An Introduction to the Vert.x Context Object
Under the hood, the vert.x Context class plays a critical part in maintaining the thread-safety guarantees of verticles. Most of the time, vert.x coders don’t need to make use of Context objects directly.

Building services and APIs with AMQP 1.0
Microservices and APIs are everywhere. Everyone talks about them, presentation slides are full of them … some people are actually even building them.

Internet of Things - Reactive and Asynchronous with Vert.x
I have to admit … before joining Red Hat I didn’t know about the Eclipse Vert.x project but it took me few days to fall in love with it!

Getting started with new fabric8 Vert.x Maven Plugin
The all new fabric8 Vert.x Maven Plugin allows you to setup, package, run, start, stop and redeploy easily with a very little configuration resulting in a less verbose pom.xml.

OAuth2 got easy
Oauth2 support exists in Eclipse Vert.x since version 3.2.0. The implementation follows the principles that rule the whole vert.x ecosystem.

Vert.x featuring Continuous Delivery with Jenkins and Ansible
This blog entry describes an approach to adopt Continuous Delivery for Vert.x applications using Jenkins and Ansible by taking advantage of the Jenkins Job DSL and Ansible plugins.

Centralized logging for Vert.x applications using the ELK stack
This post entry describes a solution to achieve centralized logging of Vert.x applications using the ELK stack (Logstash, Elasticsearch, and Kibana).

Vert.x Blueprint Tutorials
The Vert.x Blueprint project aims to provide guidelines to Vert.x users to implement various applications such as message-based applications and microservices.

Vertx 3 and Keycloak tutorial
With the upcoming release of Vert.x 3.3 securing your application with Keycloak is even easier than before.