Interface Message<T>

  • public interface Message<T>
    Represents a message that is received from the event bus in a handler.

    Messages have a body(), which can be null, and also headers(), which can be empty.

    If the message was sent specifying a reply handler, it can be replied to using reply(java.lang.Object).

    If you want to notify the sender that processing failed, then fail(int, java.lang.String) can be called.

    Tim Fox
    • Method Detail

      • address

        String address()
        The address the message was sent to
      • headers

        MultiMap headers()
        Multi-map of message headers. Can be empty
        the headers
      • body

        T body()
        The body of the message. Can be null.
        the body, or null.
      • replyAddress

        String replyAddress()
        The reply address. Can be null.
        the reply address, or null, if message was sent without a reply handler.
      • isSend

        boolean isSend()
        Signals if this message represents a send or publish event.
        true if this is a send.
      • reply

        default void reply​(Object message)
        Reply to this message.

        If the message was sent specifying a reply handler, that handler will be called when it has received a reply. If the message wasn't sent specifying a receipt handler this method does nothing.

        message - the message to reply with.
      • reply

        void reply​(Object message,
                   DeliveryOptions options)
        Link reply(Object) but allows you to specify delivery options for the reply.
        message - the reply message
        options - the delivery options
      • replyAndRequest

        default <R> Future<Message<R>> replyAndRequest​(Object message)
        Reply to this message, specifying a replyHandler for the reply - i.e. to receive the reply to the reply.

        If the message was sent specifying a reply handler, that handler will be called when it has received a reply. If the message wasn't sent specifying a receipt handler this method does nothing.

        message - the message to reply with.
        a future notified when any reply from the recipient is received
      • replyAndRequest

        <R> Future<Message<R>> replyAndRequest​(Object message,
                                               DeliveryOptions options)
        Like replyAndRequest(Object) but specifying options that can be used to configure the delivery.
        message - the message body, may be null
        options - delivery options
        a future notified when any reply from the recipient is received
      • fail

        default void fail​(int failureCode,
                          String message)
        Signal to the sender that processing of this message failed.

        If the message was sent specifying a result handler the handler will be called with a failure corresponding to the failure code and message specified here.

        failureCode - A failure code to pass back to the sender
        message - A message to pass back to the sender