Vert.x gRPC
The best description of gRPC can be seen at wikipedia.
gRPC is an open source remote procedure call (RPC) system initially developed at Google. It uses HTTP/2 for transport, Protocol Buffers as the interface description language, and provides features such as authentication, bidirectional streaming and flow control, blocking or nonblocking bindings, and cancellation and timeouts. It generates cross-platform client and server bindings for many languages.
Vert.x gRPC is a module that will align the programming style of Google gRPC with Vert.x style. As a user of this module you will be more familiar with the code style using Vert.x Streams and Futures while benefiting from all the benefits of gRPC.
For more information related to gRPC please consult the official documentation site
Since Vert.x 4.3, this module is the new support for gRPC in the Vert.x stack, the previous implementation based on gRPC Netty is still available and has been renamed Vert.x gRPC Netty, it can be found at . This module has Tech Preview status, this means the API can change between versions. |
Vert.x gRPC is split in two parts
Vert.x gRPC Server
Vert.x gRPC Client
Vert.x gRPC Server
Vert.x gRPC Server is a new gRPC server powered by Vert.x HTTP server superseding the integrated Netty based gRPC client.
This server provides a gRPC request/response oriented API as well as a the generated stub approach with a service bridge.
Using Vert.x gRPC Server
To use Vert.x gRPC Server, add the following dependency to the dependencies section of your build descriptor:
Maven (in your
Gradle (in your
dependencies {
compile 'io.vertx:vertx-grpc-server:4.3.8'
gRPC request/response server API
The gRPC request/response server API provides an alternative way to interact with a client without the need of a generated stub.
A GrpcServer
is a Handler<HttpServerRequest>
and can be used as an HTTP server request handler.
GrpcServer grpcServer = GrpcServer.server(vertx);
HttpServer server = vertx.createHttpServer(options);
a GrpcServer can be mounted in a Vert.x Web router
Each service method is processed by a handler
server.callHandler(GreeterGrpc.getSayHelloMethod(), request -> {
request.handler(hello -> {
GrpcServerResponse<HelloRequest, HelloReply> response = request.response();
HelloReply reply = HelloReply.newBuilder().setMessage("Hello " + hello.getName()).build();
Streaming request
You can set handlers to process request events
server.callHandler(StreamingGrpc.getSinkMethod(), request -> {
request.handler(item -> {
// Process item
request.endHandler(v ->{
// No more items
// Send the response
request.exceptionHandler(err -> {
// Something wrong happened
Streaming response
A streaming response involves calling write
for each element of the stream
and using end
to end the stream
server.callHandler(StreamingGrpc.getSourceMethod(), request -> {
GrpcServerResponse<Empty, Item> response = request.response();
request.handler(empty -> {
for (int i = 0;i < 10;i++) {
Flow control
Request and response are back pressured Vert.x streams.
You can pause/resume/fetch a request
performAsyncOperation().onComplete(ar -> {
// And then resume
You can check the writability of a response and set a drain handler
if (response.writeQueueFull()) {
response.drainHandler(v -> {
// Writable again
} else {
You can compress response messages by setting the response encoding prior before sending any message
// Write items after encoding has been defined
Decompression is done transparently by the server when the client send encoded requests.
Stub API
The Vert.x gRPC Server can bridge a gRPC service to use with a generated server stub in a more traditional fashion
GrpcServer grpcServer = GrpcServer.server(vertx);
GreeterGrpc.GreeterImplBase service = new GreeterGrpc.GreeterImplBase() {
public void sayHello(HelloRequest request, StreamObserver<HelloReply> responseObserver) {
responseObserver.onNext(HelloReply.newBuilder().setMessage("Hello " + request.getName()).build());
// Bind the service bridge in the gRPC server
GrpcServiceBridge serverStub = GrpcServiceBridge.bridge(service);
// Start the HTTP/2 server
Message level API
The server provides a message level API to interact directly with protobuf encoded gRPC messages.
the server message level API can be used with the client message level API to write a gRPC reverse proxy |
Such API is useful when you are not interested in the content of the messages, and instead you want to forward them to another service, e.g. you are writing a proxy.
ServiceName greeterServiceName = ServiceName.create("helloworld", "Greeter");
server.callHandler(request -> {
if (request.serviceName().equals(greeterServiceName) && request.methodName().equals("SayHello")) {
request.handler(protoHello -> {
// Handle protobuf encoded hello
.onSuccess(protoReply -> {
// Reply with protobuf encoded reply
}).onFailure(err -> {
} else {
You can also set a messageHandler
to handle GrpcMessage
, such messages preserve the
client encoding, which is useful the service you are forwarding to can handle compressed messages directly, in this case
the message does not need to be decompressed and compressed again.
ServiceName greeterServiceName = ServiceName.create("helloworld", "Greeter");
server.callHandler(request -> {
if (request.serviceName().equals(greeterServiceName) && request.methodName().equals("SayHello")) {
request.messageHandler(helloMessage -> {
// Can be identity or gzip
String helloEncoding = helloMessage.encoding();
// Handle hello message
.onSuccess(replyMessage -> {
// Reply with reply message
// Can be identity or gzip
String replyEncoding = replyMessage.encoding();
// Send the reply
}).onFailure(err -> {
} else {
The writeMessage
and endMessage
handle the message encoding:
when the message uses the response encoding, the message is sent as is
when the message uses a different encoding, it will be encoded, e.g. compressed or uncompressed
Vert.x gRPC Client
Vert.x gRPC Client is a new gRPC client powered by Vert.x HTTP client superseding the integrated Netty based gRPC client.
This client provides a gRPC request/response oriented API as well as a the generated stub approach with a gRPC Channel
Using Vert.x gRPC Client
To use Vert.x gRPC Client, add the following dependency to the dependencies section of your build descriptor:
Maven (in your
Gradle (in your
dependencies {
compile 'io.vertx:vertx-grpc-client:4.3.8'
gRPC request/response client API
The gRPC request/response client API provides an alternative way to interact with a server without the need of a generated stub.
You can easily create the gRPC client
GrpcClient client = GrpcClient.client(vertx);
Any interaction with a gRPC server involves creating a request to the remote gRPC service
SocketAddress server = SocketAddress.inetSocketAddress(443, "");
MethodDescriptor<HelloRequest, HelloReply> sayHelloMethod = GreeterGrpc.getSayHelloMethod();
Future<GrpcClientRequest<HelloRequest, HelloReply>> fut = client.request(server, sayHelloMethod);
fut.onSuccess(request -> {
// The end method calls the service
request.response().onSuccess(response -> {
Future<HelloReply> fut = response.last();
fut.onSuccess(reply -> {
System.out.println("Received " + reply.getMessage());
Future composition can combine all the previous steps together in a compact fashion
.request(server, GreeterGrpc.getSayHelloMethod()).compose(request -> {
return request.response().compose(response -> response.last());
}).onSuccess(reply -> {
System.out.println("Received " + reply.getMessage());
Streaming request
A streaming request involves calling write
for each element of the stream
and using end
to end the stream
.request(server, StreamingGrpc.getSinkMethod())
.onSuccess(request -> {
for (int i = 0;i < 10;i++) {
Streaming response
You can set handlers to process response events
.request(server, StreamingGrpc.getSourceMethod())
.compose(request -> {
return request.response();
.onSuccess(response -> {
response.handler(item -> {
// Process item
response.endHandler(v -> {
// Done
response.exceptionHandler(err -> {
// Something went bad
Flow control
Request and response are back pressured Vert.x streams.
You can check the writability of a request and set a drain handler
if (request.writeQueueFull()) {
request.drainHandler(v -> {
// Writable again
} else {
You can pause/resume/fetch a response
performAsyncOperation().onComplete(ar -> {
// And then resume
You can call cancel
to cancel a request
cancellation sends an HTTP/2 reset frame to the server |
You can compress request messages by setting the request encoding prior before sending any message
// Write items after encoding has been defined
Decompression is done transparently by the client when the server send encoded responses.
Stub API
The Vert.x gRPC Client provides a gRPC channel to use with a generated client stub in a more traditional fashion
GrpcClientChannel channel = new GrpcClientChannel(client, SocketAddress.inetSocketAddress(443, ""));
GreeterGrpc.GreeterStub greeter = GreeterGrpc.newStub(channel);
greeter.sayHello(HelloRequest.newBuilder().setName("Bob").build(), new StreamObserver<HelloReply>() {
public void onNext(HelloReply value) {
// Process response
public void onCompleted() {
// Done
public void onError(Throwable t) {
// Something went bad
Message level API
The client provides a message level API to interact directly with protobuf encoded gRPC messages.
the client message level API can be used with the server message level API to write a gRPC reverse proxy |
Such API is useful when you are not interested in the content of the messages, and instead you want to forward them to another service, e.g. you are writing a proxy.
Future<GrpcClientRequest<Buffer, Buffer>> requestFut = client.request(server);
requestFut.onSuccess(request -> {
// Set the service name and the method to call
request.serviceName(ServiceName.create("helloworld", "Greeter"));
// Send the protobuf request
// Handle the response
Future<GrpcClientResponse<Buffer, Buffer>> responseFut = request.response();
responseFut.onSuccess(response -> {
response.handler(protoReply -> {
// Handle the protobuf reply
You can also set a messageHandler
to handle GrpcMessage
, such messages preserve the server encoding.
Future<GrpcClientRequest<Buffer, Buffer>> requestFut = client.request(server);
requestFut.onSuccess(request -> {
// Set the service name and the method to call
request.serviceName(ServiceName.create("helloworld", "Greeter"));
// Send the protobuf request
request.endMessage(GrpcMessage.message("identity", protoHello));
// Handle the response
Future<GrpcClientResponse<Buffer, Buffer>> responseFut = request.response();
responseFut.onSuccess(response -> {
response.messageHandler(replyMessage -> {
System.out.println("Got reply message encoded as " + replyMessage.encoding());
The writeMessage
and endMessage
handle the message encoding:
when the message uses the response encoding, the message is sent as is
when the message uses a different encoding, it will be encoded, e.g. compressed or uncompressed