Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Void> |
AmqpConnection.close(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
AmqpSender.close(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
AmqpReceiver.close(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
AmqpClient.close(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
AmqpConnection.closeFuture() |
Future<AmqpConnection> |
AmqpClient.connect(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<AmqpSender> |
AmqpConnection.createAnonymousSender(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<AmqpReceiver> |
AmqpConnection.createDynamicReceiver(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<AmqpReceiver> |
AmqpConnection.createReceiver(String address)
AmqpConnection.createReceiver(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<AmqpReceiver> |
AmqpClient.createReceiver(String address)
AmqpClient.createReceiver(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<AmqpReceiver> |
AmqpConnection.createReceiver(String address,
AmqpReceiverOptions receiverOptions)
AmqpConnection.createReceiver(String, AmqpReceiverOptions, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<AmqpReceiver> |
AmqpClient.createReceiver(String address,
AmqpReceiverOptions receiverOptions)
AmqpClient.createReceiver(String, AmqpReceiverOptions, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<AmqpSender> |
AmqpConnection.createSender(String address)
AmqpConnection.createSender(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<AmqpSender> |
AmqpClient.createSender(String address)
AmqpClient.createSender(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<AmqpSender> |
AmqpConnection.createSender(String address,
AmqpSenderOptions options)
AmqpConnection.createSender(String, AmqpSenderOptions, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<AmqpSender> |
AmqpClient.createSender(String address,
AmqpSenderOptions options)
AmqpClient.createSender(String, AmqpSenderOptions, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
AmqpSender.sendWithAck(AmqpMessage message)
AmqpSender.sendWithAck(AmqpMessage, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<List<com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.cql.Row>> |
ResultSet.all(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result. |
Future<Void> |
CassandraClient.close(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result. |
Future<ResultSet> |
CassandraClient.execute(com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.cql.Statement statement)
CassandraClient.execute(Statement, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result. |
<R> Future<R> |
CassandraClient.execute(com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.cql.Statement statement,<com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.cql.Row,?,R> collector)
CassandraClient.execute(Statement, Collector, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result. |
Future<ResultSet> |
CassandraClient.execute(String query)
CassandraClient.execute(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result. |
<R> Future<R> |
CassandraClient.execute(String query,<com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.cql.Row,?,R> collector)
CassandraClient.execute(String, Collector, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result. |
Future<List<com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.cql.Row>> |
CassandraClient.executeWithFullFetch(com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.cql.Statement statement)
CassandraClient.executeWithFullFetch(Statement, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result. |
Future<List<com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.cql.Row>> |
CassandraClient.executeWithFullFetch(String query)
CassandraClient.executeWithFullFetch(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result. |
Future<ResultSet> |
ResultSet.fetchNextPage() |
Future<com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.metadata.Metadata> |
CassandraClient.metadata(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result. |
default Future<Void> |
CassandraRowStream.pipeTo(WriteStream<com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.cql.Row> dst) |
Future<com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.cql.PreparedStatement> |
CassandraClient.prepare(com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.cql.SimpleStatement statement)
CassandraClient.prepare(SimpleStatement, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result. |
Future<com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.cql.PreparedStatement> |
CassandraClient.prepare(String query)
CassandraClient.prepare(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result. |
Future<CassandraRowStream> |
CassandraClient.queryStream(com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.cql.Statement statement)
CassandraClient.queryStream(Statement, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result. |
Future<CassandraRowStream> |
CassandraClient.queryStream(String sql)
CassandraClient.queryStream(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T> Future<T> |
CircuitBreaker.execute(Handler<Promise<T>> command)
Same as
CircuitBreaker.executeWithFallback(Handler, Function) but using the circuit breaker default fallback. |
<T> Future<T> |
CircuitBreaker.executeWithFallback(Handler<Promise<T>> command,
java.util.function.Function<Throwable,T> fallback)
Executes the given operation with the circuit breaker control.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
FailurePolicy.test(Future<T> future)
Invoked by the
CircuitBreaker when an operation completes. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<JsonObject> |
ConfigRetriever.getConfig(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Void> |
ConsulConfigStore.close() |
Future<Buffer> |
ConsulConfigStore.get() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Void> |
GitConfigStore.close() |
Future<Buffer> |
GitConfigStore.get() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<JsonObject> |
HoconProcessor.process(Vertx vertx,
JsonObject configuration,
Buffer input) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Void> |
ConfigMapStore.close() |
Future<Buffer> |
ConfigMapStore.get() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Void> |
RedisConfigStore.close() |
Future<Buffer> |
RedisConfigStore.get() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default Future<Void> |
Closes the configuration store.
default Future<Buffer> |
Retrieves the configuration store in this store.
default Future<JsonObject> |
ConfigProcessor.process(Vertx vertx,
JsonObject configuration,
Buffer input)
Transforms the given
input into a JsonObject . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Void> |
VaultConfigStore.close() |
Future<Buffer> |
VaultConfigStore.get() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<JsonObject> |
YamlProcessor.process(Vertx vertx,
JsonObject configuration,
Buffer input) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Void> |
ZookeeperConfigStore.close() |
Future<Buffer> |
ZookeeperConfigStore.get() |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
The composite future wraps a list of
futures , it is useful when several futures
needs to be coordinated. |
interface |
A timer task that can be used as a future.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default Future<T> |
Future.andThen(Handler<AsyncResult<T>> handler)
Invokes the given
handler upon completion. |
Future<Vertx> |
Creates a clustered instance.
Future<Void> |
Stop the Vertx instance and release any resources held by it.
Future<Void> |
WorkerExecutor.close(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
static Future<Vertx> |
Vertx.clusteredVertx(VertxOptions options)
Same as
Vertx.clusteredVertx(VertxOptions, Handler) but with an handler called when the operation completes |
default <U> Future<U> |
Future.compose(java.util.function.Function<T,Future<U>> mapper)
Compose this future with a
mapper function. |
<U> Future<U> |
Future.compose(java.util.function.Function<T,Future<U>> successMapper,
java.util.function.Function<Throwable,Future<U>> failureMapper)
Compose this future with a
successMapper and failureMapper functions. |
Future<String> |
Vertx.deployVerticle(Class<? extends Verticle> verticleClass,
DeploymentOptions options)
Vertx.deployVerticle(Verticle, DeploymentOptions) but Verticle instance is created by invoking the
default constructor of verticleClass . |
default Future<String> |
Vertx.deployVerticle(String name)
Deploy a verticle instance given a name.
Future<String> |
Vertx.deployVerticle(String name,
DeploymentOptions options)
Vertx.deployVerticle(Verticle) but DeploymentOptions are provided to configure the
deployment. |
Future<String> |
Vertx.deployVerticle(java.util.function.Supplier<Verticle> verticleSupplier,
DeploymentOptions options)
Vertx.deployVerticle(Verticle, DeploymentOptions) but Verticle instance is created by invoking the
verticleSupplier . |
default Future<String> |
Vertx.deployVerticle(Verticle verticle)
Deploy a verticle instance that you have created yourself.
Future<String> |
Vertx.deployVerticle(Verticle verticle,
DeploymentOptions options)
Vertx.deployVerticle(Verticle) but DeploymentOptions are provided to configure the
deployment. |
<U> Future<T> |
Future.eventually(java.util.function.Function<Void,Future<U>> function)
instead use
eventually(Supplier) , this method will be removed in Vert.x 5 |
default <U> Future<T> |
Future.eventually(java.util.function.Supplier<Future<U>> supplier)
Compose this future with a
supplier that will be always be called. |
default <T> Future<T> |
Context.executeBlocking(Callable<T> blockingCodeHandler)
Context.executeBlocking(Callable, boolean) with order = true. |
default <T> Future<T> |
Vertx.executeBlocking(Callable<T> blockingCodeHandler)
Vertx.executeBlocking(Callable, boolean) called with ordered = true. |
default <T> Future<T> |
WorkerExecutor.executeBlocking(Callable<T> blockingCodeHandler)
WorkerExecutor.executeBlocking(Callable, boolean) called with ordered = true. |
<T> Future<T> |
Context.executeBlocking(Callable<T> blockingCodeHandler,
boolean ordered)
Safely execute some blocking code.
default <T> Future<T> |
Vertx.executeBlocking(Callable<T> blockingCodeHandler,
boolean ordered)
Safely execute some blocking code.
<T> Future<T> |
WorkerExecutor.executeBlocking(Callable<T> blockingCodeHandler,
boolean ordered)
Safely execute some blocking code.
default <T> Future<T> |
Context.executeBlocking(Handler<Promise<T>> blockingCodeHandler)
instead use
Context.executeBlocking(Callable) |
default <T> Future<T> |
Vertx.executeBlocking(Handler<Promise<T>> blockingCodeHandler)
instead use
Vertx.executeBlocking(Callable) |
default <T> Future<T> |
WorkerExecutor.executeBlocking(Handler<Promise<T>> blockingCodeHandler)
instead use
WorkerExecutor.executeBlocking(Callable) |
<T> Future<T> |
Context.executeBlocking(Handler<Promise<T>> blockingCodeHandler,
boolean ordered)
instead use
Context.executeBlocking(Callable, boolean) |
default <T> Future<T> |
Vertx.executeBlocking(Handler<Promise<T>> blockingCodeHandler,
boolean ordered)
instead use
Vertx.executeBlocking(Callable, boolean) |
<T> Future<T> |
WorkerExecutor.executeBlocking(Handler<Promise<T>> blockingCodeHandler,
boolean ordered)
Future<T> |
Future.expecting(Expectation<? super T> expectation)
Guard the control flow of this future with an expectation.
static <T> Future<T> |
Future.failedFuture(String failureMessage)
Create a failed future with the specified failure message.
static <T> Future<T> |
Future.failedFuture(Throwable t)
Create a failed future with the specified failure cause.
default <U> Future<U> |
Future.flatMap(java.util.function.Function<T,Future<U>> mapper)
Alias for
compose(Function) . |
static <T> Future<T> |
Future.fromCompletionStage(CompletionStage<T> completionStage)
Bridges a
CompletionStage object to a Vert.x future instance. |
static <T> Future<T> |
Future.fromCompletionStage(CompletionStage<T> completionStage,
Context context)
Bridges a
CompletionStage object to a Vert.x future instance. |
Future<T> |
Promise.future() |
static <T> Future<T> |
Future.future(Handler<Promise<T>> handler)
Create a future that hasn't completed yet and that is passed to the
handler before it is returned. |
<U> Future<U> |<T,U> mapper)
Apply a
mapper function on this future. |
<V> Future<V> | value)
Map the result of a future to a specific
value . |
default <V> Future<V> |
Map the result of a future to
null . |
Future<T> |
Future.onComplete(Handler<AsyncResult<T>> handler)
Add a handler to be notified of the result.
default Future<T> |
Future.onComplete(Handler<T> successHandler,
Handler<Throwable> failureHandler)
Add handlers to be notified on succeeded result and failed result.
default Future<T> |
Future.onFailure(Handler<Throwable> handler)
Add a handler to be notified of the failed result.
default Future<T> |
Future.onSuccess(Handler<T> handler)
Add a handler to be notified of the succeeded result.
Future<T> |
Future.otherwise(java.util.function.Function<Throwable,T> mapper)
Apply a
mapper function on this future. |
Future<T> |
Future.otherwise(T value)
Map the failure of a future to a specific
value . |
default Future<T> |
Map the failure of a future to
null . |
default Future<T> |
Future.recover(java.util.function.Function<Throwable,Future<T>> mapper)
Handles a failure of this Future by returning the result of another Future.
static <T> Future<T> |
Create a succeeded future with a null result
static <T> Future<T> |
Future.succeededFuture(T result)
Created a succeeded future with the specified result.
Future<T> |
Future.timeout(long delay,
TimeUnit unit)
Returns a future succeeded or failed with the outcome of this future when it happens before the timeout fires.
<U> Future<U> |
Future.transform(java.util.function.Function<AsyncResult<T>,Future<U>> mapper)
Transform this future with a
mapper functions. |
Future<Void> |
Vertx.undeploy(String deploymentID)
Undeploy a verticle deployment.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.all(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2)
Return a composite future, succeeded when all futures are succeeded, failed when any future is failed.
static CompositeFuture |
Future.all(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2)
Return a composite future, succeeded when all futures are succeeded, failed when any future is failed.
static CompositeFuture |
Future.all(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3)
all(Future, Future) but with 3 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.all(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3)
all(Future, Future) but with 3 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.all(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3)
all(Future, Future) but with 3 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.all(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3,
Future<?> f4)
all(Future, Future) but with 4 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.all(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3,
Future<?> f4)
all(Future, Future) but with 4 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.all(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3,
Future<?> f4)
all(Future, Future) but with 4 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.all(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3,
Future<?> f4)
all(Future, Future) but with 4 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.all(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3,
Future<?> f4,
Future<?> f5)
all(Future, Future) but with 5 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.all(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3,
Future<?> f4,
Future<?> f5)
all(Future, Future) but with 5 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.all(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3,
Future<?> f4,
Future<?> f5)
all(Future, Future) but with 5 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.all(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3,
Future<?> f4,
Future<?> f5)
all(Future, Future) but with 5 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.all(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3,
Future<?> f4,
Future<?> f5)
all(Future, Future) but with 5 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.all(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3,
Future<?> f4,
Future<?> f5,
Future<?> f6)
all(Future, Future) but with 6 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.all(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3,
Future<?> f4,
Future<?> f5,
Future<?> f6)
all(Future, Future) but with 6 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.all(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3,
Future<?> f4,
Future<?> f5,
Future<?> f6)
all(Future, Future) but with 6 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.all(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3,
Future<?> f4,
Future<?> f5,
Future<?> f6)
all(Future, Future) but with 6 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.all(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3,
Future<?> f4,
Future<?> f5,
Future<?> f6)
all(Future, Future) but with 6 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.all(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3,
Future<?> f4,
Future<?> f5,
Future<?> f6)
all(Future, Future) but with 6 futures. |
static <T1,T2> CompositeFuture |
CompositeFuture.all(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2)
instead use
all(Future, Future) |
static <T1,T2> CompositeFuture |
CompositeFuture.all(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2)
instead use
all(Future, Future) |
static <T1,T2,T3> CompositeFuture |
CompositeFuture.all(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3)
instead use
all(Future, Future, Future) |
static <T1,T2,T3> CompositeFuture |
CompositeFuture.all(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3)
instead use
all(Future, Future, Future) |
static <T1,T2,T3> CompositeFuture |
CompositeFuture.all(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3)
instead use
all(Future, Future, Future) |
static <T1,T2,T3,T4> |
CompositeFuture.all(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3,
Future<T4> f4)
instead use
all(Future, Future, Future, Future) |
static <T1,T2,T3,T4> |
CompositeFuture.all(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3,
Future<T4> f4)
instead use
all(Future, Future, Future, Future) |
static <T1,T2,T3,T4> |
CompositeFuture.all(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3,
Future<T4> f4)
instead use
all(Future, Future, Future, Future) |
static <T1,T2,T3,T4> |
CompositeFuture.all(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3,
Future<T4> f4)
instead use
all(Future, Future, Future, Future) |
static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5> |
CompositeFuture.all(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3,
Future<T4> f4,
Future<T5> f5)
instead use
all(Future, Future, Future, Future, Future) |
static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5> |
CompositeFuture.all(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3,
Future<T4> f4,
Future<T5> f5)
instead use
all(Future, Future, Future, Future, Future) |
static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5> |
CompositeFuture.all(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3,
Future<T4> f4,
Future<T5> f5)
instead use
all(Future, Future, Future, Future, Future) |
static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5> |
CompositeFuture.all(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3,
Future<T4> f4,
Future<T5> f5)
instead use
all(Future, Future, Future, Future, Future) |
static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5> |
CompositeFuture.all(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3,
Future<T4> f4,
Future<T5> f5)
instead use
all(Future, Future, Future, Future, Future) |
static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6> |
CompositeFuture.all(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3,
Future<T4> f4,
Future<T5> f5,
Future<T6> f6)
static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6> |
CompositeFuture.all(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3,
Future<T4> f4,
Future<T5> f5,
Future<T6> f6)
static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6> |
CompositeFuture.all(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3,
Future<T4> f4,
Future<T5> f5,
Future<T6> f6)
static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6> |
CompositeFuture.all(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3,
Future<T4> f4,
Future<T5> f5,
Future<T6> f6)
static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6> |
CompositeFuture.all(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3,
Future<T4> f4,
Future<T5> f5,
Future<T6> f6)
static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6> |
CompositeFuture.all(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3,
Future<T4> f4,
Future<T5> f5,
Future<T6> f6)
static CompositeFuture |
Future.any(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2)
Return a composite future, succeeded when any futures is succeeded, failed when all futures are failed.
static CompositeFuture |
Future.any(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2)
Return a composite future, succeeded when any futures is succeeded, failed when all futures are failed.
static CompositeFuture |
Future.any(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3)
any(Future, Future) but with 3 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.any(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3)
any(Future, Future) but with 3 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.any(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3)
any(Future, Future) but with 3 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.any(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3,
Future<?> f4)
any(Future, Future) but with 4 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.any(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3,
Future<?> f4)
any(Future, Future) but with 4 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.any(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3,
Future<?> f4)
any(Future, Future) but with 4 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.any(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3,
Future<?> f4)
any(Future, Future) but with 4 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.any(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3,
Future<?> f4,
Future<?> f5)
any(Future, Future) but with 5 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.any(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3,
Future<?> f4,
Future<?> f5)
any(Future, Future) but with 5 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.any(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3,
Future<?> f4,
Future<?> f5)
any(Future, Future) but with 5 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.any(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3,
Future<?> f4,
Future<?> f5)
any(Future, Future) but with 5 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.any(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3,
Future<?> f4,
Future<?> f5)
any(Future, Future) but with 5 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.any(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3,
Future<?> f4,
Future<?> f5,
Future<?> f6)
any(Future, Future) but with 6 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.any(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3,
Future<?> f4,
Future<?> f5,
Future<?> f6)
any(Future, Future) but with 6 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.any(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3,
Future<?> f4,
Future<?> f5,
Future<?> f6)
any(Future, Future) but with 6 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.any(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3,
Future<?> f4,
Future<?> f5,
Future<?> f6)
any(Future, Future) but with 6 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.any(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3,
Future<?> f4,
Future<?> f5,
Future<?> f6)
any(Future, Future) but with 6 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.any(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3,
Future<?> f4,
Future<?> f5,
Future<?> f6)
any(Future, Future) but with 6 futures. |
static <T1,T2> CompositeFuture |
CompositeFuture.any(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2)
instead use
any(Future, Future) |
static <T1,T2> CompositeFuture |
CompositeFuture.any(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2)
instead use
any(Future, Future) |
static <T1,T2,T3> CompositeFuture |
CompositeFuture.any(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3)
instead use
any(Future, Future, Future) |
static <T1,T2,T3> CompositeFuture |
CompositeFuture.any(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3)
instead use
any(Future, Future, Future) |
static <T1,T2,T3> CompositeFuture |
CompositeFuture.any(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3)
instead use
any(Future, Future, Future) |
static <T1,T2,T3,T4> |
CompositeFuture.any(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3,
Future<T4> f4)
instead use
any(Future, Future, Future, Future) |
static <T1,T2,T3,T4> |
CompositeFuture.any(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3,
Future<T4> f4)
instead use
any(Future, Future, Future, Future) |
static <T1,T2,T3,T4> |
CompositeFuture.any(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3,
Future<T4> f4)
instead use
any(Future, Future, Future, Future) |
static <T1,T2,T3,T4> |
CompositeFuture.any(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3,
Future<T4> f4)
instead use
any(Future, Future, Future, Future) |
static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5> |
CompositeFuture.any(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3,
Future<T4> f4,
Future<T5> f5)
instead use
any(Future, Future, Future, Future, Future) |
static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5> |
CompositeFuture.any(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3,
Future<T4> f4,
Future<T5> f5)
instead use
any(Future, Future, Future, Future, Future) |
static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5> |
CompositeFuture.any(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3,
Future<T4> f4,
Future<T5> f5)
instead use
any(Future, Future, Future, Future, Future) |
static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5> |
CompositeFuture.any(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3,
Future<T4> f4,
Future<T5> f5)
instead use
any(Future, Future, Future, Future, Future) |
static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5> |
CompositeFuture.any(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3,
Future<T4> f4,
Future<T5> f5)
instead use
any(Future, Future, Future, Future, Future) |
static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6> |
CompositeFuture.any(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3,
Future<T4> f4,
Future<T5> f5,
Future<T6> f6)
static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6> |
CompositeFuture.any(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3,
Future<T4> f4,
Future<T5> f5,
Future<T6> f6)
static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6> |
CompositeFuture.any(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3,
Future<T4> f4,
Future<T5> f5,
Future<T6> f6)
static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6> |
CompositeFuture.any(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3,
Future<T4> f4,
Future<T5> f5,
Future<T6> f6)
static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6> |
CompositeFuture.any(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3,
Future<T4> f4,
Future<T5> f5,
Future<T6> f6)
static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6> |
CompositeFuture.any(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3,
Future<T4> f4,
Future<T5> f5,
Future<T6> f6)
static <T> T |
Future.await(Future<T> future)
Park the current thread until the
future is completed, when the future
is completed the thread is un-parked and
the result value is returned when the future was completed with a result
otherwise, the failure is thrown
This method must be called from a virtual thread. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.join(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2)
Return a composite future, succeeded when all futures are succeeded, failed when any future is failed.
static CompositeFuture |
Future.join(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2)
Return a composite future, succeeded when all futures are succeeded, failed when any future is failed.
static CompositeFuture |
Future.join(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3)
join(Future, Future) but with 3 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.join(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3)
join(Future, Future) but with 3 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.join(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3)
join(Future, Future) but with 3 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.join(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3,
Future<?> f4)
join(Future, Future) but with 4 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.join(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3,
Future<?> f4)
join(Future, Future) but with 4 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.join(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3,
Future<?> f4)
join(Future, Future) but with 4 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.join(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3,
Future<?> f4)
join(Future, Future) but with 4 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.join(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3,
Future<?> f4,
Future<?> f5)
join(Future, Future) but with 5 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.join(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3,
Future<?> f4,
Future<?> f5)
join(Future, Future) but with 5 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.join(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3,
Future<?> f4,
Future<?> f5)
join(Future, Future) but with 5 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.join(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3,
Future<?> f4,
Future<?> f5)
join(Future, Future) but with 5 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.join(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3,
Future<?> f4,
Future<?> f5)
join(Future, Future) but with 5 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.join(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3,
Future<?> f4,
Future<?> f5,
Future<?> f6)
join(Future, Future) but with 6 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.join(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3,
Future<?> f4,
Future<?> f5,
Future<?> f6)
join(Future, Future) but with 6 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.join(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3,
Future<?> f4,
Future<?> f5,
Future<?> f6)
join(Future, Future) but with 6 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.join(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3,
Future<?> f4,
Future<?> f5,
Future<?> f6)
join(Future, Future) but with 6 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.join(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3,
Future<?> f4,
Future<?> f5,
Future<?> f6)
join(Future, Future) but with 6 futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.join(Future<?> f1,
Future<?> f2,
Future<?> f3,
Future<?> f4,
Future<?> f5,
Future<?> f6)
join(Future, Future) but with 6 futures. |
static <T1,T2> CompositeFuture |
CompositeFuture.join(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2)
instead use
join(Future, Future) |
static <T1,T2> CompositeFuture |
CompositeFuture.join(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2)
instead use
join(Future, Future) |
static <T1,T2,T3> CompositeFuture |
CompositeFuture.join(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3)
instead use
join(Future, Future, Future) |
static <T1,T2,T3> CompositeFuture |
CompositeFuture.join(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3)
instead use
join(Future, Future, Future) |
static <T1,T2,T3> CompositeFuture |
CompositeFuture.join(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3)
instead use
join(Future, Future, Future) |
static <T1,T2,T3,T4> |
CompositeFuture.join(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3,
Future<T4> f4)
instead use
join(Future, Future, Future, Future) |
static <T1,T2,T3,T4> |
CompositeFuture.join(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3,
Future<T4> f4)
instead use
join(Future, Future, Future, Future) |
static <T1,T2,T3,T4> |
CompositeFuture.join(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3,
Future<T4> f4)
instead use
join(Future, Future, Future, Future) |
static <T1,T2,T3,T4> |
CompositeFuture.join(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3,
Future<T4> f4)
instead use
join(Future, Future, Future, Future) |
static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5> |
CompositeFuture.join(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3,
Future<T4> f4,
Future<T5> f5)
instead use
join(Future, Future, Future, Future, Future) |
static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5> |
CompositeFuture.join(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3,
Future<T4> f4,
Future<T5> f5)
instead use
join(Future, Future, Future, Future, Future) |
static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5> |
CompositeFuture.join(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3,
Future<T4> f4,
Future<T5> f5)
instead use
join(Future, Future, Future, Future, Future) |
static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5> |
CompositeFuture.join(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3,
Future<T4> f4,
Future<T5> f5)
instead use
join(Future, Future, Future, Future, Future) |
static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5> |
CompositeFuture.join(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3,
Future<T4> f4,
Future<T5> f5)
instead use
join(Future, Future, Future, Future, Future) |
static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6> |
CompositeFuture.join(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3,
Future<T4> f4,
Future<T5> f5,
Future<T6> f6)
static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6> |
CompositeFuture.join(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3,
Future<T4> f4,
Future<T5> f5,
Future<T6> f6)
static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6> |
CompositeFuture.join(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3,
Future<T4> f4,
Future<T5> f5,
Future<T6> f6)
static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6> |
CompositeFuture.join(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3,
Future<T4> f4,
Future<T5> f5,
Future<T6> f6)
static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6> |
CompositeFuture.join(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3,
Future<T4> f4,
Future<T5> f5,
Future<T6> f6)
static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6> |
CompositeFuture.join(Future<T1> f1,
Future<T2> f2,
Future<T3> f3,
Future<T4> f4,
Future<T5> f5,
Future<T6> f6)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.all(List<? extends Future<?>> futures)
all(Future, Future) but with a list of futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
CompositeFuture.all(List<Future> futures)
instead use
all(List) |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.any(List<? extends Future<?>> futures)
any(Future, Future) but with a list of futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
CompositeFuture.any(List<Future> futures)
instead use
any(List) |
default <U> Future<U> |
Future.compose(java.util.function.Function<T,Future<U>> mapper)
Compose this future with a
mapper function. |
<U> Future<U> |
Future.compose(java.util.function.Function<T,Future<U>> successMapper,
java.util.function.Function<Throwable,Future<U>> failureMapper)
Compose this future with a
successMapper and failureMapper functions. |
<U> Future<U> |
Future.compose(java.util.function.Function<T,Future<U>> successMapper,
java.util.function.Function<Throwable,Future<U>> failureMapper)
Compose this future with a
successMapper and failureMapper functions. |
<U> Future<T> |
Future.eventually(java.util.function.Function<Void,Future<U>> function)
instead use
eventually(Supplier) , this method will be removed in Vert.x 5 |
default <U> Future<T> |
Future.eventually(java.util.function.Supplier<Future<U>> supplier)
Compose this future with a
supplier that will be always be called. |
default <U> Future<U> |
Future.flatMap(java.util.function.Function<T,Future<U>> mapper)
Alias for
compose(Function) . |
static CompositeFuture |
Future.join(List<? extends Future<?>> futures)
join(Future, Future) but with a list of futures. |
static CompositeFuture |
CompositeFuture.join(List<Future> futures)
instead use
join(List) |
default Future<T> |
Future.recover(java.util.function.Function<Throwable,Future<T>> mapper)
Handles a failure of this Future by returning the result of another Future.
<U> Future<U> |
Future.transform(java.util.function.Function<AsyncResult<T>,Future<U>> mapper)
Transform this future with a
mapper functions. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Void> |
DatagramSocket.blockMulticastGroup(String multicastAddress,
String sourceToBlock)
DatagramSocket.blockMulticastGroup(String, String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
DatagramSocket.blockMulticastGroup(String multicastAddress,
String networkInterface,
String sourceToBlock)
DatagramSocket.blockMulticastGroup(String, String, String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
Closes the
DatagramSocket . |
Future<DatagramSocket> |
DatagramSocket.listen(int port,
String host)
DatagramSocket.listen(int, String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
DatagramSocket.listenMulticastGroup(String multicastAddress)
DatagramSocket.listenMulticastGroup(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
DatagramSocket.listenMulticastGroup(String multicastAddress,
String networkInterface,
String source)
DatagramSocket.listenMulticastGroup(String, String, String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
DatagramSocket.send(Buffer packet,
int port,
String host)
DatagramSocket.send(Buffer, int, String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
DatagramSocket.send(String str,
int port,
String host)
DatagramSocket.send(String, int, String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
DatagramSocket.send(String str,
String enc,
int port,
String host)
DatagramSocket.send(String, String, int, String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
DatagramSocket.unlistenMulticastGroup(String multicastAddress)
DatagramSocket.unlistenMulticastGroup(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
DatagramSocket.unlistenMulticastGroup(String multicastAddress,
String networkInterface,
String source)
DatagramSocket.unlistenMulticastGroup(String, String, String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Void> |
DnsClient.close(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<String> |
DnsClient.lookup(String name)
DnsClient.lookup(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<String> |
DnsClient.lookup4(String name)
DnsClient.lookup4(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<String> |
DnsClient.lookup6(String name)
DnsClient.lookup6(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<List<String>> |
DnsClient.resolveA(String name)
DnsClient.resolveA(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<List<String>> |
DnsClient.resolveAAAA(String name)
DnsClient.resolveAAAA(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<List<String>> |
DnsClient.resolveCNAME(String name)
DnsClient.resolveCNAME(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<List<MxRecord>> |
DnsClient.resolveMX(String name)
DnsClient.resolveMX(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<List<String>> |
DnsClient.resolveNS(String name)
DnsClient.resolveNS(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<String> |
DnsClient.resolvePTR(String name)
DnsClient.resolvePTR(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<List<SrvRecord>> |
DnsClient.resolveSRV(String name)
DnsClient.resolveSRV(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<List<String>> |
DnsClient.resolveTXT(String name)
DnsClient.resolveTXT(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<String> |
DnsClient.reverseLookup(String ipaddress)
DnsClient.reverseLookup(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Void> |
Closes the producer, this method should be called when the message producer is not used anymore.
default <R> Future<Message<R>> |
Message.replyAndRequest(Object message)
Message.replyAndRequest(Object, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
<R> Future<Message<R>> |
Message.replyAndRequest(Object message,
DeliveryOptions options)
Message.replyAndRequest(Object, DeliveryOptions, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
default <T> Future<Message<T>> |
EventBus.request(String address,
Object message)
EventBus.request(String, Object, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
<T> Future<Message<T>> |
EventBus.request(String address,
Object message,
DeliveryOptions options)
EventBus.request(String, Object, DeliveryOptions, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
Unregisters the handler which created this registration
Future<Void> |
MessageProducer.write(T body)
MessageProducer.write(Object, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Void> |
FileSystem.chmod(String path,
String perms)
FileSystem.chmod(String, String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
FileSystem.chmodRecursive(String path,
String perms,
String dirPerms)
FileSystem.chmodRecursive(String, String, String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
FileSystem.chown(String path,
String user,
String group)
FileSystem.chown(String, String, String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
Close the file.
Future<Void> |
FileSystem.copy(String from,
String to)
FileSystem.copy(String, String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
FileSystem.copy(String from,
String to,
CopyOptions options)
FileSystem.copy(String, String, CopyOptions, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
FileSystem.copyRecursive(String from,
String to,
boolean recursive)
FileSystem.copyRecursive(String, String, boolean, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
FileSystem.createFile(String path)
FileSystem.createFile(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
FileSystem.createFile(String path,
String perms)
FileSystem.createFile(String, String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<String> |
FileSystem.createTempDirectory(String prefix)
FileSystem.createTempDirectory(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<String> |
FileSystem.createTempDirectory(String prefix,
String perms)
FileSystem.createTempDirectory(String, String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<String> |
FileSystem.createTempDirectory(String dir,
String prefix,
String perms)
FileSystem.createTempDirectory(String, String, String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<String> |
FileSystem.createTempFile(String prefix,
String suffix)
FileSystem.createTempFile(String, String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<String> |
FileSystem.createTempFile(String prefix,
String suffix,
String perms)
FileSystem.createTempFile(String, String, String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<String> |
FileSystem.createTempFile(String dir,
String prefix,
String suffix,
String perms)
FileSystem.createTempFile(String, String, String, String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
FileSystem.delete(String path)
FileSystem.delete(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
FileSystem.deleteRecursive(String path,
boolean recursive)
FileSystem.deleteRecursive(String, boolean, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Boolean> |
FileSystem.exists(String path)
FileSystem.exists(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
Flush any writes made to this file to underlying persistent storage.
Future<FileSystemProps> |
FileSystem.fsProps(String path)
FileSystem.fsProps(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Boolean> |
A lock remains valid until it is released or the file corresponding
AsyncFile is closed. |
Future<Void> | link,
String existing)
Like, String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<AsyncFileLock> |
Acquire a non-shared lock on the entire file.
Future<AsyncFileLock> |
AsyncFile.lock(long position,
long size,
boolean shared)
Acquire a lock on a portion of this file.
Future<FileProps> |
FileSystem.lprops(String path)
FileSystem.lprops(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
FileSystem.mkdir(String path)
FileSystem.mkdir(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
FileSystem.mkdir(String path,
String perms)
FileSystem.mkdir(String, String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
FileSystem.mkdirs(String path)
FileSystem.mkdirs(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
FileSystem.mkdirs(String path,
String perms)
FileSystem.mkdirs(String, String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
FileSystem.move(String from,
String to)
FileSystem.move(String, String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
FileSystem.move(String from,
String to,
CopyOptions options)
FileSystem.move(String, String, CopyOptions, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<AsyncFile> | path,
OpenOptions options)
Like, OpenOptions, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<FileProps> |
FileSystem.props(String path)
FileSystem.props(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Buffer> | buffer,
int offset,
long position,
int length)
Like, int, long, int, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<List<String>> |
FileSystem.readDir(String path)
FileSystem.readDir(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<List<String>> |
FileSystem.readDir(String path,
String filter)
FileSystem.readDir(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Buffer> |
FileSystem.readFile(String path)
FileSystem.readFile(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<String> |
FileSystem.readSymlink(String link)
FileSystem.readSymlink(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
Releases this lock;
Future<Long> |
AsyncFile.size() |
Future<Void> |
FileSystem.symlink(String link,
String existing)
FileSystem.symlink(String, String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
FileSystem.truncate(String path,
long len)
FileSystem.truncate(String, long, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
FileSystem.unlink(String link)
FileSystem.unlink(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
AsyncFile.write(Buffer buffer,
long position)
AsyncFile.write(Buffer, long, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
FileSystem.writeFile(String path,
Buffer data)
FileSystem.writeFile(String, Buffer, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<ServerWebSocket> |
Accept the WebSocket and terminate the WebSocket handshake.
Future<Buffer> |
Convenience method for receiving the entire request body in one piece.
Future<Buffer> |
Convenience method for receiving the entire request body in one piece.
Future<Void> |
WebSocketClient.close(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
Close the WebSocket sending the default close frame.
Future<Void> |
Close the server.
Future<Void> |
HttpConnection.close(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
HttpClient.close(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
Close the WebSocket sending the default close frame.
Future<Void> |
WebSocketBase.close(short statusCode)
Close the WebSocket sending a close frame with specified status code.
Future<Void> |
WebSocketBase.close(short statusCode,
String reason)
Close sending a close frame with specified status code and reason.
Future<HttpClientResponse> |
HttpClientRequest.connect(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
default Future<WebSocket> |
WebSocketClient.connect(int port,
String host,
String requestURI)
WebSocketClient.connect(int, String, String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
default Future<WebSocket> |
ClientWebSocket.connect(int port,
String host,
String requestURI)
ClientWebSocket.connect(int, String, String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
default Future<WebSocket> |
WebSocketClient.connect(String requestURI)
WebSocketClient.connect(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
default Future<WebSocket> |
ClientWebSocket.connect(String requestURI)
Connect this WebSocket at the relative request URI using the default host and port.
default Future<WebSocket> |
WebSocketClient.connect(String host,
String requestURI)
WebSocketClient.connect(String, String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
default Future<WebSocket> |
ClientWebSocket.connect(String host,
String requestURI)
Connect this WebSocket to the host and relative request URI and default port.
Future<WebSocket> |
WebSocketClient.connect(WebSocketConnectOptions options)
WebSocketClient.connect(WebSocketConnectOptions, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<WebSocket> |
ClientWebSocket.connect(WebSocketConnectOptions options)
ClientWebSocket.connect(WebSocketConnectOptions, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
Returns a future signaling when the response has been fully received successfully or failed.
Future<Void> |
Ends the response.
Future<Void> |
Ends the request.
Future<Void> |
Returns a future signaling when the request has been fully received successfully or failed.
Future<Void> |
Ends the stream.
Future<Void> |
HttpServerResponse.end(Buffer chunk)
Same as
HttpServerResponse.end() but writes some data to the response body before ending. |
Future<Void> |
HttpClientRequest.end(Buffer chunk)
Same as
HttpClientRequest.end() but writes some data to the request body before ending. |
Future<Void> |
HttpServerResponse.end(String chunk)
Same as
HttpServerResponse.end(Buffer) but writes a String in UTF-8 encoding before ending the response. |
Future<Void> |
HttpClientRequest.end(String chunk)
Same as
HttpClientRequest.end(Buffer) but writes a String in UTF-8 encoding |
Future<Void> |
HttpServerResponse.end(String chunk,
String enc)
Same as
HttpServerResponse.end(Buffer) but writes a String with the specified encoding before ending the response. |
Future<Void> |
HttpClientRequest.end(String chunk,
String enc)
Same as
HttpClientRequest.end(Buffer) but writes a String with the specified encoding |
Future<HttpServer> |
Tell the server to start listening.
default Future<HttpServer> |
HttpServer.listen(int port)
HttpServer.listen(int, String) but the server will listen on host "" and port specified here ignoring
any value in the HttpServerOptions that was used when creating the server. |
default Future<HttpServer> |
HttpServer.listen(int port,
String host)
Tell the server to start listening.
Future<HttpServer> |
HttpServer.listen(SocketAddress address)
HttpServer.listen(SocketAddress, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Buffer> | data)
Same as, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
default Future<HttpServerResponse> |
HttpServerResponse.push(HttpMethod method,
HostAndPort host,
String path)
Same as
HttpServerResponse.push(HttpMethod, String, String, Handler) but with an handler called when the operation completes |
Future<HttpServerResponse> |
HttpServerResponse.push(HttpMethod method,
HostAndPort authority,
String path,
MultiMap headers)
Same as
HttpServerResponse.push(HttpMethod, String, String, MultiMap, Handler) but with an handler called when the operation completes |
default Future<HttpServerResponse> |
HttpServerResponse.push(HttpMethod method,
String path)
Same as
HttpServerResponse.push(HttpMethod, String, Handler) but with an handler called when the operation completes |
default Future<HttpServerResponse> |
HttpServerResponse.push(HttpMethod method,
String path,
MultiMap headers)
Same as
HttpServerResponse.push(HttpMethod, String, MultiMap, Handler) but with an handler called when the operation completes |
default Future<HttpServerResponse> |
HttpServerResponse.push(HttpMethod method,
String host,
String path)
Future<HttpServerResponse> |
HttpServerResponse.push(HttpMethod method,
String host,
String path,
MultiMap headers)
default Future<Void> |
Reject the WebSocket.
Future<Void> |
ServerWebSocketHandshake.reject(int status)
ServerWebSocketHandshake.reject() but with a status . |
default Future<HttpClientRequest> |
HttpClient.request(HttpMethod method,
int port,
String host,
String requestURI)
HttpClient.request(HttpMethod, int, String, String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
default Future<HttpClientRequest> |
HttpClient.request(HttpMethod method,
String requestURI)
HttpClient.request(HttpMethod, String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
default Future<HttpClientRequest> |
HttpClient.request(HttpMethod method,
String host,
String requestURI)
HttpClient.request(HttpMethod, String, String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<HttpClientRequest> |
HttpClient.request(RequestOptions options)
HttpClient.request(RequestOptions, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<HttpClientResponse> |
HttpClientRequest.response() |
default Future<Void> |
HttpServerResponse.send(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
default Future<HttpClientResponse> |
HttpClientRequest.send(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
default Future<Void> |
HttpServerResponse.send(Buffer body)
HttpServerResponse.send(Buffer, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
default Future<HttpClientResponse> |
HttpClientRequest.send(Buffer body)
HttpClientRequest.send(Buffer, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
default Future<Void> |
HttpServerResponse.send(ReadStream<Buffer> body)
HttpServerResponse.send(ReadStream, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
default Future<HttpClientResponse> |
HttpClientRequest.send(ReadStream<Buffer> body)
HttpClientRequest.send(ReadStream, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
default Future<Void> |
HttpServerResponse.send(String body)
HttpServerResponse.send(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
default Future<HttpClientResponse> |
HttpClientRequest.send(String body)
HttpClientRequest.send(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
default Future<Void> |
HttpServerResponse.sendFile(String filename)
Same as
HttpServerResponse.sendFile(String, long) using offset @code{0} which means starting from the beginning of the file. |
default Future<Void> |
HttpServerResponse.sendFile(String filename,
long offset)
Same as
HttpServerResponse.sendFile(String, long, long) using length @code{Long.MAX_VALUE} which means until the end of the
file. |
Future<Void> |
HttpServerResponse.sendFile(String filename,
long offset,
long length)
Ask the OS to stream a file as specified by
filename directly
from disk to the outgoing connection, bypassing userspace altogether
(where supported by the underlying operating system. |
Future<Void> |
Forces the head of the request to be written before
HttpClientRequest.end() is called on the request or any data is
written to it. |
Future<Integer> |
ServerWebSocket.setHandshake(Future<Integer> future)
instead use
ServerWebSocketHandshake |
default Future<Void> |
HttpConnection.shutdown(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
default Future<Void> |
HttpConnection.shutdown(long timeoutMs)
instead use
HttpConnection.shutdown(long, TimeUnit) |
Future<Void> |
HttpConnection.shutdown(long timeout,
TimeUnit unit)
HttpConnection.shutdown(long, TimeUnit, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
HttpServerFileUpload.streamToFileSystem(String filename)
Stream the content of this upload to the given file on storage.
Future<NetSocket> |
HttpServerRequest.toNetSocket(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<ServerWebSocket> |
HttpServerRequest.toWebSocket(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
HttpConnection.updateSettings(Http2Settings settings)
Send to the remote endpoint an update of the server settings.
default Future<Boolean> |
WebSocketClient.updateSSLOptions(SSLOptions options)
Update the client with new SSL
options , the update happens if the options object is valid and different
from the existing options object. |
default Future<Boolean> |
HttpServer.updateSSLOptions(SSLOptions options)
Update the server with new SSL
options , the update happens if the options object is valid and different
from the existing options object. |
default Future<Boolean> |
HttpClient.updateSSLOptions(SSLOptions options)
Update the client with new SSL
options , the update happens if the options object is valid and different
from the existing options object. |
Future<Boolean> |
WebSocketClient.updateSSLOptions(SSLOptions options,
boolean force)
Update the client with new SSL
options , the update happens if the options object is valid and different
from the existing options object. |
Future<Boolean> |
HttpServer.updateSSLOptions(SSLOptions options,
boolean force)
Update the server with new SSL
options , the update happens if the options object is valid and different
from the existing options object. |
Future<Boolean> |
HttpClient.updateSSLOptions(SSLOptions options,
boolean force)
Update the client with new SSL
options , the update happens if the options object is valid and different
from the existing options object. |
Future<WebSocket> |
HttpClient.webSocket(int port,
String host,
String requestURI)
instead use
WebSocketClient.connect(int, String, String) |
Future<WebSocket> |
HttpClient.webSocket(String requestURI)
instead use
WebSocketClient.connect(int, String, String) |
Future<WebSocket> |
HttpClient.webSocket(String host,
String requestURI)
instead use
WebSocketClient.connect(int, String, String) |
Future<WebSocket> |
HttpClient.webSocket(WebSocketConnectOptions options)
instead use
WebSocketClient.connect(WebSocketConnectOptions) |
Future<WebSocket> |
HttpClient.webSocketAbs(String url,
MultiMap headers,
WebsocketVersion version,
List<String> subProtocols)
instead use
WebSocketClient.connect(WebSocketConnectOptions) |
Future<Void> |
HttpServerResponse.write(String chunk)
Write a
String to the response body, encoded in UTF-8. |
Future<Void> |
HttpClientRequest.write(String chunk)
Write a
String to the request body, encoded as UTF-8. |
Future<Void> |
HttpServerResponse.write(String chunk,
String enc)
Write a
String to the response body, encoded using the encoding enc . |
Future<Void> |
HttpClientRequest.write(String chunk,
String enc)
Write a
String to the request body, encoded using the encoding enc . |
Future<Void> |
WebSocketBase.writeBinaryMessage(Buffer data)
Writes a (potentially large) piece of binary data to the connection.
Future<Void> |
HttpServerResponse.writeEarlyHints(MultiMap headers)
Used to write an interim 103 Early Hints response to return some HTTP headers before the final HTTP message.
Future<Void> |
WebSocketBase.writeFinalBinaryFrame(Buffer data)
Write a final WebSocket binary frame to the connection
Future<Void> |
WebSocketBase.writeFinalTextFrame(String text)
Write a final WebSocket text frame to the connection
Future<Void> |
WebSocketBase.writeFrame(WebSocketFrame frame)
Write a WebSocket frame to the connection
Future<Void> |
WebSocketBase.writePing(Buffer data)
WebSocketBase.writePing(Buffer, Handler) but with an handler called when the message has been written
or failed to be written. |
Future<Void> |
WebSocketBase.writePong(Buffer data)
WebSocketBase.writePong(Buffer, Handler) but with an handler called when the message has been written
or failed to be written. |
Future<Void> |
WebSocketBase.writeTextMessage(String text)
Writes a (potentially large) piece of text data to the connection.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
java.util.function.Function<HttpClientResponse,Future<RequestOptions>> |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Integer> |
ServerWebSocket.setHandshake(Future<Integer> future)
instead use
ServerWebSocketHandshake |
void |
ServerWebSocket.setHandshake(Future<Integer> future,
Handler<AsyncResult<Integer>> handler)
instead use
ServerWebSocketHandshake |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
HttpClient |
HttpClient.redirectHandler(java.util.function.Function<HttpClientResponse,Future<RequestOptions>> handler)
instead use
HttpClientBuilder.withRedirectHandler(Function) |
HttpClientBuilder |
HttpClientBuilder.withRedirectHandler(java.util.function.Function<HttpClientResponse,Future<RequestOptions>> handler)
Set a redirect handler for the http client.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Void> |
NetClient.close(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
Close the NetSocket
Future<Void> |
Close the server.
Future<NetSocket> |
NetClient.connect(int port,
String host)
NetClient.connect(int, String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<NetSocket> |
NetClient.connect(int port,
String host,
String serverName)
NetClient.connect(int, String, String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<NetSocket> |
NetClient.connect(SocketAddress remoteAddress)
NetClient.connect(SocketAddress, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<NetSocket> |
NetClient.connect(SocketAddress remoteAddress,
String serverName)
NetClient.connect(SocketAddress, String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
NetSocket.close() |
Future<NetServer> |
Start listening on the port and host as configured in the
NetServerOptions used when
creating the server. |
default Future<NetServer> |
NetServer.listen(int port)
Start listening on the specified port and host "", ignoring port and host configured in the
NetServerOptions used when creating the server. |
default Future<NetServer> |
NetServer.listen(int port,
String host)
Start listening on the specified port and host, ignoring port and host configured in the
NetServerOptions used when
creating the server. |
Future<NetServer> |
NetServer.listen(SocketAddress localAddress)
Start listening on the specified local address, ignoring port and host configured in the
NetServerOptions used when
creating the server. |
default Future<Void> |
NetSocket.sendFile(String filename)
Tell the operating system to stream a file as specified by
filename directly from disk to the outgoing connection,
bypassing userspace altogether (where supported by the underlying operating system. |
default Future<Void> |
NetSocket.sendFile(String filename,
long offset)
Tell the operating system to stream a file as specified by
filename directly from disk to the outgoing connection,
bypassing userspace altogether (where supported by the underlying operating system. |
Future<Void> |
NetSocket.sendFile(String filename,
long offset,
long length)
Tell the operating system to stream a file as specified by
filename directly from disk to the outgoing connection,
bypassing userspace altogether (where supported by the underlying operating system. |
default Future<Boolean> |
NetClient.updateSSLOptions(SSLOptions options)
Update the client with new SSL
options , the update happens if the options object is valid and different
from the existing options object. |
default Future<Boolean> |
NetServer.updateSSLOptions(SSLOptions options)
Update the server with new SSL
options , the update happens if the options object is valid and different
from the existing options object. |
Future<Boolean> |
NetClient.updateSSLOptions(SSLOptions options,
boolean force)
Update the client with new SSL
options , the update happens if the options object is valid and different
from the existing options object. |
Future<Boolean> |
NetServer.updateSSLOptions(SSLOptions options,
boolean force)
Update the server with new SSL
options , the update happens if the options object is valid and different
from the existing options object. |
Future<Void> |
NetSocket.upgradeToSsl(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
NetSocket.upgradeToSsl(String serverName)
NetSocket.upgradeToSsl(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
NetSocket.write(String str)
Write a
String to the connection, encoded in UTF-8. |
Future<Void> |
NetSocket.write(String str,
String enc)
Write a
String to the connection, encoded using the encoding enc . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Long> |
Counter.addAndGet(long value)
Same as
Counter.addAndGet(long, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
Same as
AsyncMap.clear(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Boolean> |
Counter.compareAndSet(long expected,
long value)
Same as
Counter.compareAndSet(long, long, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Long> |
Same as
Counter.decrementAndGet(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Map<K,V>> |
Same as
AsyncMap.entries(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Long> |
Same as
Counter.get(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<V> |
AsyncMap.get(K k)
Same as
#get(K, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Long> |
Counter.getAndAdd(long value)
Same as
Counter.getAndAdd(long, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Long> |
Same as
Counter.getAndIncrement(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
<K,V> Future<AsyncMap<K,V>> |
SharedData.getAsyncMap(String name)
Same as
SharedData.getAsyncMap(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
<K,V> Future<AsyncMap<K,V>> |
SharedData.getClusterWideMap(String name)
Same as
SharedData.getClusterWideMap(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Counter> |
SharedData.getCounter(String name)
Same as
SharedData.getCounter(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
<K,V> Future<AsyncMap<K,V>> |
SharedData.getLocalAsyncMap(String name)
Same as
SharedData.getLocalAsyncMap(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Counter> |
SharedData.getLocalCounter(String name)
Same as
SharedData.getLocalCounter(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Lock> |
SharedData.getLocalLock(String name)
Same as
SharedData.getLocalLock(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Lock> |
SharedData.getLocalLockWithTimeout(String name,
long timeout)
Same as
SharedData.getLocalLockWithTimeout(String, long, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Lock> |
SharedData.getLock(String name)
Same as
SharedData.getLock(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Lock> |
SharedData.getLockWithTimeout(String name,
long timeout)
Same as
SharedData.getLockWithTimeout(String, long, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Long> |
Same as
Counter.incrementAndGet(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Set<K>> |
Same as
AsyncMap.keys(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
AsyncMap.put(K k,
V v)
Same as
#put(K, V, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
AsyncMap.put(K k,
V v,
long ttl)
Same as
#put(K, V, long, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<V> |
AsyncMap.putIfAbsent(K k,
V v)
Same as
#putIfAbsent(K, V, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<V> |
AsyncMap.putIfAbsent(K k,
V v,
long ttl)
Same as
#putIfAbsent(K, V, long, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<V> |
AsyncMap.remove(K k)
Same as
#remove(K, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Boolean> |
AsyncMap.removeIfPresent(K k,
V v)
Same as
#removeIfPresent(K, V, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<V> |
AsyncMap.replace(K k,
V v)
Same as
#replace(K, V, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
default Future<V> |
AsyncMap.replace(K k,
V v,
long ttl)
Same as
#replace(K, V, long, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
returns UnsupportedOperationException if the implementation does not support it |
Future<Boolean> |
AsyncMap.replaceIfPresent(K k,
V oldValue,
V newValue)
Same as
#replaceIfPresent(K, V, V, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
default Future<Boolean> |
AsyncMap.replaceIfPresent(K k,
V oldValue,
V newValue,
long ttl)
Same as
#replaceIfPresent(K, V, V, long, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
returns UnsupportedOperationException if the implementation does not support it |
Future<Integer> |
Same as
AsyncMap.size(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<List<V>> |
Same as
AsyncMap.values(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default <R,A> Future<R> |
ReadStream.collect(<T,A,R> collector)
Apply a
collector to this stream, the obtained result is returned as a future. |
default Future<Void> |
Ends the stream.
default Future<Void> |
WriteStream.end(T data)
Same as
WriteStream.end() but writes some data to the stream before ending. |
default Future<Void> |
ReadStream.pipeTo(WriteStream<T> dst)
Same as
ReadStream.pipeTo(WriteStream, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
default Future<Void> |<T> dst)
Same as, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
WriteStream.write(T data)
Write some data to the stream.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Future<DB2Connection> |
DB2Connection.connect(Vertx vertx,
DB2ConnectOptions connectOptions)
DB2Connection.connect(Vertx, DB2ConnectOptions, Handler) but returns a
Future of the asynchronous result |
static Future<DB2Connection> |
DB2Connection.connect(Vertx vertx,
String connectionUri)
DB2Connection.connect(Vertx, String, Handler) but returns a Future of
the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
DB2Connection.debug(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous
result |
Future<Void> |
Like but returns a Future of the asynchronous
result |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
DB2Pool |
DB2Pool.connectionProvider(java.util.function.Function<Context,Future<SqlConnection>> provider)
static DB2Pool |
DB2Pool.pool(java.util.function.Supplier<Future<DB2ConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions poolOptions)
Create a connection pool to the DB2
databases . |
static DB2Pool |
DB2Pool.pool(Vertx vertx,
java.util.function.Supplier<Future<DB2ConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions poolOptions)
DB2Pool.pool(Supplier, PoolOptions) with a specific Vertx instance. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ConnectionFactory |
DB2Driver.createConnectionFactory(Vertx vertx,
java.util.function.Supplier<? extends Future<? extends SqlConnectOptions>> database) |
Pool |
DB2Driver.newPool(Vertx vertx,
java.util.function.Supplier<? extends Future<? extends SqlConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions options,
io.vertx.core.impl.CloseFuture closeFuture) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default Future<Boolean> |
User.isAuthorized(Authorization authority)
default Future<Boolean> |
User.isAuthorized(String authority)
Use typed alternative
User.isAuthorized(Authorization) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default Future<User> |
AuthenticationProvider.authenticate(Credentials credentials)
Authenticate a user.
default Future<User> |
AuthenticationProvider.authenticate(JsonObject credentials)
For type safety this method should be avoided and
AuthenticationProvider.authenticate(Credentials) should be
used instead. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default Future<Void> |
AuthorizationProvider.getAuthorizations(User user)
Updates the user with the set of authorizations.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default Future<Void> |
JDBCUserUtil.createHashedUser(String username,
String hash)
default Future<Void> |
JDBCUserUtil.createRolePermission(String role,
String permission)
default Future<Void> |
JDBCUserUtil.createUser(String username,
String password)
default Future<Void> |
JDBCUserUtil.createUserRole(String user,
String role)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<String> |
MongoUserUtil.createHashedUser(String username,
String hash) |
Future<String> |
MongoUserUtil.createUser(String username,
String password) |
Future<String> |
MongoUserUtil.createUserRolesAndPermissions(String user,
List<String> roles,
List<String> permissions) |
Future<String> |
MongoAuth.insertUser(String username,
String password,
List<String> roles,
List<String> permissions)
Please use
MongoUserUtil instead.
Insert a new user into mongo in the convenient way |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Void> |
Retrieve the public server JSON Web Key (JWK) required to verify the authenticity
of issued ID and access tokens.
Future<User> |
OAuth2Auth.refresh(User user)
Refresh the current User (access token).
default Future<Void> |
OAuth2Auth.revoke(User user)
Revoke an obtained access token.
Future<Void> |
OAuth2Auth.revoke(User user,
String tokenType)
Revoke an obtained access or refresh token.
Future<JsonObject> |
OAuth2Auth.userInfo(User user)
Retrieve profile information and other attributes for a logged-in end-user.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Future<OAuth2Auth> | vertx,
OAuth2Options config)
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for OpenID Connect Discovery.
static Future<OAuth2Auth> | vertx,
OAuth2Options config)
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for OpenID Connect Discovery.
static Future<OAuth2Auth> | vertx,
OAuth2Options config)
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for OpenID Connect Discovery.
static Future<OAuth2Auth> | vertx,
OAuth2Options config)
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for OpenID Connect Discovery.
static Future<OAuth2Auth> | vertx,
OAuth2Options config)
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for OpenID Connect Discovery.
static Future<OAuth2Auth> | vertx,
OAuth2Options config)
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for OpenID Connect Discovery.
static Future<OAuth2Auth> | vertx,
OAuth2Options config)
Create a OAuth2Auth provider for OpenID Connect Discovery.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Authenticator> |
HotpAuth.createAuthenticator(String id,
OtpKey otpKey)
Creating authenticator from user id and key.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
HotpAuth |
HotpAuth.authenticatorFetcher(java.util.function.Function<String,Future<Authenticator>> fetcher)
HotpAuth |
HotpAuth.authenticatorUpdater(java.util.function.Function<Authenticator,Future<Void>> updater)
Provide a
Function that can update or insert a Authenticator . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Authenticator> |
TotpAuth.createAuthenticator(String id,
OtpKey otpKey)
Creating authenticator from user id and key.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
TotpAuth |
TotpAuth.authenticatorFetcher(java.util.function.Function<String,Future<Authenticator>> fetcher)
TotpAuth |
TotpAuth.authenticatorUpdater(java.util.function.Function<Authenticator,Future<Void>> updater)
Provide a
Function that can update or insert a Authenticator . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Void> |
SqlUserUtil.createHashedUser(String username,
String hash) |
Future<Void> |
SqlUserUtil.createRolePermission(String role,
String permission) |
Future<Void> |
SqlUserUtil.createUser(String username,
String password) |
Future<Void> |
SqlUserUtil.createUserRole(String user,
String role) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<JsonObject> |
WebAuthn.createCredentialsOptions(JsonObject user)
Same as
WebAuthn.createCredentialsOptions(JsonObject, Handler) but returning a Future. |
default Future<Boolean> |
Fetches the FIDO2 MDS3 TOC and process the entries to the metadata store.
Future<Boolean> |
MetaDataService.fetchTOC(String url)
Fetches the FIDO2 TOC for the given URL and process the entries to the metadata store.
Future<JsonObject> |
WebAuthn.getCredentialsOptions(String username)
Same as
WebAuthn.getCredentialsOptions(String, Handler) but returning a Future. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
WebAuthn |
WebAuthn.authenticatorFetcher(java.util.function.Function<Authenticator,Future<List<Authenticator>>> fetcher)
Provide a
Function that can fetch Authenticator s from a backend given the incomplete
Authenticator argument. |
WebAuthn |
WebAuthn.authenticatorUpdater(java.util.function.Function<Authenticator,Future<Void>> updater)
Provide a
Function that can update or insert a Authenticator . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Void> |
Close the current socket.
Future<TcpEventBusBridge> |
Listen on default port 7000
Future<TcpEventBusBridge> |
TcpEventBusBridge.listen(int port)
Listen on specific port
Future<TcpEventBusBridge> |
TcpEventBusBridge.listen(int port,
String address)
Listen on specific port and bind to specific address
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<CheckResult> |
HealthChecks.checkStatus(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<CheckResult> |
HealthChecks.checkStatus(String name)
HealthChecks.checkStatus(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<JsonObject> |
HealthChecks.invoke(String name)
HealthChecks.invoke(String, Handler) but with a future of the result. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static boolean |
CheckResult.isUp(Future<CheckResult> json) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
HealthCheckHandler |
HealthCheckHandler.resultMapper(java.util.function.Function<CheckResult,Future<CheckResult>> resultMapper)
Sets a function which will be invoked before the
CheckResult gets written to clients. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default Future<Void> |
Same as
MailClient.close(Handler) but returning a Future
default Future<MailResult> |
MailClient.sendMail(MailMessage email)
Same as
MailClient.sendMail(MailMessage, Handler) but returning a Future. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Void> |
ReactiveWriteStream.write(T data) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default Future<Void> |
Close the shell server, this is an asynchronous close.
default Future<Void> |
Start the shell service, this is an asynchronous start.
default Future<Void> |
Start the shell service, this is an asynchronous start.
default Future<Void> |
Stop the shell service, this is an asynchronous stop.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Command> |
CommandRegistry.registerCommand(Class<? extends AnnotatedCommand> command)
CommandRegistry.registerCommand(Class, Handler) , without a completion handler. |
Future<Command> |
CommandRegistry.registerCommand(Command command)
CommandRegistry.registerCommand(Command, Handler) , without a completion handler. |
Future<List<Command>> |
CommandRegistry.registerCommands(List<Command> commands)
CommandRegistry.registerCommands(List, Handler) , without a completion handler. |
Future<Void> |
CommandRegistry.unregisterCommand(String commandName)
CommandRegistry.unregisterCommand(String, Handler) , without a completion handler. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default Future<Void> |
Close the server.
default Future<Void> |
Bind the term server, the
TermServer.termHandler(Handler) must be set before. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.abort(String id)
Aborts a transaction.
Future<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.abort(String id,
Map<String,String> headers)
Aborts a transaction.
Future<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.ack(String id)
Sends an acknowledgement for a specific message.
Future<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.ack(String id,
String txId)
Sends an acknowledgement for the given frame.
Future<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.beginTX(String id)
Begins a transaction.
Future<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.beginTX(String id,
Map<String,String> headers)
Begins a transaction.
Future<Void> |
Closes the server.
Future<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.commit(String id)
Commits a transaction.
Future<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.commit(String id,
Map<String,String> headers)
Commits a transaction.
Future<StompClientConnection> |
StompClient.connect(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<StompClientConnection> |
StompClient.connect(int port,
String host)
StompClient.connect(int, String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<StompClientConnection> |
StompClient.connect(int port,
String host,
NetClient net)
StompClient.connect(int, String, NetClient, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<StompClientConnection> |
StompClient.connect(NetClient net)
StompClient.connect(NetClient, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Frame> |
Disconnects the client.
Future<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.disconnect(Frame frame)
Disconnects the client.
Future<StompServer> |
Connects the STOMP server to the port / host configured in the server options.
Future<StompServer> |
StompServer.listen(int port)
Connects the STOMP server to the given port.
Future<StompServer> |
StompServer.listen(int port,
String host)
Connects the STOMP server to the given port / interface.
Future<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.nack(String id)
Sends a non-acknowledgement for the given message.
Future<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.nack(String id,
String txId)
Sends a non-acknowledgement for the given frame.
Future<Boolean> |
StompServerHandler.onAuthenticationRequest(StompServerConnection connection,
String login,
String passcode)
StompServerHandler.onAuthenticationRequest(StompServerConnection, String, String, Handler) but with a future of the result |
Future<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.send(Frame frame)
Sends the given frame to the server.
Future<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.send(Map<String,String> headers,
Buffer body)
Sends a
SEND frame to the server. |
Future<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.send(String destination,
Buffer body)
Sends a
SEND frame to the server to the given destination. |
Future<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.send(String destination,
Map<String,String> headers,
Buffer body)
Sends a
SEND frame to the server to the given destination. |
Future<String> |
StompClientConnection.subscribe(String destination,
Handler<Frame> handler)
Subscribes to the given destination.
Future<String> |
StompClientConnection.subscribe(String destination,
Map<String,String> headers,
Handler<Frame> handler)
Subscribes to the given destination.
Future<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.unsubscribe(String destination)
Un-subscribes from the given destination.
Future<Frame> |
StompClientConnection.unsubscribe(String destination,
Map<String,String> headers)
Un-subscribes from the given destination.
Constructor and Description |
RunTestOnContext(Future<Vertx> createVertx)
Create a new rule with an asynchronous supplier for creating a Vert.x instance.
RunTestOnContext(Future<Vertx> createVertx,
java.util.function.BiConsumer<Vertx,java.util.function.Consumer<Void>> closeVertx)
Create a new rule with an asynchronous supplier and consumer for creating and closing a Vert.x instance.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default Future<Void> |
Add an end handler for the request/response context.
Future<Void> |
Delete the uploaded file on the disk.
default Future<Void> |
Shortcut to the response end.
default Future<Void> |
RoutingContext.end(Buffer buffer)
Shortcut to the response end.
default Future<Void> |
RoutingContext.end(String chunk)
Shortcut to the response end.
Future<Void> |
Impersonates a second identity.
Future<Void> |
UserContext.impersonate(String redirectUri)
Impersonates a second identity.
default Future<Void> |
RoutingContext.json(Object json)
Encode an Object to JSON and end the request.
Future<Void> |
Logout can be called from any route handler which needs to terminate a login session.
Future<Void> |
UserContext.logout(String redirectUri)
Logout can be called from any route handler which needs to terminate a login session.
default Future<Void> |
RoutingContext.redirect(String url)
Perform a 302 redirect to
url . |
Future<Void> |
Undo a previous call to a impersonation.
Future<Void> |
UserContext.restore(String redirectUri)
Undo a previous call to an impersonation.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default <T> Route |
Route.respond(java.util.function.Function<RoutingContext,Future<T>> function)
Append a function request handler to the route handlers list.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Future<OpenAPI3RouterFactory> |
OpenAPI3RouterFactory.create(Vertx vertx,
String url)
static Future<OpenAPI3RouterFactory> |
OpenAPI3RouterFactory.create(Vertx vertx,
String url,
List<JsonObject> auth)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default Future<HttpResponse<T>> |
HttpRequest.send() |
default Future<HttpResponse<T>> |
HttpRequest.sendBuffer(Buffer body) |
default Future<HttpResponse<T>> |
HttpRequest.sendForm(MultiMap body) |
default Future<HttpResponse<T>> |
HttpRequest.sendForm(MultiMap body,
String charset) |
default Future<HttpResponse<T>> |
HttpRequest.sendJson(Object body) |
default Future<HttpResponse<T>> |
HttpRequest.sendJsonObject(JsonObject body) |
default Future<HttpResponse<T>> |
HttpRequest.sendMultipartForm(MultipartForm body) |
default Future<HttpResponse<T>> |
HttpRequest.sendStream(ReadStream<Buffer> body) |
default Future<Boolean> |
WebClient.updateSSLOptions(SSLOptions options)
Update the client with new SSL
options , the update happens if the options object is valid and different
from the existing options object. |
Future<Boolean> |
WebClient.updateSSLOptions(SSLOptions options,
boolean force)
Update the client with new SSL
options , the update happens if the options object is valid and different
from the existing options object. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Void> |
CacheStore.delete(io.vertx.ext.web.client.impl.cache.CacheKey key)
Delete a key from the cache.
Future<Void> |
Delete all entries from the cache.
Future<io.vertx.ext.web.client.impl.cache.CachedHttpResponse> |
CacheStore.get(io.vertx.ext.web.client.impl.cache.CacheKey key)
Retrieve a cached response.
Future<io.vertx.ext.web.client.impl.cache.CachedHttpResponse> |
CacheStore.set(io.vertx.ext.web.client.impl.cache.CacheKey key,
io.vertx.ext.web.client.impl.cache.CachedHttpResponse response)
Add a response in the cache with the given key.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<T> |
BodyStream.result() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default Future<Buffer> |
TemplateEngine.render(JsonObject context,
String templateFileName) |
default Future<Buffer> |
TemplateEngine.render(Map<String,Object> context,
String templateFileName) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default Future<Void> |
SessionHandler.flush(RoutingContext ctx)
Promisified flush.
Future<Void> |
SessionHandler.flush(RoutingContext ctx,
boolean ignoreStatus)
Promisified flush.
Future<Void> |
SessionHandler.setUser(RoutingContext context,
User user)
Set the user for the session
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SimpleAuthenticationHandler |
SimpleAuthenticationHandler.authenticate(java.util.function.Function<RoutingContext,Future<User>> authenticationFunction)
This function will allow you to perform authentication the way you intended to.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <K,V> VertxBatchLoader<K,V> |
VertxBatchLoader.create(java.util.function.BiFunction<List<K>,org.dataloader.BatchLoaderEnvironment,Future<List<V>>> batchLoader)
Create a new batch loader that works well with
Future based APIs. |
static <K,V> VertxBatchLoader<K,V> |
VertxBatchLoader.create(java.util.function.BiFunction<List<K>,org.dataloader.BatchLoaderEnvironment,Future<List<V>>> batchLoader,
java.util.function.Function<org.dataloader.BatchLoaderEnvironment,Context> contextProvider)
VertxBatchLoader.create(BiFunction) , except the method uses the provided contextProvider instead of capturing the current one. |
static <K,V> VertxMappedBatchLoader<K,V> |
VertxMappedBatchLoader.create(java.util.function.BiFunction<Set<K>,org.dataloader.BatchLoaderEnvironment,Future<Map<K,V>>> batchLoader)
Create a new batch loader that works well with
Future based APIs. |
static <K,V> VertxMappedBatchLoader<K,V> |
VertxMappedBatchLoader.create(java.util.function.BiFunction<Set<K>,org.dataloader.BatchLoaderEnvironment,Future<Map<K,V>>> batchLoader,
java.util.function.Function<org.dataloader.BatchLoaderEnvironment,Context> contextProvider)
VertxMappedBatchLoader.create(BiFunction) , except the method uses the provided contextProvider instead of capturing the current one. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <T> VertxDataFetcher<T> |
VertxDataFetcher.create(java.util.function.Function<graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment,Future<T>> dataFetcher)
Create a new data fetcher that works well with
Future based APIs. |
static <T> VertxDataFetcher<T> |
VertxDataFetcher.create(java.util.function.Function<graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment,Future<T>> dataFetcher,
java.util.function.Function<graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment,Context> contextProvider)
VertxDataFetcher.create(Function) , except the method uses the provided contextProvider instead of capturing the current one. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Void> |
SockJSSocket.close() . |
Future<Void> |
SockJSSocket.write(Buffer data) |
default Future<Void> |
SockJSSocket.write(String data)
Write a
String to the socket, encoded in UTF-8. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<RouterBuilder> |
SecurityScheme.bind(java.util.function.Function<JsonObject,Future<AuthenticationHandler>> factory) |
static Future<RouterBuilder> |
RouterBuilder.create(Vertx vertx,
String url)
Create a new
RouterBuilder |
static Future<RouterBuilder> |
RouterBuilder.create(Vertx vertx,
String url,
OpenAPILoaderOptions options)
Create a new
RouterBuilder |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<RouterBuilder> |
SecurityScheme.bind(java.util.function.Function<JsonObject,Future<AuthenticationHandler>> factory) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<ValidatableRequest> |
RequestExtractor.extractValidatableRequest(RoutingContext routingContext,
Operation operation)
Extracts and transforms the parameters and the body of an incoming request into a
that can be validated by the RequestValidator . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Void> |
SessionStore.clear() |
Future<Void> |
SessionStore.delete(String cookieValue) |
Future<Session> |
SessionStore.get(String cookieValue) |
Future<Void> |
SessionStore.put(Session session) |
Future<Integer> |
SessionStore.size() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default <Req,Resp,T> | server,
io.grpc.MethodDescriptor<Req,Resp> service,
Handler<GrpcClientRequest<Req,Resp>> requestHandler,
java.util.function.Function<GrpcClientResponse<Req,Resp>,Future<T>> resultFn)
Future<Void> |
Close this client.
Future<GrpcClientRequest<Buffer,Buffer>> |
GrpcClient.request(SocketAddress server)
Connect to the remote
server and create a request for any hosted gRPC service. |
<Req,Resp> Future<GrpcClientRequest<Req,Resp>> |
GrpcClient.request(SocketAddress server,
io.grpc.MethodDescriptor<Req,Resp> service)
<Req,Resp> Future<GrpcClientRequest<Req,Resp>> |
GrpcClient.request(SocketAddress server,
ServiceMethod<Resp,Req> method)
Connect to the remote
server and create a request for any hosted gRPC service. |
Future<GrpcClientResponse<Req,Resp>> |
GrpcClientRequest.response() |
default Future<GrpcClientResponse<Req,Resp>> |
GrpcClientRequest.send(ReadStream<Req> body) |
default Future<GrpcClientResponse<Req,Resp>> |
GrpcClientRequest.send(Req item) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default <Req,Resp,T> | server,
io.grpc.MethodDescriptor<Req,Resp> service,
Handler<GrpcClientRequest<Req,Resp>> requestHandler,
java.util.function.Function<GrpcClientResponse<Req,Resp>,Future<T>> resultFn)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default <R,A> Future<R> |
GrpcReadStream.collecting(<T,A,R> collector)
instead use
ReadStream.collect(Collector) |
Future<Void> |
GrpcReadStream.end() |
Future<Void> |
GrpcWriteStream.endMessage(GrpcMessage message)
End the stream with an encoded gRPC message.
Future<T> |
GrpcReadStream.last() |
Future<Void> |
GrpcWriteStream.writeMessage(GrpcMessage message)
Write an encoded gRPC message.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default Future<Void> |
GrpcServerResponse.send(ReadStream<Resp> body) |
default Future<Void> |
GrpcServerResponse.send(Resp item) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <I,O> Future<O> |
ClientCalls.manyToOne(io.vertx.core.impl.ContextInternal ctx,
Handler<WriteStream<I>> requestHandler,
java.util.function.Function<io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<O>,io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<I>> delegate) |
static <I,O> Future<O> |
ClientCalls.oneToOne(io.vertx.core.impl.ContextInternal ctx,
I request,
java.util.function.BiConsumer<I,io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<O>> delegate) |
Future<Void> |
GrpcWriteStream.write(T data) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <I,O> io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<I> |
ServerCalls.manyToOne(io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<O> response,
String compression,
java.util.function.Function<ReadStream<I>,Future<O>> delegate) |
static <I,O> void |
ServerCalls.oneToOne(I request,
io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<O> response,
String compression,
java.util.function.Function<I,Future<O>> delegate) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default <Req,Resp,T> | server,
io.grpc.MethodDescriptor<Req,Resp> service,
Handler<GrpcClientRequest<Req,Resp>> requestHandler,
java.util.function.Function<GrpcClientResponse<Req,Resp>,Future<T>> resultFn)
Call the
service gRPC service hosted by server . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default <Req,Resp,T> | server,
io.grpc.MethodDescriptor<Req,Resp> service,
Handler<GrpcClientRequest<Req,Resp>> requestHandler,
java.util.function.Function<GrpcClientResponse<Req,Resp>,Future<T>> resultFn)
Call the
service gRPC service hosted by server . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default Future<ProxyResponse> |
ProxyInterceptor.handleProxyRequest(ProxyContext context)
Handle the proxy request at the stage of this interceptor.
default Future<Void> |
ProxyInterceptor.handleProxyResponse(ProxyContext context)
Handle the proxy response at the stage of this interceptor.
default Future<Void> |
ProxyRequest.proxy(HttpClientRequest request)
Proxy this request to the origin server using the specified
request and then send the proxy response. |
Future<Void> |
Send the proxies response to the user agent.
Future<ProxyResponse> |
ProxyRequest.send(HttpClientRequest request)
Send this request to the origin server using the specified
request . |
Future<ProxyResponse> |
ProxyContext.sendRequest() |
Future<Void> |
ProxyContext.sendResponse() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
HttpProxy |
HttpProxy.originRequestProvider(java.util.function.BiFunction<HttpServerRequest,HttpClient,Future<HttpClientRequest>> provider)
Set a provider that creates the request to the origin server based the incoming HTTP request.
default HttpProxy |
HttpProxy.originSelector(java.util.function.Function<HttpServerRequest,Future<SocketAddress>> selector)
Set a selector that resolves the origin address based on the incoming HTTP request.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Schema> |
SchemaRouter.resolveRef(JsonPointer pointer,
JsonPointer scope,
SchemaParser schemaParser)
Resolve $ref.
Future<Void> |
Schema.validateAsync(Object json)
Validate the json performing an asynchronous validation.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <T> Future<T> |
FutureUtils.oneOf(List<Future<T>> results) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T> Future<T> |
VertxTestContext.assertComplete(Future<T> fut)
This method allows you to check if a future is completed.
<T> Future<T> |
VertxTestContext.assertFailure(Future<T> fut)
This method allows you to check if a future is failed.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T> Future<T> |
VertxTestContext.assertComplete(Future<T> fut)
This method allows you to check if a future is completed.
<T> Future<T> |
VertxTestContext.assertFailure(Future<T> fut)
This method allows you to check if a future is failed.
Constructor and Description |
RunTestOnContext(java.util.function.Supplier<Future<Vertx>> supplier)
Create an instance of this extension that gets a
Vertx object using the specified asynchronous supplier . |
RunTestOnContext(java.util.function.Supplier<Future<Vertx>> supplier,
java.util.function.Function<Vertx,Future<Void>> shutdown)
Create an instance of this extension that gets a
Vertx object using the specified asynchronous supplier . |
RunTestOnContext(java.util.function.Supplier<Future<Vertx>> supplier,
java.util.function.Function<Vertx,Future<Void>> shutdown)
Create an instance of this extension that gets a
Vertx object using the specified asynchronous supplier . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Void> |
KafkaAdminClient.alterConfigs(Map<ConfigResource,Config> configs)
KafkaAdminClient.alterConfigs(Map, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
KafkaAdminClient.alterConsumerGroupOffsets(String groupId,
Map<TopicPartition,OffsetAndMetadata> offsets)
KafkaAdminClient.alterConsumerGroupOffsets(String, Map, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
KafkaAdminClient.close(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
KafkaAdminClient.close(long timeout)
KafkaAdminClient.close(long, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<List<org.apache.kafka.common.acl.AclBinding>> |
KafkaAdminClient.createAcls(List<org.apache.kafka.common.acl.AclBinding> aclBindings)
KafkaAdminClient.createAcls(List) (ListFuture of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
KafkaAdminClient.createPartitions(Map<String,NewPartitions> partitions)
KafkaAdminClient.createPartitions(Map, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
KafkaAdminClient.createTopics(List<NewTopic> topics)
KafkaAdminClient.createTopics(List, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<List<org.apache.kafka.common.acl.AclBinding>> |
KafkaAdminClient.deleteAcls(List<org.apache.kafka.common.acl.AclBindingFilter> aclBindings)
KafkaAdminClient.deleteAcls(List) (ListFuture of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
KafkaAdminClient.deleteConsumerGroupOffsets(String groupId,
Set<TopicPartition> partitions)
KafkaAdminClient.deleteConsumerGroupOffsets(String, Set, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
KafkaAdminClient.deleteConsumerGroups(List<String> groupIds)
KafkaAdminClient.deleteConsumerGroups(List, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Map<TopicPartition,org.apache.kafka.clients.admin.DeletedRecords>> |
KafkaAdminClient.deleteRecords(Map<TopicPartition,org.apache.kafka.clients.admin.RecordsToDelete> recordsToDelete)
KafkaAdminClient.deleteRecords(Map, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
KafkaAdminClient.deleteTopics(List<String> topicNames)
KafkaAdminClient.deleteTopics(List, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<List<org.apache.kafka.common.acl.AclBinding>> |
KafkaAdminClient.describeAcls(org.apache.kafka.common.acl.AclBindingFilter aclBindingFilter)
KafkaAdminClient.describeAcls(AclBindingFilter, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<ClusterDescription> |
KafkaAdminClient.describeCluster(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<ClusterDescription> |
KafkaAdminClient.describeCluster(DescribeClusterOptions options)
KafkaAdminClient.describeCluster(DescribeClusterOptions, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Map<ConfigResource,Config>> |
KafkaAdminClient.describeConfigs(List<ConfigResource> configResources)
KafkaAdminClient.describeConfigs(List, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Map<String,ConsumerGroupDescription>> |
KafkaAdminClient.describeConsumerGroups(List<String> groupIds)
KafkaAdminClient.describeConsumerGroups(List, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Map<String,ConsumerGroupDescription>> |
KafkaAdminClient.describeConsumerGroups(List<String> groupIds,
DescribeConsumerGroupsOptions options)
KafkaAdminClient.describeConsumerGroups(List, DescribeConsumerGroupsOptions, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Map<Integer,Map<String,org.apache.kafka.clients.admin.LogDirDescription>>> |
KafkaAdminClient.describeLogDirs(List<Integer> brokers)
KafkaAdminClient.describeLogDirs(List, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Map<String,TopicDescription>> |
KafkaAdminClient.describeTopics(List<String> topicNames)
KafkaAdminClient.describeTopics(List, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Map<String,TopicDescription>> |
KafkaAdminClient.describeTopics(List<String> topicNames,
DescribeTopicsOptions options)
KafkaAdminClient.describeTopics(List, DescribeTopicsOptions, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
default Future<Map<TopicPartition,OffsetAndMetadata>> |
KafkaAdminClient.listConsumerGroupOffsets(String groupId)
KafkaAdminClient.listConsumerGroupOffsets(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Map<TopicPartition,OffsetAndMetadata>> |
KafkaAdminClient.listConsumerGroupOffsets(String groupId,
ListConsumerGroupOffsetsOptions options)
KafkaAdminClient.listConsumerGroupOffsets(String, ListConsumerGroupOffsetsOptions, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<List<ConsumerGroupListing>> |
KafkaAdminClient.listConsumerGroups(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Map<TopicPartition,ListOffsetsResultInfo>> |
KafkaAdminClient.listOffsets(Map<TopicPartition,OffsetSpec> topicPartitionOffsets)
#listOffsets(Map but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Set<String>> |
KafkaAdminClient.listTopics(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Void> |
KafkaReadStream.assign(Set<org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition> partitions)
Manually assign a set of partitions to this consumer.
Future<Void> |
KafkaConsumer.assign(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Manually assign a list of partition to this consumer.
Future<Void> |
KafkaConsumer.assign(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Manually assign a partition to this consumer.
Future<Set<org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition>> |
KafkaReadStream.assignment(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Set<TopicPartition>> |
KafkaConsumer.assignment(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Map<org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition,Long>> |
KafkaReadStream.beginningOffsets(Set<org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
KafkaReadStream.beginningOffsets(Set, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Map<TopicPartition,Long>> |
KafkaConsumer.beginningOffsets(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
KafkaConsumer.beginningOffsets(Set, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Long> |
KafkaReadStream.beginningOffsets(org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition topicPartition)
KafkaReadStream.beginningOffsets(TopicPartition, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Long> |
KafkaConsumer.beginningOffsets(TopicPartition topicPartition)
KafkaConsumer.beginningOffsets(TopicPartition, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
Close the stream
Future<Void> |
Close the consumer
Future<Map<org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition,org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.OffsetAndMetadata>> |
Commit current offsets for all the subscribed list of topics and partition.
Future<Void> |
Commit current offsets for all the subscribed list of topics and partition.
Future<Map<org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition,org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.OffsetAndMetadata>> |
KafkaReadStream.commit(Map<org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition,org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.OffsetAndMetadata> offsets)
Commit the specified offsets for the specified list of topics and partitions to Kafka.
Future<Map<TopicPartition,OffsetAndMetadata>> |
KafkaConsumer.commit(Map<TopicPartition,OffsetAndMetadata> offsets)
Commit the specified offsets for the specified list of topics and partitions to Kafka.
Future<org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.OffsetAndMetadata> |
KafkaReadStream.committed(org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition topicPartition)
KafkaReadStream.committed(TopicPartition, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<OffsetAndMetadata> |
KafkaConsumer.committed(TopicPartition topicPartition)
KafkaConsumer.committed(TopicPartition, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Map<org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition,Long>> |
KafkaReadStream.endOffsets(Set<org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
KafkaReadStream.endOffsets(Set, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Map<TopicPartition,Long>> |
KafkaConsumer.endOffsets(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
KafkaConsumer.endOffsets(Set, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Long> |
KafkaReadStream.endOffsets(org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition topicPartition)
KafkaReadStream.endOffsets(TopicPartition, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Long> |
KafkaConsumer.endOffsets(TopicPartition topicPartition)
KafkaConsumer.endOffsets(TopicPartition, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Map<String,List<org.apache.kafka.common.PartitionInfo>>> |
KafkaReadStream.listTopics(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Map<String,List<PartitionInfo>>> |
KafkaConsumer.listTopics(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Map<org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition,org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.OffsetAndTimestamp>> |
KafkaReadStream.offsetsForTimes(Map<org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition,Long> topicPartitionTimestamps)
KafkaReadStream.offsetsForTimes(Map, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Map<TopicPartition,OffsetAndTimestamp>> |
KafkaConsumer.offsetsForTimes(Map<TopicPartition,Long> topicPartitionTimestamps)
KafkaConsumer.offsetsForTimes(Map, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.OffsetAndTimestamp> |
KafkaReadStream.offsetsForTimes(org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition topicPartition,
long timestamp)
KafkaReadStream.offsetsForTimes(TopicPartition, long, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<OffsetAndTimestamp> |
KafkaConsumer.offsetsForTimes(TopicPartition topicPartition,
Long timestamp)
KafkaConsumer.offsetsForTimes(TopicPartition, Long, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<List<org.apache.kafka.common.PartitionInfo>> |
KafkaReadStream.partitionsFor(String topic)
KafkaReadStream.partitionsFor(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<List<PartitionInfo>> |
KafkaConsumer.partitionsFor(String topic)
KafkaConsumer.partitionsFor(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
KafkaReadStream.pause(Set<org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Suspend fetching from the requested partitions.
Future<Void> |
KafkaConsumer.pause(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Suspend fetching from the requested partitions.
Future<Void> |
KafkaConsumer.pause(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Suspend fetching from the requested partition.
Future<Set<org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition>> |
KafkaReadStream.paused(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Set<TopicPartition>> |
KafkaConsumer.paused(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRecords<K,V>> |
KafkaReadStream.poll(java.time.Duration timeout)
KafkaReadStream.poll(Duration, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<KafkaConsumerRecords<K,V>> |
KafkaConsumer.poll(java.time.Duration timeout)
KafkaConsumer.poll(Duration, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Long> |
KafkaReadStream.position(org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition partition)
KafkaReadStream.position(TopicPartition, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Long> |
KafkaConsumer.position(TopicPartition partition)
KafkaConsumer.position(TopicPartition, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
KafkaReadStream.resume(Set<org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Resume specified partitions which have been paused with pause.
Future<Void> |
KafkaConsumer.resume(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Resume specified partitions which have been paused with pause.
Future<Void> |
KafkaConsumer.resume(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Resume specified partition which have been paused with pause.
Future<Void> | topicPartition,
long offset)
Overrides the fetch offsets that the consumer will use on the next poll.
Future<Void> | topicPartition,
long offset)
Overrides the fetch offsets that the consumer will use on the next poll.
Future<Void> |
KafkaReadStream.seekToBeginning(Set<org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Seek to the first offset for each of the given partitions.
Future<Void> |
KafkaConsumer.seekToBeginning(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Seek to the first offset for each of the given partitions.
Future<Void> |
KafkaConsumer.seekToBeginning(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Seek to the first offset for each of the given partition.
Future<Void> |
KafkaReadStream.seekToEnd(Set<org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Seek to the last offset for each of the given partitions.
Future<Void> |
KafkaConsumer.seekToEnd(Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions)
Seek to the last offset for each of the given partitions.
Future<Void> |
KafkaConsumer.seekToEnd(TopicPartition topicPartition)
Seek to the last offset for each of the given partition.
Future<Void> |
KafkaReadStream.subscribe(Pattern pattern)
Subscribe to all topics matching specified pattern to get dynamically assigned partitions.
Future<Void> |
KafkaConsumer.subscribe(Pattern pattern)
Subscribe to all topics matching specified pattern to get dynamically assigned partitions.
Future<Void> |
KafkaReadStream.subscribe(Set<String> topics)
Subscribe to the given list of topics to get dynamically assigned partitions.
Future<Void> |
KafkaConsumer.subscribe(Set<String> topics)
Subscribe to the given list of topics to get dynamically assigned partitions.
Future<Void> |
KafkaConsumer.subscribe(String topic)
Subscribe to the given topic to get dynamically assigned partitions.
Future<Set<String>> |
KafkaReadStream.subscription(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Set<String>> |
KafkaConsumer.subscription(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
Unsubscribe from topics currently subscribed with subscribe.
Future<Void> |
Unsubscribe from topics currently subscribed with subscribe.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Void> |
KafkaProducer.abortTransaction(Handler) but with a future of the result |
Future<Void> |
KafkaWriteStream.abortTransaction(Handler) but with a future of the result |
Future<Void> |
KafkaProducer.beginTransaction(Handler) but with a future of the result |
Future<Void> |
KafkaWriteStream.beginTransaction(Handler) but with a future of the result |
Future<Void> |
Close the producer
Future<Void> |
Close the stream
Future<Void> |
KafkaProducer.close(long timeout)
KafkaProducer.close(long, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
KafkaWriteStream.close(long timeout)
KafkaWriteStream.close(long, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
KafkaProducer.commitTransaction(Handler) but with a future of the result |
Future<Void> |
KafkaWriteStream.commitTransaction(Handler) but with a future of the result |
Future<Void> |
KafkaProducer.flush(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
KafkaWriteStream.flush(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
KafkaProducer.initTransactions(Handler) but with a future of the result |
Future<Void> |
KafkaWriteStream.initTransactions(Handler) but with a future of the result |
Future<List<PartitionInfo>> |
KafkaProducer.partitionsFor(String topic)
KafkaProducer.partitionsFor(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<List<org.apache.kafka.common.PartitionInfo>> |
KafkaWriteStream.partitionsFor(String topic)
KafkaWriteStream.partitionsFor(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<RecordMetadata> |
KafkaProducer.send(KafkaProducerRecord<K,V> record)
Asynchronously write a record to a topic
Future<org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.RecordMetadata> |
KafkaWriteStream.send(org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord<K,V> record)
Asynchronously write a record to a topic
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Void> |
Close the server.
Future<MqttConnAckMessage> |
MqttClient.connect(int port,
String host)
MqttClient.connect(int, String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<MqttConnAckMessage> |
MqttClient.connect(int port,
String host,
String serverName)
MqttClient.connect(int, String, String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
Disconnects from the MQTT server
Future<MqttServer> |
Start the server listening for incoming connections using the specified options
through the constructor
Future<MqttServer> |
MqttServer.listen(int port)
Start the server listening for incoming connections on the port specified but on
"" as host.
Future<MqttServer> |
MqttServer.listen(int port,
String host)
Start the server listening for incoming connections on the port and host specified
Future<Integer> |
MqttClient.publish(String topic,
Buffer payload,
MqttQoS qosLevel,
boolean isDup,
boolean isRetain)
Sends the PUBLISH message to the remote MQTT server
Future<Integer> |
MqttEndpoint.publish(String topic,
Buffer payload,
MqttQoS qosLevel,
boolean isDup,
boolean isRetain)
Sends the PUBLISH message to the remote MQTT client
Future<Integer> |
MqttEndpoint.publish(String topic,
Buffer payload,
MqttQoS qosLevel,
boolean isDup,
boolean isRetain,
int messageId)
MqttEndpoint.publish(String, Buffer, MqttQoS, boolean, boolean, int, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Integer> |
MqttEndpoint.publish(String topic,
Buffer payload,
MqttQoS qosLevel,
boolean isDup,
boolean isRetain,
int messageId,
MqttProperties properties)
MqttEndpoint.publish(String, Buffer, MqttQoS, boolean, boolean, int, MqttProperties, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Integer> |
MqttClient.subscribe(Map<String,Integer> topics)
Subscribes to the topics with related QoS levels
Future<Integer> |
MqttClient.subscribe(String topic,
int qos)
Subscribes to the topic with a specified QoS level
Future<Integer> |
MqttClient.unsubscribe(List<String> topics)
Unsubscribe from receiving messages on given list of topic
Future<Integer> |
MqttClient.unsubscribe(String topic)
Unsubscribe from receiving messages on given topic
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Future<MSSQLConnection> |
MSSQLConnection.connect(Vertx vertx,
MSSQLConnectOptions connectOptions)
MSSQLConnection.connect(Vertx, MSSQLConnectOptions, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
static Future<MSSQLConnection> |
MSSQLConnection.connect(Vertx vertx,
String connectionUri)
MSSQLConnection.connect(Vertx, String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MSSQLPool.connectionProvider(java.util.function.Function<Context,Future<SqlConnection>> provider)
static MSSQLPool |
MSSQLPool.pool(java.util.function.Supplier<Future<MSSQLConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions options)
Create a connection pool to the SQL Server
databases . |
static MSSQLPool |
MSSQLPool.pool(Vertx vertx,
java.util.function.Supplier<Future<MSSQLConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions options)
MSSQLPool.pool(Supplier, PoolOptions) with a specific Vertx instance. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ConnectionFactory |
MSSQLDriver.createConnectionFactory(Vertx vertx,
java.util.function.Supplier<? extends Future<? extends SqlConnectOptions>> database) |
Pool |
MSSQLDriver.newPool(Vertx vertx,
java.util.function.Supplier<? extends Future<? extends SqlConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions options,
io.vertx.core.impl.CloseFuture closeFuture) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Void> |
MySQLConnection.changeUser(MySQLAuthOptions options)
MySQLConnection.changeUser(MySQLAuthOptions, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
static Future<MySQLConnection> |
MySQLConnection.connect(Vertx vertx,
MySQLConnectOptions connectOptions)
MySQLConnection.connect(Vertx, MySQLConnectOptions, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
static Future<MySQLConnection> |
MySQLConnection.connect(Vertx vertx,
String connectionUri)
MySQLConnection.connect(Vertx, String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
MySQLConnection.debug(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<String> |
MySQLConnection.getInternalStatistics(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
Like but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
MySQLConnection.resetConnection(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
MySQLConnection.setOption(MySQLSetOption option)
MySQLConnection.setOption(MySQLSetOption, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
MySQLConnection.specifySchema(String schemaName)
MySQLConnection.specifySchema(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static SqlClient |
MySQLPool.client(java.util.function.Supplier<Future<MySQLConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions options)
Create a client backed by a connection pool to the MySQL
databases . |
static SqlClient |
MySQLPool.client(Vertx vertx,
java.util.function.Supplier<Future<MySQLConnectOptions>> mySQLConnectOptions,
PoolOptions options)
MySQLPool.client(Supplier, PoolOptions) with a specific Vertx instance. |
MySQLPool |
MySQLPool.connectionProvider(java.util.function.Function<Context,Future<SqlConnection>> provider)
static MySQLPool |
MySQLPool.pool(java.util.function.Supplier<Future<MySQLConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions options)
Create a connection pool to the MySQL
databases . |
static MySQLPool |
MySQLPool.pool(Vertx vertx,
java.util.function.Supplier<Future<MySQLConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions options)
MySQLPool.pool(Supplier, PoolOptions) with a specific Vertx instance. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ConnectionFactory |
MySQLDriver.createConnectionFactory(Vertx vertx,
java.util.function.Supplier<? extends Future<? extends SqlConnectOptions>> database) |
Pool |
MySQLDriver.newPool(Vertx vertx,
java.util.function.Supplier<? extends Future<? extends SqlConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions options,
io.vertx.core.impl.CloseFuture closeFuture) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Future<OpenAPIContract> |
OpenAPIContract.from(Vertx vertx,
JsonObject unresolvedContract)
Resolves / dereferences the passed contract and creates an
OpenAPIContract instance. |
static Future<OpenAPIContract> |
OpenAPIContract.from(Vertx vertx,
JsonObject unresolvedContract,
Map<String,JsonObject> additionalContractFiles)
Resolves / dereferences the passed contract and creates an
OpenAPIContract instance. |
static Future<OpenAPIContract> |
OpenAPIContract.from(Vertx vertx,
String unresolvedContractPath)
Resolves / dereferences the passed contract and creates an
OpenAPIContract instance. |
static Future<OpenAPIContract> |
OpenAPIContract.from(Vertx vertx,
String unresolvedContractPath,
Map<String,String> additionalContractFiles)
Resolves / dereferences the passed contract and creates an
OpenAPIContract instance. |
Future<SchemaRepository> |
OpenAPIVersion.getRepository(Vertx vertx,
String baseUri) |
Future<JsonObject> |
OpenAPIVersion.resolve(Vertx vertx,
SchemaRepository repo,
JsonObject contract) |
Future<Void> |
OpenAPIVersion.validateAdditionalContractFile(Vertx vertx,
SchemaRepository repo,
JsonObject file)
Validates additional contract files against the openapi schema.
Future<OutputUnit> |
OpenAPIVersion.validateContract(Vertx vertx,
SchemaRepository repo,
JsonObject contract) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Future<ValidatableRequest> |
RequestUtils.extract(HttpServerRequest request,
Operation operation)
Extracts and transforms the parameters and the body of an incoming request into a
that can be validated by the RequestValidator . |
static Future<ValidatableRequest> |
RequestUtils.extract(HttpServerRequest request,
Operation operation,
java.util.function.Supplier<Future<Buffer>> bodySupplier)
RequestUtils.extract(HttpServerRequest, Operation) , but offers to pass a supplier fpr the body. |
static Future<ValidatableRequest> |
ValidatableRequest.of(HttpServerRequest request,
Operation operation)
Future<Void> |
ValidatedResponse.send(HttpServerResponse serverResponse)
Add all parameters from the validated response to the passed
HttpServerResponse and send it. |
Future<ValidatedRequest> |
RequestValidator.validate(HttpServerRequest request)
RequestValidator.validate(ValidatableRequest, String) , but the operationId and ValidatableRequest are
determined from the passed request. |
Future<ValidatedRequest> |
RequestValidator.validate(HttpServerRequest request,
String operationId)
RequestValidator.validate(ValidatableRequest, String) , but ValidatableRequest are directly extracted from the passed request. |
Future<ValidatedRequest> |
RequestValidator.validate(ValidatableRequest params,
String operationId)
Validates the passed request parameters against the operation defined in the related OpenAPI contract.
Future<ValidatedResponse> |
ResponseValidator.validate(ValidatableResponse params,
String operationId)
Validates the passed response parameters against the operation defined in the related OpenAPI contract.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Future<ValidatableRequest> |
RequestUtils.extract(HttpServerRequest request,
Operation operation,
java.util.function.Supplier<Future<Buffer>> bodySupplier)
RequestUtils.extract(HttpServerRequest, Operation) , but offers to pass a supplier fpr the body. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Void> |
PgConnection.cancelRequest(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
static Future<PgConnection> |
PgConnection.connect(Vertx vertx)
PgConnection.connect(Vertx, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
static Future<PgConnection> |
PgConnection.connect(Vertx vertx,
PgConnectOptions options)
PgConnection.connect(Vertx, PgConnectOptions, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
static Future<PgConnection> |
PgConnection.connect(Vertx vertx,
String connectionUri)
PgConnection.connect(Vertx, String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static SqlClient |
PgPool.client(java.util.function.Supplier<Future<PgConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions options)
Create a client backed by a connection pool to the PostgreSQL
databases . |
static SqlClient |
PgPool.client(Vertx vertx,
java.util.function.Supplier<Future<PgConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions options)
PgPool.client(Supplier, PoolOptions) with a specific Vertx instance. |
PgPool |
PgPool.connectionProvider(java.util.function.Function<Context,Future<SqlConnection>> provider)
static PgPool |
PgPool.pool(java.util.function.Supplier<Future<PgConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions poolOptions)
Create a connection pool to the PostgreSQL
databases . |
static PgPool |
PgPool.pool(Vertx vertx,
java.util.function.Supplier<Future<PgConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions poolOptions)
PgPool.pool(Supplier, PoolOptions) with a specific Vertx instance. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Void> |
PgSubscriber.close(Handler) but with a future of the result |
Future<Void> |
PgSubscriber.connect(Handler) but with a future of the result |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ConnectionFactory |
PgDriver.createConnectionFactory(Vertx vertx,
java.util.function.Supplier<? extends Future<? extends SqlConnectOptions>> database) |
Pool |
PgDriver.newPool(Vertx vertx,
java.util.function.Supplier<? extends Future<? extends SqlConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions options,
io.vertx.core.impl.CloseFuture closeFuture) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<ReadStream<RabbitMQConfirmation>> |
RabbitMQClient.addConfirmListener(int maxQueueSize)
Add a Confirm Listener to the channel.
Future<Void> |
RabbitMQClient.basicAck(long deliveryTag,
boolean multiple)
RabbitMQClient.basicAck(long, boolean, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
default Future<RabbitMQConsumer> |
RabbitMQClient.basicConsumer(String queue)
RabbitMQClient.basicConsumer(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<RabbitMQConsumer> |
RabbitMQClient.basicConsumer(String queue,
QueueOptions options)
RabbitMQClient.basicConsumer(String, QueueOptions, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<RabbitMQMessage> |
RabbitMQClient.basicGet(String queue,
boolean autoAck)
RabbitMQClient.basicGet(String, boolean, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
RabbitMQClient.basicNack(long deliveryTag,
boolean multiple,
boolean requeue)
RabbitMQClient.basicNack(long, boolean, boolean, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
RabbitMQClient.basicPublish(String exchange,
String routingKey,
com.rabbitmq.client.BasicProperties properties,
Buffer body)
RabbitMQClient.basicPublish(String, String, BasicProperties, Buffer, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
RabbitMQClient.basicPublish(String exchange,
String routingKey,
Buffer body)
RabbitMQClient.basicPublish(String, String, Buffer, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
RabbitMQClient.basicPublishWithDeliveryTag(String exchange,
String routingKey,
com.rabbitmq.client.BasicProperties properties,
Buffer body,
Handler<Long> deliveryTagHandler)
Publish a message.
default Future<Void> |
RabbitMQClient.basicQos(int prefetchCount)
RabbitMQClient.basicQos(int, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
default Future<Void> |
RabbitMQClient.basicQos(int prefetchCount,
boolean global)
RabbitMQClient.basicQos(int, boolean, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
RabbitMQClient.basicQos(int prefetchSize,
int prefetchCount,
boolean global)
RabbitMQClient.basicQos(int, int, boolean, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
Stop message consumption from a queue.
Future<Void> |
RabbitMQClient.confirmSelect(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
RabbitMQClient.exchangeBind(String destination,
String source,
String routingKey)
RabbitMQClient.exchangeBind(String, String, String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
RabbitMQClient.exchangeBind(String destination,
String source,
String routingKey,
Map<String,Object> arguments)
RabbitMQClient.exchangeBind(String, String, String, Map, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
RabbitMQClient.exchangeDeclare(String exchange,
String type,
boolean durable,
boolean autoDelete)
RabbitMQClient.exchangeDeclare(String, String, boolean, boolean, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
RabbitMQClient.exchangeDeclare(String exchange,
String type,
boolean durable,
boolean autoDelete,
JsonObject config)
RabbitMQClient.exchangeDeclare(String, String, boolean, boolean, JsonObject, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
RabbitMQClient.exchangeDelete(String exchange)
RabbitMQClient.exchangeDelete(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
RabbitMQClient.exchangeUnbind(String destination,
String source,
String routingKey)
RabbitMQClient.exchangeUnbind(String, String, String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
RabbitMQClient.exchangeUnbind(String destination,
String source,
String routingKey,
Map<String,Object> arguments)
RabbitMQClient.exchangeUnbind(String, String, String, Map, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Long> |
RabbitMQClient.messageCount(String queue)
RabbitMQClient.messageCount(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
RabbitMQPublisher.publish(String exchange,
String routingKey,
com.rabbitmq.client.BasicProperties properties,
Buffer body)
#basicPublish(String, String, BasicProperties, Buffer, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Long> |
RabbitMQPublisher.publishConfirm(String exchange,
String routingKey,
com.rabbitmq.client.BasicProperties properties,
Buffer body)
Publish a message and complete when publish confirm has returned.
Future<Void> |
RabbitMQClient.queueBind(String queue,
String exchange,
String routingKey)
RabbitMQClient.queueBind(String, String, String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
RabbitMQClient.queueBind(String queue,
String exchange,
String routingKey,
Map<String,Object> arguments)
RabbitMQClient.queueBind(String, String, String, Map, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Queue.DeclareOk> |
RabbitMQClient.queueDeclare(String queue,
boolean durable,
boolean exclusive,
boolean autoDelete)
RabbitMQClient.queueDeclare(String, boolean, boolean, boolean, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Queue.DeclareOk> |
RabbitMQClient.queueDeclare(String queue,
boolean durable,
boolean exclusive,
boolean autoDelete,
JsonObject config)
RabbitMQClient.queueDeclare(String, boolean, boolean, boolean, JsonObject, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<JsonObject> |
RabbitMQClient.queueDeclareAuto(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Queue.DeleteOk> |
RabbitMQClient.queueDelete(String queue)
RabbitMQClient.queueDelete(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Queue.DeleteOk> |
RabbitMQClient.queueDeleteIf(String queue,
boolean ifUnused,
boolean ifEmpty)
RabbitMQClient.queueDeleteIf(String, boolean, boolean, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
RabbitMQClient.queueUnbind(String queue,
String exchange,
String routingKey)
RabbitMQClient.queueUnbind(String, String, String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
RabbitMQClient.queueUnbind(String queue,
String exchange,
String routingKey,
Map<String,Object> arguments)
RabbitMQClient.queueUnbind(String, String, String, Map, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
RabbitMQClient.start(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
RabbitMQPublisher.start(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
RabbitMQClient.stop(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
RabbitMQPublisher.stop(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
RabbitMQClient.waitForConfirms(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
RabbitMQClient.waitForConfirms(long timeout)
RabbitMQClient.waitForConfirms(long, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <T> Future<Void> |
CompletableHelper.toFuture(Completable maybe)
static <T> Future<T> |
MaybeHelper.toFuture(Maybe<T> maybe)
Adapts an RxJava2
Maybe<T> to a Vert.x Future . |
static <T,U> Future<U> |
MaybeHelper.toFuture(Maybe<T> maybe,
java.util.function.Function<T,U> adapter)
MaybeHelper.toFuture(Maybe) but with an adapter of the result. |
static <T> Future<T> |
SingleHelper.toFuture(Single<T> single)
Adapts an RxJava2
Single<T> to a Vert.x Future . |
static <T,U> Future<U> |
SingleHelper.toFuture(Single<T> single,
java.util.function.Function<T,U> adapter)
SingleHelper.toFuture(Single) but with an adapter of the result. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Void> |
AmqpConnection.closeFuture() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
FailurePolicy.test(Future<T> future)
Invoked by the
CircuitBreaker when an operation completes. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<T> |
Promise.future() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<ServerWebSocket> |
Accept the WebSocket and terminate the WebSocket handshake.
Future<Void> |
Reject the WebSocket.
Future<Void> |
ServerWebSocketHandshake.reject(int status)
ServerWebSocketHandshake.reject() but with a status . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Single<Integer> |
ServerWebSocket.rxSetHandshake(Future<Integer> future)
void |
ServerWebSocket.setHandshake(Future<Integer> future)
void |
ServerWebSocket.setHandshake(Future<Integer> future,
Handler<AsyncResult<Integer>> handler)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
HttpClientRequest |
HttpClientRequest.redirectHandler(java.util.function.Function<HttpClientResponse,Future<HttpClientRequest>> handler) |
HttpClient |
HttpClient.redirectHandler(java.util.function.Function<HttpClientResponse,Future<RequestOptions>> handler)
HttpClientBuilder |
HttpClientBuilder.withRedirectHandler(java.util.function.Function<HttpClientResponse,Future<RequestOptions>> handler)
Set a redirect handler for the http client.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
DB2Pool |
DB2Pool.connectionProvider(java.util.function.Function<Context,Future<SqlConnection>> provider)
static DB2Pool |
DB2Pool.pool(java.util.function.Supplier<Future<DB2ConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions poolOptions)
Create a connection pool to the DB2
databases . |
static DB2Pool |
DB2Pool.pool(Vertx vertx,
java.util.function.Supplier<Future<DB2ConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions poolOptions)
DB2Pool.pool(java.lang.String) with a specific instance. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Authenticator> |
HotpAuth.createAuthenticator(String id,
OtpKey otpKey)
Creating authenticator from user id and key.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
HotpAuth |
HotpAuth.authenticatorFetcher(java.util.function.Function<String,Future<Authenticator>> fetcher)
Provide a that can fetch s from a backend given an
argument. |
HotpAuth |
HotpAuth.authenticatorUpdater(java.util.function.Function<Authenticator,Future<Void>> updater)
Provide a that can update or insert a .
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Authenticator> |
TotpAuth.createAuthenticator(String id,
OtpKey otpKey)
Creating authenticator from user id and key.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
TotpAuth |
TotpAuth.authenticatorFetcher(java.util.function.Function<String,Future<Authenticator>> fetcher)
Provide a that can fetch s from a backend given an
argument. |
TotpAuth |
TotpAuth.authenticatorUpdater(java.util.function.Function<Authenticator,Future<Void>> updater)
Provide a that can update or insert a .
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
WebAuthn |
WebAuthn.authenticatorFetcher(java.util.function.Function<Authenticator,Future<List<Authenticator>>> fetcher)
Provide a that can fetch
Authenticator s from a backend given the incomplete
Authenticator argument. |
WebAuthn |
WebAuthn.authenticatorUpdater(java.util.function.Function<Authenticator,Future<Void>> updater)
Provide a that can update or insert a
Authenticator . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Boolean> |
BaseBridgeEvent.future() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Boolean> |
BridgeEvent.future() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
HealthCheckHandler |
HealthCheckHandler.resultMapper(java.util.function.Function<CheckResult,Future<CheckResult>> resultMapper)
Sets a function which will be invoked before the
CheckResult gets written to clients. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Void> |
Delete the uploaded file on the disk.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T> Route |
Route.respond(java.util.function.Function<RoutingContext,Future<T>> function)
Append a function request handler to the route handlers list.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SimpleAuthenticationHandler |
SimpleAuthenticationHandler.authenticate(java.util.function.Function<RoutingContext,Future<User>> authenticationFunction)
This function will allow you to perform authentication the way you intended to.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Object> |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Object> |
ConnectionInitEvent.future() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Boolean> |
BridgeEvent.future() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<RouterBuilder> |
SecurityScheme.bind(java.util.function.Function<JsonObject,Future<AuthenticationHandler>> factory) |
Future<RouterBuilder> |
SecurityScheme.bind(Function<JsonObject,Single<AuthenticationHandler>> factory) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<RouterBuilder> |
SecurityScheme.bind(java.util.function.Function<JsonObject,Future<AuthenticationHandler>> factory) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<ValidatableRequest> |
RequestExtractor.extractValidatableRequest(RoutingContext routingContext,
Operation operation)
Extracts and transforms the parameters and the body of an incoming request into a
that can be validated by the
RequestValidator . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<Req,Resp,T> | server,
io.grpc.MethodDescriptor<Req,Resp> service,
Handler<GrpcClientRequest<Req,Resp>> requestHandler,
java.util.function.Function<GrpcClientResponse<Req,Resp>,Future<T>> resultFn)
<Req,Resp,T> | server,
io.grpc.MethodDescriptor<Req,Resp> service,
Handler<GrpcClientRequest<Req,Resp>> requestHandler,
Function<GrpcClientResponse<Req,Resp>,Single<T>> resultFn)
Future<Void> |
Close this client.
<R,A> Future<R> |
GrpcClientResponse.collecting(<Resp,A,R> collector)
Future<Resp> |
GrpcClientResponse.last() |
Future<GrpcClientRequest<Buffer,Buffer>> |
GrpcClient.request(SocketAddress server)
Connect to the remote
server and create a request for any hosted gRPC service. |
<Req,Resp> Future<GrpcClientRequest<Req,Resp>> |
GrpcClient.request(SocketAddress server,
io.grpc.MethodDescriptor<Req,Resp> service)
<Req,Resp> Future<GrpcClientRequest<Req,Resp>> |
GrpcClient.request(SocketAddress server,
ServiceMethod<Resp,Req> method)
Connect to the remote
server and create a request for any hosted gRPC service. |
Future<GrpcClientResponse<Req,Resp>> |
GrpcClientRequest.response() |
Future<GrpcClientResponse<Req,Resp>> |
GrpcClientRequest.send(Flowable<Req> body) |
Future<GrpcClientResponse<Req,Resp>> |
GrpcClientRequest.send(ReadStream<Req> body) |
Future<GrpcClientResponse<Req,Resp>> |
GrpcClientRequest.send(Req item) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<Req,Resp,T> | server,
io.grpc.MethodDescriptor<Req,Resp> service,
Handler<GrpcClientRequest<Req,Resp>> requestHandler,
java.util.function.Function<GrpcClientResponse<Req,Resp>,Future<T>> resultFn)
<Req,Resp,T> |
GrpcClient.rxCall(SocketAddress server,
io.grpc.MethodDescriptor<Req,Resp> service,
Handler<GrpcClientRequest<Req,Resp>> requestHandler,
java.util.function.Function<GrpcClientResponse<Req,Resp>,Future<T>> resultFn)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<R,A> Future<R> |
GrpcReadStream.collecting(<T,A,R> collector)
Future<Void> |
GrpcReadStream.end() |
Future<Void> |
GrpcWriteStream.endMessage(GrpcMessage message)
End the stream with an encoded gRPC message.
Future<T> |
GrpcReadStream.last() |
Future<Void> |
GrpcWriteStream.writeMessage(GrpcMessage message)
Write an encoded gRPC message.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<R,A> Future<R> |
GrpcServerRequest.collecting(<Req,A,R> collector)
Future<Req> |
GrpcServerRequest.last() |
Future<Void> |
GrpcServerResponse.send(Flowable<Resp> body) |
Future<Void> |
GrpcServerResponse.send(ReadStream<Resp> body) |
Future<Void> |
GrpcServerResponse.send(Resp item) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<Req,Resp,T> | server,
io.grpc.MethodDescriptor<Req,Resp> service,
Handler<GrpcClientRequest<Req,Resp>> requestHandler,
java.util.function.Function<GrpcClientResponse<Req,Resp>,Future<T>> resultFn)
Call the
service gRPC service hosted by server . |
<Req,Resp,T> | server,
io.grpc.MethodDescriptor<Req,Resp> service,
Handler<GrpcClientRequest<Req,Resp>> requestHandler,
Function<GrpcClientResponse<Req,Resp>,Single<T>> resultFn)
Call the
service gRPC service hosted by server . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<Req,Resp,T> | server,
io.grpc.MethodDescriptor<Req,Resp> service,
Handler<GrpcClientRequest<Req,Resp>> requestHandler,
java.util.function.Function<GrpcClientResponse<Req,Resp>,Future<T>> resultFn)
Call the
service gRPC service hosted by server . |
<Req,Resp,T> |
GrpcIoClient.rxCall(SocketAddress server,
io.grpc.MethodDescriptor<Req,Resp> service,
Handler<GrpcClientRequest<Req,Resp>> requestHandler,
java.util.function.Function<GrpcClientResponse<Req,Resp>,Future<T>> resultFn)
Call the
service gRPC service hosted by server . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Void> |
Schema.validateAsync(Object json)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MSSQLPool.connectionProvider(java.util.function.Function<Context,Future<SqlConnection>> provider)
static MSSQLPool |
MSSQLPool.pool(java.util.function.Supplier<Future<MSSQLConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions options)
Create a connection pool to the SQL Server
databases . |
static MSSQLPool |
MSSQLPool.pool(Vertx vertx,
java.util.function.Supplier<Future<MSSQLConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions options)
MSSQLPool.pool(java.lang.String) with a specific instance. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static SqlClient |
MySQLPool.client(java.util.function.Supplier<Future<MySQLConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions options)
Create a client backed by a connection pool to the MySQL
databases . |
static SqlClient |
MySQLPool.client(Vertx vertx,
java.util.function.Supplier<Future<MySQLConnectOptions>> mySQLConnectOptions,
PoolOptions options)
MySQLPool.client(java.lang.String) with a specific instance. |
MySQLPool |
MySQLPool.connectionProvider(java.util.function.Function<Context,Future<SqlConnection>> provider)
static MySQLPool |
MySQLPool.pool(java.util.function.Supplier<Future<MySQLConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions options)
Create a connection pool to the MySQL
databases . |
static MySQLPool |
MySQLPool.pool(Vertx vertx,
java.util.function.Supplier<Future<MySQLConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions options)
MySQLPool.pool(java.lang.String) with a specific instance. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Future<OpenAPIContract> |
OpenAPIContract.from(Vertx vertx,
JsonObject unresolvedContract)
Resolves / dereferences the passed contract and creates an
OpenAPIContract instance. |
static Future<OpenAPIContract> |
OpenAPIContract.from(Vertx vertx,
JsonObject unresolvedContract,
Map<String,JsonObject> additionalContractFiles)
Resolves / dereferences the passed contract and creates an
OpenAPIContract instance. |
static Future<OpenAPIContract> |
OpenAPIContract.from(Vertx vertx,
String unresolvedContractPath)
Resolves / dereferences the passed contract and creates an
OpenAPIContract instance. |
static Future<OpenAPIContract> |
OpenAPIContract.from(Vertx vertx,
String unresolvedContractPath,
Map<String,String> additionalContractFiles)
Resolves / dereferences the passed contract and creates an
OpenAPIContract instance. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Future<ValidatableRequest> |
ValidatableRequest.of(HttpServerRequest request,
Operation operation)
Creates a new
ValidatableRequest object based on the passed and . |
Future<Void> |
ValidatedResponse.send(HttpServerResponse serverResponse)
Add all parameters from the validated response to the passed and send it.
Future<ValidatedRequest> |
RequestValidator.validate(HttpServerRequest request)
RequestValidator.validate(io.vertx.reactivex.core.http.HttpServerRequest) , but the operationId and ValidatableRequest are
determined from the passed request. |
Future<ValidatedRequest> |
RequestValidator.validate(HttpServerRequest request,
String operationId)
RequestValidator.validate(io.vertx.reactivex.core.http.HttpServerRequest) , but ValidatableRequest are directly extracted from the passed request. |
Future<ValidatedRequest> |
RequestValidator.validate(ValidatableRequest params,
String operationId)
Validates the passed request parameters against the operation defined in the related OpenAPI contract.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
OraclePool |
OraclePool.connectionProvider(java.util.function.Function<Context,Future<SqlConnection>> provider)
static OraclePool |
OraclePool.pool(java.util.function.Supplier<Future<io.vertx.oracleclient.OracleConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions poolOptions)
Create a connection pool to the Oracle
databases . |
static OraclePool |
OraclePool.pool(Vertx vertx,
java.util.function.Supplier<Future<io.vertx.oracleclient.OracleConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions poolOptions)
OraclePool.pool(io.vertx.oracleclient.OracleConnectOptions, io.vertx.sqlclient.PoolOptions) with a specific instance. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static SqlClient |
PgPool.client(java.util.function.Supplier<Future<PgConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions options)
Create a client backed by a connection pool to the PostgreSQL
databases . |
static SqlClient |
PgPool.client(Vertx vertx,
java.util.function.Supplier<Future<PgConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions options)
PgPool.client() with a specific instance. |
PgPool |
PgPool.connectionProvider(java.util.function.Function<Context,Future<SqlConnection>> provider)
static PgPool |
PgPool.pool(java.util.function.Supplier<Future<PgConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions poolOptions)
Create a connection pool to the PostgreSQL
databases . |
static PgPool |
PgPool.pool(Vertx vertx,
java.util.function.Supplier<Future<PgConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions poolOptions)
PgPool.pool() with a specific instance. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.acl(List<String> args)
Redis command ACL.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.append(String arg0,
String arg1)
Redis command APPEND.
default Future<Response> |
Redis command ASKING.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.auth(List<String> args)
Redis command AUTH.
Future<List<Response>> |
Redis.batch(List<Request> commands)
Sends a list of commands in a single IO operation, this prevents any inter twinning to happen from other
client users.
Future<List<Response>> |
RedisConnection.batch(List<Request> commands)
Sends a list of commands in a single IO operation, this prevents any inter twinning to happen from other
client users.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.bfAdd(List<String> args)
Redis command BF.ADD.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.bfCard(List<String> args)
Redis command BF.CARD.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.bfDebug(List<String> args)
Redis command BF.DEBUG.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.bfExists(List<String> args)
Redis command BF.EXISTS.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.bfInfo(List<String> args)
Redis command BF.INFO.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.bfInsert(List<String> args)
Redis command BF.INSERT.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.bfLoadchunk(List<String> args)
Redis command BF.LOADCHUNK.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.bfMadd(List<String> args)
Redis command BF.MADD.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.bfMexists(List<String> args)
Redis command BF.MEXISTS.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.bfReserve(List<String> args)
Redis command BF.RESERVE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.bfScandump(List<String> args)
Redis command BF.SCANDUMP.
default Future<Response> |
Redis command BGREWRITEAOF.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.bgsave(List<String> args)
Redis command BGSAVE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.bitcount(List<String> args)
Redis command BITCOUNT.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.bitfield(List<String> args)
Redis command BITFIELD.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.bitfieldRo(List<String> args)
Redis command BITFIELD_RO.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.bitop(List<String> args)
Redis command BITOP.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.bitpos(List<String> args)
Redis command BITPOS.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.blmove(String arg0,
String arg1,
String arg2,
String arg3,
String arg4)
Redis command BLMOVE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.blmpop(List<String> args)
Redis command BLMPOP.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.blpop(List<String> args)
Redis command BLPOP.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.brpop(List<String> args)
Redis command BRPOP.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.brpoplpush(String arg0,
String arg1,
String arg2)
since: 6.2.0, replaced by:
BLMOVE with the RIGHT and LEFT arguments |
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.bzmpop(List<String> args)
Redis command BZMPOP.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.bzpopmax(List<String> args)
Redis command BZPOPMAX.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.bzpopmin(List<String> args)
Redis command BZPOPMIN.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.cfAdd(List<String> args)
Redis command CF.ADD.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.cfAddnx(List<String> args)
Redis command CF.ADDNX.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.cfCompact(List<String> args)
Redis command CF.COMPACT.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.cfCount(List<String> args)
Redis command CF.COUNT.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.cfDebug(List<String> args)
Redis command CF.DEBUG.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.cfDel(List<String> args)
Redis command CF.DEL.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.cfExists(List<String> args)
Redis command CF.EXISTS.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.cfInfo(List<String> args)
Redis command CF.INFO.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.cfInsert(List<String> args)
Redis command CF.INSERT.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.cfInsertnx(List<String> args)
Redis command CF.INSERTNX.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.cfLoadchunk(List<String> args)
Redis command CF.LOADCHUNK.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.cfMexists(List<String> args)
Redis command CF.MEXISTS.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.cfReserve(List<String> args)
Redis command CF.RESERVE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.cfScandump(List<String> args)
Redis command CF.SCANDUMP.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.client(List<String> args)
Redis command CLIENT.
Future<Void> |
Closes the connection or returns to the pool.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.cluster(List<String> args)
Redis command CLUSTER.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.cmsIncrby(List<String> args)
Redis command CMS.INCRBY.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.cmsInfo(List<String> args)
Redis command CMS.INFO.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.cmsInitbydim(List<String> args)
Redis command CMS.INITBYDIM.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.cmsInitbyprob(List<String> args)
Redis command CMS.INITBYPROB.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.cmsMerge(List<String> args)
Redis command CMS.MERGE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.cmsQuery(List<String> args)
Redis command CMS.QUERY.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.command(List<String> args)
Redis command COMMAND.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.config(List<String> args)
Redis command CONFIG.
Future<RedisConnection> |
Connects to the redis server.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.copy(List<String> args)
Redis command COPY.
default Future<Response> |
Redis command DBSIZE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.debug(List<String> args)
Redis command DEBUG.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.decr(String arg0)
Redis command DECR.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.decrby(String arg0,
String arg1)
Redis command DECRBY.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.del(List<String> args)
Redis command DEL.
default Future<Response> |
Redis command DISCARD.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.dump(String arg0)
Redis command DUMP.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.echo(String arg0)
Redis command ECHO.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.eval(List<String> args)
Redis command EVAL.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.evalRo(List<String> args)
Redis command EVAL_RO.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.evalsha(List<String> args)
Redis command EVALSHA.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.evalshaRo(List<String> args)
Redis command EVALSHA_RO.
default Future<Response> |
Redis command EXEC.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.exists(List<String> args)
Redis command EXISTS.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.expire(List<String> args)
Redis command EXPIRE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.expireat(List<String> args)
Redis command EXPIREAT.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.expiretime(String arg0)
Redis command EXPIRETIME.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.failover(List<String> args)
Redis command FAILOVER.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.fcall(List<String> args)
Redis command FCALL.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.fcallRo(List<String> args)
Redis command FCALL_RO.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.flushall(List<String> args)
Redis command FLUSHALL.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.flushdb(List<String> args)
Redis command FLUSHDB.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.ftAdd(List<String> args)
Redis command FT.ADD.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.ftAggregate(List<String> args)
Redis command FT.AGGREGATE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.ftAliasadd(List<String> args)
Redis command FT.ALIASADD.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.ftAliasaddifnx(List<String> args)
Redis command FT._ALIASADDIFNX.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.ftAliasdel(List<String> args)
Redis command FT.ALIASDEL.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.ftAliasdelifx(List<String> args)
Redis command FT._ALIASDELIFX.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.ftAliasupdate(List<String> args)
Redis command FT.ALIASUPDATE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.ftAlter(List<String> args)
Redis command FT.ALTER.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.ftAlterifnx(List<String> args)
Redis command FT._ALTERIFNX.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.ftConfig(List<String> args)
Redis command FT.CONFIG.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.ftCreate(List<String> args)
Redis command FT.CREATE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.ftCreateifnx(List<String> args)
Redis command FT._CREATEIFNX.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.ftCursor(List<String> args)
Redis command FT.CURSOR.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.ftDebug(List<String> args)
Redis command FT.DEBUG.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.ftDel(List<String> args)
Redis command FT.DEL.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.ftDictadd(List<String> args)
Redis command FT.DICTADD.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.ftDictdel(List<String> args)
Redis command FT.DICTDEL.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.ftDictdump(List<String> args)
Redis command FT.DICTDUMP.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.ftDrop(List<String> args)
Redis command FT.DROP.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.ftDropifx(List<String> args)
Redis command FT._DROPIFX.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.ftDropindex(List<String> args)
Redis command FT.DROPINDEX.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.ftDropindexifx(List<String> args)
Redis command FT._DROPINDEXIFX.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.ftExplain(List<String> args)
Redis command FT.EXPLAIN.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.ftExplaincli(List<String> args)
Redis command FT.EXPLAINCLI.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.ftGet(List<String> args)
Redis command FT.GET.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.ftInfo(List<String> args)
Redis command FT.INFO.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.ftList(List<String> args)
Redis command FT._LIST.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.ftMget(List<String> args)
Redis command FT.MGET.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.ftProfile(List<String> args)
Redis command FT.PROFILE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.ftSafeadd(List<String> args)
Redis command FT.SAFEADD.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.ftSearch(List<String> args)
Redis command FT.SEARCH.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.ftSpellcheck(List<String> args)
Redis command FT.SPELLCHECK.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.ftSugadd(List<String> args)
Redis command FT.SUGADD.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.ftSugdel(List<String> args)
Redis command FT.SUGDEL.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.ftSugget(List<String> args)
Redis command FT.SUGGET.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.ftSuglen(List<String> args)
Redis command FT.SUGLEN.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.ftSynadd(List<String> args)
Redis command FT.SYNADD.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.ftSyndump(List<String> args)
Redis command FT.SYNDUMP.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.ftSynupdate(List<String> args)
Redis command FT.SYNUPDATE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.ftTagvals(List<String> args)
Redis command FT.TAGVALS.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.function(List<String> args)
Redis command FUNCTION.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.geoadd(List<String> args)
Redis command GEOADD.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.geodist(List<String> args)
Redis command GEODIST.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.geohash(List<String> args)
Redis command GEOHASH.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.geopos(List<String> args)
Redis command GEOPOS.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.georadius(List<String> args)
since: 6.2.0, replaced by:
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.georadiusbymember(List<String> args)
since: 6.2.0, replaced by:
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.georadiusbymemberRo(List<String> args)
since: 6.2.0, replaced by:
GEOSEARCH with the BYRADIUS and FROMMEMBER arguments |
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.georadiusRo(List<String> args)
since: 6.2.0, replaced by:
GEOSEARCH with the BYRADIUS argument |
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.geosearch(List<String> args)
Redis command GEOSEARCH.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.geosearchstore(List<String> args)
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.get(String arg0)
Redis command GET.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.getbit(String arg0,
String arg1)
Redis command GETBIT.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.getdel(String arg0)
Redis command GETDEL.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.getex(List<String> args)
Redis command GETEX.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.getrange(String arg0,
String arg1,
String arg2)
Redis command GETRANGE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.getset(String arg0,
String arg1)
since: 6.2.0, replaced by:
SET with the !GET argument |
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.graphBulk(List<String> args)
Redis command GRAPH.BULK.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.graphConfig(List<String> args)
Redis command GRAPH.CONFIG.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.graphDebug(List<String> args)
Redis command GRAPH.DEBUG.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.graphDelete(List<String> args)
Redis command GRAPH.DELETE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.graphExplain(List<String> args)
Redis command GRAPH.EXPLAIN.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.graphList(List<String> args)
Redis command GRAPH.LIST.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.graphProfile(List<String> args)
Redis command GRAPH.PROFILE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.graphQuery(List<String> args)
Redis command GRAPH.QUERY.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.graphRoQuery(List<String> args)
Redis command GRAPH.RO_QUERY.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.graphSlowlog(List<String> args)
Redis command GRAPH.SLOWLOG.
Future<List<List<Request>>> |
RedisCluster.groupByNodes(List<Request> requests)
Groups the
requests such that all requests in each inner list in the result
are guaranteed to be sent to the same Redis master node. |
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.hdel(List<String> args)
Redis command HDEL.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.hello(List<String> args)
Redis command HELLO.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.hexists(String arg0,
String arg1)
Redis command HEXISTS.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.hget(String arg0,
String arg1)
Redis command HGET.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.hgetall(String arg0)
Redis command HGETALL.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.hincrby(String arg0,
String arg1,
String arg2)
Redis command HINCRBY.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.hincrbyfloat(String arg0,
String arg1,
String arg2)
Redis command HINCRBYFLOAT.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.hkeys(String arg0)
Redis command HKEYS.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.hlen(String arg0)
Redis command HLEN.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.hmget(List<String> args)
Redis command HMGET.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.hmset(List<String> args)
since: 4.0.0, replaced by:
HSET with multiple field-value pairs |
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.hrandfield(List<String> args)
Redis command HRANDFIELD.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.hscan(List<String> args)
Redis command HSCAN.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.hset(List<String> args)
Redis command HSET.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.hsetnx(String arg0,
String arg1,
String arg2)
Redis command HSETNX.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.hstrlen(String arg0,
String arg1)
Redis command HSTRLEN.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.hvals(String arg0)
Redis command HVALS.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.incr(String arg0)
Redis command INCR.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.incrby(String arg0,
String arg1)
Redis command INCRBY.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.incrbyfloat(String arg0,
String arg1)
Redis command INCRBYFLOAT.
default Future<Response> |<String> args)
Redis command INFO.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.jsonArrappend(List<String> args)
Redis command JSON.ARRAPPEND.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.jsonArrindex(List<String> args)
Redis command JSON.ARRINDEX.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.jsonArrinsert(List<String> args)
Redis command JSON.ARRINSERT.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.jsonArrlen(List<String> args)
Redis command JSON.ARRLEN.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.jsonArrpop(List<String> args)
Redis command JSON.ARRPOP.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.jsonArrtrim(List<String> args)
Redis command JSON.ARRTRIM.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.jsonClear(List<String> args)
Redis command JSON.CLEAR.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.jsonDebug(List<String> args)
Redis command JSON.DEBUG.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.jsonDel(List<String> args)
Redis command JSON.DEL.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.jsonForget(List<String> args)
Redis command JSON.FORGET.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.jsonGet(List<String> args)
Redis command JSON.GET.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.jsonMget(List<String> args)
Redis command JSON.MGET.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.jsonNumincrby(List<String> args)
Redis command JSON.NUMINCRBY.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.jsonNummultby(List<String> args)
Redis command JSON.NUMMULTBY.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.jsonNumpowby(List<String> args)
Redis command JSON.NUMPOWBY.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.jsonObjkeys(List<String> args)
Redis command JSON.OBJKEYS.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.jsonObjlen(List<String> args)
Redis command JSON.OBJLEN.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.jsonResp(List<String> args)
Redis command JSON.RESP.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.jsonSet(List<String> args)
Redis command JSON.SET.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.jsonStrappend(List<String> args)
Redis command JSON.STRAPPEND.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.jsonStrlen(List<String> args)
Redis command JSON.STRLEN.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.jsonToggle(List<String> args)
Redis command JSON.TOGGLE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.jsonType(List<String> args)
Redis command JSON.TYPE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.keys(String arg0)
Redis command KEYS.
default Future<Response> |
Redis command LASTSAVE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.latency(List<String> args)
Redis command LATENCY.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.lcs(List<String> args)
Redis command LCS.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.lindex(String arg0,
String arg1)
Redis command LINDEX.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.linsert(String arg0,
String arg1,
String arg2,
String arg3)
Redis command LINSERT.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.llen(String arg0)
Redis command LLEN.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.lmove(String arg0,
String arg1,
String arg2,
String arg3)
Redis command LMOVE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.lmpop(List<String> args)
Redis command LMPOP.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.lolwut(List<String> args)
Redis command LOLWUT.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.lpop(List<String> args)
Redis command LPOP.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.lpos(List<String> args)
Redis command LPOS.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.lpush(List<String> args)
Redis command LPUSH.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.lpushx(List<String> args)
Redis command LPUSHX.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.lrange(String arg0,
String arg1,
String arg2)
Redis command LRANGE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.lrem(String arg0,
String arg1,
String arg2)
Redis command LREM.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.lset(String arg0,
String arg1,
String arg2)
Redis command LSET.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.ltrim(String arg0,
String arg1,
String arg2)
Redis command LTRIM.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.memory(List<String> args)
Redis command MEMORY.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.mget(List<String> args)
Redis command MGET.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.migrate(List<String> args)
Redis command MIGRATE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.module(List<String> args)
Redis command MODULE.
default Future<Response> |
Redis command MONITOR.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.move(String arg0,
String arg1)
Redis command MOVE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.mset(List<String> args)
Redis command MSET.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.msetnx(List<String> args)
Redis command MSETNX.
default Future<Response> |
Redis command MULTI.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.object(List<String> args)
Redis command OBJECT.
Future<List<Response>> |
RedisCluster.onAllMasterNodes(Request request)
Runs the
request against all master nodes in the cluster. |
Future<List<Response>> |
RedisCluster.onAllNodes(Request request)
Runs the
request against all nodes in the cluster. |
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.persist(String arg0)
Redis command PERSIST.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.pexpire(List<String> args)
Redis command PEXPIRE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.pexpireat(List<String> args)
Redis command PEXPIREAT.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.pexpiretime(String arg0)
Redis command PEXPIRETIME.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.pfadd(List<String> args)
Redis command PFADD.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.pfcount(List<String> args)
Redis command PFCOUNT.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.pfdebug(String arg0,
String arg1)
Redis command PFDEBUG.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.pfmerge(List<String> args)
Redis command PFMERGE.
default Future<Response> |
Redis command PFSELFTEST.
default Future<Response> |<String> args)
Redis command PING.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.psetex(String arg0,
String arg1,
String arg2)
Redis command PSETEX.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.psubscribe(List<String> args)
Redis command PSUBSCRIBE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.psync(List<String> args)
Redis command PSYNC.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.pttl(String arg0)
Redis command PTTL.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.publish(String arg0,
String arg1)
Redis command PUBLISH.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.pubsub(List<String> args)
Redis command PUBSUB.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.punsubscribe(List<String> args)
Redis command PUNSUBSCRIBE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.quit(List<String> args)
Redis command QUIT.
default Future<Response> |
Redis command RANDOMKEY.
default Future<Response> |
Redis command READONLY.
default Future<Response> |
Redis command READWRITE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.rename(String arg0,
String arg1)
Redis command RENAME.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.renamenx(String arg0,
String arg1)
Redis command RENAMENX.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.replconf(List<String> args)
Redis command REPLCONF.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.replicaof(String arg0,
String arg1)
Redis command REPLICAOF.
default Future<Response> |
Redis command RESET.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.restore(List<String> args)
Redis command RESTORE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.restoreAsking(List<String> args)
Redis command RESTORE-ASKING.
default Future<Response> |
Redis command ROLE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.rpop(List<String> args)
Redis command RPOP.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.rpoplpush(String arg0,
String arg1)
since: 6.2.0, replaced by:
LMOVE with the RIGHT and LEFT arguments |
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.rpush(List<String> args)
Redis command RPUSH.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.rpushx(List<String> args)
Redis command RPUSHX.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.sadd(List<String> args)
Redis command SADD.
default Future<Response> |
Redis command SAVE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.scan(List<String> args)
Redis command SCAN.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.scard(String arg0)
Redis command SCARD.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.script(List<String> args)
Redis command SCRIPT.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.sdiff(List<String> args)
Redis command SDIFF.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.sdiffstore(List<String> args)
Redis command SDIFFSTORE.
default Future<Response> | arg0)
Redis command SELECT.
Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.send(Command cmd,
String... args)
Send untyped command to redis.
Future<Response> |
Redis.send(Request command)
Send the given command to the redis server or cluster.
Future<Response> |
RedisConnection.send(Request command)
Send the given command to the redis server or cluster.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.set(List<String> args)
Redis command SET.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.setbit(String arg0,
String arg1,
String arg2)
Redis command SETBIT.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.setex(String arg0,
String arg1,
String arg2)
Redis command SETEX.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.setnx(String arg0,
String arg1)
Redis command SETNX.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.setrange(String arg0,
String arg1,
String arg2)
Redis command SETRANGE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.shutdown(List<String> args)
Redis command SHUTDOWN.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.sinter(List<String> args)
Redis command SINTER.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.sintercard(List<String> args)
Redis command SINTERCARD.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.sinterstore(List<String> args)
Redis command SINTERSTORE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.sismember(String arg0,
String arg1)
Redis command SISMEMBER.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.slaveof(String arg0,
String arg1)
since: 5.0.0, replaced by:
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.slowlog(List<String> args)
Redis command SLOWLOG.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.smembers(String arg0)
Redis command SMEMBERS.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.smismember(List<String> args)
Redis command SMISMEMBER.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.smove(String arg0,
String arg1,
String arg2)
Redis command SMOVE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.sort(List<String> args)
Redis command SORT.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.sortRo(List<String> args)
Redis command SORT_RO.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.spop(List<String> args)
Redis command SPOP.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.spublish(String arg0,
String arg1)
Redis command SPUBLISH.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.srandmember(List<String> args)
Redis command SRANDMEMBER.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.srem(List<String> args)
Redis command SREM.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.sscan(List<String> args)
Redis command SSCAN.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.ssubscribe(List<String> args)
Redis command SSUBSCRIBE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.strlen(String arg0)
Redis command STRLEN.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.subscribe(List<String> args)
Redis command SUBSCRIBE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.substr(String arg0,
String arg1,
String arg2)
since: 2.0.0, replaced by:
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.sunion(List<String> args)
Redis command SUNION.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.sunionstore(List<String> args)
Redis command SUNIONSTORE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.sunsubscribe(List<String> args)
Redis command SUNSUBSCRIBE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.swapdb(String arg0,
String arg1)
Redis command SWAPDB.
default Future<Response> |
Redis command SYNC.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.tdigestAdd(List<String> args)
Redis command TDIGEST.ADD.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.tdigestByrank(List<String> args)
Redis command TDIGEST.BYRANK.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.tdigestByrevrank(List<String> args)
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.tdigestCdf(List<String> args)
Redis command TDIGEST.CDF.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.tdigestCreate(List<String> args)
Redis command TDIGEST.CREATE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.tdigestInfo(List<String> args)
Redis command TDIGEST.INFO.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.tdigestMax(List<String> args)
Redis command TDIGEST.MAX.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.tdigestMerge(List<String> args)
Redis command TDIGEST.MERGE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.tdigestMin(List<String> args)
Redis command TDIGEST.MIN.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.tdigestQuantile(List<String> args)
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.tdigestRank(List<String> args)
Redis command TDIGEST.RANK.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.tdigestReset(List<String> args)
Redis command TDIGEST.RESET.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.tdigestRevrank(List<String> args)
Redis command TDIGEST.REVRANK.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.tdigestTrimmedMean(List<String> args)
default Future<Response> |
Redis command TIME.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.timeseriesClusterset(List<String> args)
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.timeseriesClustersetfromshard(List<String> args)
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.timeseriesHello(List<String> args)
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.timeseriesInfocluster(List<String> args)
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.timeseriesInnercommunication(List<String> args)
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.timeseriesNetworktest(List<String> args)
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.timeseriesRefreshcluster(List<String> args)
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.topkAdd(List<String> args)
Redis command TOPK.ADD.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.topkCount(List<String> args)
Redis command TOPK.COUNT.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.topkIncrby(List<String> args)
Redis command TOPK.INCRBY.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.topkInfo(List<String> args)
Redis command TOPK.INFO.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.topkList(List<String> args)
Redis command TOPK.LIST.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.topkQuery(List<String> args)
Redis command TOPK.QUERY.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.topkReserve(List<String> args)
Redis command TOPK.RESERVE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.touch(List<String> args)
Redis command TOUCH.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.tsAdd(List<String> args)
Redis command TS.ADD.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.tsAlter(List<String> args)
Redis command TS.ALTER.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.tsCreate(List<String> args)
Redis command TS.CREATE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.tsCreaterule(List<String> args)
Redis command TS.CREATERULE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.tsDecrby(List<String> args)
Redis command TS.DECRBY.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.tsDel(List<String> args)
Redis command TS.DEL.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.tsDeleterule(List<String> args)
Redis command TS.DELETERULE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.tsGet(List<String> args)
Redis command TS.GET.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.tsIncrby(List<String> args)
Redis command TS.INCRBY.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.tsInfo(List<String> args)
Redis command TS.INFO.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.tsMadd(List<String> args)
Redis command TS.MADD.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.tsMget(List<String> args)
Redis command TS.MGET.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.tsMrange(List<String> args)
Redis command TS.MRANGE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.tsMrevrange(List<String> args)
Redis command TS.MREVRANGE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.tsQueryindex(List<String> args)
Redis command TS.QUERYINDEX.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.tsRange(List<String> args)
Redis command TS.RANGE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.tsRevrange(List<String> args)
Redis command TS.REVRANGE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.ttl(String arg0)
Redis command TTL.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.type(String arg0)
Redis command TYPE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.unlink(List<String> args)
Redis command UNLINK.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.unsubscribe(List<String> args)
Redis command UNSUBSCRIBE.
default Future<Response> |
Redis command UNWATCH.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.wait(String arg0,
String arg1)
Redis command WAIT.
default Future<Response> |<String> args)
Redis command WATCH.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.xack(List<String> args)
Redis command XACK.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.xadd(List<String> args)
Redis command XADD.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.xautoclaim(List<String> args)
Redis command XAUTOCLAIM.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.xclaim(List<String> args)
Redis command XCLAIM.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.xdel(List<String> args)
Redis command XDEL.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.xgroup(List<String> args)
Redis command XGROUP.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.xinfo(List<String> args)
Redis command XINFO.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.xlen(String arg0)
Redis command XLEN.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.xpending(List<String> args)
Redis command XPENDING.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.xrange(List<String> args)
Redis command XRANGE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.xread(List<String> args)
Redis command XREAD.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.xreadgroup(List<String> args)
Redis command XREADGROUP.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.xrevrange(List<String> args)
Redis command XREVRANGE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.xsetid(List<String> args)
Redis command XSETID.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.xtrim(List<String> args)
Redis command XTRIM.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.zadd(List<String> args)
Redis command ZADD.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.zcard(String arg0)
Redis command ZCARD.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.zcount(String arg0,
String arg1,
String arg2)
Redis command ZCOUNT.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.zdiff(List<String> args)
Redis command ZDIFF.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.zdiffstore(List<String> args)
Redis command ZDIFFSTORE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.zincrby(String arg0,
String arg1,
String arg2)
Redis command ZINCRBY.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.zinter(List<String> args)
Redis command ZINTER.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.zintercard(List<String> args)
Redis command ZINTERCARD.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.zinterstore(List<String> args)
Redis command ZINTERSTORE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.zlexcount(String arg0,
String arg1,
String arg2)
Redis command ZLEXCOUNT.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.zmpop(List<String> args)
Redis command ZMPOP.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.zmscore(List<String> args)
Redis command ZMSCORE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.zpopmax(List<String> args)
Redis command ZPOPMAX.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.zpopmin(List<String> args)
Redis command ZPOPMIN.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.zrandmember(List<String> args)
Redis command ZRANDMEMBER.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.zrange(List<String> args)
Redis command ZRANGE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.zrangebylex(List<String> args)
since: 6.2.0, replaced by:
ZRANGE with the BYLEX argument |
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.zrangebyscore(List<String> args)
since: 6.2.0, replaced by:
ZRANGE with the BYSCORE argument |
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.zrangestore(List<String> args)
Redis command ZRANGESTORE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.zrank(String arg0,
String arg1)
Redis command ZRANK.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.zrem(List<String> args)
Redis command ZREM.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.zremrangebylex(String arg0,
String arg1,
String arg2)
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.zremrangebyrank(String arg0,
String arg1,
String arg2)
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.zremrangebyscore(String arg0,
String arg1,
String arg2)
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.zrevrange(List<String> args)
since: 6.2.0, replaced by:
ZRANGE with the REV argument |
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.zrevrangebylex(List<String> args)
since: 6.2.0, replaced by:
ZRANGE with the REV and BYLEX arguments |
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.zrevrangebyscore(List<String> args)
since: 6.2.0, replaced by:
ZRANGE with the REV and BYSCORE arguments |
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.zrevrank(String arg0,
String arg1)
Redis command ZREVRANK.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.zscan(List<String> args)
Redis command ZSCAN.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.zscore(String arg0,
String arg1)
Redis command ZSCORE.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.zunion(List<String> args)
Redis command ZUNION.
default Future<Response> |
RedisAPI.zunionstore(List<String> args)
Redis command ZUNIONSTORE.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Void> |
AmqpConnection.closeFuture() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
FailurePolicy.test(Future<T> future)
Invoked by the
CircuitBreaker when an operation completes. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<T> |
Promise.future() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<ServerWebSocket> |
Accept the WebSocket and terminate the WebSocket handshake.
Future<Void> |
Reject the WebSocket.
Future<Void> |
ServerWebSocketHandshake.reject(int status)
ServerWebSocketHandshake.reject() but with a status . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Single<Integer> |
ServerWebSocket.rxSetHandshake(Future<Integer> future)
void |
ServerWebSocket.setHandshake(Future<Integer> future)
void |
ServerWebSocket.setHandshake(Future<Integer> future,
Handler<AsyncResult<Integer>> handler)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
HttpClientRequest |
HttpClientRequest.redirectHandler(java.util.function.Function<HttpClientResponse,Future<HttpClientRequest>> handler) |
HttpClient |
HttpClient.redirectHandler(java.util.function.Function<HttpClientResponse,Future<RequestOptions>> handler)
HttpClientBuilder |
HttpClientBuilder.withRedirectHandler(java.util.function.Function<HttpClientResponse,Future<RequestOptions>> handler)
Set a redirect handler for the http client.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
DB2Pool |
DB2Pool.connectionProvider(java.util.function.Function<Context,Future<SqlConnection>> provider)
static DB2Pool |
DB2Pool.pool(java.util.function.Supplier<Future<DB2ConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions poolOptions)
Create a connection pool to the DB2
databases . |
static DB2Pool |
DB2Pool.pool(Vertx vertx,
java.util.function.Supplier<Future<DB2ConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions poolOptions)
DB2Pool.pool(java.lang.String) with a specific instance. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Authenticator> |
HotpAuth.createAuthenticator(String id,
OtpKey otpKey)
Creating authenticator from user id and key.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
HotpAuth |
HotpAuth.authenticatorFetcher(java.util.function.Function<String,Future<Authenticator>> fetcher)
Provide a that can fetch s from a backend given an
argument. |
HotpAuth |
HotpAuth.authenticatorUpdater(java.util.function.Function<Authenticator,Future<Void>> updater)
Provide a that can update or insert a .
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Authenticator> |
TotpAuth.createAuthenticator(String id,
OtpKey otpKey)
Creating authenticator from user id and key.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
TotpAuth |
TotpAuth.authenticatorFetcher(java.util.function.Function<String,Future<Authenticator>> fetcher)
Provide a that can fetch s from a backend given an
argument. |
TotpAuth |
TotpAuth.authenticatorUpdater(java.util.function.Function<Authenticator,Future<Void>> updater)
Provide a that can update or insert a .
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
WebAuthn |
WebAuthn.authenticatorFetcher(java.util.function.Function<Authenticator,Future<List<Authenticator>>> fetcher)
Provide a that can fetch
Authenticator s from a backend given the incomplete
Authenticator argument. |
WebAuthn |
WebAuthn.authenticatorUpdater(java.util.function.Function<Authenticator,Future<Void>> updater)
Provide a that can update or insert a
Authenticator . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Boolean> |
BaseBridgeEvent.future() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Boolean> |
BridgeEvent.future() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
HealthCheckHandler |
HealthCheckHandler.resultMapper(java.util.function.Function<CheckResult,Future<CheckResult>> resultMapper)
Sets a function which will be invoked before the
CheckResult gets written to clients. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Void> |
Delete the uploaded file on the disk.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T> Route |
Route.respond(java.util.function.Function<RoutingContext,Future<T>> function)
Append a function request handler to the route handlers list.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SimpleAuthenticationHandler |
SimpleAuthenticationHandler.authenticate(java.util.function.Function<RoutingContext,Future<User>> authenticationFunction)
This function will allow you to perform authentication the way you intended to.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Object> |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Object> |
ConnectionInitEvent.future() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Boolean> |
BridgeEvent.future() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<Req,Resp,T> | server,
io.grpc.MethodDescriptor<Req,Resp> service,
Handler<GrpcClientRequest<Req,Resp>> requestHandler,
java.util.function.Function<GrpcClientResponse<Req,Resp>,Future<T>> resultFn)
Future<Void> |
Close this client.
<R,A> Future<R> |
GrpcClientResponse.collecting(<Resp,A,R> collector)
Future<Resp> |
GrpcClientResponse.last() |
Future<GrpcClientRequest<Buffer,Buffer>> |
GrpcClient.request(SocketAddress server)
Connect to the remote
server and create a request for any hosted gRPC service. |
<Req,Resp> Future<GrpcClientRequest<Req,Resp>> |
GrpcClient.request(SocketAddress server,
io.grpc.MethodDescriptor<Req,Resp> service)
<Req,Resp> Future<GrpcClientRequest<Req,Resp>> |
GrpcClient.request(SocketAddress server,
ServiceMethod<Resp,Req> method)
Connect to the remote
server and create a request for any hosted gRPC service. |
Future<GrpcClientResponse<Req,Resp>> |
GrpcClientRequest.response() |
Future<GrpcClientResponse<Req,Resp>> |
GrpcClientRequest.send(Observable<Req> body) |
Future<GrpcClientResponse<Req,Resp>> |
GrpcClientRequest.send(ReadStream<Req> body) |
Future<GrpcClientResponse<Req,Resp>> |
GrpcClientRequest.send(Req item) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<Req,Resp,T> | server,
io.grpc.MethodDescriptor<Req,Resp> service,
Handler<GrpcClientRequest<Req,Resp>> requestHandler,
java.util.function.Function<GrpcClientResponse<Req,Resp>,Future<T>> resultFn)
<Req,Resp,T> |
GrpcClient.rxCall(SocketAddress server,
io.grpc.MethodDescriptor<Req,Resp> service,
Handler<GrpcClientRequest<Req,Resp>> requestHandler,
java.util.function.Function<GrpcClientResponse<Req,Resp>,Future<T>> resultFn)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<R,A> Future<R> |
GrpcReadStream.collecting(<T,A,R> collector)
Future<Void> |
GrpcReadStream.end() |
Future<Void> |
GrpcWriteStream.endMessage(GrpcMessage message)
End the stream with an encoded gRPC message.
Future<T> |
GrpcReadStream.last() |
Future<Void> |
GrpcWriteStream.writeMessage(GrpcMessage message)
Write an encoded gRPC message.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<R,A> Future<R> |
GrpcServerRequest.collecting(<Req,A,R> collector)
Future<Req> |
GrpcServerRequest.last() |
Future<Void> |
GrpcServerResponse.send(Observable<Resp> body) |
Future<Void> |
GrpcServerResponse.send(ReadStream<Resp> body) |
Future<Void> |
GrpcServerResponse.send(Resp item) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<Req,Resp,T> | server,
io.grpc.MethodDescriptor<Req,Resp> service,
Handler<GrpcClientRequest<Req,Resp>> requestHandler,
java.util.function.Function<GrpcClientResponse<Req,Resp>,Future<T>> resultFn)
Call the
service gRPC service hosted by server . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<Req,Resp,T> | server,
io.grpc.MethodDescriptor<Req,Resp> service,
Handler<GrpcClientRequest<Req,Resp>> requestHandler,
java.util.function.Function<GrpcClientResponse<Req,Resp>,Future<T>> resultFn)
Call the
service gRPC service hosted by server . |
<Req,Resp,T> |
GrpcIoClient.rxCall(SocketAddress server,
io.grpc.MethodDescriptor<Req,Resp> service,
Handler<GrpcClientRequest<Req,Resp>> requestHandler,
java.util.function.Function<GrpcClientResponse<Req,Resp>,Future<T>> resultFn)
Call the
service gRPC service hosted by server . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Void> |
Schema.validateAsync(Object json)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MSSQLPool.connectionProvider(java.util.function.Function<Context,Future<SqlConnection>> provider)
static MSSQLPool |
MSSQLPool.pool(java.util.function.Supplier<Future<MSSQLConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions options)
Create a connection pool to the SQL Server
databases . |
static MSSQLPool |
MSSQLPool.pool(Vertx vertx,
java.util.function.Supplier<Future<MSSQLConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions options)
MSSQLPool.pool(java.lang.String) with a specific instance. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static SqlClient |
MySQLPool.client(java.util.function.Supplier<Future<MySQLConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions options)
Create a client backed by a connection pool to the MySQL
databases . |
static SqlClient |
MySQLPool.client(Vertx vertx,
java.util.function.Supplier<Future<MySQLConnectOptions>> mySQLConnectOptions,
PoolOptions options)
MySQLPool.client(java.lang.String) with a specific instance. |
MySQLPool |
MySQLPool.connectionProvider(java.util.function.Function<Context,Future<SqlConnection>> provider)
static MySQLPool |
MySQLPool.pool(java.util.function.Supplier<Future<MySQLConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions options)
Create a connection pool to the MySQL
databases . |
static MySQLPool |
MySQLPool.pool(Vertx vertx,
java.util.function.Supplier<Future<MySQLConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions options)
MySQLPool.pool(java.lang.String) with a specific instance. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
OraclePool |
OraclePool.connectionProvider(java.util.function.Function<Context,Future<SqlConnection>> provider)
static OraclePool |
OraclePool.pool(java.util.function.Supplier<Future<io.vertx.oracleclient.OracleConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions poolOptions)
Create a connection pool to the Oracle
databases . |
static OraclePool |
OraclePool.pool(Vertx vertx,
java.util.function.Supplier<Future<io.vertx.oracleclient.OracleConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions poolOptions)
OraclePool.pool(io.vertx.oracleclient.OracleConnectOptions, io.vertx.sqlclient.PoolOptions) with a specific instance. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static SqlClient |
PgPool.client(java.util.function.Supplier<Future<PgConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions options)
Create a client backed by a connection pool to the PostgreSQL
databases . |
static SqlClient |
PgPool.client(Vertx vertx,
java.util.function.Supplier<Future<PgConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions options)
PgPool.client() with a specific instance. |
PgPool |
PgPool.connectionProvider(java.util.function.Function<Context,Future<SqlConnection>> provider)
static PgPool |
PgPool.pool(java.util.function.Supplier<Future<PgConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions poolOptions)
Create a connection pool to the PostgreSQL
databases . |
static PgPool |
PgPool.pool(Vertx vertx,
java.util.function.Supplier<Future<PgConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions poolOptions)
PgPool.pool() with a specific instance. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <T> Future<Void> |
CompletableHelper.toFuture(Completable maybe)
static <T> Future<T> |
MaybeHelper.toFuture(Maybe<T> maybe)
Adapts an RxJava2
Maybe<T> to a Vert.x Future . |
static <T,U> Future<U> |
MaybeHelper.toFuture(Maybe<T> maybe,
java.util.function.Function<T,U> adapter)
MaybeHelper.toFuture(Maybe) but with an adapter of the result. |
static <T> Future<T> |
SingleHelper.toFuture(Single<T> single)
Adapts an RxJava2
Single<T> to a Vert.x Future . |
static <T,U> Future<U> |
SingleHelper.toFuture(Single<T> single,
java.util.function.Function<T,U> adapter)
SingleHelper.toFuture(Single) but with an adapter of the result. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Void> |
AmqpConnection.closeFuture() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<T> |
Promise.future() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<ServerWebSocket> |
Accept the WebSocket and terminate the WebSocket handshake.
Future<Void> |
Reject the WebSocket.
Future<Void> |
ServerWebSocketHandshake.reject(int status)
ServerWebSocketHandshake.reject() but with a status . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static DB2Pool |
DB2Pool.pool(java.util.function.Supplier<Future<DB2ConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions poolOptions)
Create a connection pool to the DB2
databases . |
static DB2Pool |
DB2Pool.pool(Vertx vertx,
java.util.function.Supplier<Future<DB2ConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions poolOptions)
DB2Pool.pool(java.lang.String) with a specific instance. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Authenticator> |
HotpAuth.createAuthenticator(String id,
OtpKey otpKey)
Creating authenticator from user id and key.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Authenticator> |
TotpAuth.createAuthenticator(String id,
OtpKey otpKey)
Creating authenticator from user id and key.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Boolean> |
BaseBridgeEvent.future() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Boolean> |
BridgeEvent.future() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Void> |
Delete the uploaded file on the disk.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Object> |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Object> |
ConnectionInitEvent.future() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Boolean> |
BridgeEvent.future() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<RouterBuilder> |
SecurityScheme.bind(java.util.function.Function<JsonObject,Single<AuthenticationHandler>> factory) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<ValidatableRequest> |
RequestExtractor.extractValidatableRequest(RoutingContext routingContext,
Operation operation)
Extracts and transforms the parameters and the body of an incoming request into a
that can be validated by the
RequestValidator . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Void> |
Schema.validateAsync(Object json)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static MSSQLPool |
MSSQLPool.pool(java.util.function.Supplier<Future<MSSQLConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions options)
Create a connection pool to the SQL Server
databases . |
static MSSQLPool |
MSSQLPool.pool(Vertx vertx,
java.util.function.Supplier<Future<MSSQLConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions options)
MSSQLPool.pool(java.lang.String) with a specific instance. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static SqlClient |
MySQLPool.client(java.util.function.Supplier<Future<MySQLConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions options)
Create a client backed by a connection pool to the MySQL
databases . |
static SqlClient |
MySQLPool.client(Vertx vertx,
java.util.function.Supplier<Future<MySQLConnectOptions>> mySQLConnectOptions,
PoolOptions options)
MySQLPool.client(java.lang.String) with a specific instance. |
static MySQLPool |
MySQLPool.pool(java.util.function.Supplier<Future<MySQLConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions options)
Create a connection pool to the MySQL
databases . |
static MySQLPool |
MySQLPool.pool(Vertx vertx,
java.util.function.Supplier<Future<MySQLConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions options)
MySQLPool.pool(java.lang.String) with a specific instance. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static OraclePool |
OraclePool.pool(java.util.function.Supplier<Future<io.vertx.oracleclient.OracleConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions poolOptions)
Create a connection pool to the Oracle
databases . |
static OraclePool |
OraclePool.pool(Vertx vertx,
java.util.function.Supplier<Future<io.vertx.oracleclient.OracleConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions poolOptions)
OraclePool.pool(io.vertx.oracleclient.OracleConnectOptions, io.vertx.sqlclient.PoolOptions) with a specific instance. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static SqlClient |
PgPool.client(java.util.function.Supplier<Future<PgConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions options)
Create a client backed by a connection pool to the PostgreSQL
databases . |
static SqlClient |
PgPool.client(Vertx vertx,
java.util.function.Supplier<Future<PgConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions options)
PgPool.client() with a specific instance. |
static PgPool |
PgPool.pool(java.util.function.Supplier<Future<PgConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions poolOptions)
Create a connection pool to the PostgreSQL
databases . |
static PgPool |
PgPool.pool(Vertx vertx,
java.util.function.Supplier<Future<PgConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions poolOptions)
PgPool.pool() with a specific instance. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ClientBuilder<C> |
ClientBuilder.connectingTo(java.util.function.Supplier<Future<SqlConnectOptions>> supplier)
Configure the
database the client should connect to. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Record> |
ServicePublisher.publish(Record record)
ServicePublisher.publish(Record, Handler) but returns a future of the result |
Future<Void> |
ServicePublisher.unpublish(String id)
ServicePublisher.unpublish(String, Handler) but returns a future of the result |
Future<Record> |
ServicePublisher.update(Record record)
ServicePublisher.update(Record, Handler) but returns a future of the result |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Message<JsonObject>> |
ServiceJWTInterceptor.apply(Message<JsonObject> msg)
Future<Message<JsonObject>> |
ServiceAuthInterceptor.apply(Message<JsonObject> msg)
Future<Message<JsonObject>> |
ServiceInterceptor.intercept(Vertx vertx,
Map<String,Object> interceptorContext,
Message<JsonObject> body)
Perform the interceptor handling
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ServiceBinder |
ServiceBinder.addInterceptor(java.util.function.Function<Message<JsonObject>,Future<Message<JsonObject>>> interceptor)
ServiceBinder |
ServiceBinder.addInterceptor(String action,
java.util.function.Function<Message<JsonObject>,Future<Message<JsonObject>>> interceptor)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<Transaction> |
SqlConnection.begin(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
Close the prepared query and release its resources.
Future<Void> |
Close the stream and release the resources.
Future<Void> |
SqlClient.close(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
Release the cursor.
Future<Void> |
Commit the current transaction.
Future<Void> |
Return the transaction completion
Future that
succeeds when the transaction commits and
fails with TransactionRollbackException when the transaction rolls back. |
Future<T> |
Query.execute(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<T> |
PreparedQuery.execute(Tuple tuple)
Query.execute(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<T> |
PreparedQuery.executeBatch(List<Tuple> batch)
PreparedQuery.executeBatch(List, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<SqlConnection> |
Pool.getConnection(Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<PreparedStatement> |
SqlConnection.prepare(String sql)
SqlConnection.prepare(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<PreparedStatement> |
SqlConnection.prepare(String sql,
PrepareOptions options)
SqlConnection.prepare(String, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<RowSet<Row>> | count)
Like, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<Void> |
Rollback the transaction and release the associated resources.
default <T> Future<T> |
Pool.withConnection(java.util.function.Function<SqlConnection,Future<T>> function)
Pool.withConnection(Function, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
default <T> Future<T> |
Pool.withTransaction(java.util.function.Function<SqlConnection,Future<T>> function)
Pool.withTransaction(Function, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result. |
default <T> Future<T> |
Pool.withTransaction(TransactionPropagation txPropagation,
java.util.function.Function<SqlConnection,Future<T>> function)
Pool.withTransaction(Function) but allows for setting the mode, defining how the acquired
connection is managed during the execution of the function. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ClientBuilder<C> |
ClientBuilder.connectingTo(java.util.function.Supplier<Future<SqlConnectOptions>> supplier)
Configure the
database the client should connect to. |
Pool |
Pool.connectionProvider(java.util.function.Function<Context,Future<SqlConnection>> provider)
instead use
ClientBuilder.connectingTo(Supplier) |
default <T> Future<T> |
Pool.withConnection(java.util.function.Function<SqlConnection,Future<T>> function)
Pool.withConnection(Function, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
default <T> void |
Pool.withConnection(java.util.function.Function<SqlConnection,Future<T>> function,
Handler<AsyncResult<T>> handler)
Get a connection from the pool and execute the given
function . |
default <T> Future<T> |
Pool.withTransaction(java.util.function.Function<SqlConnection,Future<T>> function)
Pool.withTransaction(Function, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result. |
default <T> void |
Pool.withTransaction(java.util.function.Function<SqlConnection,Future<T>> function,
Handler<AsyncResult<T>> handler)
Execute the given
function within a transaction. |
default <T> Future<T> |
Pool.withTransaction(TransactionPropagation txPropagation,
java.util.function.Function<SqlConnection,Future<T>> function)
Pool.withTransaction(Function) but allows for setting the mode, defining how the acquired
connection is managed during the execution of the function. |
default <T> void |
Pool.withTransaction(TransactionPropagation txPropagation,
java.util.function.Function<SqlConnection,Future<T>> function,
Handler<AsyncResult<T>> handler)
Pool.withTransaction(Function, Handler) but allows for setting the mode, defining how the acquired
connection is managed during the execution of the function. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<SqlConnection> |
ConnectionFactory.connect(Context context)
Create a connection using the given
context . |
default Future<SqlConnection> |
ConnectionFactory.connect(Context context,
Future<? extends SqlConnectOptions> fut) |
Future<SqlConnection> |
ConnectionFactory.connect(Context context,
SqlConnectOptions options)
Create a connection using the given
context . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default Future<SqlConnection> |
ConnectionFactory.connect(Context context,
Future<? extends SqlConnectOptions> fut) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ConnectionFactory |
Driver.createConnectionFactory(Vertx vertx,
java.util.function.Supplier<? extends Future<? extends SqlConnectOptions>> database)
Create a connection factory to the given
database . |
default Pool |
Driver.createPool(Vertx vertx,
java.util.function.Supplier<? extends Future<? extends SqlConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions options)
Create a connection pool to the database configured with the given
connectOptions and poolOptions . |
Pool |
Driver.newPool(Vertx vertx,
java.util.function.Supplier<? extends Future<? extends SqlConnectOptions>> databases,
PoolOptions options,
io.vertx.core.impl.CloseFuture closeFuture)
Create a connection pool to the database configured with the given
connectOptions and poolOptions . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Future<R> |
SqlTemplate.execute(I params)
SqlTemplate.execute(Object, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
Future<R> |
SqlTemplate.executeBatch(List<I> batch)
SqlTemplate.executeBatch(List, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result |
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