Class RedisOptions

  • public class RedisOptions
    extends Object
    Redis Client Configuration options.
    Paulo Lopes
    • Field Detail


        public static final String DEFAULT_ENDPOINT
        The default Redis endpoint: redis://localhost:6379
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • RedisOptions

        public RedisOptions()
        Creates a default configuration object using Redis server defaults
      • RedisOptions

        public RedisOptions​(RedisOptions other)
        Copy constructor.
        other - the object to clone.
      • RedisOptions

        public RedisOptions​(JsonObject json)
        Copy from JSON constructor.
        json - source json
    • Method Detail

      • getType

        public RedisClientType getType()
        Get the type of client to be created.
        the desired client type.
      • setType

        public RedisOptions setType​(RedisClientType type)
        Set the desired client type to be created.
        type - the client type.
        fluent self.
      • getNetClientOptions

        public NetClientOptions getNetClientOptions()
        Get the net client options used to connect to the server.
        the net socket options.
      • setNetClientOptions

        public RedisOptions setNetClientOptions​(NetClientOptions netClientOptions)
        Set the net client options to be used while connecting to the Redis server. Use this to tune your connection.
        netClientOptions - custom net client options.
        fluent self.
      • getEndpoint

        public String getEndpoint()
        Gets the Redis endpoint to use
        the Redis connection string URI
      • addConnectionString

        public RedisOptions addConnectionString​(String connectionString)
        Adds a connection string (endpoint) to use while connecting to the Redis server. Only the cluster mode will consider more than 1 element. If more are provided, they are not considered by the client when in single server mode.
        connectionString - a string URI following the scheme: redis://[username:password@][host][:port][/database]
        fluent self.
        See Also:
        Redis scheme on
      • setConnectionString

        public RedisOptions setConnectionString​(String connectionString)
        Sets a single connection string (endpoint) to use while connecting to the Redis server. Will replace the previously configured connection strings.
        connectionString - a string following the scheme: redis://[username:password@][host][:port][/[database].
        fluent self.
        See Also:
        Redis scheme on
      • getTopology

        public RedisTopology getTopology()
        Get how the topology should be obtained. By default, the topology is discovered automatically.

        This is only meaningful in case of a replication Redis client. In case of a cluster and sentinel Redis client, topology is currently always discovered automatically and the topology mode is ignored.

        the topology mode
      • setTopology

        public RedisOptions setTopology​(RedisTopology topology)
        Set how the topology should be obtained. By default, the topology is discovered automatically.

        This is only meaningful in case of a replication Redis client. In case of a cluster and sentinel Redis client, topology is currently always discovered automatically and the topology mode is ignored.

        topology - the topology mode
        fluent self
      • getEndpoints

        public List<String> getEndpoints()
        Gets the list of Redis endpoints to use (mostly used while connecting to a cluster)
        list of socket addresses.
      • setEndpoints

        public RedisOptions setEndpoints​(List<String> endpoints)
        Set the endpoints to use while connecting to the Redis server. Only the cluster mode will consider more than 1 element. If more are provided, they are not considered by the client when in single server mode.
        endpoints - list of socket addresses.
        fluent self.
      • getMaxWaitingHandlers

        public int getMaxWaitingHandlers()
        The client will always work on pipeline mode, this means that messages can start queueing. You can control how much backlog you're willing to accept. This methods returns how much handlers is the client willing to queue.
        max allowed queued waiting handlers.
      • setMaxWaitingHandlers

        public RedisOptions setMaxWaitingHandlers​(int maxWaitingHandlers)
        The client will always work on pipeline mode, this means that messages can start queueing. You can control how much backlog you're willing to accept. This methods sets how much handlers is the client willing to queue.
        maxWaitingHandlers - max allowed queued waiting handlers.
        fluent self.
      • getMasterName

        public String getMasterName()
        Get the name of the master set.

        This is only meaningful in case of a sentinel Redis client and is ignored otherwise.

        the master set name
      • setMasterName

        public RedisOptions setMasterName​(String masterName)
        Set the name of the master set.

        This is only meaningful in case of a sentinel Redis client and is ignored otherwise.

        masterName - the master set name
        fluent self
      • getRole

        public RedisRole getRole()
        Get the client role; that is, to which kind of node should the connection be established.

        This is only meaningful in case of a sentinel Redis client and is ignored otherwise.

        the role
      • setRole

        public RedisOptions setRole​(RedisRole role)
        Set the client role; that is, to which kind of node should the connection be established.

        This is only meaningful in case of a sentinel Redis client and is ignored otherwise.

        role - the role
        fluent self
      • getUseReplicas

        public RedisReplicas getUseReplicas()
        Get whether to use replica nodes for read only queries.

        This is only meaningful in case of a replication and cluster Redis client and is ignored otherwise.

        the cluster replica node use mode.
      • setUseReplicas

        public RedisOptions setUseReplicas​(RedisReplicas useReplicas)
        Set whether to use replica nodes for read only queries.

        This is only meaningful in case of a replication and cluster Redis client and is ignored otherwise.

        useReplicas - the cluster replica use mode.
        fluent self.
      • getClusterTransactions

        public RedisClusterTransactions getClusterTransactions()
        Get how Redis transactions are handled in cluster mode.
        how transactions are handled
      • setClusterTransactions

        public RedisOptions setClusterTransactions​(RedisClusterTransactions clusterTransactions)
        Set how Redis transactions are handled in cluster mode.
        clusterTransactions - transaction handling mode
        fluent self
      • getMaxNestedArrays

        public int getMaxNestedArrays()
        Tune how much nested arrays are allowed on a Redis response. This affects the parser performance.
        the configured max nested arrays allowance.
      • setMaxNestedArrays

        public RedisOptions setMaxNestedArrays​(int maxNestedArrays)
        Tune how much nested arrays are allowed on a Redis response. This affects the parser performance.
        maxNestedArrays - the configured max nested arrays allowance.
        fluent self.
      • getTracingPolicy

        public TracingPolicy getTracingPolicy()
        the tracing policy
      • setTracingPolicy

        public RedisOptions setTracingPolicy​(TracingPolicy tracingPolicy)
        Set the tracing policy for the client behavior when Vert.x has tracing enabled.
        tracingPolicy - the tracing policy
        fluent self.
      • getPoolOptions

        public PoolOptions getPoolOptions()
        the pool options
      • getPoolCleanerInterval

        public int getPoolCleanerInterval()
        Get how often the connection pool will be cleaned. Cleaning the connection pool means scanning for unused and invalid connections and if any are found, they are forcibly closed and evicted from the pool.

        A connection is marked invalid if it enters a exception or fatal state. It is marked unused if it is unused for longer than the recycle timeout.

        The return value is in milliseconds. By default, the cleaning interval is 30 seconds. The value of -1 means connection pool cleaning is disabled.

        the cleaning interval in milliseconds, or -1 for never
      • setPoolCleanerInterval

        public RedisOptions setPoolCleanerInterval​(int poolCleanerInterval)
        Set how often the connection pool will be cleaned. Cleaning the connection pool means scanning for unused and invalid connections and if any are found, they are forcibly closed and evicted from the pool.

        A connection is marked invalid if it enters a exception or fatal state. It is marked unused if it is unused for longer than the recycle timeout.

        The value is in milliseconds. By default, the cleaning interval is 30 seconds. The value of -1 means connection pool cleaning is disabled.

        poolCleanerInterval - the cleaning interval in milliseconds, or -1 for never
        fluent self
      • getMaxPoolSize

        public int getMaxPoolSize()
        Get the maximum size of the connection pool.

        By default, the maximum pool size is 6.

        the maximum pool size
      • setMaxPoolSize

        public RedisOptions setMaxPoolSize​(int maxPoolSize)
        Set the maximum size of the connection pool.

        By default, the maximum pool size is 6.

        When working with cluster or sentinel, this value should be at least the total number of cluster member (or number of sentinels + 1).

        maxPoolSize - the maximum pool size
        fluent self
      • getMaxPoolWaiting

        public int getMaxPoolWaiting()
        Get the maximum number of requests waiting for a connection from the pool.

        By default, the maximum number of waiting requests size is 24.

        the maximum number of waiting requests
      • setMaxPoolWaiting

        public RedisOptions setMaxPoolWaiting​(int maxPoolWaiting)
        Set the maximum number of requests waiting for a connection from the pool.

        By default, the maximum number of waiting requests size is 24.

        maxPoolWaiting - the maximum number of waiting requests
        fluent self
      • getPoolRecycleTimeout

        public int getPoolRecycleTimeout()
        Get how long a connection can stay unused before it is recycled during connection pool cleaning.

        The value is in milliseconds. By default, the recycle timeout is 3 minutes. The value of -1 means connection recycling is disabled.

        the recycle timeout
      • setPoolRecycleTimeout

        public RedisOptions setPoolRecycleTimeout​(int poolRecycleTimeout)
        Set how long a connection can stay unused before it is recycled during connection pool cleaning.

        The value is in milliseconds. By default, the recycle timeout is 3 minutes. The value of -1 means connection recycling is disabled.

        poolRecycleTimeout - the recycle timeout
        fluent self
      • getUser

        public String getUser()
        Get the default username for Redis connections. If not set, it will try to extract it from the current default endpoint (getEndpoint()).
      • setUser

        public RedisOptions setUser​(String user)
        Set the default username for Redis connections.
        user - the default username
        fluent self
      • getPassword

        public String getPassword()
        Get the default password for Redis connections. If not set, it will try to extract it from the current default endpoint (getEndpoint()).
      • setPassword

        public RedisOptions setPassword​(String password)
        Set the default password for Redis connections.
        password - the default password
        fluent self
      • isProtocolNegotiation

        public boolean isProtocolNegotiation()
        Should the client perform RESP protocol negotiation during the connection handshake. By default, this is true, but there are situations when using broken servers it may be useful to skip this and always fallback to RESP2 without using the HELLO command.
        true to perform negotiation.
      • setProtocolNegotiation

        public RedisOptions setProtocolNegotiation​(boolean protocolNegotiation)
        Should the client perform RESP protocol negotiation during the connection acquire. By default, this is true, but there are situations when using broken servers it may be useful to skip this and always fallback to RESP2 without using the HELLO command.
        protocolNegotiation - false to disable HELLO (not recommended) unless reasons...
        fluent self
      • getPreferredProtocolVersion

        public ProtocolVersion getPreferredProtocolVersion()
        Returns the preferred protocol version to be used during protocol negotiation. When not set, defaults to RESP 3. When protocol negotiation is disabled, this setting has no effect.
        preferred protocol version
      • setPreferredProtocolVersion

        public RedisOptions setPreferredProtocolVersion​(ProtocolVersion preferredProtocolVersion)
        Sets the preferred protocol version to be used during protocol negotiation. When not set, defaults to RESP 3. When protocol negotiation is disabled, this setting has no effect.
        preferredProtocolVersion - preferred protocol version
        fluent self
      • getPoolName

        public String getPoolName()
        Get the connection pool name to be used for metrics reporting. The default name is a random UUID.
        the pool name
      • setPoolName

        public RedisOptions setPoolName​(String poolName)
        Set the connection pool name to be used for metrics reporting. The default name is a random UUID.
        poolName - the pool name
        fluent self
      • getMetricsName

        public String getMetricsName()
        the metrics name identifying the reported metrics.
      • setMetricsName

        public RedisOptions setMetricsName​(String metricsName)
        Set the metrics name identifying the reported metrics, useful for grouping metrics with the same name.
        metricsName - the metrics name
        a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
      • getHashSlotCacheTTL

        public long getHashSlotCacheTTL()
        Returns the TTL of the hash slot cache. The TTL is expressed in milliseconds. Defaults to 1000 millis (1 second).

        This is only meaningful in case of a cluster Redis client and is ignored otherwise.

        the TTL of the hash slot cache
      • setHashSlotCacheTTL

        public RedisOptions setHashSlotCacheTTL​(long hashSlotCacheTTL)
        Sets the TTL of the hash slot cache. The TTL is expressed in milliseconds. Defaults to 1000 millis (1 second).

        This is only meaningful in case of a cluster Redis client and is ignored otherwise.

        hashSlotCacheTTL - the TTL of the hash slot cache, in millis
        fluent self
      • isAutoFailover

        public boolean isAutoFailover()
        Returns whether automatic failover is enabled. This only makes sense for sentinel clients with role of RedisRole.MASTER and is ignored otherwise.

        If enabled, the sentinel client will additionally create a connection to one sentinel node and watch for failover events. When new master is elected, all connections to the old master are automatically closed and new connections to the new master are created. Note that these new connections will not have the same event handlers (handler(), exceptionHandler() and endHandler()), will not be in the same streaming mode (pause(), resume() and fetch()), and will not watch the same subscriptions (SUBSCRIBE, PSUBSCRIBE, etc.) as the old ones. In other words, automatic failover makes sense for connections executing regular commands, but not for connections used to subscribe to Redis pub/sub channels.

        Note that there is a brief period of time between the old master failing and the new master being elected when the existing connections will temporarily fail all operations. After the new master is elected, the connections will automatically fail over and start working again.

        whether automatic failover is enabled
      • setAutoFailover

        public RedisOptions setAutoFailover​(boolean autoFailover)
        Returns whether automatic failover is enabled. This only makes sense for sentinel clients with role of RedisRole.MASTER and is ignored otherwise.

        If enabled, the sentinel client will additionally create a connection to one sentinel node and watch for failover events. When new master is elected, all connections to the old master are automatically closed and new connections to the new master are created. Note that these new connections will not have the same event handlers (handler(), exceptionHandler() and endHandler()), will not be in the same streaming mode (pause(), resume() and fetch()), and will not watch the same subscriptions (SUBSCRIBE, PSUBSCRIBE, etc.) as the old ones. In other words, automatic failover makes sense for connections executing regular commands, but not for connections used to subscribe to Redis pub/sub channels.

        Note that there is a brief period of time between the old master failing and the new master being elected when the existing connections will temporarily fail all operations. After the new master is elected, the connections will automatically fail over and start working again.

        autoFailover - whether automatic failover should be enabled
        fluent self
      • toJson

        public JsonObject toJson()
        Converts this object to JSON notation.