Vert.x 3 and PostgreSQL JSON type
One of the interesting features of NoSQL databases is their schema-less mode of operation. This feature is very useful during project prototyping and early development since at early the stages of development of projects all data structures are not clear or have been defined yet.

Paulo Lopes
3 July 2015
Vert.x 3 init.d Script
Let’s say you have a Vert.x 3 application you want to install on a Linux server. But you want the old school way (I mean not the Docker way).

Clement Escoffier
2 July 2015
Vert.x 3 Web easy as Pi
Vert.x Web distinguishes itself from traditional application servers like JavaEE by just being a simple extension toolkit to Vert.x, which makes it quite lightweight and small but nevertheless very powerful.

Paulo Lopes
1 July 2015