Class UserContext

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class UserContext
    extends Object
    implements io.vertx.lang.rx.RxDelegate
    A web user is extended user coupled to the context and is used to perform verifications and actions on behalf of the user. Actions can be:
    • refresh() - Require a re-authentication to confirm the user is present
    • impersonate() - Require a re-authentication to switch user identities
    • restore() - De-escalate a previous impersonate call
    • logout(java.lang.String) - Logout the user from this application and redirect to a uri
    • clear() - Same as logout, without requirind a redirect

    NOTE: This class has been automatically generated from the original non RX-ified interface using Vert.x codegen.

    • Field Detail

      • __TYPE_ARG

        public static final io.vertx.lang.rx.TypeArg<UserContext> __TYPE_ARG
    • Constructor Detail

      • UserContext

        public UserContext​(UserContext delegate)
      • UserContext

        public UserContext​(Object delegate)
    • Method Detail

      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • getDelegate

        public UserContext getDelegate()
        Specified by:
        getDelegate in interface io.vertx.lang.rx.RxDelegate
      • get

        public User get()
        Get the authenticated user (if any). This will usually be injected by an auth handler if authentication if successful.
        the user, or null if the current user is not authenticated.
      • authenticated

        public boolean authenticated()
      • loginHint

        public UserContext loginHint​(String loginHint)
        When performing a web identity operation, hint if possible to the identity provider to use the given login.
        loginHint - the desired login name, for example: admin.
        fluent self
      • refresh

        public Completable refresh()
        Forces the current user to re-authenticate. The user will be redirected to the same origin where this call was made. It is important to notice that the redirect will only allow sources originating from a HTTP GET request.
        future result of the operation.
      • rxRefresh

        public Completable rxRefresh()
        Forces the current user to re-authenticate. The user will be redirected to the same origin where this call was made. It is important to notice that the redirect will only allow sources originating from a HTTP GET request.
        future result of the operation.
      • refresh

        public Completable refresh​(String redirectUri)
        Forces the current user to re-authenticate. The user will be redirected to the given uri. It is important to notice that the redirect will only allow targets using an HTTP GET request.
        redirectUri - the uri to redirect the user to after the re-authentication.
        future result of the operation.
      • rxRefresh

        public Completable rxRefresh​(String redirectUri)
        Forces the current user to re-authenticate. The user will be redirected to the given uri. It is important to notice that the redirect will only allow targets using an HTTP GET request.
        redirectUri - the uri to redirect the user to after the re-authentication.
        future result of the operation.
      • impersonate

        public Completable impersonate()
        Impersonates a second identity. The user will be redirected to the same origin where this call was made. It is important to notice that the redirect will only allow sources originating from a HTTP GET request.
        future result of the operation.
      • rxImpersonate

        public Completable rxImpersonate()
        Impersonates a second identity. The user will be redirected to the same origin where this call was made. It is important to notice that the redirect will only allow sources originating from a HTTP GET request.
        future result of the operation.
      • impersonate

        public Completable impersonate​(String redirectUri)
        Impersonates a second identity. The user will be redirected to the given uri. It is important to notice that the redirect will only allow targets using an HTTP GET request.
        redirectUri - the uri to redirect the user to after the authentication.
        future result of the operation.
      • rxImpersonate

        public Completable rxImpersonate​(String redirectUri)
        Impersonates a second identity. The user will be redirected to the given uri. It is important to notice that the redirect will only allow targets using an HTTP GET request.
        redirectUri - the uri to redirect the user to after the authentication.
        future result of the operation.
      • restore

        public Completable restore()
        Undo a previous call to a impersonation. The user will be redirected to the same origin where this call was made. It is important to notice that the redirect will only allow sources originating from a HTTP GET request.
        future result of the operation.
      • rxRestore

        public Completable rxRestore()
        Undo a previous call to a impersonation. The user will be redirected to the same origin where this call was made. It is important to notice that the redirect will only allow sources originating from a HTTP GET request.
        future result of the operation.
      • restore

        public Completable restore​(String redirectUri)
        Undo a previous call to an impersonation. The user will be redirected to the given uri. It is important to notice that the redirect will only allow targets using an HTTP GET request.
        redirectUri - the uri to redirect the user to after the re-authentication.
        future result of the operation.
      • rxRestore

        public Completable rxRestore​(String redirectUri)
        Undo a previous call to an impersonation. The user will be redirected to the given uri. It is important to notice that the redirect will only allow targets using an HTTP GET request.
        redirectUri - the uri to redirect the user to after the re-authentication.
        future result of the operation.
      • logout

        public Completable logout​(String redirectUri)
        Logout can be called from any route handler which needs to terminate a login session. Invoking logout will remove the User and clear the Session (if any) in the current context. Followed by a redirect to the given uri.
        redirectUri - the uri to redirect the user to after the logout.
        future result of the operation.
      • rxLogout

        public Completable rxLogout​(String redirectUri)
        Logout can be called from any route handler which needs to terminate a login session. Invoking logout will remove the User and clear the Session (if any) in the current context. Followed by a redirect to the given uri.
        redirectUri - the uri to redirect the user to after the logout.
        future result of the operation.
      • logout

        public Completable logout()
        Logout can be called from any route handler which needs to terminate a login session. Invoking logout will remove the User and clear the Session (if any) in the current context. Followed by a redirect to /.
        future result of the operation.
      • rxLogout

        public Completable rxLogout()
        Logout can be called from any route handler which needs to terminate a login session. Invoking logout will remove the User and clear the Session (if any) in the current context. Followed by a redirect to /.
        future result of the operation.
      • clear

        public void clear()
        Clear can be called from any route handler which needs to terminate a login session. Invoking logout will remove the User and clear the Session (if any) in the current context. Unlike logout(java.lang.String) no redirect will be performed.