Class GrpcClientRequest<Req,​Resp>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    io.vertx.lang.rx.RxDelegate, StreamBase, WriteStream<Req>

    public class GrpcClientRequest<Req,​Resp>
    extends GrpcWriteStream<Req>
    implements io.vertx.lang.rx.RxDelegate
    A request to a gRPC server.

    You interact with the remote service with gRPC generated messages or protobuf encoded messages.

    Before sending a request you need to set #serviceName) and #methodName) or alternatively the service fullMethodName(java.lang.String).

    Writing a request message will send the request to the service:

    • To send a unary request, just call
    • To send a streaming request, call any time you need and then WriteStream.end()

    NOTE: This class has been automatically generated from the original non RX-ified interface using Vert.x codegen.

    • Field Detail

      • __TYPE_ARG

        public static final io.vertx.lang.rx.TypeArg<GrpcClientRequest> __TYPE_ARG
      • __typeArg_0

        public final io.vertx.lang.rx.TypeArg<Req> __typeArg_0
      • __typeArg_1

        public final io.vertx.lang.rx.TypeArg<Resp> __typeArg_1
    • Constructor Detail

      • GrpcClientRequest

        public GrpcClientRequest​(Object delegate,
                                 io.vertx.lang.rx.TypeArg<Req> typeArg_0,
                                 io.vertx.lang.rx.TypeArg<Resp> typeArg_1)
    • Method Detail

      • write

        public Completable write​(Req data)
        Write some data to the stream.

        The data is usually put on an internal write queue, and the write actually happens asynchronously. To avoid running out of memory by putting too much on the write queue, check the WriteStream.writeQueueFull() method before writing. This is done automatically if using a .

        When the data is moved from the queue to the actual medium, the returned will be completed with the write result, e.g the future is succeeded when a server HTTP response buffer is written to the socket and failed if the remote client has closed the socket while the data was still pending for write.

        Specified by:
        write in interface WriteStream<Req>
        write in class GrpcWriteStream<Req>
        data - the data to write
        a future completed with the write result
      • rxWrite

        public Completable rxWrite​(Req data)
        Write some data to the stream.

        The data is usually put on an internal write queue, and the write actually happens asynchronously. To avoid running out of memory by putting too much on the write queue, check the WriteStream.writeQueueFull() method before writing. This is done automatically if using a .

        When the data is moved from the queue to the actual medium, the returned will be completed with the write result, e.g the future is succeeded when a server HTTP response buffer is written to the socket and failed if the remote client has closed the socket while the data was still pending for write.

        Specified by:
        rxWrite in interface WriteStream<Req>
        rxWrite in class GrpcWriteStream<Req>
        data - the data to write
        a future completed with the write result
      • end

        public Completable end()
        Ends the stream.

        Once the stream has ended, it cannot be used any more.

        Specified by:
        end in interface WriteStream<Req>
        end in class GrpcWriteStream<Req>
        a future completed with the result
      • encoding

        public GrpcClientRequest<Req,​Resp> encoding​(String encoding)
        Description copied from class: GrpcWriteStream
        Set the stream encoding, e.g. identity or gzip. It must be called before sending any message, otherwise identity will be used.
        encoding in class GrpcWriteStream<Req>
        encoding - the target message encoding
        a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
      • format

        public GrpcClientRequest<Req,​Resp> format​(WireFormat format)
        Description copied from class: GrpcWriteStream
        Set the stream format, e.g. proto or json. It must be called before sending any message, otherwise proto will be used.
        format in class GrpcWriteStream<Req>
        format - the message format
        a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
      • fullMethodName

        public GrpcClientRequest<Req,​Resp> fullMethodName​(String fullMethodName)
        Set the full method name to call, it must follow the format package-name + '.' + service-name + '/' + method-name or an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

        It must be called before sending the request otherwise an IllegalStateException is thrown.

        fullMethodName - the full method name to call
        a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
      • serviceName

        public GrpcClientRequest<Req,​Resp> serviceName​(ServiceName serviceName)
        Set the service name to call.

        It must be called before sending the request otherwise an IllegalStateException is thrown.

        serviceName - the service name to call
        a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
      • methodName

        public GrpcClientRequest<Req,​Resp> methodName​(String methodName)
        Set the method name to call.

        It must be called before sending the request otherwise an IllegalStateException is thrown.

        methodName - the method name to call
        a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
      • setWriteQueueMaxSize

        public GrpcClientRequest<Req,​Resp> setWriteQueueMaxSize​(int maxSize)
        Description copied from interface: WriteStream
        Set the maximum size of the write queue to maxSize. You will still be able to write to the stream even if there is more than maxSize items in the write queue. This is used as an indicator by classes such as Pipe to provide flow control.

        The value is defined by the implementation of the stream, e.g in bytes for a NetSocket, etc...

        Specified by:
        setWriteQueueMaxSize in interface WriteStream<Req>
        setWriteQueueMaxSize in class GrpcWriteStream<Req>
        maxSize - the max size of the write stream
        a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
      • drainHandler

        public GrpcClientRequest<Req,​Resp> drainHandler​(Handler<Void> handler)
        Description copied from interface: WriteStream
        Set a drain handler on the stream. If the write queue is full, then the handler will be called when the write queue is ready to accept buffers again. See Pipe for an example of this being used.

        The stream implementation defines when the drain handler, for example it could be when the queue size has been reduced to maxSize / 2.

        Specified by:
        drainHandler in interface WriteStream<Req>
        drainHandler in class GrpcWriteStream<Req>
        handler - the handler
        a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
      • timeout

        public GrpcClientRequest<Req,​Resp> timeout​(long timeout,
                                                         TimeUnit unit)

        Set a grpc-timeout header to be sent to the server to indicate the client expects a response with a timeout.

        When the request handle deadline a timer will be set when sending the request to cancel the request when the response has not been received in time.

        timeout -
        unit -
      • deadline

        public Timer deadline()
        the request deadline or null when no deadline has been scheduled
      • idleTimeout

        public GrpcClientRequest<Req,​Resp> idleTimeout​(long timeout)
        Sets the amount of time after which, if the request does not return any data within the timeout period, the request/response is cancelled and the related futures.
        timeout - the amount of time in milliseconds.
        a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
      • connection

        public HttpConnection connection()
        the underlying HTTP connection
      • newInstance

        public static <Req,​Resp> GrpcClientRequest<Req,​Resp> newInstance​(GrpcClientRequest arg,
                                                                                     io.vertx.lang.rx.TypeArg<Req> __typeArg_Req,
                                                                                     io.vertx.lang.rx.TypeArg<Resp> __typeArg_Resp)