false otherwise
      • actualPort

        public int actualPort()
        Gets the port on which the server is listening.

        This is useful if you bound the server specifying 0 as port number signifying an ephemeral port.

        the port
      • vertx

        public Vertx vertx()
        the instance of vert.x used by the server.
      • writingFrameHandler

        public StompServer writingFrameHandler​(Handler<ServerFrame> handler)
        Configures the handler that is invoked every time a frame is going to be written to the "wire". It lets you log the frames, but also adapt the frame if needed.
        handler - the handler, must not be null
        the current StompServer