Class RedisCluster

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class RedisCluster
    extends Object
    implements io.vertx.lang.rx.RxDelegate
    Utilities for Redis cluster. Calling create() with an instance of Redis or RedisConnection that are not Redis cluster client/connection leads to an exception.

    NOTE: This class has been automatically generated from the original non RX-ified interface using Vert.x codegen.

    • Field Detail

      • __TYPE_ARG

        public static final io.vertx.lang.rx.TypeArg<RedisCluster> __TYPE_ARG
    • Constructor Detail

      • RedisCluster

        public RedisCluster​(RedisCluster delegate)
      • RedisCluster

        public RedisCluster​(Object delegate)
    • Method Detail

      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • getDelegate

        public RedisCluster getDelegate()
        Specified by:
        getDelegate in interface io.vertx.lang.rx.RxDelegate
      • onAllNodes

        public Single<List<Response>> onAllNodes​(Request request)
        Runs the request against all nodes in the cluster. Returns a future that completes with a list of responses, one from each node, or failure when one of the operations fails. Note that in case of a failure, there are no guarantees that the request was or wasn't executed successfully on other Redis cluster nodes. No result order is guaranteed either.
        request - the request, must not be null
        the future result, never null
      • rxOnAllNodes

        public Single<List<Response>> rxOnAllNodes​(Request request)
        Runs the request against all nodes in the cluster. Returns a future that completes with a list of responses, one from each node, or failure when one of the operations fails. Note that in case of a failure, there are no guarantees that the request was or wasn't executed successfully on other Redis cluster nodes. No result order is guaranteed either.
        request - the request, must not be null
        the future result, never null
      • onAllMasterNodes

        public Single<List<Response>> onAllMasterNodes​(Request request)
        Runs the request against all master nodes in the cluster. Returns a future that completes with a list of responses, one from each master node, or failure when one of the operations fails. Note that in case of a failure, there are no guarantees that the request was or wasn't executed successfully on other Redis cluster master nodes. No result order is guaranteed either.
        request - the request, must not be null
        the future result, never null
      • rxOnAllMasterNodes

        public Single<List<Response>> rxOnAllMasterNodes​(Request request)
        Runs the request against all master nodes in the cluster. Returns a future that completes with a list of responses, one from each master node, or failure when one of the operations fails. Note that in case of a failure, there are no guarantees that the request was or wasn't executed successfully on other Redis cluster master nodes. No result order is guaranteed either.
        request - the request, must not be null
        the future result, never null
      • groupByNodes

        public Single<RequestGrouping> groupByNodes​(List<Request> requests)
        Groups the requests into a RequestGrouping, which contains:
        • keyed requests: requests that include a key and it is therefore possible to determine to which master node they should be sent; all requests in each inner list in the keyed collection are guaranteed to be sent to the same master node;
        • unkeyed requests: requests that do not include a key and it is therefore not possible to determine to which master node they should be sent.
        If any of the requests includes multiple keys that belong to different master nodes, the resulting future will fail.

        If the cluster client was created with or and the commands are executed individually (using , not ), it is possible that the commands will be spread across different replicas of the same master node.

        Note that this method is only reliable in case the Redis cluster is in a stable state. In case of resharding, failover or in general any change of cluster topology, there are no guarantees on the validity of the result.

        requests - the requests, must not be null
        the requests grouped by the cluster node assignment
      • rxGroupByNodes

        public Single<RequestGrouping> rxGroupByNodes​(List<Request> requests)
        Groups the requests into a RequestGrouping, which contains:
        • keyed requests: requests that include a key and it is therefore possible to determine to which master node they should be sent; all requests in each inner list in the keyed collection are guaranteed to be sent to the same master node;
        • unkeyed requests: requests that do not include a key and it is therefore not possible to determine to which master node they should be sent.
        If any of the requests includes multiple keys that belong to different master nodes, the resulting future will fail.

        If the cluster client was created with or and the commands are executed individually (using , not ), it is possible that the commands will be spread across different replicas of the same master node.

        Note that this method is only reliable in case the Redis cluster is in a stable state. In case of resharding, failover or in general any change of cluster topology, there are no guarantees on the validity of the result.

        requests - the requests, must not be null
        the requests grouped by the cluster node assignment