Class HotpAuth

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class HotpAuth
    extends AuthenticationProvider
    implements io.vertx.lang.rx.RxDelegate
    An extension of AuthProvider which uses the one time passwords based on counter to perform authentication.

    NOTE: This class has been automatically generated from the original non RX-ified interface using Vert.x codegen.

    • Field Detail

      • __TYPE_ARG

        public static final io.vertx.lang.rx.TypeArg<HotpAuth> __TYPE_ARG
    • Constructor Detail

      • HotpAuth

        public HotpAuth​(HotpAuth delegate)
      • HotpAuth

        public HotpAuth​(Object delegate)
    • Method Detail

      • authenticatorFetcher

        public HotpAuth authenticatorFetcher​(java.util.function.Function<String,​Future<Authenticator>> fetcher)
        Provide a that can fetch s from a backend given an identifier argument.

        The function signature is as follows:

        (id) -> Future

        • id the identifier to lookup.
        • async result with a authenticator.
        fetcher - fetcher function.
        fluent self.
      • authenticatorFetcher

        public HotpAuth authenticatorFetcher​(Function<String,​Single<Authenticator>> fetcher)
        Provide a that can fetch s from a backend given an identifier argument.

        The function signature is as follows:

        (id) -> Future

        • id the identifier to lookup.
        • async result with a authenticator.
        fetcher - fetcher function.
        fluent self.
      • authenticatorUpdater

        public HotpAuth authenticatorUpdater​(java.util.function.Function<Authenticator,​Future<Void>> updater)
        Provide a that can update or insert a . The function should store a given authenticator to a persistence storage.

        When an authenticator is already present, this method must at least update , and is not required to perform any other update.

        For new authenticators, the whole object data must be persisted.

        The function signature is as follows:

        (Authenticator) -> Future

        • the authenticator data to update.
        • async result of the operation.
        updater - updater function.
        fluent self.
      • authenticatorUpdater

        public HotpAuth authenticatorUpdater​(Function<Authenticator,​Completable> updater)
        Provide a that can update or insert a . The function should store a given authenticator to a persistence storage.

        When an authenticator is already present, this method must at least update , and is not required to perform any other update.

        For new authenticators, the whole object data must be persisted.

        The function signature is as follows:

        (Authenticator) -> Future

        • the authenticator data to update.
        • async result of the operation.
        updater - updater function.
        fluent self.
      • createAuthenticator

        public Future<Authenticator> createAuthenticator​(String id,
                                                         OtpKey otpKey)
        Creating authenticator from user id and key.
        id - id user.
        otpKey - key of user used for auth.
        an object containing all the necessary information to authenticate a user.
      • rxCreateAuthenticator

        public Single<Authenticator> rxCreateAuthenticator​(String id,
                                                           OtpKey otpKey)
        Creating authenticator from user id and key.
        id - id user.
        otpKey - key of user used for auth.
        an object containing all the necessary information to authenticate a user.
      • generateUri

        public String generateUri​(OtpKey otpKey,
                                  String issuer,
                                  String user,
                                  String label)
        Creating URI for register in key in user device.
        otpKey - user key.
        issuer - issuer of key.
        user - display name of user account.
        label - the label to identify which account a key is associated with.
        uri containing the key.
      • generateUri

        public String generateUri​(OtpKey otpKey,
                                  String issuer,
                                  String user)
        Creating URI for register in key in user device.
        otpKey - user key.
        issuer - issuer of key.
        user - display name of user account.
        uri containing the key.
      • generateUri

        public String generateUri​(OtpKey otpKey,
                                  String label)
        Creating URI for register in key in user device.
        otpKey - user key.
        label - the label to identify which account a key is associated with.
        uri containing the key.
      • create

        public static HotpAuth create()
        Creates an instance of HotpAuth.
        the created instance of HotpAuth.
      • create

        public static HotpAuth create​(HotpAuthOptions hotpAuthOptions)
        Creates an instance of HotpAuth.
        hotpAuthOptions - the config.
        the created instance of HotpAuth.